Zhou An showed a mysterious smile: "It's just exposing the casting method."

"Old Zhao is right. Showing a little bit can reduce a lot of trouble."

He, Zhou An, is cheating.

In the future, there will only be more and more skills, I’m afraid of being stupid.

Zhang Sixian thought over and over what Zhou An said and nodded.

"What he said is indeed correct."

"By the way, how do you plan to deal with the person who kidnapped Yu Hang?"

Zhou An stood up: "He'd better pray not to be caught by me. If he is caught, he will be miserable."

Zhangsi County fell into silence.

After a long time, he said slowly.

"Zhou An, if you need help from the Zhensi Si, you can go to the Zhensi Si in Yunlai Mansion. Mr. Si Fu is my old superior and he will help you."

"Between us, we have experienced life and death. If you encounter difficulties, you can always talk to me."

Zhou An nodded and agreed.

In fact, Zhang Sixian is a very typical Jianghu person.

He is eager for justice and very affectionate.

The battle between them with County Magistrate Chen was indeed a life and death experience.

Zhou An knew that he would not refuse at this time.

Rejection will alienate the relationship.

Xie Captou had been sitting next to him. After Zhou An agreed, he also spoke.

"The master of the Falcon Sect of Yunlai Mansion, I once saved his son. If you need the power of the world, you can go to him and tell me my name."

Zhou An nodded: "Thank you."

He stopped staying and left Zhenguisi, planning to go back and pack up before heading to Yunlai Mansion tomorrow.

Anyway, there is nothing to do here, so it would be good to go there early in case you can find something.

After returning home, Zhou An continued to practice Chef Ding's knife skills.

The next day.

His proficiency has improved a lot, but Zhou An has withdrawn from practice.

The luggage was packed last night, and he would rush to Yunlai Mansion this morning.

The purpose of going there is naturally to participate in the Casting Competition, and then fumble for clues to find out the person behind the scenes and eliminate that person completely.

The streets in the morning were still as deserted as ever.

After Zhou An walked out of this deserted alley, he found a carriage parked on the street.

Next to the carriage were Qi Shuo and Blacksmith Zhao, as well as a large number of guards.

Zhou An frowned, wondering what they were here for.

When he got closer, he heard Blacksmith Zhao's voice.

"Zhou An, have you decided to participate in the Casting Competition?"

Zhou An nodded.

There is no need to hide this matter. Since you have decided, you must do it.

Blacksmith Zhao took out a piece of paper, handed it to Zhou An, and said, "Go to the blacksmith shop in Yunlai Mansion. That is my old friend. You can stay there and ask him for some casting knowledge."

The address was written on the paper, and Blacksmith Zhao's commission was also written on it.

"I couldn't leave because it was the critical moment to break the situation."

Blacksmith Zhao sounded slightly apologetic.

Zhou An shook his head and said: "There is no need to say this, I understand everything, Lao Zhao, just feel safe."

Blacksmith Zhao sighed.

Zhou An looked at Qi Shuo on the side again and asked, "Brother Qi, what are you doing?"

He knew that Lao Zhao came here to give him something, but he didn't know what Qi Shuo was here to do.

Qi Shuo's fat face showed a kind smile: "Brother Zhou, I have an unkind favor."

"You have decided to participate in the Casting Competition. Can you participate instead of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce? Don't worry, we will never let you participate in vain."

"We also have a branch in Yunlai Mansion. If you need us to run it, we will help you."

"Okay." Zhou An agreed simply.

It was so straightforward that Qi Shuo was stunned.

He originally thought that Zhou An would refuse, and then he would waste a lot of time talking, but now he can't say anything else.

In fact, it is normal for Zhou An to agree.

This time, some of the casting competitions also have backgrounds.

Although the comparison is not about background, if you want to excel in things like casting, you need to consume a lot of materials during the practice stage.

Not one person can afford these.

Therefore, there are power bonuses behind it.

If a person can take off, the forces behind him will naturally be able to ascend to heaven.

What's more, it's just a name.

Zhou An felt that it didn't matter, and he could get more benefits, such as rescuing Yu Hang this time.

"You want to go to Yunlai Mansion with me?" Zhou An asked.

Qi Shuo finally came to his senses. Although he didn't know why Zhou An agreed so readily, since he agreed, one thing was solved.

He quickly said that he really wanted to go with him.

After all, this was a major competition and Qi Shuolai's ultimate goal, so he wanted to see it in person.

Zhou An was fine. He looked at this luxurious carriage and said, "This is my first time riding in such a big carriage."

Qi Shuo had a good eye and immediately answered: "With Brother Zhou's ability, if you want to sit in a bigger and more spacious seat, there are many people queuing up."

Zhou An just smiled.

Time was urgent, and he had no intention of staying any longer, so he got into the carriage with Qi Shuo.

Lao Zhao followed the carriage to the door and did not leave until they left.

This was Zhou An's first time leaving Anding County, and they also took the official route.

The official road is relatively smooth and safer.

It takes nearly three days to drive from Anding County to Yunlai Mansion.

This is something that can't be helped. After all, a carriage is still a carriage. No matter how luxurious it is, it still needs to be pulled by horses.

In addition, Anding County is already remote, so a three-day drive is pretty good.

The Great Chu State attaches great importance to officialdom, cultivates it very well, and also sets up many post stations.

Things like inns are extremely important in a society similar to ancient times.

When there is no war, the inn can be used as a resting place for pedestrians and horses.

Once a battle breaks out, the inn is an important place for transmitting military information.

As the carriage moved forward, Zhou An lifted the curtain through the window of the carriage and looked at the retreating woods outside the window.

No matter how spacious the official road is, there will still be some secluded roads.

Qi Shuo and Zhou An were sitting in the same carriage. Fortunately, the carriage was larger.

Qi Shuo's fat figure can still sit calmly.

"Brother Zhou, eat some solid food."

He took out two pieces of dry food from the bag and handed them to Zhou An.

Zhou An shook his head and took out a piece of cake from the pink money bag in his arms.

Qi Shuo was surprised.

He knew that Zhou An had a pink money bag, but he was really surprised when he saw this kind of thing for the first time.

A bag like this that can store a large number of items is difficult for even him to get.

"Old Qi, when you are always on the road, you don't eat anything good." Zhou An looked at the rough dry food in Qi Shuo's hand and chatted.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, do you think that the merchants of our Hengtong Chamber of Commerce are all rich and well-off? Actually, you are wrong. We often go out to do business, so the more convenient the dry food in our hands, the better."

Qi Shuo explained: "Dry food like this is easy to store and convenient."

Zhou An nodded, that was indeed the case.

Dry food is of course the best because it is convenient and easy to store.

No matter how delicious the food is, it will be of no use during a trip like this.

"Lao Qi, you are not an ordinary person. You should be a businessman, right?" Zhou An asked.

Qi Shuo was stunned: "I hide it so well, Brother Zhou, you can feel it."

Zhou An shook his head and said: "I can't feel it, but I can see it. The injury on your face heals very quickly. Ordinary people don't heal so quickly."

On Qi Shuo's face, the black and blue eyes had already recovered, and this recovery speed was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Qi Shuo touched his eyes and did not hide it. He laughed at himself: "The weakest miscellaneous sect among the four major categories and the most inconspicuous businessman lineage among the miscellaneous sects has nothing to hide."

"Oh? Why do you see that? By the way, what are the abilities of a businessman?" Zhou An became interested.

The journey is long, and if we chat for a while, time will fly by faster.

"Not to mention the ability of a businessman, it's just the ability to speak eloquently, which can make others trust you more during the conversation."

Qi Shuo waved his hand indifferently.

"Lao Qi, you just said that the miscellaneous sect is the weakest category, where do you start?" Zhou An asked again.

The businessman's ability is indeed related to his mouth, but what interests Zhou An even more is what Qi Shuo said just now.

Hearing this, Qi Shuo put down the dry food in his hand and said with a wry smile: "Brother Zhou, don't you know this? Among our four major categories, the Miscellaneous Sect has the most types, but it is also the weakest."

Zhou An said nothing, meaning to let Qi Shuo continue talking.

He was also quite curious. After all, he only had a superficial understanding of these four categories.

Qi Shuo himself is a eloquent businessman, and he immediately started talking and talked...

"Among the four gates, there are many people in the miscellaneous gate, but why is it called a miscellaneous character? It's because there are too many people, and there is still no backbone."

"Don't talk about other countries, let's just talk about our country of Chu. The warriors are headed by the general secretary, the scholars are headed by the prime minister, the Qi practitioners are headed by the supervisory department, and there are Buddhist and Taoist families."

"Other countries also have representatives, but no one from this miscellaneous sect can stand up."

"Why?" Zhou An asked.

He's also really weird.

"Hey, he's just a Zaza, a complicated Zaza."

Qi Shuo said helplessly: "Brother Zhou, do you think that a person with high martial arts skills can become a member of a miscellaneous sect? It's impossible. There are many kinds of miscellaneous sects. Just talking about our merchant lineage, there is no such thing as a strong martial arts person. use."

"Unless you are convinced of all other professions, if you want to stand out here, there will always be people who are not convinced."

"The merchant lineage is actually the weakest. It's not that our merchant lineage can stick together. Maybe I don't have the status I have today."

"If you think about it, even the weakest one will not be convinced, let alone the others."

Having said this, Qi Shuo took out another kettle and took a sip of water.

Zhou An touched his chin: "That seems to be the case."

A martial artist is someone who practices martial arts, a qi practitioner is someone who practices qi, and a scholar is someone who studies. These are the three broad categories.

If you can excel in this and dominate these three categories, you are an ox.

But Zamen is different.

So what if you are strong?

So what if you can fight?

Have you ever cut someone down, have you ever seen...

Bah, it's a joke.

To use a very simple analogy, you are not as good as me in building technology, and you are not as good as me in studying business, so why should I obey you?

If you can, kill all the people from the miscellaneous sect.

So until now, the Zamen is still leaderless.

Zhou An smiled and said: "If someone can unify the miscellaneous sects, then the miscellaneous sects can rise up in one fell swoop."

What he said was a joke, and as expected, Qi Shuo shook his head after he said it.

"It's impossible. If you learn one thing, you will be proficient in it for a lifetime. If you learn two things, you will have two hearts. If you learn three things, you will have three hearts. By analogy, a person's energy is always limited."

After a slight pause, Qi Shuo continued.

"Originally, many years ago, there was a person who really showed this talent. Speaking of which, this person had some connection with Brother Zhou."

"Oh?" Zhou An thought for a moment, but he didn't seem to know this person.

Qi Shuo chuckled: "The founder of the Five Elements Burial Sect, he combined the five elements into one, using metal, wood, fire and earth as the basis, and his simulation of water control really amazed a generation."

Zhou An heard the familiar words again and asked Qi Shuo to continue.

Qi Shuo spread his hands and said: "At that time, everyone thought that this person would be the future leader of the miscellaneous sect, but then they discovered that this technique was really harmful to Tianhe, and then the sect was exterminated."

He said it softly and skillfully. In fact, he didn't know the details. He heard all this from the seniors of the Chamber of Commerce.

Zhou An was also listening patiently.

Regarding the follow-up matters, Qi Shuo said he did not know.

The two chatted for a few more words, but did not dwell on this heavy topic and continued to change the topic.

The carriage is still moving forward.

The sky has gradually turned dark.

The guards rode horses and followed the carriage.

At this speed, it won't take long to reach the nearby inn.

Rest there for a while and then continue on your journey.

Sitting in the carriage, Zhou An could feel that the speed of the carriage was gradually decreasing.

They have arrived at the inn.

Lifting the curtain of the carriage, Zhou An saw that the inn was deserted, with few people there.

Except for a few oil lamps hanging outside to provide lighting, the place was lifeless.

Qi Shuo also raised the curtain of the carriage.

"It's strange. No matter how deserted the inn is on weekdays, there are still people taking a rest. What's more, there's a casting competition going on right now. How come there's no one there?"

Today is different from the past, the Casting Competition is being held in full swing.

There is no one in the inn, which is not normal.

Zhou An also felt strange.

Soon, the carriage stopped, and Zhou An and Qi Shuo got off the carriage.

The inn was indeed deserted, with not a single soul in sight.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and Zhou An smelled the smell of blood.

Not only Zhou An smelled it, but Qi Shuo and the surrounding guards also smelled it.

Accompanying the smell of blood was a cold wind.

Zhou An seemed to hear someone whispering in his ear.

"Be alert!" Qi Shuo, who was a frequent businessman after all, shouted quickly.

The guards drew their swords and stood on guard.

At this moment, an oil lamp suddenly went out.

Saving manuscripts can really save lives, woo woo hoo, especially when you have a bad cold.

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