It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 937: Grandmaster, don't be so impulsive

The ancestors of the Ming emperor were more fortunate than Wan Wan. Book Network

Can be resurrected with the help of the broken body.

The Wan Caves were reincarnated by the true spirit and came again.

Therefore, on this road, the Ming ancestor occupies a great advantage.

As long as it recovers, it can return to its peak.

The world.

The ancestors of Ming Dynasty knew that the world is powerful, but they also understood that the world is not enough to see. Those horrible existences are really hard to imagine if they are not seen with their own eyes.

"Ming Emperor Ming, do you still have anything? If there is nothing, Lord Ben Feng will have to go first."

He didn't have time to chat with Ming Emperor Ming, there were more things, and he had something to chat with an old man.

"Master Lin Feng, the old man made an opinion, I hope you can not care, if you listen to it, the old man thinks that it will be of great use to you." Ming Emperor Ming said.

He really can't stand it.

Tete is so rampant.

If you put it in the past, it is simply a villain, being beaten to death.

But times have changed.

Even if it is so rampant, it can still be alive and well, and it has been okay. The change is really too great.

In fact, he did not know how many times Lin Fan died, if he knew, he would not say so.

"Well, you said that Ben Feng, as the master of Yanhua Zongfeng, naturally understood the meaning of loyalty and rebellion. If you have anything to say, don't care about my feelings." Lin Fandan calmly said, a kind of reasonable person 'S expression appeared.

Say something, we don’t need to hide it.

The ancestor of the Ming emperor originally wanted to say whether he could be so arrogant, but when he heard Lin Fan's words, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart and felt a bad feeling.

It seems that if you say it, the consequences will be a little bit and not too friendly.

"It's all right," said Ming Emperor's ancestor shaking his head.

Lin Fan looked at the Ming ancestor, "You... Hey, if you have something to say, how hidden is not good, you can rest assured that Ben Feng is not the kind of person who can't listen to people's words, you don't believe it I?"

He quickly patted his chest and promised Emperor Ming.

Now people, even if they don’t believe in such justice, it is simply a sin, or that he has not done enough to make everyone believe.

At this time, Lin Fan had a smile on his face and pinched his five fingers. His strength has been very strong. Every time he fists, he feels that the world is in his hands.

This move was also discovered by the Ming emperor.

He didn't believe it anymore, then shook his head.

"Lord Lin Feng, there is really nothing to say, you have to believe the old man." Ming Emperor Ming said with a smile.

Only that smile, but revealed a kind, I believe in your evil.

"waste time."

Lin Fan looked at the emperor Ming Emperor very helplessly, and thought he had something to say, but how could he think that in the end, there was not even a single nonsense.

You said it's not a waste of time?

The voice just fell.

Lin Fan escaped directly into the void and left the ancestral home of Ming Emperor Ming.

"I'm going, with this attitude, I said that I wouldn't take it seriously. If the old man said it, he wouldn't be beaten to death." Ming Emperor Ming murmured, and he would never believe Lin Lin's words.

However, he has been thinking about the advent.

The outside of the entire domain, even Lin Feng, surprised him most, and felt that it was a rare strongman outside the domain.

But he was too arrogant, and he would not end well after all. After his physical perfect recovery, he would go to help and guide Lord Lin Feng to the right path.

Lin Fan left Dragon Realm and did not rush back to Zongmen.

Instead, I want to find a descendant and have a good chat with them. I also need them to solve the points problem.

For the upper reaches of the advent.

The vanguard members dispatched suffered heavy losses.

For them, the outside world is a place to collect important resources.

But after receiving news one after another, the pioneer members dispatched were beheaded and suffered heavy losses, and they did not know how many people died.

When the major forces and races heard the news, it was impossible to speak directly.

The first wave went on to cultivate the Dao realm.

Regarding the cultivation of indigenous people outside the domain, the strongest is nothing more than a Taoist state, and even if it can resist, it will definitely not cause so many deaths and injuries.

it is good.

Even if the indigenous people outside the domain are a bit powerful, the vanguard members who cultivated Daojing are beheaded.

What was the second time?

With the strong leader of Emperor Tianjing's cultivation behavior, what do the indigenous people outside the domain resist?

So this situation is really a bit inexplicable, and even something is not right.

And more, some people think that this must be the people who come together, hurt each other, just to grab something.

After a few days.

Lin Fan stood on a boulder, holding a descender in his palm.

"Let me go, you bastard."

The advent has already peeed his pants.

They beheaded the indigenous people well, and suddenly this guy appeared in front of them.

Without saying much nonsense, they just started on them.

Originally, in their view, what can a patriotic aboriginal do? It is just to die.

But later, he found something wrong, and what was wrong was ridiculous.

What's so special about the indigenous people who are beheaded at random is simply a demon.

One punch and one brutal piercing.

The blood, the flesh, was dazzling, and the distant ones were all infected.

It's terrible.

"Cultivation is really a very tiring thing." Lin Fan sighed. For him, finding the advent was really distressing.

I don't know if the Adventist received any news.

Many disappeared without a trace.

It is difficult to find a den, which is of particular value.

"What do you say, let me go, otherwise the consequences are not what you can bear." The admirer caught in his hands kicked his feet, but the other person's palm pinched his neck, making him suffocating. feel.

The green muscles on his forehead coiled up, densely covered, and even sweat beads fell. For him, he had never felt death so close.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of intellectual disabilities in the advent. You are much worse than the night tomb, too much."

Lin Fan shook his head, it was a pity that he thought the advent would be much smarter than them.

But now it seems that there is nowhere to go.

This guy is almost dying and threatening himself.

If you had half the wisdom of Yezuka, it wouldn't be this trouble.

Lift it high.

"What are you going to do? Let me go." The adversary struggled, and saw Lin Fan leaning, pinching with five fingers, there was a bad feeling.

Lin Fan didn't speak, but punched his opponent's head with a punch.


Bloody flowers, dazzling, visual effects are still good, but the color is a bit too bright.

Points increase.

"It's okay, during this time, the points have accumulated to 100 million. If it is not too deep for the advent, it should be more than that." Lin Fan was silent, watching the increase in points, he was also in a lot of mood.

The details are still almost.

It will improve soon.

If the cultivation base is raised to the emperor's heaven, how strong will the strength be?

The exercises he practiced are basically hard exercises.

He feels more and more that his own power has reached the level of non-human beings.

The heart that blends its own power is constantly changing.

Of course, he will not let the heart of power replace the original heart, he still likes the original himself, does not like any replacement.

Lin Fan raised his hand and tapped slightly towards the space, and the space began to crack, and then formed a deep pit of the void and sunken.

His current strength has already been forced to a certain level.

Even the most talented Daoist can never do this.

"If it were promoted to Emperor Heaven Realm, how powerful would it be?"

Lin Fan had such a look in his heart.

But not in a hurry.

Cultivation is not just a step by step, so at any time, he never feels that his own strength is too weak, and has the urgency to catch up with the cultivation.

At this time, the Zhizhibird contact signal came.

Lin Fan took out Jin Cancan's paper from the storage ring.

"Guru, I can finally reach you." Zhizhiniao reviewer was a little helpless.

"What's the situation?" Lin Fan was a little ignorant. How could he hear the tone of the knowing bird, as if something had happened.

"Guru, we know the tragedy of the Knowing Bird, and the adversary discovered that there was a war." The Knowing Bird reviewer remembered the situation, and there was an urge to cry.

Who is this so annoying?

No one messed up.

But when a tragic thing happened, he ran into the admirer himself.

Lin Fan was stunned, knowing where the bird's headquarters is, and no one knew that it had been moving.

And when he heard what the Zhizhiniao reviewer said, he felt that human talent is certainly important in this life, but luck is a must-have.

Bad luck is a disaster.

Knowing that the bird's headquarters moved, it voluntarily bumped into the descendants, and then there was an inexplicable battle. Who could blame it.

But being able to escape from the descendants, I have to say that the hidden strength of the Zhizhi Bird is still very powerful.

"Looking at this situation, you know that it is not safe to know birds," Lin Fan said.

"Well, Grandmaster, this is safe, that is, my host is seriously injured and is undergoing cultivation. This time I contacted the Grandmaster, I just wanted to tell the Grandmaster that there is a new situation outside the domain."

"According to what we know, the advent has a stronger arrival, and it has begun to fall." Zhizhiniao reviewer said.

"Really?" Lin Fan came to the spirit.

What he hopes most is the arrival of an absolutely powerful, but he never waited.

Now that Zhizhiniao said so, he came to the spirit.


He looked away.

The originally calm space suddenly set off a thunderstorm.

An extremely powerful shock wave swept through, and everything around was destroyed. Even in this shock wave, there was a thunder.

"Don't talk anymore, I have a situation here, bye."

Lin Fan's eyes shined, and he was thinking about the advent just now, but he didn't expect to send them to him.

"Hey, Grandmaster, don't be impulsive, you will die."

It was just his words, but it was only conveyed in the storage ring.

At this time, Lin Fan had already turned into a streamer and struck towards the middle of the thunder storm.

The powerful shock wave made Lin Fan difficult to move, not very easy to approach, and even his body was retreating.

"An ancient battlefield, open."

Turn on the buff, never retreat, directly increase the speed to the peak, tear the impact, and strike towards the distance.


"Great." Lin Fan looked at, a small crack in the skin, which was caused by the shock wave.

This is never a sign.

"It seems that it is really strong."

Lin Fan smiled, his heart was already swelled, he hoped he would be killed.

This time, the purpose is to die.

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