"When the young monk was practicing Buddhism hard in Wuxiang Temple, he also heard from his fellow disciples that if you are used to the suffering of the world while walking outside, your heart will be disturbed by the world of mortals."

The first sentence he spoke, Wu Nian said something that Zhou An couldn't understand, but Zhou An still said it smoothly.

"How can I see it?"

Wu Nian shook his head: "Wuxian Temple specializes in Kung Fu. The Infinite No Form Sutra focuses on formlessness and selflessness, so that you can achieve the true self of Buddha in the Infinite No Form. However, this kind of Kung Fu requires time and tribulation. Only then can we succeed. Now, the young monk has seen the first difficulty, which is the difficulty in his heart."

Zhou An raised his eyebrows slightly: "Master, everyone here is not a bad person. How about we make it clearer."

Xu Fuling next to him twitched slightly when he heard Zhou An say this.

To be honest, he didn't understand what the monk meant.

But because of face, you didn’t ask?

Zhou An was indeed very direct and asked him the doubts in his heart.

Wu Nian became speechless, and his whole body was shattered by Zhou An's words.

The special temperament he had accumulated fell apart in an instant, and he could only say in a dumbfounded voice: "It means that seeing these people suffering makes me feel very uncomfortable."

Zhou An clapped his hands and said, "Isn't that enough? To put it simply, we are not Buddhists and Taoists. How can we understand so much? I'm just a rough guy."

That's true. You said it so profoundly and put it out there for everyone. Isn't it obvious that you are showing off?

It would be too superficial to replace Zhou An and nourish talents in a more obscure way.

Of course, Zhou An didn't dwell too much on this matter, but asked if he had discovered anything.

When he was on the carriage just now, he saw Wu Nian looking worried. Wu Nian also said that he would not know until he arrived at the scene.

Isn’t this already on the scene now? It’s time to speak out.

Wu Nian still shook his head: "There is no way to be sure, what I saw is still too superficial."

Zhou An immediately said something else: "Master, what's your guess? Whether you see it or not, you have to say it. We are both waiting for you to say it. You can't just say it because you don't understand it." .”

The Riddler must die!

The most annoying thing about him is that he won't say anything when he's not sure. If you're not sure about this situation, you just have to say it, right?

How would anyone know if you didn't tell me?

Wu Nian was told by Zhou An, and said with a black line on his head: "Master Zhou, actually this involves some very complicated things. I want to know first, whether this happened in Tingyun Mansion before. Huge war?”

Having said this, Wu Nian turned his attention to Xu Fu Ling who was standing aside.

When Xu Fuling heard what Wu Nian said, he shook his head and said: "I have never heard of a war. When the Chu Kingdom overthrew the old dynasty and established a new system, the war did not spread to Tingyun Mansion. If there was anything, If there is a major war, it will be explained clearly to me when I take office here."

As a government official, he must know the best. Even if he said this, then there must be no war.

Zhou An looked at Wu Nian and said, "Why did you ask about the war?"

It was obviously a flood, but it was related to the war. There was no connection between the two, but Wu Nian said it, so he must have something on his mind.

Sure enough, when Zhou An asked this question, Wu Nian did not hide it and said bluntly: "What if the young monk said that the heavy rain here all year round is caused by lingering resentment?"

Still resentful?

Zhou An touched his chin and thought about this sentence, but after thinking for a while, he gave up thinking.

What a nonsense, this thing seems to be some bullshit basic knowledge.

He has been in this world for so long, and the basic knowledge he has learned is really limited.

After all, there are so many professions, and if you want to understand them all, you don’t have to do anything else in your life.

Of course, there is a discerning person here now, so if you don’t understand, just ask.

Zhou An thinks this way, when you encounter a problem and don't understand it, just ask it directly and solve it directly.

No need to worry about face or anything like that.

Thinking of this, Zhou An asked his doubts.

Wu Nian put his hands together and performed a Buddhist salute.

He began to explain.

"If people die too many times, they will accumulate resentment. And if resentment persists for a long time, it will cause various changes."

"Today, the floods and heavy rain in the sky are probably caused by resentment and will evolve into something weird over time."

"Weird?" Zhou An pondered: "Master means that people who die here will become weird."

Wu Nian shook his head, indicating that it was not just that.

"Master Zhou, the so-called weirdness is not what you think. In addition to what a person becomes after death, in fact, in our definition, weirdness has a deeper meaning."

"Anything that is indescribable and has great hatred for living people is a weird thing. Not only does it change after death, but even the flowers, grass, trees, and trees may turn into weird things. .”

Xu Fuling listened to the conversation between the two and roughly understood something.

But he frowned as he thought that these things had happened before.

"There were many floods in the past, and the imperial court also sent professionals to rush to them, including Qi practitioners, but why didn't they notice it?"

This makes sense. The imperial court has sent professional people down, but there is no way to solve it. Why can Wu Nian see it at a glance here?

Wu Nian pointed at the drizzle: "Have you noticed that it's been raining more heavily recently than before?"

Xu Fuling nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

This year's floods are much more serious.

After Wu Nian received the response, he continued: "Before this, it had not developed to this extent, so it was not visible. Now that it has accumulated to a certain extent, it is revealed. If the young monk's guess is correct, I am afraid that here will soon be It’s going to turn into something weird.”

Speaking of this, there was a hint of worry in Wu Nian's eyes?

If this kind of weather, this kind of situation, and the widespread floods really turn out to be weird, the location will turn into a dead land.

By that time, civilian casualties may occur. Once this happens, it will be difficult to contain it.

Zhou An pulled out the cold iron sword from the pink money bag and flicked the blade: "In that case, the three of us will go and solve the mystery."

If there is a problem, then solve it. To deal with something that has no thoughts of a living person and has a deep hatred for living people, killing it directly is the safest way.

You can't negotiate terms with them because they don't even know what the terms are.

Therefore, whether it is Da Chu or other countries, there is only one way to deal with Weird, and that is to kill.

Only by eliminating outliers can we protect the people.

Unexpectedly, Wu Nian shook his head and said: "Now we can't even find what Wei Wei is or its specific location. How easy is it to kill Wei Wei?"

This is true. If you don’t even understand what the opponent is like, how can you find an opponent to deal with?

Zhou An thought of this, touched his chin, and looked at Xu Fuling next to him: "Master Xu, do you really not know what happened here? Even if there is some major murder case."

Xu Fuling shook his head and said, "I really didn't know that this kind of thing was so serious. How could I lie to you two?"

He wants to solve the problem here more than anyone else, so he is eager to share all the information?

But he really had no information, otherwise he would have told it all.

The worry on Wu Nian's face became even stronger: "If this is the case, if you want to solve it, you have to investigate step by step."

"The young monk is worried that this strange thing will appear before the investigation is carried out. If it appears randomly, people will suffer when the time comes, and we will not be able to catch up."

That was indeed the case. Xu Fuling now believed Wu Nian's words.

But the problem is that there is no way to find the location of the weirdness, otherwise he will deploy all his manpower to get rid of the weirdness and give the people of these villages a stable environment.

At this time, the scene became a little awkward and fell into an eerie silence.

Neither of them could do anything and couldn't find any clues, so the floods in this place would become more and more serious. If it was just a simple flood, it would be fine, but it involved something strange, and Xu Fuling felt that it was too difficult for him.

"Actually, it's not necessarily the case, and it's not really impossible."

Zhou An has been thinking about it and figured out some key factors at this time.

Hearing that Zhou An had a way, Xu Fuling's eyes lit up, and he no longer had the arrogant attitude before, and said quickly: "Master Zhou, if there is a way to save the people here, I will do my best to repay you." .”

Zhou An shook his head: "Forget it. In fact, this matter is very simple. I think what Mr. Xu checked, or looked for, should not be limited to ordinary information. If my guess is correct, you did not check everything. "

Xu Fuling thought for a while, and finally nodded and admitted that although he was familiar with the information on the entire Tingyun Mansion, he had only collected a small part of it in the government office.

Zhou An continued: "In this case, why not start from a place that has never been seen before. Today, the formation of this place is likely to come from before the founding of the People's Republic of China. At that time, wars were raging. There may be some unofficial history, and it is more likely that there will be that kind of folklore. s legend."

Zhou An asked Xu Fuling to investigate this aspect, and there might be something to gain.

Xu Fuling's eyes lit up.

He felt that Zhou An's approach should be the right one.

After all, it can’t be found in serious history. Maybe it can be found in some other unofficial histories?

After having this idea, Xu Fuling finally knew what he should do next.

"First check, find useful information, then follow the clues from this information to find out the final key, and then twist all the power into a fist to completely blow up this most critical place." Zhou An looked calm.

Wu Nian reminded: "Master Xu, please speed up the progress, otherwise the monk is worried that it won't take long here."

Wu Nian originally came here just to solve the problem here, but now that he saw the crux, he wanted to give more advice.

This thing is something that needs to be solved sooner rather than later. The sooner it is resolved, the better.

A few people discussed it and stopped staying. Next, they visited other villages.

By the time we finished shopping, it was already afternoon.

The news they received was the same. People in other places had also left, leaving only empty houses and fields soaked by water.

"Let's go back first." Zhou An said.

I have finished reading everything that I should read. Now it is time to go back and let Xu Fuling check the information.

Several people did not stop and rushed towards Tingyun Mansion.

The road back was naturally wet and muddy, but fortunately with the driver's professional skills, it wasn't particularly uncomfortable.

Along the way, no one spoke. Everyone remained silent, thinking about their own things.

It wasn't until they arrived at Tingyun Mansion that everyone got off the carriage.

Zhou An looked at his shoes and saw that they were covered with a thick layer of mud, which had accumulated while walking on the road.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, please check it slowly. If you find any useful information, tell me." Zhou And said.

He must seize the time to get back to the liver proficiency level.

Wu Nian, however, has been following Xu Fu Ling. According to his intention, he wants to help Xu Fu Ling investigate.

Zhou An went back. He was very happy when he came and equally happy when he left.

He returned to his home and continued to improve his proficiency.

This liver, another day has passed.

The proficiency of You Long Bu has increased, but there is still a huge gap that needs to be filled before level five.

Zhou An was not in a hurry, and there seemed to be no important news from Xu Fuling at the end of the day.

If there was, I would have told him long ago.

Now it seems that it is probably very difficult to find out through other methods.

This morning is another beautiful day, the sun is shining brightly, and there is no light rain to disturb the mood of passers-by.

Tingyun Mansion is so polarized. The prosperous places are really prosperous, but the villages that are not prosperous suffer from natural and man-made disasters.

Zhou An looked at the bright sunshine, sat down at a noodle stall, and asked the boss to serve him a bowl of noodles.

The boss is extremely enthusiastic, and now this stall has changed its appearance, with lights and colorful decorations everywhere, giving it a festive look.

In this lively atmosphere, Zhou An also felt very comfortable eating, and soon finished the bowl of noodles.

Before leaving, Zhou An paid the money, but was stopped by the store owner.

"Too much, sir."

The store owner withdrew partially: "Tomorrow is our Harvest Festival, and we have prepared discounts in advance. We are honest people and cannot let the young master suffer."

Zhou An took the money back and found that he really got a discount.

The people are very happy.

Obviously, when the surrounding areas are flooded, having such a festival can also make them temporarily forget a lot of troubles.

Zhou An put the money he received into his arms and prepared to go back to Ganyou Longbu.

That's how he is. If nothing happens, he can even stay in the room and not come out. Except for necessary meals, he can keep practicing.

After all, there is a person living in the liver.

Unexpectedly, before I walked home, I met another acquaintance on the road.

At this time, Wu Nian was walking on the street with a confused face, not knowing where to go.

He took a step forward and then took a step back, appearing hesitant, as if he was afraid that if he took a wrong step, he would not be able to find a new way.

When Zhou An saw this scene, he knew that this guy must be a Road Chi. In addition, due to the special skills of Wuxiang Temple, he couldn't ask for directions around him, so he acted very reserved now.

Sometimes, Lu Chi is not so serious, but Wu Nian seems to have magnified this attribute countless times.

Zhou An thought for a while, then stepped forward and said, "Master, you clearly know your own shortcomings and still come out alone. Aren't you looking for trouble for yourself?"

Wu Nian was hesitating at first. He was very confused because now he could not find the way back, but he had no way to ask the people around him.

So I could only stand where I was.

After all, for people like him, one step may lead to more mistakes.

Now when I suddenly heard Zhou An's voice, I immediately reacted and looked in Zhou An's direction, showing a feeling of surviving a disaster.

Zhou An never expected that he could have such an expression of surviving a disaster after getting lost these days.

Wu Nian breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed completely, and said, "Master Zhou, thank you for coming! Otherwise, the young monk wouldn't be able to go back."

Zhou An said strangely: "Aren't you checking information with Mr. Xu at the government office? Why did you come to this street?"

Wu Nian said helplessly: "We have checked the information for a long time, whether it is official history or unofficial history, and even looked through various side branches of the government, but we have not found any useful information, except for one thing that is very strange. , so I made a special trip to have a look.”

When Zhou An heard this, he immediately became interested: "What does it have to do with? Could it be related to this festival?"

He just said this as a joke, but Wu Nian actually nodded his head: "It is indeed related to the Grain Harvest Festival. Mr. Zhou doesn't know anything about it. It is said that the Grain Harvest Festival was originally to pray for a bumper harvest and a greater harvest in the coming year. "

"Every year, an abbot named Huayun Temple comes to preside over the Grain Harvest Festival, but this year it seems to be different. The abbot has disappeared, and the entire Huayun Temple is empty."

"These things are weird. After all, the flood has worsened just now, so I came here to check. But in the process of checking, I accidentally got separated from Master Xu. Now I don't know what to do." what."

When Zhou An heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Wu Nian's powerful Lu Chi attribute made it easy for him to pull off such a trick.

He was about to say a few words, but suddenly stopped and frowned tightly.

When he heard the three words Huayun Temple, he always felt very familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, I knew something was wrong.

Isn't Huayun Temple the temple that the pervert member mentioned when I met him at the inn?

At that time, the manipulator wanted to lure him to Huayun Temple and said he wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.

And that guy later admitted that Huayun Temple was actually a den for sexual abuse.

But since it was exposed, it should have been evacuated by that time.

Now it seems that it has indeed been withdrawn.

But what does this have to do with the flood?

Zhou An was puzzled.

"So, are you going to Huayun Temple this time?" Zhou An asked.

Wu Nian nodded, indicating that he was indeed going to Huayun Temple: "Master Zhou, can you go with me? I really can't find the way here, and Master Xu is not here either."

He was really helpless and confused. Now he just squatted on the spot and drew a circle with a branch.

Zhou An touched his chin, thought for a moment, and nodded.

When he was at the inn, the pervert told him that he would never provoke him again and that he would not interfere with their affairs.

But this matter is not that simple.

He killed their people and caused a good show, causing their plan to fail.

No one else would have let it go so easily.

For example, if Zhou An goes up and slaps someone else, and they say they won't pursue the matter in the future, and then don't mess with him, and he won't mess with him, no one will believe it.

Zhou An knew that the other party must be holding something back, so he just didn't bother him for the time being.

The reason why he agreed to go and have a look was because he also wanted to know what the conspiracy was about manipulating sex.

From the moment the enmity was forged, there was no need or possibility for this matter to turn into friendship.

He understands indulgence.

An organization that regards indulgence and doing whatever you want as its principle is extremely unscrupulous.

If given the chance, he would weaken the opponent's vitality. If he could kill the opponent, that would be even better.

When Wu Nian heard Zhou An agreed, he showed a happy expression.

Zhou An didn't go home either, so he walked out of the city with Wu Nian.

It was easy to find Huayun Temple. He randomly found the people around him and asked for the specific location.

After leaving Tingyun Mansion, it didn't take long before I met Xu Fuling.

At this time, Xu Fuling was waiting outside. When he saw Zhou An following him, he had a frightened expression on his face.

It's not that he didn't call Zhou An, but he wanted to find out something useful and went to find Zhou An.

When Zhou An saw this expression, he understood what was going on. He looked at Wu Nian and said, "You didn't tell Mr. Xu that you didn't know the way."

Wu Lian scratched his head in embarrassment, saying that he really didn't say anything about it.

Xu Fuling asked strangely: "What are you two talking about? Why did Master Wu Nian suddenly disappear?"

Zhou An and Wu Nian didn't want to talk more about this. After all, it would take a long time to explain.

The two simply explained the situation, roughly meaning that they wanted to go together all the way.

Xu Fu Ling was naturally happy, and he quickly set off again, leading the way.

On the way, Zhou An asked why he didn't go to Zhengui Si.

After all, it would be more professional to leave this matter to Zhensui.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fuling sighed and told the reason.

It is true that His Majesty loves his people as his own sons, and it is also true that he is suspicious by nature.

The three departments of the Town, the Supervision Department, and the Government Office cannot have any intersection unless they encounter serious cases.

If you are not sure that it is weird, go to the Suppressing Spies. If it is really not weird, and someone knows about it, and spreads it to His Majesty's ears, it will be a violation of the law.

After Zhou An understood the reason, he didn't say much.

Everyone rushed towards Huayun Temple again.

This time, there were four or five detectives accompanying him, obviously wanting to investigate.

It didn't take long to get from Tingyun Mansion to Huayun Temple.

Although Huayun Temple is located in a relatively remote place, the people present were all professionals in the industry and walked very fast. It didn't take long for them to reach their destination.

In a deep mountain and old forest, this temple named Huayun Temple looks extremely old, and even the walls are full of traces of time.

Apart from the hanging plaque, the name is still identifiable and gives the impression of an abandoned temple.

"In previous years, this temple organized the Grain Harvest Festival. It is said that many people come here to pray for blessings."

"And the abbot of this temple is not a man in the industry, he is just an ordinary person."

Xu Fuling explained.

"Actually, we have conducted investigations before. After all, we thought it was abnormal for a temple like this to allow so many people to come to pray for blessings, but the results of the investigation were normal."

"If this hadn't happened now, I really wouldn't have known there was a problem here."

The leading detective stepped forward and pushed the door open. With a creak, the scene inside Huayun Temple was revealed.

The inside was also covered in dust and it looked like no one had cleaned it for many days.

It is also an old facility, and even the floor has many cracks.

In the middle of the courtyard, there is a large cauldron with incense ashes scattered on it.

Zhou An followed and walked in. He glanced around and found nothing unusual.

Wu Nian was also looking around everywhere. He was a monk and was very sensitive to temples, so he looked more carefully than them.

"This is just a regular temple, nothing special." Wu Nian said.

In addition to the courtyard in the middle, there are some accommodation rooms and a dilapidated main hall around it.

"Search!" Xu Fu ordered.

The detectives began to search these rooms. After a while, they came forward and reported that there was no problem.

The only thing that was not searched was the main hall in front.

Xu Fuling thought for a moment and then walked in with Zhou An.

The facilities in the main hall are also very old, and even the Buddha statues above are made of clay.

Wu Nian was a monk. When he saw the Buddha statue, he immediately clasped his hands together, performed a Buddhist salute, and murmured something without knowing what he was saying.

"Continue searching!" Xu Fuling said.

The detective nodded and immediately started searching the hall.

One after another, the detectives left, and soon the ones who came back said they couldn't find the problem.

But there was another detective who did not return to them.

After waiting for nearly half a stick of incense, the detective came back, but there were traces of mud all over his body and he looked gray and dusty.

"Sir, I found it! I found it! I found many corpses!"

The catcher hurried over in a hurry. He tripped and rolled twice on the ground in a hurry.

Xu Fuling's eyes widened, his heart was filled with joy, and he quickly said: "Take me to see it quickly!"

If you find something, that's the best. If you find something, it proves that there are clues.

The police did not dare to neglect and quickly led the way.

Xu Fuling, led by the police, walked out first.

Zhou An and Wu Nian looked at each other and followed behind.

After bypassing the main hall, there was a secret door at the back.

The detective struggled to push open the secret door, and through the secret door, he saw a tunnel made of walls.

The tunnel is dark, no light or shadow can be seen.

I can't see my fingers.

The detective took out a fire stick from his waist and blew on it, and an open flame appeared immediately.

"Sir, it's inside this tunnel. After walking through the tunnel, there is a large space with many corpses inside."

Xu Fuling nodded without saying anything, and was the first to lead the way.

Seeing this scene, Zhou An also looked at Xu Fuling highly.

If it were someone who was greedy for life and afraid of death, those policemen would definitely take the lead at this moment.

Although Xu Fu Ling is pedantic, he has only been cultivated since childhood.

He has a very annoying personality, but his humanity is not bad.

Zhou An has no ink mark and follows behind with Wu Nian.

The tunnel was very dark and long, and after walking for nearly half a stick of incense, we finally reached the end.

Through the exit at the end, they came to a huge enclosed space.

Zhou An looked at it and saw that it was probably hundreds of square meters.

They were arranged in a square shape, and in this hundreds of square meters of space, there were corpses placed one after another.

These corpses were dressed in monk robes and had bald heads with ring scars on their heads.

Each corpse had a look of horror on its face, as if it had encountered something terrifying and was scared to death.

Zhou An came to a corpse and examined it carefully for a moment, but found no obvious trauma.

Several detectives also went to check other corpses. After checking around, they found no obvious external injuries, and even internal injuries could not be seen.

"I am the Buddha with mercy."

At this time, Wu Nian suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped his hands together, and recited a scripture.

Zhou An didn't understand, but he felt that since we were together, we should respect other people's beliefs, so he didn't bother him and continued to check.

It turns out he was right this time.

That so-called manipulative member's talk about not causing trouble in Tingyun Mansion is just bullshit.

These days, we must not trust our enemies easily.

Look, didn’t this happen?

Although I don't know if it is aimed at him, but just in case, these things must be extinguished.

After looking at it for a while, Zhou An saw that among the corpses, one of the monks was dressed differently. He was wearing the clothes of the abbot.

When he came to the corpse, he found that the corpse was about fifty or sixty years old, so he turned to look at Xu Fuling: "This should be the abbot of Huayun Temple, right?"

Xu Fuling had investigated Huayun Temple and naturally recognized the abbot. After seeing the appearance of the body, he nodded and said that it was indeed the case.

Zhou Anzai looked at it carefully, looked at the other detective, and asked, "Have you checked this body?"

The detective also knew that Zhou An came with Xu Fuling, and saw Xu Fuling's attitude, so he quickly replied: "After inspection, there are no major problems, and there are no obvious injuries."

"This is a bit strange." Zhou An touched his chin.

There was no obvious trauma, so how did he die?

Could it be that he was scared to death?

"It's really possible. After all, that person is good at hallucinations."

Zhou An thought for a while.

He was worried and checked the body again, and then he discovered something was wrong.

There was actually some dirt between the fingernails of this corpse.

The soil has solidified.

The other party obviously did some simple processing when killing these people, but the dirt between the fingernails was still not cleaned up.

"See if there are any traces of digging here." Zhou An said.

The detectives agreed and began searching the area.

But after searching for a long time, no trace of excavation was found.

Zhou An thought for a while, then turned the body over in front of him.

Soon, a large amount of writing was discovered under the body.

The words are messy, as if they were written while in great pain.

"As expected, this man wrote it down with his fingers before he died."

Zhou Anzai looked at it carefully and quickly finished reading the above content with a very calm expression.

"I knew this dog was lying to me. Fortunately, I had the foresight and came here."

A young man came to the ward. The old man opened his mouth and said, you young people like to make phone calls in bed. This young man called for a long time yesterday.


I've been revising the rest of the article recently, and I'm afraid I've overdone it in some places, so I'm afraid it will be blocked.

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