It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 973: Disciples, uncomfortable for teachers

Emperor Fujiu has been watching the situation here from afar.

He was a little unhappy when he heard these words. What did this guy say?

What does it mean not to be deceived by someone, like he can be a deceiver?

This is the time to find the way to the future and create opportunities for the outside world. Nowadays, it is really humiliating that others can't help it.

However, he didn't show up, but wanted to see if this guy could say anything wrong.

"What do you mean by this?" Zhenyue looked at Lin Fan with some thoughts, but he was quickly left behind. It was impossible, and all the talk was ridiculous.

"Do you know why I am so powerful?" Lin Fan asked.

He is a low-key person, never deliberately exerting his power, but now in order to let the lamb in the way to find the real way, it is necessary to let the other party know why he is so strong.

At this time, the disciples around were curious.

For the first time, they listened to Brothers why they were so powerful, and they were curious. They wanted to know what the reason was.

Emperor Fujii also quietly listened.

The most weird guy in the outside world is this Lin Huazong Lin Fan, and his strength is too strong. It simply exceeds the top limit of the outside world and does not know how to improve it.

"Why?" Zhenyue asked.

He was a little unwilling in his heart.

I thought that I had already improved fast enough, but how can I think that Lin Fan has improved faster than himself, even without comparability.

What is the reason? It really makes people wonder.

Lin Fan smiled confidently, "It's very simple, because I walked my own path, a path that no predecessor has traveled."

"Huh?" Zhen Yue froze, frowning slightly, as if she understood something.

"Your cultivation sword, to be honest, is it the path you took? Or are you just taking the path that the predecessors walked through? , Can only blame his own way too simple." Lin Fan said.

Then looking at the void, the expression gradually changed, and there was an amazing feeling.

"Look at this day, everyone knows that no matter how they go, they can only walk in the four directions of the front, back, left, and right, but no one has thought of going to the sky, because no predecessor created this path, they can only follow the predecessor. Only way."

"Speaking of this, can you understand?"

Lin Fan looked at Zhenyue. This sentence was completely blown by him. If he believed, he would believe. If he didn't believe, there would be no way. He could only say that the other party's brain was normal.

Knowing that he was blowing blindly.

"Taking the road no one has ever walked through." Zhenyue fell into thought, as if he understood something.

As Lin Fan said, he has been taking the path of his predecessors. He once had a chance to create a new path, but the path is unknown, and there is even no way to go. Eventually, he gradually forgets it and takes the old path.

Now thinking about it, it seems that I really missed something.

"No, the peak of the outside world is only Dao Realm, and there is no way forward. You are definitely wrong." Zhenyue responded and said.

Lin Fan is a little speechless, this guy is not stupid.

If it is an ordinary person, it must be fooled. This is the most reasonable saying. How can it be reacted to?

It seems that Zhenyue is not stupid.

But for the disciples of Yan Huazong, it is like listening to the heavenly scriptures.


"It sounds reasonable." Emperor Fujii suddenly felt that this guy's words were really special.

"Taking the road that no one has ever walked before, opened a new road and broke the external barrier of the domain. It seems that no one has tried it."

Emperor Fujiu pondered that his experience was much richer than anyone.

The cultivation system of the outside world is now handed down from ancient times.

No matter how powerful people are, they follow the cultivation system handed down from ancient times and follow the step-by-step practice, and no one takes a different path.

Maybe someone walked by.

But this road is definitely difficult to go, maybe it is all down the road.

When thinking of this, Emperor Fujii was a little crazy, and fell into a circular thinking.

He was thinking about what Lin Fan said, to be honest, it made sense.

Lin Fan was so disappointed to see that Zhenyue hadn't been fooled, but he wouldn't give up.

"Zhenyue, you said it's impossible, then what is my situation? I have surpassed the pinnacle of Dao Realm and broke the barrier outside the domain."

"No kidding, I just took a different path. Does power understand? This path is the path of power."

He really didn't believe it and couldn't make sense of the other.

"Master, Uncle Lin is right, there must be something wrong with the way we go, we can go the other way." Zhen Yi said, holding Zhen Yue's hand.

His title to Lin Fan also changed. He used to be a bad guy, but now he is an uncle.

Children, it is so realistic.

"Impossible." Zhenyue shook her head, not believing what Lin Fan said.

"There is nothing impossible to tell you that what is standing in front of you is the truth. Don't believe it." Lin Fan must let Zhenyue change this view.

Don't let the bear children stay in Zongmen.

And how much this bear child loves his teacher.

Seeing this bear child is just like seeing yourself. If your teacher dies, it will be more sad.

People, be happy together.

If you want to do so much.

"Zhenyue, do you know there are two kinds of people in the world." Lin Fan said.

Zhenyue did not answer. He was listening to the answer, wondering what the other party would say.

"One is the protagonist, the other is the supporting character, and of course, a special person. He is clearly a supporting character, but he has the heart to be the protagonist. Do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Fan said something hurtful.

Zhenyue stared at Lin Fan, this guy meant not to say that he was a supporting character, and he still had a supporting character who was the main character.

"Don’t be silent, although this is a bit hurtful, but the truth is true, I understand you want to strengthen your heart, but it is absolutely impossible for you to surpass me, I hope you can let go. "

"Sometimes, some people around you are more important than others."

"Can you understand?"

Lin Fan hopes that Zhenyue can understand, don’t live so painful, just stay with the apprentices?

Must do.

Waiting for the death to succeed, it is too late to regret.

The disciples around suffocated.

"Senior brother said this a bit, it hurts."

"Hey, it hurts the truth. This is also a feature of our brother."

"Fortunately, we have self-knowledge and know that we are supporting roles, so we are very happy to live, and the feeling of being protected is really comfortable."

"Uh huh."

The disciples talked in a whisper.

"Lord Lin Feng, you have talked a little too much." Zhenyue held back, it was too much, this guy simply blew himself high and made others worthless.

"It's not excessive, but to be honest, Zhenyue you lost yourself and asked your last question."

"There is only one choice between Supreme Sword and your lovely apprentice, who do you choose?"

Lin Fan asked, and it was also a very difficult subject.

Just like my mom and wife fell into the river together.

Zhenyue's pursuit of Dao Dao has reached a terrible point, and it is difficult for him to give up.

Hearing this question, Zhenyue was stunned. He even hesitated and didn't know how to answer it.

If it was before, he would choose the knife way without hesitation.

But now, he does not know how to choose.

"I will choose, and there will never be such a choice between two." Zhenyue replied.

"Okay, this question is indeed a bit wrong, then change one. If the enemy catches your apprentice in the future, let you swear that you will never be allowed to enter the knife path. If you don’t agree, you will be asked to apprentice your life, you will How to choose?" Lin Fan asked.

In the distance, Emperor Fujio was already ignorant. This question is more tricky than one. What do you want to do?

Zhenyue stared at Lin Fan and wanted to say, "Tuer, it's uncomfortable to be a teacher."

How can he answer this question?

"It's terrible for you to ask others, then I'll ask you, if it's your Zongmen disciple..." Zhenyue also asked Lin Fan this question, but he was dumbfounded before he had finished speaking.

Lin Fan raised his hand and said first, "If my disciples are caught and asked to commit suicide in the future, I will swear to heaven that I will never hesitate to commit suicide, give up myself, and protect my siblings and sisters. If they lie, they will become gray."

Zhenyue is stagnant, and this particular answer is too decisive.

And even swear, even really.


The disciples of Yan Huazong couldn't help crying.

"Brother Brother will actually commit suicide for us, so moved."


Suddenly, the disciples around cried out one by one.

They did not expect that it would be so important in the eyes of Brother.

"Sisters and soothe your emotions, don't be excited. Brother for you, even if you commit suicide, you absolutely don't hesitate, you are the most important people in the hearts of brothers." Lin Fan toward the disciples They pressed their hands to calm them down, don't be too excited.

"Brother, how can we calm down, you can do this for us, we are really touched, the person who is born brother, the death is the ghost of the brother, there is no regret in this life to become brother brother."

The disciples moved their faces with crying.

Can't be moved.

They wanted to ask, what other sect in this world can have such a brother.

The brothers and sisters who can become brothers and sisters are simply the blessings that they have cultivated in their previous lives.

Lin Fan had a headache. He didn't expect to say a question casually, so the teachers and sisters were so moved. He also sighed.

At this time, he looked at Zhenyue.

"How are you going to choose?"

Zhenyue looked at Lin Fan, did not speak, and remained silent for a long time. He looked at Zhenyi's slowly opening, "I..."

"I won't make my teacher embarrassed, can't continue to pursue the knife, it will make my teacher sad, I will commit suicide, and let the teacher avenge me." Zhenyi shouted first, then looked at Zhenyue, "Teacher, if really If this happens, can you not forget me."


Sensual teachers and sisters, crying again when they heard these words.

Lin Fan stepped out, opened his hand, and grabbed toward the real moon.

"Zhenyue, you found a good apprentice, but you are not a good master, let me show you what knife path you are looking for, and what it looks like in the end."


Lin Fan suppressed Zhenyue on the ground and meditation in his heart.



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