It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 948: Remember this, maybe a burden on the brain

The surface of the frog is a bit silly, but it is very thoughtful. When I hear this, I know that the desperate is fooling. =

"Stabbing is really stunting, isn't it just that this frogman has become too powerful and you will lose face?"

"Be careful."

I can't ask, but what can I do, I can only rely on myself.

He didn't believe it. As a master of Jiuhuang, he had extensive knowledge and could not solve this kind of thing.

The pinnacle of the realm of the outside world can't go further. It is not the heavenly limit of the outside world. As long as it is a limit, there is a way to lift it.

But until now, I didn't think of a way.

"What are you talking about in your frog's mouth?" Lin Fan looked down at the frog and murmured, knowing that there was nothing good, but he was too lazy to take care of it.

Although this guy has ideas, he is good for Zongmen's alchemists.

At the same time, he also regretted that the frog still did not feel his love after all. If he felt his love, he would know how much he loved him.

"Master, frog frogs are talking about their masters. The master has become stronger. The frogs are so happy." The frog burst into tears with excitement.

Lin Fan glanced, and if he believed the frog, that brain could be thrown away.

"Brother, you have become stronger now, and those who have come will certainly not be the opponents of Brother." Lu Qiming also paid attention to the situation outside the domain, and said plainly that the situation outside the domain is not good.

The gap in strength is huge.

Many Zongmen were traumatized by poisonous hands, and of course, many Zongmen resolutely confessed themselves and surrendered to the crotch of the descendants.

"Brother, this is affirmed, as long as there are adversaries, Brother Slap can burst their fans." Lin Fan was in a very good mood, and the sense of expansion that had been hit by people came out.

And it will expand and explode than before.


Lin Fan has more things in his hand, and there are many more. There are immortals and strange things.

But he didn't care at all and threw these things directly to Lu Qiming.

Now the entire sect, when it comes to wealth, the invincible peak is considered to be the richest, there is everything, and there are many strange things.

For others, these may be invaluable treasures.

Just for Lin Fan, there is a fart.

Is he able to support him with a punch?

The disciples around me heard the remarks of Brother Brothers, and they were full of blood. Brother Brothers were so overbearing and so powerful, they were really so admirable.

The frog looked at Lin Fan, and the desperate screamed again.

Emperor Heaven Realm is just Emperor Heaven Realm, what's the matter?

There is a stronger realm behind.

However, only he knows his own way, the desperate can break through to the Emperor Heaven Realm outside the domain. This ability, this opportunity, is probably unparalleled.

Could it really be that I can't be a frog all my life?

Lao Hei, where did you go? You won't come back after going out for so long. It wouldn't be a snake soup.

The frog misses Lao Hei a little bit. Although he is unhappy with Lao Hei, he still had at least one colleague at that time. Where there is a rune paper behind him, he would not speak human language.

In the distance, a figure squatted in the toilet, wearing gloves and wiping the ground carefully with a rag.

The blood demon emperor raised his hand, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and looked into the distance.

He felt that momentum, very strong, far beyond the emperor heaven.

As a blood demon emperor, he was above all, unparalleled. Now that he is doing such a thing, he really wants to smash the rag into the bucket and turn his face.

Only, he is bitter.


The back is a bit painful.

The ancestor of the Holy Immortals taught him with a barbed whip, slapped on his back, and scolded: "What do you see? Still lazy, hurry to work, I tell you, the people here, you are the most honest, you are now The situation, I also want to enter the Musketeer Hall, telling you that you are not even qualified."

The blood demon emperor wanted to go wild, but the heavenly condemnation suppressed it.

Can only bury his head and continue to work.

Suffering is really miserable.

I thought a year would have passed in a blink of an eye.

But looking at the situation now, what will he look like after this year.

However, he felt something was wrong.

How did this guy break into Emperor Heaven Realm, and what would it look like in a year?

Will not become more powerful than myself, and finally will not leave?

Impossible, you have to have credibility, how can you not keep your word.

The Blood Demon Emperor comforted himself and pretended to believe Lin Fan very much.

Back mountain.

Mo Jingzhe was already biased by the suzerain. He basically did nothing every day and lay there to feel the profound and mysterious things.

Many disciples whispered away when they saw it.

The movement over the invincible peak, they have long sensed.

Mo Jingzhe wanted to say something, only to see that the Sect Master was calm and waterless, and there was no fluctuation at all, so he calmed down and felt that his own way was not enough.

The suzerain did not fluctuate at all, but he was attracted.

If you are not firm in your heart, you must continue to practice.

Invincible peak.

Lin Fan let the younger brothers and sisters disperse early, and at the same time sent the frog away, lying alone on the chair, took out Jin Cancan's paper, and contacted the Zhizhi bird reviewer.

"Guru, you finally appeared, something serious happened, messed up, really messed up."

When connected, the chirping voice of the auditing person came.

"What's the chaos, I'm fine." Lin Fan replied. How chaotic the outside was, it had nothing to do with him. He just had to look at Zongmen.

"Guru, although there is nothing wrong with this, it is also a bit problematic. The recent adventists have heard that they are all in the world, and several realms have collapsed. Many sects have turned to the adventists, and as far as I know Qin Feng, the leader of the naval organization, is also not very good." Zhizhi bird reviewer said.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Fan was interested. The Navy organization can survive to this day. I have to say that Qin Feng is also a personal talent.

Of course, Qin Feng was a friend, but Han Bikong and Han Shi were still so concerned about him, and he was still mixing with the Navy.

As a senior brother, how can he sit and watch.

"Master, do you remember the Yang Temple?" asked the Zhizhiniao reviewer.

"Sun Temple? Who? Don't remember."

Lin Fan's expression was a little confused, apparently he was forgotten and completely forgotten.

The Zhizhiniao reviewers are a bit helpless. Anyway, the Yangshen Temple is also a good force. They also arrested the gods of the family to wash the toilet. Now they have forgotten it. It’s really a kindness for men. After playing, they will give the other party. forgotten.

People remember it in my heart, and I haven't forgotten it.

"Guru, the **** son Feng Shaole of the Yang Temple is here to wash the toilet, you will not forget it?" Zhizhi Bird's reviewer was tired and reminded.

Painful realization.

If you let the Lord Yang Yangdian know this, maybe he will vomit blood.

"Feng Shaolie? Who?" Lin Fan couldn't really remember. Where did he have time to remember other people's names? There are so many teachers and sisters under Zongmen. Until now, there are still many people whose names have not been remembered, so There is no time to remember the names of others.

Knowing bird reviewers don't want to say a word, forget it, maybe for the guru, some names, remember after all, it is a burden on the brain.

"Guru, let's not discuss who is who. The father of navy leader Qin Feng went to the Yangshen Temple a long time ago and beat the temple master. The face of the temple was lost, and we still remember our hatred until now."

"Now the main temple of the Yangshen Temple submits to the admirers and tells the admirers about the navy. It draws the admirers' attention and prepares to completely eradicate the navy," said the Zhizhiniao reviewer.

Lin Fan was so happy when he heard this, how could he always feel that the navy where Brother Han is located has always been so tragic.

He now remembered it.

That matter had nothing to do with Qin Feng's father, that is, he caused trouble and led his father to beat the other party.

Unexpectedly, the Master of the Yangshen Temple was really careful, always remembering hatred till now.

"Do you know the location?" Lin Fan asked. This matter had to be visited. Brother Han followed the navy, and the safety was not high.

He wanted to bring Brother Han back, but felt that this was unlikely.

Brother Han is not a disciple, he has the determination that no one else has.

It's a bit ugly, it's a bit of the Virgin.

To put it nicely, is to spread the light to every dark corner of the world.

Let everyone living in the dark see the hope of light.

Ambitious, very good.

"Guru, the specific location has been learned, but those who have come to the Yang Temple are not yet known, but just search according to the current situation and they will definitely be able to find it." Zhizhiniao reviewer said.

"Yes, tell me the specific location. I will take care of the rest."

Lin Fan can't broke through to the Emperor Heaven Realm, and his blood began to boil, and he wanted to meet those who came to the world.

The previous defeat, that is the lack of strength, but in terms of the current situation, even the parents who have not beaten them are not known.

The Zhizhi Bird auditor will inform the location.

They know that the birds control all the news outside the domain, and they don't know how many arrogances outside the domain they have seen.

Although the battle was brilliant, it was sad enough.

In the hands of the descendants, people outside the domain collapsed and there was no room for resistance.

In the end, Zhi Zhi Niao still thinks that the outside world is the most promising to challenge the advent. Only Lin Fan, the invincible master of Yan Huazong, is also the unparalleled writing, which makes people want to hack the Lin master who urged him to update.

Disconnect from the Zhizhibird reviewer.

Lin Fan is ready to start.

No kidding, someone who can bully his brother, although born, will soon be beaten to reincarnate.

Zongmen was guarded by the blood demon emperor, and there was almost no situation.

He made the frog crazy alchemy, and directly made the broken world of the blood demon emperor gradually recover.

Although it has not recovered, at first glance, I know that the blood demon emperor belongs to the old and immortal, and there are many means. Even the broken world is enough to face the present advent.

Moreover, the cultivation behavior of the blood demon emperor at its peak is not only in the world.

The dead camel is bigger than the horse, it is still something.

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