It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 962: This group of people is doing things again

"Brother, are those adventors really so scary?"

When Lin Fan returned to the invincible peak, Lu Qiming hurried to ask.

Seeing that Brother brought so many people back, he didn't know what to say, and at the same time he mourned for those who came, and it was not good to meet his brother.

For them, it can only be a kind of sorrow.

Lin Fan stopped and he could be very sure about this question asked by the younger brother and told him very clearly.

"Brother, it's not scary at all. The advent is not as powerful as you think."

His answer with a smile, but in Lu Qiming's view, it is a bit difficult to make a complaint.

To the elder brother, the Adventist is indeed different, but to others, the Adventist is a mountain that cannot pass.

"Brother, this should be for you." Lu Qiming said.

He saw the advent who had been brought back, and felt the breath. They were very powerful, much stronger than they had seen before.

"Senior Brother, what you said is indeed no problem." Lin Fan agreed with what the younger brother said. In front of the descendants, the younger brothers will feel how weak they are.

But in his eyes, the advent who appears now, just like that, is no different.

"Okay, Brother is going to retreat, you go busy."

Powerfulness is a sin, and it is never possible to imagine what the strongman looks like in the eyes of the weak.

Perhaps, the guys who were brought in to clean the toilet might be the legendary strongmen in the eyes of the disciples.

When Lu Qiming saw his brother went to retreat again, he didn't know what to say.


He held back for a long time and wanted to ask.

If you don't ask clearly, you never understood it.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fan asked back, what happened today? Brother Shi's words are slightly more.

Lu Qiming was silent for a while, then looked up and asked, "Brother, you are already so strong, have you ever thought about enjoying it for a while?"

From the beginning to the present, Zongmen has reached a level that other Zongmen cannot reach.

It stands to reason that brothers can rest for a while, and let them do the next thing.

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled.

"Brother, enjoy the time, it is up to you to enjoy it for Brother. I still practice well, Brother, as your backing."

The voice just fell.

Lin Fan pushed open the stone door of the Chamber of Secrets and stepped inside.

Just leave Lu Qiming outside.

"Brother..." Lv Qiming sobbed, and he was already filled with tears moved by his brother's words. In his mind, Brother was alone and lonely cultivation, so that they had no worries.

Thinking of this, Lu Qiming was sad even more bitter.

In the distance, some disciples saw Brother Lu so sad and came in a hurry, thinking what had happened.

In the back room.

"Really sentient brother." Lin Fan felt warm when he heard the sad cry of his brother.

His efforts were not in vain, and the younger brothers looked at them.

Because of this, he was more motivated to work harder.

"Let me take a look at some of the exercises of this group of descendants."

Lin Fan sat cross-legged and took out the harvested exercises. He had not yet selected them, which were mixed with some special effects exercises.

He was very disdainful about these people practicing special effects.

Men, don’t practice hard exercises. It’s not good to practice these special effects. It’s not a girl.

But there is no way. There are too few people who can suffer hard exercises like him.

He can bear all the pain without saying a word.

But others will definitely not work.

Organizing exercises.

"This method cannot work, it turns out to be a special effect."

Throw away.

continue searching.

"Well, a very good hard work."

The harvest is still there.

Although some of the exercises do not meet the requirements, there are also many exercises that meet the requirements.

He has cultivated to the emperor's heaven and wants to reach the world. The details of this need are really scary.

But even so, he will not give up, only pressure will make him more motivated.

Realizing the power of Emperor's Heaven Realm is very powerful. Between raising his hands and feet, he feels that the whole world belongs to him.

Whirling Holy Land.

This is a holy place for women to practice, especially after the ancestors of the whirling ancestors brought back the oracle with the Xumi body, so that the elders of the holy place saw hope.

Now the advent is rampant, but the whirling holy land is always safe.

In a cultivation place, Tianyu is cultivating, and her body is like a black hole, endlessly absorbing energy between heaven and earth,

For ordinary people, this kind of practice is too overbearing and the body will not be able to sustain it.

But there is no problem for the oracle with the Xumi fairy body.

In the words of the whirling ancestor, her Xumi fairy body does not belong to the outside world, but the legendary fairy body.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Tianyu opened his eyes, and there was a galaxy flowing in his eyes, and then dissipated.

Since she was brought here, she had thoughts of returning to Zong, but later, this idea gradually dissipated, and she had seen the infinite road.

At the same time, I also feel that my own future is not what the Templar can hold.

"Sister, someone wants to see you." The girl has beautiful long hair and looks good.

"Uh." Tianyu nodded.

She knew who came to her.

Outside the Holy Land.

The ancestors of Wan Cave and Tengdi waited quietly.

"Wan Cave, I feel that this woman is unreliable," said Emperor Fujii, who ran directly the last time and left the two of them. So, if he was with this woman, he would not dare to give it to the other side.

"No, she couldn't blame her for the last time. It can help us deal with the advent together. It's a big help, but I didn't expect that the advent would be so powerful. It's enemy, but to protect myself, there is no problem."

Ancestor Wan Wan said.

She knew that Emperor Fujii was still thinking about the last thing, but that time, she really looked down on the advent.

If it weren't for meeting the abominable guy, they might die there.

"Hey, it's not that I said, the last time I saw that guy was good, but unfortunately I don't understand the status quo. His strength is indeed very strong, but the most powerful of the descendants has not yet arrived, he will regret it." Fujii thought of the kid .

That guy is a little weird and not too friendly to people, but fortunately saved their lives.

If that guy can be brought in, many things will be easy to handle.

"Don't think so much, he is too arrogant, and he doesn't know how terrible the upper realm is. In the future, he will regret his arrogance. By then, if he can, he can help him."

Wan Cave said that she had her own idea, that is, when Lin Fan suffered a big loss in front of the descendants and suffered the consequences of arrogance, it was then that the best moment to draw him into the group.

As for now, it doesn't work.

Arrogance will not only harm him, but also everyone.

At this time, Tianyu came from a distance.

She already knows who these two people are, and although it is still unclear what the origins of these two people are, she already knows that they are by no means ordinary.

It should be related to the upper bound.

"The ancestors of Wan Cave and Emperor Fuji, don't know what happened to you coming to me?" Tianyu asked.

Today, she has changed a lot when she was in the church.

This change is in temperament.

"I haven't thanked you for the last thing. Thank you for coming this time." Wancu Patriarch said with a smile, she was thinking, what should I do to make Tianyu join their team.

She knows the role of Xumi fairy body better than anyone.

It is a waste to stay outside the domain. If you can break through to a higher level, the role of the Sumerian fairy body will be fully developed. By then, the power that will erupt will be terrifying.

Even if a school is established in the upper realm to establish an immortal foundation, it is not a problem.

The ancestors of Wan Cave are simple.

It is impossible to repel all the descendants. It is impossible for manpower to work, even if it is strong, it cannot make the descendants surrender.

There is only one way, that is, to establish a firm foothold in the upper realm, establish an immortal holy place, sit on an equal footing, and negotiate with the advent.

I was sure before.

Because there are puppet ancestors like geniuses.

It is a pity that the puppet ancestor disappeared suddenly, no trace, no matter how to find, they do not know the trace, and eventually they lost and were directly driven into the reincarnation.

Until now, she was looking for it, and no trace was found.

But now, the appearance of the Oracle has made her see hope body, a very powerful physique, does not know how much stronger than those in the outside world Times, or even the possibility of comparison.

"Two, if you have something, just talk about it, why turn around." Tianyu said coldly, she was not a fool, how could not see the two of them came to her for something.

The last time I promised to help, it was also because the advent was extremely threatening.

"It's true." Emperor Fujiu muttered.

When he woke up, he found that people outside the domain spoke directly one by one, which was different from what he knew before. At that time, people did not speak so directly, they were all around the corner.

It’s as good as it is now, just talk about things directly, there’s nothing wrong with it.

If Lin Fan is here and sees the cold oracle, he will surely bombard the opponent's chest with a punch, and then come to a sentence.

"Gosh, you changed."

Ancestor Wan Wan smiled, "Okay, then I won't go around. I came with Emperor Fujio, I hope you can join our team."

"Join your team?" Tianyu frowned. Although she knew that Wan Cave wanted to bring her into the group, she didn't expect that it would be at this time.

"Yes, when the advent comes, there is no safe place outside the domain. Nowadays, there are already world advent comers outside the domain. If you continue to hesitate, then there is really no hope."

"To be honest, we have talked to Mozu about the conditions. He will help us enter the upper realm. If you join our team, we can take you with you. Only when you reach the upper realm can you break through the barrier of the Dao realm and reach stronger. Realm?" Wan Cave said.

She knows what she is doing, but there is no way. If she does not sacrifice something, she will lose all hope.


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