It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 933: This is the legendary boss

Zongmen. &1t;/

The frogs have big heads. &1t;/

"Damn, what the **** is it? It can't be outside the domain." &1t;/

He was puzzled now and didn't think about it for the time being. &1t;/

"Frogmaster, what are you doing?" At this time, a young-looking alchemist came. &1t;/

He used to be an alchemy cannon fodder and belonged to a novice novice. Later, under the training of a frogman, he finally realized how happy alchemy is. &1t;/

Even, he has objects get along. &1t;/

Therefore, he has absolute respect for the frogman, and he treats the frogman as a student. &1t;/

"Don't make alchemy, be lazy, watch out for this frogman to explode you." The frogmaster is also unhappy with these small ones. &1t;/

Mochi. &1t;/

He was originally left to find the perfect body. &1t;/

But because of this group of little kings and bastards, they couldn't bear to die and let the soul of the frog merge directly with the body of the frog, and they could not be separated from now on. &1t;/

It's not enough to think about it. &1t;/

Some even want to beat people. &1t;/

But for Mu Hao, the most feared thing is that the frogman's ruler bursts out. &1t;/

The sense of humiliation was almost overwhelming. &1t;/

"Frogmaster, I saw you talking to yourself here, and thought there was something." Mu Hao said. &1t;/

If the frogman makes a move to blast himself, he retreats immediately. &1t;/

"It's okay, what can this Rana Master do? Did I teach your heart alchemy? Have you learned this method? There is no one in the world, only the Rana Society, as long as you learn this alchemy, From now on, you will be the true alchemist in the eyes of others."&1t;/

The frog is sincere to these little guys. &1t;/

Since teaching them to practice alchemy, they can be regarded as disciples. &1t;/

There is nothing hidden in the alchemy divine law, and all those who teach should be taught again. &1t;/

And this alchemy method is the most critical and most basic step to the alchemy priest. If you don’t learn, then you will be stuck on the spot and wanting to step into the realm of alchemy is basically impossible. &1t;/

Hearing the frogman’s words, Mu Hao grabbed his head and looked bitter. “The frogman, what you’re teaching is really hard. Until now, we haven’t realized it yet.”&1t;/

When he came this time, he was actually elected by everyone to tell the frog master about the alchemy. &1t;/

too difficult. &1t;/

After pondering for half a month, every day of practice, every day of learning, everyone has not yet found the way. &1t;/

Therefore, he was treated as a representative. He just wanted to ask the frogman if he could change the alchemy method. Don’t teach us so hard. &1t;/

"So?" The frogman squinted green bean-sized eyes. &1t;/

"That... can you change it." Mu Hao shrinked his head, feeling that there would be a storm. &1t;/

The alchemy of the heart, but the secret is not passed. When he was still the body, he did not know how many people were kneeling outside for a long time, just to be able to learn this method. &1t;/

Now this group of kids is good, think it is too difficult, want to change one. &1t;/

Change a chicken. &1t;/

"Your bastards, your brains are more dumb than pigs. It seems that you haven't cleaned up for a long time, and you don't know the majesty of this frogman."&1t;/

The frog was furious, and he directly pulled out the ruler, jumped on his hind legs, and killed Mu Hao's head. &1t;/

If according to the previous temperament, these guys must be hacked to death. &1t;/

Others want to learn, but they can’t, but they find it too difficult to give up. &1t;/

If you don’t let them know why the flowers are so red, it’s going to be so bad. &1t;/

"Frogmaster, forgiveness, it's none of my business." Mu Hao ran away with his head clinging to his head. Wherever he dared to resist the frogmaster, he could only hide. &1t;/

"Look at this frogman how to clean up your group of guys today." &1t;/

The frog is almost annoyed, and the abominable guys are so abominable. &1t;/

"Frog, what are you doing?" &1t;/

At this time, Lin Fan's voice came from afar. &1t;/

The frog paused violently, he was more sensitive and smelled the smell he had previously felt. &1t;/

"Master, Frog Frog did nothing, just chat with them." &1t;/

At this critical moment, he must show a pitiful appearance, otherwise this desperate man will surely pack him up. &1t;/

Even, he felt how the desperate man began to notice himself again. &1t;/

You can't think of yourself as a fart, just let it go. &1t;/

He looked up, and there was a man beside the desperate. &1t;/

A red robe, as if infected by blood. &1t;/

He has a tall posture and has his hands on his back, but he has a dominance style. &1t;/

"The guy who pulls so much, hasn't been..." &1t;/

The frog was surprised. Suddenly, he knew that he really wanted too much. &1t;/

No one can pretend to be in front of this desperate man. &1t;/

I saw the desperate slap in the air and turned the blood demon emperor's sky, and his head began to star. &1t;/

"Master, why play a small one." The blood demon emperor looked dumbfounded. &1t;/

Ben Emperor stood well, and you shot. &1t;/

Even if it is an oath, the Emperor is indeed yours, but basic human rights are still required. &1t;/

"You still know that you are small, you didn't stand like you, two big men turned their backs, who should you show it to?" &1t;/

Lin Fan had a headache. This new recruit was a bit mad. It seemed that he had to beat it well. &1t;/

The Blood Devil Emperor looked at Lin Fan and didn't know what to say. &1t;/

No human rights. &1t;/

What happened to the back of the big man? &1t;/

Break the law. &1t;/

However, in this situation, clamoring is impossible, and we can only honestly lower our posture. &1t;/

"Yes, yes, a small mistake, it must be corrected." &1t;/

When did he think of his prestige blood demon emperor? &1t;/

Forget it, bear with you and see what you can do after a year. &1t;/

The frog is very calm and has seen through all this. &1t;/

It is basically impossible to live freely in the hands of this desperate man. &1t;/

"Master, is this your new brother?" The frog licked his face and jumped to Lin Fan, his eyes thief looked at the blood demon emperor. &1t;/

This is unbelievable. &1t;/

Nice guy. &1t;/

Xiuwei is a bit advanced. &1t;/

Not to mention, the frog is already the pinnacle of the Taoist realm, with a strong sense of induction, and at the same time his own soul is very powerful. &1t;/

In his view, he didn't expect that the blood demon emperor turned out to be a powerful player in the world. &1t;/

Of course, this world is a bit watery. &1t;/

According to normal circumstances, the world's strongest people, no matter what it is, the world that it condenses itself is a very complete world. &1t;/

But he has seen through, the inner world of this guy is dilapidated and even divided into countless fragments. &1t;/

There is no real power in this realm. &1t;/

"What do you say about this frog? I am not a younger brother. I have reached a fair and harmonious condition with the owner. I..."&1t;/

Snapped! &1t;/

Lin Fan shot instantly, and this blood demon emperor was a backsliding. &1t;/

"What's fair? What's harmonious? Little brother, just take your posture." &1t;/

The blood demon emperor was stunned. &1t;/

He regretted it now. &1t;/

At the time, I thought it was not the case, but now something is wrong in the blink of an eye. &1t;/

"You are a bit too much. Anyway, I used to be a blood devil emperor who was above all, and an emperor who enjoyed the fear of the world."&1t;/

"Although, I have reached an oath with you now, but you can't bully me like that." &1t;/

"It's only one year, there is no need to do this." &1t;/

The blood demon emperor is not reconciled, is this still human? &1t;/

"Despite the oath, everyone should be peaceful, respect each other, love each other, and communicate friendly."&1t;/

"Maybe in this year, we may become good friends, right?" &1t;/

He talked eloquently that this situation must be changed, otherwise according to this, what kind of days will be spent this year? &1t;/

Is it terrible? &1t;/

"Silly hat." The frog glanced. Where did this guy come from? What's the use of the cultivation base? He didn't even know what he was in now. &1t;/

"Frog, I used to blame you wrong, and always thought you were stabbing, but now it seems that you are not, but rather obedient, I am very pleased." Lin Fan sighed, it was not easy to praise the frog . &1t;/

The frog turned its head, standing on its hind legs, patting a white chest and said: "Master, frog frog can be against the sky... no, so to speak, no one in the world is more respectful than frog frog and loves the owner. "&1t;/

"For the master, the frog can die, and the frog can be beaten, just to prevent the master from being hurt a little."&1t;/

Talking, the frog twitched, forearm wiped a tear, and then looked up sincerely. &1t;/

"Master, the frog frog has you, this life has been satisfied, even if you let the frog frog die now, the frog frog will never frown."&1t;/

The frog feels wronged, let alone say, what he used to be special is the Jiuhuang God, who is above him. &1t;/

Only when others blow him fart, there is no time when he blows others fart. &1t;/

Even when he looked at the poor red hood, he felt a sense of sympathy. &1t;/

"Frog frog, the owner is very pleased, or you die to show the owner?" Lin Fan said. &1t;/

Click! &1t;/

The frog seemed to be frozen, and his limbs were completely stiff. &1t;/

Lin Fan stared in amazement. &1t;/

What are you talking about? &1t;/

I dont understand. &1t;/

"Master, who is this guy? Frog Frog feels that this person is a bit ignorant and needs to be tuned well." If the frog didn't matter, he asked seriously. &1t;/

Perfectly draw the topic to the other side. &1t;/

The blood demon emperor stared at the frog, sinking into contemplation. &1t;/

Is this what the younger brother should do? &1t;/

Lin Fan looked at the frog, and the frog also vigorously widened the green bean eyes and looked at the desperate. &1t;/

Nodded silently. &1t;/

As if to ask, what did the master tell me? &1t;/

As for what has been said before, it has long been left behind, but it should not have been said. &1t;/

"Frog, the master is shameless to you and has a new understanding. It's very good. Keep it up." Lin Fan nodded and praised the character of the frog again. &1t;/

Boom! &1t;/

The frog couldn't help but kneel on the ground, his front paw patted the place, and wailed and cried. &1t;/

"Wow, how can my frog frog frog actually make the owner so praised, there is no regret in this life."&1t;/

He didn't say anymore for his master willing to die now. &1t;/

It is simply described with no regrets. &1t;/

Just in case you have to die by yourself, then you can't think of a good way to solve it. &1t;/

The blood demon stunned. &1t;/

It's so cheap. &1t;/

Lin Fan said lazily that he would directly call the ancestor of Shengxianjiao, the head of the Musketeer Hall. &1t;/

The ancestor of Shengxianjiao was full of spring, although he vowed to serve the Yanhua Sect, but during this time, he deeply integrated into the Zongmen. &1t;/

He regretted not being able to be beaten by Lord Lin Feng earlier and joining Yan Huazong earlier. &1t;/

"Master Lin Feng, what did you tell me?" Shengxian taught the ancestors respectfully. &1t;/

"He, he's not honest, he took it to the toilet and tuned it up, and gave it to you, personally responsible." Lin Fan said. &1t;/

The ancestor of Shengxian Jiao looked at each other, and then nodded, "Lin Feng, Lord can rest assured that the old man will teach him well."&1t;/

Comfortable! &1t;/

Lin Fan is in a good mood. &1t;/

The blood demon emperor world, recovering well, is also good. &1t;/

Even if he is not in the sect, this time is enough. &1t;/

Except that the piece of flesh of Jue Jing Palace was not brought back, the rest have been fused to the blood demon emperor. &1t;/

Not too far from the peak road. &1t;/

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