It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 951: Not good, not good

Han Bikong was not the one who abandoned the team and fled, so he learned that when the Temple of Yang came with the descendants, although he was worried, he was calm, and there was no trace of confusion.

Today, he got up sharply.

A smile appeared on his face.

"It's not necessary to retreat or not." Han Bikong laughed.

What a shit-adventure, it was really scary just now, but now I just want to scare myself.

"This is Brother Lin's voice? No, Brother Lin."

Qin Feng was overjoyed, the words were very awe-inspiring, but he really had no resistance to the adversaries. No matter who he put on, he was so unwilling.

But now it is different.

Brother is here, he is his strong backing.

The members of the navy who experienced the World War I of Hengtianyu all showed excited smiles, but those who had not experienced the incident were somewhat confused.

I don't know why they smile like this.

"Son, what are you laughing at? Who's coming?" Qin Yitian asked in doubt, at this time, because a person showed such a smile, something was wrong.

"Father, that is Lord Lin Feng, the invincible peak of Yan Huazong, and also a brother of Deputy Marshal Han. He has come to the dome, and we are safe." Qin Feng said.

He is very confident in Lin Fan's strength, and that kind of strength cannot be imagined by imagination.

Fortunately, I saw it with my own eyes.

It is indeed astonishingly powerful.

"Lin Feng Lord? Son, what you think is too beautiful, the adversary's strength is too horrible, do you think there will be someone outside the domain to be their opponent?" Qin Yitian did not believe that his son would believe so easily.

"No, that's my brother. If someone else doesn't work, it doesn't mean that my brother doesn't work. I saw the battle in the eyes. The adversary fell into the hands of my brother. There was no room for resistance. A lot of people saw it. "

Han Bikong trusted Lin Fan very much.

He did not expect that Brother would come here, I am afraid that Zhizhiniao told his brother.

Without waiting for the other party to say anything, Han Bikong hurried towards the outside. Brother should not know their specific location. Now he has to find a way to contact his brother and let him know the specific location.

During the meeting, some unidentified people suddenly came in to inquire others.

They all want to know the origin of the owner of the voice just now.

And those who have experienced things in Hengtianyu are holding their heads up, and they are very proud to tell everyone the situation as if they were born to them.

"True and false, so powerful?"

"My God, for the first time, the brother who knew Vice Marshal Han actually treated the descendants as ants-like slaughter. I wouldn't believe it if you said it."

The people who had been scared to death had stabilized a lot.

It turns out that we also have people in the background, what are we afraid of, and the background has already come, that is to say, the Yangshen Temple came with those who came to come to death.

It didn't take long.

Han Bikong came in from outside.

Everyone immediately asked if they could contact the big brother.

After all, they can keep their lives, but it depends on whether they can get there.

At this moment of crisis, they agreed to run the road. After all, as long as they were alive, how much the headquarters needed, but the marshal was about to die, and he said such a reasonable statement, which made people speechless and did not know how to refute.

Fortunately, when they were at a loss, hope finally appeared.

"Don't worry, I have contacted Brother. There should be no problems, but don't care, no one knows when the group of guys in Yangshen Temple will appear and be prepared to be foolproof." Han Bikong seemed to be What is hidden, but when facing the crowd, there is no trace of strangeness.

Everyone heard it and suddenly laughed, and they were all relieved.

"That's good, what are you afraid of? As I am a member of the Navy, that is to maintain world peace and protect others from bullying. The Yangshen Temple betrayed everyone outside the domain and colluded with the descendants. We must make them look good."

"Yes, let them see how good we are."

The members of the navy looked excited, and courage surged from the bottom of their hearts.

Qin Feng felt that Han Bikong had something to hide, and came to his side and asked quietly, "Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know how to contact Brother." Han Bikong said softly.

The voice just fell.

Qin Feng blinked and felt the egg hurts. He even said that he didn't know what he was doing.

I have a headache.

This situation is a bit more complicated.

"You are right, we are navy and have honors. Our will does not allow us to back down. Only by desperately fighting with the descendants is it right." Han Bikong said softly.

This remark is true, but there is really nothing in my heart.

Obviously hope is right in front of us, but people are helpless.

In the void of the upper dome, a stream of light flashed by, and a strong storm was set off. Although it was high from the ground, the powerful impact hardly split the ground into a deep crack.

Lin Fan's degree has reached its peak, beyond the Emperor Heaven Realm, and even beyond the peak of the world realm.

Seeing with naked eyes, you can only see the sky is divided, and you can't see the figure at all.

"Damn, where is it."

He is a little crazy, there is no specific location, really a little helpless.

"Ben Feng didn't believe it. He turned the entire upper dome around and couldn't find a specific location."

Lin Fan said he would never shrink back.

With his current strength, it is enough to handle this matter in a short time.

Perception unfolds, everything within tens of thousands of miles is under control.

Like a normal emperor's heaven, it is only a hundred miles, and the perception of a thousand miles is already the limit.

But for Lin Fan, it was easy, and every move was under control.

"Jing Sheng, what's your situation? It seems that your expression is a bit wrong." Gong Hanyu saw Jing Sheng constantly pinching, as if thinking of something, and continued: "Your handprint is a bit familiar, you are not a big sky cloud The Buddha Hall."

Jing Sheng ignored, but frowned.

"Not good, not good."

He was a little confused and pinched his fingers. The situation was very wrong and there was a sense of crisis that could not be said.

"Jing Sheng, let me ask you what, what is your handprint? When did the big sky cloud Buddha Hall have this handprint? It looks a bit like the magical power of the lord of the moral master."

Gong Hanyu really can't understand.

Jing Sheng still ignored Gong Hanyu, and had nothing to do with it. It was an incredible thing to count himself.

That's where there is no way back, and it's extremely dangerous.

This situation is a bit unrealistic.

There are three world powerhouses, seven emperor heavens, and the rest are Tao realms.

Already an extremely terrifying force, who can be the opponent outside the domain?

But the magical technique obtained from the vein of the lord of the moral master reminded him that this time there was danger.

He did not doubt that there was a problem with the magical power given to him by the family of the moral master. Many crises were avoided by this magical power.

"Jing Sheng, what shall I say to you? Why didn't you speak?" Gong Hanyu was a little displeased, and asked herself several times, even if she didn't answer a word, she was too faceless.

At this time, Jing Sheng reacted, he did not say the result of the calculation, but smiled indifferently, "Nothing, the poor monk is thinking, will there be a stronger person outside our domain."

Gong Hanyu was stunned. He didn't expect Jingsheng to say such a thing, and then laughed.

"Jin Sheng, do you think too much, outside the domain? Impossible, never impossible."

He did not expect Jingsheng to say such funny words.

Could it be that the heirs of the true Buddha in the Heavenly Cloud Buddha Hall think so much?

"Holy Master, this is impossible. I know the situation outside the realm best. The Dao Realm is already at its limit. How could there be someone more powerful than the Holy Master." Waist, put the posture to the lowest.

He had no dignity in dealing with these descendants.

"Are you so sure?" Jing Sheng asked, thinking of the Emperor Heaven Realm's descendants dying outside the domain, it felt that the outside world of the domain was not as simple as it was known, there must be a problem.

Otherwise, it will not spend countless efforts to open the space channel and send people down.

The Lord of the Yangshen Temple didn't dare to sullen in front of the descendants. Hearing this, he just froze a little, then nodded immediately.

"Okay, you can be sure, there will never be a strong man. For thousands of years outside the domain ~ ~ has always been the pinnacle of Dao Realm, which is an unbreakable balance."

For the Master of the Yangshen Temple, he now has some eagerness to go to the naval headquarters and destroy those guys.

Especially Qin Yitian, that guy was so deceiving, he beat him up in the Yangshen Temple, causing him to lose his face, his uncle was unbearable, and his aunt was unbearable.

"Jing Sheng, don't think so much. When you were in the upper realm, you weren't so afraid of anyone. How did you get timid from outside the domain? If you are really afraid, don't go." Gong Hanyu said.

He has some opinions on Jing Sheng.

The bald donkey had vilified him earlier, and this matter was still in his heart.

"Fortunately, the poor monk still hasn't figured out something, and needs to think in situ. You go first, and I'll be there later." Jing Sheng raised his hand and greeted everyone.

He doesn't need to prove himself, he just wants to prove what the unrest is.

"Humph, timid as a rat, go." Gong Hanyu disdained and took everyone away.

"Brother Gong, is he having a problem?" Ni Fengxue asked, looking back, feeling wrong.

"will not."

Gong Hanyu said that he was a little ashamed of Jing Sheng this guy, it seems that the promotion in the upper realm is a bit excessive.

What is the strongest heir to the true Buddha in the Big Sky Cloud Buddha Hall is simply fart, and it is terrifying to deal with the local indigenous people, and it is shameful to throw home.

"What is it that makes the poor monk so uneasy?"

Jing Sheng has some doubts. The magical power given by the moral master's survivors is absolutely very strong, and he also knows why the moral master's survivors want to give this magical power to him. Lord survivors.

And he did not resist.

It is even regarded as an experience to hone Buddha's heart.

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