It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 931: After all, I still don't understand enough

"Blood Devil Emperor? This name is indeed domineering, but don't make it funny for a while, I want to ask you something, for you, it may be beneficial."&1t;/

Lin Fan was very calm, even if the whole body of blood was almost drained, even the vitality would gradually dissipate. &1t;/

But he didn't panic at all. &1t;/

At the same time, the eyes are no longer flesh and blood, but have undergone changes and continue to condense, forming a middle-aged man dressed in **** clothes. &1t;/

Perhaps it can be said to be fart. &1t;/

A good man, all eyeshadows are red, which is really pretty. &1t;/

"Benefits? You guys are a bit interesting. If it was in my heyday, you might be taken as a servant, but now, as long as you dedicate your last strength, it will pave the way for my blood demon emperor. "&1t;/

The blood demon emperor laughed, the blood-colored robe swelled up, and the temperament of the second two burst out completely. &1t;/

But let alone really, the effect is amazing. &1t;/

The powerful **** ripples spread out and swept towards all around, forming a huge impact ripple. &1t;/

"You listen to me first, you should not be a complete body, it should be divided into twelve parts, right?" Lin Fan asked. &1t;/

"Huh?" The blood-devil emperor's rampant face suddenly disappeared, and instead he was shocked. "Are you all here?" &1t;/

"Yeah, I have eleven copies here, and another copy was given to me." Lin Fan said indifferently, as to tell the other party about this matter. &1t;/

That doesn't matter. &1t;/

Today, he vowed to Sanqing that he wouldn't be happy if he didn't take this thing. &1t;/

"A group of abominable beast gods, even divided my great blood demon emperor into so many numbers, abominable." The blood demon emperor was so desperate that he could figure out everything. &1t;/

"Beast God?" Lin Fan was a little surprised, maybe very familiar. &1t;/

"Why? You know that the Beast God can't succeed? But my great Blood Demon Emperor is very curious. How did they divide this Emperor into so many numbers and still resist my endless blood demon pollution."&1t;/

"You must know that my blood demon pollution can erode any sacred thing in the world into a filthy land."&1t;/

The blood demon emperor had just been resurrected, and he was in a very happy mood. &1t;/

For him, this is the temperament that a truly strong man should possess. &1t;/

"It's this corpse, they sealed you inside." Lin Fan felt that he could not die for the time being, he took a few more breaths and continued his life for a while. &1t;/

It's quite fun talking. &1t;/

Although this blood demon emperor is very good, but the chat is not bad, you can continue to chat deeply. &1t;/

"Huh?" The blood demon emperor looked over, and when he saw the flawless, crystal-clear flesh, he couldn't help laughing. &1t;/

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect to seal the Emperor with the condensed **** body they have practiced for countless years."&1t;/

"But it's normal. With their ability, if they don't rely on the **** body as the media, they really can't surrender to the emperor."

The blood demon emperor laughed, a **** long, swaying with the wind, while taking a deep breath, the nostrils are infinitely enlarged, and even can see a few unyielding nose hairs in the nostrils, rushing out of the hole, Enjoy the flair. &1t;/

"Not right." &1t;/

Suddenly, the blood demon emperor was puzzled. &1t;/

"How could their **** body seal the emperor, even if the emperor was divided into twelve parts, it was enough to infect their **** body and borrow rebirth."&1t;/

Indeed, this is somewhat unscientific. &1t;/

Lin Fan pondered, as if figured it out a little, and said: "They are sealing you in chrysanthemums, believing that they are attacking with poison and suppressing you." &1t;/

"Fart." &1t;/

The blood demon emperor was furious, but the more he thought, the more likely it seemed, as if there was such a possibility. &1t;/

"Why don't you die?" He was shocked. The blood of the other party had been absorbed by him, but he could still talk to him. How could this be possible. &1t;/

"You'll die in a moment, don't worry, I will ask you, are you the most powerful Emperor Yan Yan?" When Lin Fan asked this sentence, he regretted it. &1t;/

Asked is also a question in vain. &1t;/

"Who? Emperor Shengyan Emperor, which little character? Even dare to claim emperor in front of this emperor, he is afraid that he does not know how powerful my blood demon emperor is."&1t;/

The Blood Demon Emperor was completely angry. &1t;/

The probability of the other party saying is high. &1t;/

The **** body could not resist his erosion, how could he be sealed. &1t;/

But there is a place where it is possible. &1t;/

Attacking with poison? &1t;/

It seems really possible. &1t;/

Lin Fan frowned, his vitality had completely dissipated. &1t;/

He is really dying. &1t;/

"Hello, I'll come back later and have a good chat with you, wait for me"&1t;/

The voice just fell. &1t;/

Lin Fan closed his eyes, banged, and fell to the ground without even a breath. &1t;/

"Hahaha!" &1t;/

The blood demon emperor opened his arms and laughed. The power of terror exploded from his body completely, and the endless bright red blood covered the world. &1t;/

The blood seems to have spirituality. &1t;/

"For a long time, for a long time, it's time to add physical strength." &1t;/

"Go, this will be the site of my blood demon emperor."&1t;/

Bang! &1t;/

The blood column rose into the sky, and the majestic blood mist was like the wave. &1t;/

Compared with his blood purgatory, the purgatory of the Venerable Lord is like a little witch, and there is no comparison at all. &1t;/

"Huh?" &1t;/

suddenly! &1t;/

The blood demon emperor was unstable. &1t;/

"How could this be?" &1t;/

He felt the power in his body gradually disappearing. &1t;/

Raised his arm, but now his arm disappears continuously. &1t;/

"No" Blood Demon Emperor screamed, and the other hand grabbed the fading arm, which was not what he wanted to see. &1t;/

What happened? &1t;/

Why is it happening like that. &1t;/

impossible. &1t;/

"It's you" Suddenly, he saw the guy who had just absorbed his blood and appeared in front of him. &1t;/

"Well, it's me, I'll see you later." Lin Fan has figured out where this guy is coming from. &1t;/

And at the moment of his resurrection. &1t;/

The blood and power absorbed by the blood demon emperor completely disappeared at this moment. &1t;/

Soon, the original arrogant blood demon emperor became the same. &1t;/

"Blood Devil Emperor? It's been a long time. The beast **** seal is a bit interesting." &1t;/

Lin Fan is very interested in this guy. &1t;/

This is also the case on the other side of the Jingshen Palace. Use the blood of the monster to test, so that the other party can restore a little strength and open the spirit. &1t;/

Just like the situation just now. &1t;/

After occupying the dominant position, the real body is exposed. &1t;/

"What should I do?" Lin Fan looked at the small flesh with stretched tentacles. &1t;/

Cultivate him? Then hit with a punch? &1t;/

But this is a waste. &1t;/

"Forget it, I haven't figured it out yet, let's go first." Lin Fan flicked his finger and closed the flesh into the coffin. &1t;/

"Wait!" &1t;/

Just as Lin Fan was going to do this, there was a voice in the flesh. &1t;/

"Huh? Blood Demon Emperor, you are in this state, can you speak?" Lin Fan was surprised, but looked at the other party again. &1t;/

It turned out to have been awakened from the beginning. &1t;/

"Who the **** are you, how did you come to life suddenly?" The Blood Devil Emperor did not answer Lin Fan's question, but asked him the question he most wanted to know. &1t;/

Obviously, he has absorbed the blood of the other party, and even takes it as his own. How could it disappear for some reason? &1t;/

This is simply impossible. &1t;/

Even, even if it is not outside the domain, but where he lives, he has never encountered such a thing. &1t;/

"You have asked this question well, and I can let you feel it for yourself."&1t;/

Lin Fan did not answer directly, but walked forward, reached out his hand, and caught the flesh in his hands. &1t;/

The Blood Demon Emperor was stunned by this move. He did not expect the other party to step forward again. &1t;/

"You emperor is welcome." &1t;/

Brush! &1t;/

The tentacles boiled and instantly wrapped Lin Fan, absorbing blood frantically. &1t;/

"Damn fellow, play with the Emperor? The Emperor tells you that no one in the world can play with the Emperor."&1t;/

Grunt! &1t;/

It seemed to be swallowing blood, and a dull voice came. &1t;/

"Interestingly, you are the second guy who dares to **** the blood of Lord Benfeng."&1t;/

"In that case, then come, I let you suck, let you recover to the peak, and fall from the peak."&1t;/


Lin Fan raised his hand and, under the consternation of the Blood Demon Emperor, inserted it directly into his chest, pinched his heart, and held it high above the other party. &1t;/

Poof! &1t;/

The blood dripped, all poured on the other's flesh and blood. &1t;/

"Taste it well." &1t;/

Lin Fan smiled, and then closed his eyes, the vitality had begun to pass wildly. &1t;/

"You guy" &1t;/

The blood demon emperor panicked, but the breath in his body swept out like a storm. &1t;/

An amazing blood burst, as if to completely transform the outside world into a **** world. &1t;/

"Hahaha, the power is here again. Although it is not the peak, it has made me see the hope of returning to the peak."&1t;/

The blood demon emperor laughed, and the feeling of power returning was really cool. &1t;/

He did not expect that the blood of this guy contained such a terrifying power. &1t;/

too strong. &1t;/

It’s just handsome for ten seconds. &1t;/

"No" &1t;/

The blood demon emperor's face was panic-stricken, his body dissipated again, and the power in his body disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared. &1t;/

"How? Is it fun? If you still want to play, you can continue to accompany you." &1t;/

Lin Fan reappeared in front of the blood demon emperor who was about to dissipate. &1t;/

"Impossible." The blood demon emperor stared at Lin Fan, only to watch the body dissipate again. &1t;/

"Hey, poor child." Lin Fan touched the head of the blood demon emperor. &1t;/

In the end, it still turned into flesh and blood. &1t;/

Lin Fan stepped forward and touched this group of flesh and blood, "It's really interesting, why don't you smoke?"&1t;/

He touched flesh and blood, but now the blood demon emperor had no This is a bit interesting. &1t;/

"Is it still useful for the Emperor to **** you?" The Blood Demon Emperor accepted the reality. &1t;/

"Why useless, right." Lin Fan said with a smile. &1t;/

"Bendi doesn't think you are an ordinary person. The strong one is sympathetic to each other. You should be able to understand that it is better to discuss and help me recover. Bendi promised you a brilliant life."&1t;/

The Blood Demon Emperor talked to Lin Fan about the conditions. &1t;/

For the strong, threats or temptations are things that a fool can do. &1t;/

Only when the two parties stand on an equal footing can they communicate better. &1t;/

"Oh, not as good as this. I will help you recover and be loyal to the Lord of the Peak for one year." Lin Fan said. &1t;/

"Okay, Ben Emperor agrees." The Blood Demon Emperor did not hesitate, and it was only a blink of an eye a year. &1t;/

Lin Fan smiled. &1t;/

How could he not know the idea of ​​the blood demon emperor. &1t;/

However, I think too much. &1t;/

After all, I still don't know enough about Ben Feng. &1t;/

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