This scream was especially loud in the dark night, and it made people's hair stand on end.

Zhou An tipped the pot with his eyes extremely focused.

Through this iron pot, he could feel that in this monster made of flesh, the bugs that were too tiny to be seen by the naked eye were gradually dissipating.

Listening to the screams, the corners of Zhou An's mouth raised slightly.

"There is no true invincibility and immortality in this world, including your division and rebirth."

In Zhou An's view, the so-called essence of people in the industry is Qi, and nothing can be separated from Qi, including the skills he performs.

The so-called division and rebirth of these monsters also require Qi.

I confine them in the cold iron pot and keep shaking them, and their Qi is constantly being consumed.

How much energy does each tiny insect contain?

After it is consumed, division and rebirth will naturally be solved.

The pile of meat in front of him began to gradually weaken, and the insect corpses inside turned from flesh to fly ash.

The Qi in Zhou An's body is also being consumed, but compared to the strange battle with Yue Jiang, this consumption is nothing.

After about a stick of incense, Zhou An finally put away the cold iron pot.

There was only a puddle of meat on the street ahead, no more life.

"How dare you come to trouble me with just this little thing?" Zhou An said calmly.

He felt that the Gu God Sect was really a little too confident.

After eliminating this crisis, there is no danger around.

Zhou An thought for a moment and did not go back. Instead, he directly walked towards Zhen Guisi with the cold iron sword in hand.

At this moment, the lights of Zhenguisi were still brightly lit.

Yan Sifu is in a good mood recently.

Nine out of ten of the remnants of Ancient God Gu have gone, leaving only some residual power, less than a dozen.

As for why they knew that there were only a dozen left, it was actually due to their strict control of the Guisi and the Great Chu Kingdom.

For forces like this, they have detailed information in their hands.

When processing now, it is all based on comparative data.

They have professional personnel to determine the differences between each corpse and the data to determine whether the remnants of the Gu God Cult have been eliminated.

Now there are still about ten people, and Yan Sifu has relaxed a little.

Of course, this kind of relaxation is only mental relaxation, and he has not relaxed strategically.

"Sir, Master Zhou is here."

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and members of the Zhenzhiji came in to announce.

Yan Sifu was slightly stunned. His fat body was embedded in the chair, looking a little funny.

He couldn't figure out why Zhou An came to see him at this time, but since he was already here, he asked the members of the Suppression Division to invite him.

"I'm going to ask Mr. Zhou to come up." The members of the Zhenguisi resigned and left.

Yan Sifu stood up from his chair, walked to the reception table and poured two cups of tea.

The tea had just been poured when Zhou An walked in from outside.

"Master Zhou, it's so late. You must have something to do when you come to my place. Let's have a sip of tea first."

Yan Sifu greeted.

Zhou An was not polite. He came to sit next to him, took a sip of tea and said, "Master Yan, I encountered some attacks today."

When these words were spoken, Yan Sifu showed a surprised expression.

"Is there anyone out there who can't help but want to cause trouble for Brother Zhou?"

He said these words subconsciously and from the bottom of his heart.

There is nothing wrong with this. In Tingyun Mansion, there are still people who are making trouble for Zhou An. Isn't that asking for death?

The entire Yuejiang River cannot defeat Zhou An. If you can find someone in Tingyun Mansion who can compete with Zhou An, then he is considered an outstanding talent in Tingyun Mansion.

Zhou An gave Yan Sifu a strange look: "Sir, don't the remnants of the Gu God Sect think that I am the Son of the Ancient God? I am so important, they don't care if I am strong or not."

When Yan Sifu heard this, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes: "Master Zhou, do you mean that he was attacked by the remnants of the Gu God Cult?"

Zhou An nodded, and after telling what happened, he said: "Let's go, come with me to have a look, and identify the remnants of the Gu God Sect by the way."

Yan Sifu also had no ink, so he agreed.

The two of them went out, taking with them a dozen members of the Suppression Division.

Soon, they came to the street where Zhou An's house was.

At this moment, the street is dark, and because Zhou An lives in a remote place, it is quiet at this time.

When Yan Sifu arrived, he asked: "Brother Zhou, where is the body?"

Since he was asked to identify it, there must be a body.

Zhou An pointed to the ground next to him and said, "It's right there."

Yan Sifu looked over, and then the corners of his mouth twitched crazily.

At the place pointed by Zhou An, there was a large pile of meat paste, which was currently spread on the ground.

Yan Sifu felt that his head was a little twitchy, and he actually asked Zhou An where the body was.

It is said that the guy in front of him is considered new if he leaves a whole body in his hands.

But they were here to identify it. There was just a puddle of meat on the ground. What could they use to identify it?

Yan Sifu was speechless.

Zhou An touched his chin and asked, "Is it difficult to identify Master Yan?"

Yan Sifu felt that if he couldn't beat Zhou An, he would have to fight with Zhou An at this time.

Have you seen any company that directly identifies a pile of minced meat?

Even if you ask the best person in the industry to come over, you may not be able to tell.

When Zhou An saw this scene, he also knew that it seemed a bit difficult to recognize.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly clapped his hands and said, "I am familiar with this. I know what they look like. I can identify them by their looks."

It seems like that’s all it can do.

Fortunately, Yan Si's Mansion brought some members over this time, so he pointed at one of them: "" Let's go back to Guisi with Mr. Zhou to check with Mr. Zhou on the identity of the attacker. "

How dare any member of the Suppression Division dare to say no, so he quickly nodded and agreed.

The two of them, together with the members of the Zhensi, returned to the Zhensi again.

Of course, two members were left to clean the streets.

After returning to Zhenguisi, that member made detailed records for Zhou An.

Zhou An roughly described the appearance of the women who came to him.

After nearly half an hour of comparison, the members of Zhensi went to Yan Si Mansion with the information.

Zhou An was also listening to the introduction of the members of Zhengui.

After a while, Zhou An touched his chin.

"In other words, the remnants are gone?"

This is what the members of the Zhenguisi said just now.

Yan Sifu took the information and read it again. After confirming it, he nodded: "If this is true, the dozen or so women who came to see Brother Zhou are the only remnants of the Gu God Sect."

Zhou An frowned, he always felt that things were not that simple.

From the beginning of this thing to now, he just swung his knife a few times, shook the pot, and then solved the remaining dozen or so remnants of the Gu God Cult.

This is too childish.

Yan Sifu saw what Zhou An was thinking and said, "Brother Zhou, do you think it's too simple?"

Zhou An nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

Yan Sifu thought for a while and said: "According to Brother Zhou, these guys are using the evil insect technique among various skills. This thing has also been recorded in the Chu Kingdom. It is not as simple as imagined."

As he spoke, Master Yan explained the specific reasons.

The so-called evil insect technique is one of the most disgusting among all kinds of techniques.

The evil insect technique plants bugs on one's body, allowing the bugs to devour one's own flesh and blood.

By the end, my whole body was covered in these bugs.

And these bugs are lurking in the blood and in the flesh, including the internal organs.

By the end, they looked like people on the surface, but underneath that skin, they were made of bugs.

The evil insect technique also has powerful abilities.

That is, it can transform into evil insects to increase combat effectiveness, and has the effects of division and rebirth.

According to Yan Sifu's intention, if this thing is faced with anyone of the same realm, it can kill that person alive.

But he happened to face Zhou An.

It seems that this cleanup is quite trivial, but don’t forget who the opponents of the remaining gang are.

If it had been anyone else, there would have been a thrilling battle, but for a man who wasn't even afraid of Yue Jiang's weirdness, it was impressive how long the Gu God Sect could last.

After listening to Yan Sifu's statement, Zhou An pondered for a moment.

He still felt something was wrong, and he thought about what happened tonight, especially what Chen Yun, a remnant of the Gu God Sect, said.

The other party said that he wanted to bring this matter to an end, which meant that he wanted to kill him with full confidence.

But the final result was quite different.

There is something wrong here. It is not right to be so confident and yet have such a result.

But what is wrong? Zhou An always feels that there is still a little bit left before he can understand everything.

"Brother Zhou, do you still think there's something wrong?" Yan Sifu saw Zhou An's pensive expression and asked.

Zhou An came back to his senses, nodded, and expressed his thoughts.

Yan Sifu thought about what Zhou An said for a long time: "According to Brother Zhou, they are here to kill you. The various skills are very strong against anyone in the same realm, let alone The evil insect technique is more troublesome and can consume people to death, so they came with the confidence to win. The word "end" should also mean this, but they didn't expect Brother Zhou to be stronger."

This explanation seems to be correct.

Zhou An didn't think about it, so he stopped thinking about it for now.

Things here are almost over, so I plan to tell Yan Sifu and let me know if there are new investigation results.

And I plan to think about it again after I go back.

Zhou An didn't stay long.

Now that the last remnants of the Gu God Cult have been dealt with, the Suppressant can deal with the aftermath.

Soon, Zhou An left Zhenguisi and returned to his home.

On the way back, he kept thinking about his conjecture. It was not until he sat in a chair and drank several glasses of water that he seemed to think of something.

"If you connect what happened tonight to Miao Xiaoyi, there will be something in it." Zhou An thought.

Before leaving Jiaofangsi, Miao Xiao once reminded him to be careful. At that time, he just regarded this incident as an accident. After all, he was identified as some kind of Gu Shenzi and was likely to be attacked.

But now it seems that the things inside are not just accidental.

Zhou An felt that there should be a line between the two.

He tapped his fingers lightly on the table, but his mind was racing as he thought rapidly.

"First of all, Miao Xiao reminded me that there is something strange here. Secondly, the other party said it was the end, so this so-called end is probably not the end for me. There is definitely something else involved."

"She said she wanted this matter to come to an end. In other words, whether she kills me or I kill her, it will be the end. If this is the case, if I kill her this time, the matter will also be the end. .”

Zhou An thought patiently. When he thought about this, it was as if a bridge had been built between the two mysteries, and he was standing on the bridge, walking towards a clear place.

"That's it."

Zhou An combed through the clues, turned the teacup on the table, and then speculated deeper.

"I killed them, and all the remnants of the Gu God Sect were eradicated, and the matter ended. But if it is true, as I suspected, that Miao Xiao is related to the Gu God Sect, then the so-called end will be that the remnants of the Gu God Sect use their own Death, let Miao Xiao escape completely."

"If he escapes, in this case, Miao Xiao will have no relationship with the Gu God Sect."

When he thought of this, Zhou An's eyes lit up.

He felt that he had finally found the right direction.

The most important thing here should be Miao Xiao.

"If things are really as I think, then what the so-called remnants of the Gu God Sect have done is to get Miao Xiao out of this matter."

But there is another point that Zhou An can't figure out.

That's why when they were in the medical center, the common people were only infected with mild poison.

Zhou An stood up, walked back and forth, and finally came to the window, looking out at the street and the quiet night.

After a moment, he figured out the answer.

"If a big incident happens at that time, it will not only trigger the government-level anti-terrorists, but it will definitely have to be escalated to higher levels. If it comes from the state level, they might be found out. Order something.”

The people in the mines and other places did not suffer, they were just poisoned.

Zhou An guessed that the Gu God Sect did not want to escalate the situation at the beginning.

In just a few states, the entire Gu God Cult was wiped out. If too many people died from the beginning, then the state-level Suppressors would end, and the consequences would be immeasurable.

As for the follow-up, Zhou An also thought about it.

When the Gu God Cult suffered devastating blows one after another, and only a little bit was left, if something happened again, let the Suppressing Spies rush to destroy the remnants of the Gu God Cult, and then the matter would be completely over.

But what he didn't expect was that he would be considered an accident in the eyes of the Gu God Sect.

A Gu Shengzi was placed inexplicably, so this happened tonight.

After thinking about everything, Zhou An went out without saying anything and rushed towards Zhengui Si.

He was very fast and went to the Jiaofang Division alone.

After all, things are easier to do when there are more people.

When Zhou An arrived to suppress Guisi, Yan Si's Mansion was still busy dealing with it.

He didn't expect Zhou An to come back so soon. He didn't know what happened, but he walked up anyway.

Before he could say anything, Zhou An spoke first and stated all his guesses.

Yan Sifu was stunned for a while after hearing this. After Zhou An finished speaking, he was still in a daze.

Zhou An patted Yan Sifu's shoulder, and Yan Sifu came back to his senses.

"How is it? My guess is very possible, right?" Zhou An said.

Yan Sifu nodded, then shook his head.

He felt that Zhou An's conjecture was indeed possible, but it might be a bit off the mark.

Zhou An saw what Yan Sifu meant and frowned: "No matter how big or small the matter is, we must understand the situation before talking about it."

Having a conjecture, he definitely needs facts to confirm it.

So this trip to Jiaofangsi is very necessary.

Yan Sifu fell into deep thought, and then said: "Is it possible that they even concealed it from His Majesty?"

This was the emperor's plan, and it had been planned for so long. Zhou An suddenly said this, which was equivalent to the Gu God Cult using a trick to deceive the emperor.

Zhou An shook his head: "Your Majesty has not lost anything. What your Majesty wants is a result, that is, the Gu God Cult will be completely destroyed. I think Miao Xiao will also be monitored in the future, so for His Majesty the Emperor, he only needs to achieve Just get your own results.”

An emperor like this, especially the leader of the entire Chu Kingdom, doesn't care about the process.

As long as things can achieve the results he expected.

When Yan Sifu heard these words, he thought they were right.

But there's another problem.

"Are we going there together?" he asked.

Zhou An thought for a while, then shook his head: "The matter has not been determined yet. In my opinion, we can't go up to arrest people directly at this time, so we have to go there first to see the situation. If this is really possible, lead her out of the pavilion." Let’s talk about it later in Yun Mansion.”

There are too many constraints when doing things in Tingyun Mansion.

There are too many people here and the population is too concentrated, so something big might happen.

When the time comes, no one can think of getting rid of the relationship.

That's why Zhou An said that he should first understand the situation before talking.

After all, this was all just his conjecture.

Of course, if this was not in Tingyun Mansion, Zhou An would have caught Miao Xiao first and interrogated him about what happened.

After hearing this, Yan Sifu thought for a moment and said, "I will send someone outside the city right now."

Once this plan is carried out, Miao Xiao must be lured out of the city and captured.

As for how to lure Miao Xiao out, we will figure out a way when the time comes. There are plenty of ways.

Zhou An nodded: "I'll go to the Jiaofang Division."

During this period of time, he had been to Jiaofangsi many times, and even he couldn't remember clearly. It made sense to go by now.

He didn't say any more, and left Zhenguisi neatly and went to Jiaofangsi.

It's very dark tonight, and the moonlight casts a silvery glow across the earth.

Zhou An followed the quiet streets and came to the lively Jiaofangsi.

Even at night, Jiaofangsi is still in full swing.

When Zhou An arrived, the madam happened to see him.

After such a long time, the madam also knew Zhou An's identity.

This person is the chief supervisor of Tingyun Mansion and cannot afford to offend him. It can be said that he has a higher status than most people who come to Jiaofang Division.

So the madam greeted him enthusiastically: "Master Zhou is coming here at this time, but it's different from before. Is it still the same?"

Zhou An nodded: "Tell Miao Xiao to go to the room on the second floor. It's still the old room."

After saying that, he went straight to the second floor and went to the room he usually went to.

The madam reserved this room for him. After Zhou An pushed the door open, he sat in the room and waited.

After waiting for probably a few minutes, there was a sound of slight footsteps.

Miao Xiao, still wearing the same thick clothes, slowly walked into the room, closed the door smoothly, and sat down directly opposite Zhou An without saying a word.

According to the previous situation, Miao Xiao always spoke first after coming in, but at this time Miao Xiao was very silent.

Zhou An raised his eyebrows, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip: "No wine was served today."

Usually, it was Miao Xiao who came in with drinks, but today there was only bland tea on the table.

Zhou An thought of something. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Miao Xiao. He felt that Miao Xiao was very different today.

Miao Xiao didn't speak, looking down at the table. It wasn't until Zhou An coughed softly that he came back to his senses, raised his head, and stared at Zhou An with his bright eyes.

"I have never been here before at this time. It seems that Mr. Zhou knows the situation."

"Situation, what's the situation?" Zhou An put down the teacup and said pointedly.

Miao Xiao sighed: "Master Zhou encountered something again after my reminder, so he already knows that I am a member of the Gu God Sect."

"You are originally from the Gu God Sect." Zhou An said with a smile.

Miao Xiao shook his head: "It's different, Mr. Zhou, stop playing riddles. Let me tell you the truth. I am the Gu God Sect's final plan."

Zhou An stopped teasing, but looked at Miao Xiao seriously, and said slowly: "I was very surprised and very sorry to hear this news from you. We have talked a lot for such a long time, and I also I’m very happy, but you are standing on the opposite side of me.”

There was no hypocrisy in these words, and he was quite sympathetic to this girl Miao Xiao.

Growing up in the Gu God Cult, he became a sane medicine man and could not communicate too much with the outside world.

It's like a cat trapped in a cage, quite pitiful.

But this kind of sympathy, once the other party is on the opposite side, Zhou An feels that it is only a pity.

Miao Xiao still lowered her head and looked at the table, just like when she came: "Mr. Zhou, can you listen to me? It's useless for you to kill me now, because I already knew you would come, and now I am not it's me."

As she spoke, she slowly raised her arms.

On the back of the bare hand, a crack appeared.

Zhou An looked down and found that there were actually Gu worms in the cracks.

"My current body is made of bugs. This is not my real body. I want to talk to you."

Zhou An nodded: "What do you want to talk about?"

Miao Xiao finally raised his head, as if he was back when he first met Zhou An.

"Just talk about the Gu God Cult."

"Let's chat." Zhou An made an indifferent expression.

Miao Xiao began to talk.

"When the Gu God Sect helped His Majesty conquer all directions, we trained the dead into medicine men and acted as soldiers who charged into battle, playing an important role on the battlefield."

Zhou An heard this and nodded without interrupting, letting Miao Xiao continue.


In an instant, the room was filled with the sound of Miao's laughter.

After Miao Xiao said the last word, Zhou An had already figured out what happened.

Just like Miao Xiao said, they made great contributions to the establishment of the Chu Kingdom at the beginning, but what they got later was inconsistent with their achievements.

His Majesty gave them a reward. In the Miao border area, the Gu God Cult also has a place.

But later, many achievements of the Gu God Sect were wiped out by the emperor.

For example, people who use medicine conquer all directions, and some other things that cannot see the light of day.

This also led to the fact that the Gu God Sect in the Miao territory, although supported by the emperor, always remained within the scope of the Miao territory.

They know what their situation is, and they also know that if they continue like this, the poison will infiltrate their own shortcomings and plunge them into extinction.

Coupled with the emperor's treatment, at that time, the Gu God Sect began to seek a way to survive on its own.

So Miao Xiao also appeared by chance.

The appearance of Miao Xiao brought a glimmer of hope to the Gu God Sect.

The Gu God Cult has the secret of concealing evil insects, which is a secret that no one else knows.

Zhou An has also seen it.

At that time, the Gu God Sect wanted Miao Xiao to practice. Miao Xiao practiced and succeeded.

Later, the Gu God Cult discovered that Miao Xiao could become a sane poisoner, so they asked Miao Xiao to practice both.

But when the two began to practice, the poison in Miao Xiao's body swallowed up the poison in the evil insect technique.

It was at that moment that they discovered something was wrong.

Miao Xiao grew up in the Gu God Cult since she was a child, and she was adopted by the Gu God Cult.

At that time, Miao Xiao didn't know what his origin was. After growing up in the Gu God Sect, Miao Xiao always behaved the same as usual.

Until this time, something abnormal finally occurred.

The members of the Gu God Cult asked Miao Xiao how he became a sane poisoner. Miao Xiao just tilted his head and said that he naturally became such a person.

Later, the Gu God Sect went through all the classics and really discovered something unusual.

——Break the poisonous poison!

There are only these four words, but they are heavier than anything in the world.

One of the Eight Special Skills, the most important Eight Special Skills left by the mysterious miscellaneous sect.

According to legend, this unique skill is the nemesis of all poisons and is also the most powerful poison in the world.

It can make all poisons invisible, and even keep all poisons in oneself, and use them however you want.

This is the case with the word "Demon Demon".

In order to be sure, they tried it again and found that it was exactly the same as the description of the poison.

This scene shocked everyone in the Gu God Sect.

They asked Miao Xiao how he came up with this technique.

Unexpectedly, Miao Xiao shook his head and said he didn't know.

She really didn't know.

She felt that as long as the poison entered her body, the Qi in her body would operate in a special way.

Then it became like this.

But she couldn't move the Qi in her body, and couldn't even describe how to operate it.

Because it's too complicated.

And when it is running, it will fall into a special state that will make her forget the way it works.

Ever since, the entire Gu God Sect has come to a standstill.

As the situation got worse and worse, the Gu God Sect gradually became unable to suppress the poison in their bodies, so they set their sights on the living lonely medicine man.

But this was not a long-term solution, so everyone looked at Miao Xiao and came up with a strange plan.

All their inheritance was passed on to Miao Xiao.

They wanted to keep their heritage alive, and wanted Miao Xiao to start over from the beginning with the Gu God Sect's last hope.

So the entire sect went even crazier in order to protect Miao Xiao.

They were practicing poison poison like crazy just to attract the attention of the Great Chu Kingdom.

To put it simply, it was to help Miao Xiao clear her name and use Miao Xiao as bait, and it was just a pretense.

In the end, Miao Xiao successfully became the new Gu God Sect. All this was because Miao Xiao had the poison to break the Gu God.

By the time I got to this point, everything was clear.

Zhou An asked the doubts in his heart: "Those miners and other common people were not killed, just to avoid arousing the suspicion of the spies in the state-level town. Is that what you think?"

Miao Xiao nodded, indicating that it was indeed the case.

"You know, if you were in my position, you were just a weak woman. What could you do at that time?"

Zhou Anle said: "It's more than that. In fact, you are very happy. I have talked with you for a long time, and you like Miao Jiang from the bottom of your heart."

Miao Xiao smiled at this time: "You still understand me best."

This time, there was a kind of relief in the smile, but also a bit of fanaticism and madness, just like the medicine man Zhou An met back then.

Miao Xiao's tone gradually changed from low to fiery: "I have been treated as a tool by them since I was a child. I don't accept it. I want to control myself and become myself. I didn't expect that their plan completely helped me."

"You know? I saw the leader of the Gu God Sect and saw her standing in the leader's position to point the country. At that moment, I thought, if I can sit in this position, then I want to do better than her. , I have the poison to break the demon poison, I am the successor of one of the eight unique skills, I can make Miaojiang better."

become better?

Zhou An sneered: "You just like this power."

At this moment, Miao Xiao finally took off all disguises and was no longer the weak and weak woman.

Miao Xiao supported the table with his hands: "That's right, I am the only one worthy of all this, because I have the poison to break the devil's poison, and none of them have it. I will lead the entire Miao Territory to a higher position."

"They thought I was a tool for their control. Even at the end, the senior sister was still threatening me in the room. Unexpectedly, it was easy for me to kill them."

"I'm just waiting for them to die. After they die, everything will disappear and I will appear with a new identity."

Zhou An sighed.

He thought of what his ancestors said, "Knowing people knows their faces but not their hearts."

Now it seems that this sentence has come true.

After chatting for so long, Miao Xiao always gave him a feeling of weakness, but unexpectedly he turned out to be a crazy person at heart.

Miao Xiao looked at the tea cup in his hand, and finally poured a cup of tea for Zhou An: "Do you know why I told you that they are coming to kill you?"

Zhou An shook his head.

Miao Xiao said slowly: "This is a test for you. I reminded you to make preparations. If you still die, forget it. If you don't die, there will be a chance between us."

Zhou An touched his chin: "What chance?"

Miao Xiao lifted the veil and revealed a face.

In Zhou An's opinion, this face is second only to Ye Shuang.

"I will rebuild the Miao Territory. Your Majesty will consider me a hero. I need one person, and that is you. You are the Holy Son of Gu. Be my husband. Use your name to control the Miao Territory. The Miao Territory will be in our hands. thing."

"You and I join forces to kill everyone who knows my identity, including the assassin here."

Miao Xiao's eyes burst out with murderous intent.

Zhou An put down his hand and said directly: "Shabi."

Miao Xiao was stunned, not expecting Zhou An to scold her.

She knew the meaning of this word when she chatted with Zhou An before.

"What do you mean?" Miao Xiao said angrily.

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