It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 139 Looking around, corpses full of diseases (Thank you for the rewards)

Zhou An felt that although this idea was outrageous, it was indeed possible to implement it.

To be honest, this inspiration also came from something that happened when I was making a small game.

Of course, the details will depend on tomorrow’s experiment.

Thinking of this, Zhou An didn't think about it any more and took a rest early.

The next morning, when the sky gradually brightened, Zhou An got up from the bed. After a simple wash, he went to the stall outside and had breakfast.

The Doctors Exchange Conference starts today, and Zhou An asked about the specific time yesterday.

There is still a little time before the Doctors Exchange Conference.

Taking advantage of this little time, Zhou An planned to try developing his own skills first.

Thinking of this, he came directly to the street.

At this time, many people were setting up stalls in this street.

In life, although people have to experience many repetitive things every day, people enjoy it endlessly.

Sometimes, life is so ordinary and repetitive, but there is a feeling that cannot be let go.

Zhou An came to a ladder next to the street, sat on it and took several deep breaths.

Then, he cast his gaze onto the street.

At this time, a young girl walked by the street, and Zhou An's eyes instantly looked over.

The girl who was walking on the street felt that she was being watched for some unknown reason, and a woman's sixth sense made her turn her head subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, he found a young man with a handsome appearance and an extraordinary temperament sitting there by the ladder at the corner of the street, staring at him with a pair of bright eyes, looking at him eagerly.

Although Dachu State advocates civilized and martial arts, many customs are still relatively traditional.

When the girl felt such gazes, she subconsciously crossed her arms and took a sip in a low voice.

"You can look at people casually if you are good-looking. You are such a shameless person."

After saying this, he left quickly.

This sentence happened to be heard by Zhou An. The corner of Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that he had thought of the wrong method.

But soon he shook his head and slapped his face hard.

"Try it first, then try it a few more times. If it succeeds, continue. If it doesn't, forget it."

Thinking of this, Zhou An patted his head and continued reading.

Another young and beautiful girl walked past, and Zhou An looked at her intently.

This girl also sensed Zhou An's gaze. When she looked back, she behaved like the girl just now. She cursed lightly and left quickly.

From then on, Zhou An looked at him with the same eyes every time he passed by one.

In this way, about seven or eight days passed. When Zhou An couldn't hold on any longer, a line of smoke finally appeared in front of his eyes.

When the smoke appeared, Zhou An was overjoyed and waited patiently. After a while, the smoke gradually turned into a line of text.

[Watch lv.1: 1/10000]

"finally come!"

Zhou An breathed a sigh of relief. If this didn't happen, he probably would have given up.

This skill is only level one and has no specific attributes yet, but Zhou An estimates that it is similar.

This inspiration has a lot to do with the original mini-game.

When Zhou An was working on this game, a player said that life skills can be considered as anything commonly used in life, and he also made a suggestion to Zhou An.

When Zhou An saw this suggestion, he thought that since the players had demands, we would help realize them. After all, after making this money, we also want to give players a good experience.

So this hunting skill was implemented into the game at that time.

In Zhou An's previous life, hunting was an essential skill for men in a certain city.

The literal meaning is to wait and see, but in actual operation, it means "to wait and see", that is, to wait and see.

Later, players who played this small game improved this skill to a very high level. As for the specific effect, Zhou An did not remember.

But Zhou An was thinking at that time, since this thing is related to seeing, maybe it is a reconnaissance skill.

So I specially tried it today. If it works, it's great. If it doesn't, it's just a waste of half a day.

I didn't expect it to happen.

It's just that this skill is only at level one, and its attributes haven't been improved yet.

There was something else to do today, and he had to attend the doctor exchange conference. Zhou An didn't have time to improve his proficiency here, so he stood up and walked towards the place agreed upon yesterday.

In Tingyun Mansion, there is a doctor exchange conference every year. The main purpose is to help doctors in Tingyun Mansion learn from each other and provide a good place.

This is a carnival meeting for the doctors of Tingyun Mansion. Taking this opportunity, many doctors can communicate with each other and get corresponding promotions.

The venue for this conference is the largest Renxin Medical Center in Tingyun Mansion.

At this time every year, Renxin Medical Center will convene representatives from various medical centers in advance to learn from each other. Zhou An is naturally familiar with the venue of this conference.

I had spent a lot of time there as a doctor, so I didn't even need to ask for directions and found the place very skillfully.

At this moment, Renxin Medical Center temporarily stopped treating patients. The door was closed tightly, and two medical apprentices were guarding it.

When Zhou An arrived, the two medical apprentices naturally knew each other. They looked at each other and hurried over.

"Master Zhou, you are finally here. The doctors are still waiting for you inside."

Zhou An was very surprised. He should not have missed the time when he came this time.

Unexpectedly, the two medical apprentices were also smart people. After seeing Zhou An's puzzled expression, they quickly explained: "We all know that Mr. Zhou is coming today, so everyone came a little early."

Zhou An suddenly realized.

Now that everyone was here, he was waiting for himself. He didn't have any ink marks, so he raised his feet and walked inside.

Opening the door, the scene inside was extremely lively.

Each medical clinic wears different medical clothes. At this time, they are sitting together in twos and threes, exchanging ideas and learning from each other.

There is no process or specific method here. You can communicate however you like. As long as you don’t understand anything, you can communicate with those who are good at it and learn from it.

Of course, the other party may not necessarily tell you the core of yourself, but in a field that you are not good at, even a little bit of knowledge is enough to be useful.

It is precisely because of this that the Doctors Exchange Conference can continue as usual.

As Zhou An pushed the door open, he naturally attracted the attention of the doctors present. When they saw Zhou An arriving, they all swarmed around him.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou!"

"I've met Mr. Zhou!"

"Master Zhou, you are a little late, come and sit down!"

Everyone greeted him enthusiastically, but in front of Zhou An, this enthusiasm was not the utilitarian attitude of officialdom, but the admiration for peers.

Zhou An would never have a colored view of others based on his own status.

When others are polite to him, he is also polite to others.

People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot. This has always been Zhou An's principle.

So when the doctors were polite to him, Zhou An also greeted them with their hands.

Although we don't know each other, after following his set of procedures, everyone naturally became familiar with each other.

"I didn't expect Master Zhou, who is in a high position, to be so peaceful to the rest of us."

"After all, he is a doctor. A doctor must have corresponding moral character. Otherwise, how could Mr. Zhou have such superb medical skills?"

"That's right. Mr. Zhou's medical skills are so high and his medical ethics must be very good. Such a person is not a bad person."

The doctors were very simple-minded and communicated quietly with each other.

Han Shan was inside, and of course he saw the movement here. He quickly walked out and came to Zhou An to say hello.

Under the guidance of Han Shan, Zhou An arrived at a place and sat down. As soon as he sat down, a group of doctors surrounded him like a wasp's nest.

"Everyone should pay attention to order and communicate one by one!" Han Shan said.

He has the highest seniority in Tingyun Mansion, and his medical skills are among the best in various hospitals. With his words, everyone has no complaints.

After Han Shan said this, he smiled and said to Zhou An: "Mr. Zhou, my colleagues all respect you very much. Everyone still remembers the treatment of the poison, so we may be a little busier this time. "

Zhou An looked at it and looked at the long dragon in front of him.

Where is the busier, it is very busy okay.

Of course, he did not refuse. It had been tested yesterday and could effectively improve proficiency. He would be a fool if he refused such a good thing.

"Mr. Han, we are also acquaintances, so I won't say any polite words. Don't worry, since I, Mr. Zhou, am here, I will naturally communicate with you and learn from each other."

With Zhou An's words, all the doctors present looked happy. Next, even if Han Shan did not preside over the order, the doctors would all maintain good order.

These doctors communicated with Zhou An one by one, and each doctor told him about their confusion about various difficult and complicated diseases.

Zhou An's solution was very crude. He used his Qi to swallow the poison, but that didn't mean he didn't have the means to heal.

Now that the medical Gu pulse has reached level five, it has successfully obtained doubled attributes.

The attribute of Medical Science +4 can make Zhou An stand at the top of Tingyun Mansion.

Therefore, when faced with every difficult and complicated disease that doctors talk about, Zhou An can always hit the mark.

The proficiency will naturally increase. Sometimes difficult and complicated diseases are not so difficult, and the proficiency has not improved.

But most of the time it can be improved.

In this way, one doctor after another communicated with Zhou An, and the descriptions were very detailed.

After the exchange, they all stepped aside with satisfaction.

The style of the entire doctor exchange meeting changed in an instant, becoming an exchange meeting headed by Zhou An.

I had a meal on the way and came back in a hurry after eating.

There are more than one difficult and complicated diseases, but every doctor pays great attention to order.

They all only asked one question before exiting and continuing to queue.

This rhythm was maintained until the evening.

Everyone gains something, and Zhou An also gains a lot.

Zhou An found this feeling of non-stop proficiency and having someone accompanying him to do it very novel.

"Everyone, that's it for today. There are two more days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I hope everyone can come on time."

Han Shan was the host, so he naturally said something at the end.

The doctors nodded to each other, walked to Zhou An again, and said goodbye to Zhou An.

Zhou An naturally clasped his fists one by one.

After all the doctors left, he and Han Shan were the only ones left here.

Han Shan said nothing.

Zhou An also planned to go back. Just as he was about to say goodbye to Han Shan, he saw that Han Shan seemed to be thinking about something, so he subconsciously asked.

"Mr. Han, are there any difficult and complicated diseases that you need me to solve?"

When Han Shan heard this, he came back from his thoughts, then shook his head and said: "Master Zhou communicated with them today. I listened to them all and benefited a lot. I have nothing to communicate with."

Zhou An heard this and asked strangely: "Then why does Mr. Han look so sad?"

To be honest, the improvement in proficiency in the skill of Medical Gu Pulse was also related to Han Shan.

Zhou An asked curiously.

Han Shan slapped his head: "So that's it. Mr. Zhou is overly worried because tomorrow's exchange meeting may be a little different, so I'm thinking about how to host it."

After saying this, Zhou An found it even more interesting: "What's different?"

A conference is held every year, almost always hosted by Han Shan.

Logically speaking, Han Shan should be very skilled, but something was different at this time, which made him curious.

"Some people from Yaowang Valley are coming over tomorrow. I heard that we have an exchange conference here, so I want to stop by to solve some things." Han Shan explained.

Yaowang Valley?

Zhou An has heard of this name. When Zhou An asked Han Shan what other ways to improve his medical Gu veins, Han Shan said it.

This Medicine King Valley is a force headed by doctors in the Great Chu Kingdom, which can be said to be the largest one.

It was a holy place for all doctors in the Chu Kingdom, and many patients with difficult and complicated diseases were treated there.

Doctors will also gain a lot of insights during treatment.

Therefore, no matter where in the Great Chu Kingdom, as long as they are in the profession of medicine, they all yearn for the Medicine King Valley.

Now that Zhou An heard that Yaowang Valley was coming, he was also a little interested.

Zhou An asked: "Did you come to Yaowang Valley because there is trouble?"

Han Shan shook his head and said: "It is said that Yaowang Valley admitted a very special patient, a corpse."


Zhou An frowned.

Do corpses still need to be treated?

"If it's alive, then it's better to say it's a corpse. Is it possible that this dead person can still be cured?"

"Lord Zhou, I don't know. Yaowang Valley doesn't know where to find such a corpse. There are many difficult and complicated diseases in the corpse. What's even more outrageous is that although this corpse is dead, every difficult problem is treated. It is possible to survive from miscellaneous diseases, so Yaowanggu is fascinated by it. After all, which doctor is not fascinated by this kind of thing?" Han Shan began to talk.

"But there are also problems. There are so many difficult and complicated diseases, and they are not ordinary difficult and complicated diseases. Even Yaowang Valley is beyond its power."

"So Yaowang Gu took the corpse and searched for it in various medical clinics in the Chu Kingdom. No, it ended up in our Tingyun Mansion."

When Zhou An heard this, he roughly understood what it meant.

If what Han Shan said is true, then this corpse is an excellent treasure for doctors.

Han Shan only knew so much, and there would be no more.

Zhou An just wanted to hear a story. He would have to come tomorrow so he could see the body.

He didn't think too much, and since it was getting late, he turned around and left.

When leaving, Zhou An did not go home, but went to Jiaofangsi.

He already has the skills to fight, but he still needs to improve his proficiency.

Zhou An was also thinking about this process when communicating today.

I can't continue to try the same method as this morning. If I really try, the government's police might come.

What's more, the news is transmitted so quickly now. If one day he, Zhou An, is watching on the street and this matter spreads, how can he, Zhou An, still hang out in the world?

A dignified craftsman, the chief supervisor, actually visited girls on the street. If this thing really spread, Zhou An would feel ashamed.

So after thinking about it back and forth, Zhou An felt that Jiaofangsi was a good place.

"Sometimes, it all depends on chance. I didn't expect that Jiaofangsi could improve my proficiency."

Zhou An was thinking as he walked.

At first, Miao Xiao was relied on to improve the medical Gu pulse, but now he has to rely on Jiaofangsi to improve the skill of Dawang.

Zhou An felt that fate was truly wonderful.

Along the way, because of the night, there were no people around.

Zhou An came to Jiaofangsi smoothly.

As soon as he entered the door, he ran into the madam of Jiaofangsi.

Regarding Miao Xiao's matter, the aftermath has been dealt with. Although I don't know the reason, everything seems to be normal for the Madam.

"Mr. Zhou, you're finally here. It's a pity that Miss Miao is no longer in our Jiaofang Department." The Madam said with regret in her tone.

This is the first time she has seen Mr. Zhou in front of her in such a long life.

It is really novel to just chat without talking about things in bed between men and women.

But since there is a Jiaofangsi, if you don't make money if you have money, you are a fool, so the madam won't show it.

What's more, Zhou An's status is not ordinary, and the madam's brain is not sick. If he shows it, won't he make himself unhappy?

Zhou An nodded, thought for a moment and then said: "Call me ten girls in the old room on the second floor."

When the Madam heard this, she was slightly startled, and then she looked embarrassed.

Zhou An frowned: "What's wrong? Is it possible that your Jiaofangsi doesn't have a girl yet? That's not possible. Without a girl, what's the point of running it?"

When the madam heard this, he quickly shook his head: "Master Zhou, can ten girls bear it?"

Zhou An finally understood what the madam meant: "Don't worry about whether I can bear it or not. If I ask you to scream, you just scream. What are you talking about?"

When the madam heard this, she knew that she was overthinking it. She nodded quickly, asked a girl to come out, and took Zhou An to the room on the second floor.

After arriving in this familiar room, Zhou An sat down and waited patiently.

Today is different from the past. In the past, Miao Xiao came over, but now Miao Xiao has turned into a pile of ashes and can never come over again.

After about a few minutes, the door was pushed open, and the madam walked into the room with ten beautiful girls while swaying her waist.

"Girls, this is Mr. Zhou. You must take good care of Mr. Zhou."

Just saying this, the madam left wisely.

The ten girls looked at each other and looked at Zhou An with curious eyes.

Zhou An is quite famous in the Jiaofang Division. After all, he smiles every time and just chats. There is no girl who is not interested.

After the door was closed, several girls came forward, wanting to have a pleasant physical ending with Zhou An.

Unexpectedly, Zhou An raised his hand seriously to stop him.

"Ladies, let's not talk about romance today. How about we play a game?"

The girls couldn't understand and looked confused.

If you don’t talk about romance when you come to Jiaofangsi, what else can you talk about?

They didn't understand, but the identity of the person in front of them was unusual, so they all nodded, and a burst of chirping sounds came out.

"What game do you want to play, Mr. Zhou?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, please tell us, we are also very curious."

"Master Zhou is not an ordinary person. The games he plays must be very special. I have been learning to dance since I was a child. Could it be that Master Zhou wants me to pose in a special way?"

To be honest, when a bunch of girls are chattering and saying very seductive words, even a strong man can't handle it.

Zhou Anxin's mind was at peace. After being tempered by Ye Shuang, he remained normal.

"Girls, just find a seat and sit down. Don't worry about anything else."

After hearing this, the ten girls from Jiaofangsi also found their seats and sat down obediently.

Zhou An poured himself a glass of wine and looked at it fiercely in the curious eyes of the girls.

At this moment, the girls felt on pins and needles.

Zhou An's eyes were very hot, as if he wanted to strip them naked and eat them.

Especially Zhou An has now reached the level of a first-class master, and his appearance and temperament are very different from ordinary people.

Several girls couldn't stand being looked at like this, their faces turned red, their heads lowered, and their breathing became rapid.

Zhou Anke didn't care about this, because when he used the skill of looking, the Qi in his body flowed, and his proficiency began to increase.

"It works!" Zhou An was overjoyed.

Once the results are achieved, I can continue this method without worrying about being regarded as a pervert on the street.

Thinking of this, Zhou An's eyes became even more intense.

One girl couldn't bear it. Her body was limp and she wanted to get up, but Zhou An quickly held her shoulders down.

"Just sit tight."

The girl raised her head, eyes full of autumn water, and wanted to grab Zhou An's arm, but Zhou An pulled away smoothly.

Next, throughout the night, a very strange scene occurred.

Zhou An just stared, and each of the ten girls was restless and wanted to eat Zhou An.

A whole night passed, and when Zhou Anxin came out of the room with satisfaction, the smoke in front of him had changed.

[Watch lv.2 (Detection +1): 1/20000]

"really not bad!"

After being promoted to the second level, the Qi in his body has also undergone some changes. Zhou An feels that the Qi Dan in his body seems to be a little more flexible, but he can only feel a hazy feeling about the specific flexible method.

Maybe it has nothing to do with the improvement of Qi.

Of course, after Dawang was promoted to level 2, as he thought, he did gain the ability to investigate.

Zhou An concentrated his energy and glanced at Jiaofangsi.

He could clearly see some tiny corners of Jiaofangsi, and he could even sense what was happening behind him.

This is not done by seeing, but by sensing.

After the scouting skill has been improved, the investigation ability has been significantly enhanced.

"I have to upgrade it to level three and usher in a qualitative change."

Zhou An thought.

With this improvement method, he also became interested in liver.

Of course, it was morning again, and he would attend the Doctors Conference later. Zhou An did not stay, turned around and left.

The madam happened to be downstairs. After Zhou An left, he happily went to Zhou An's room.

To be honest, last night Zhou An called ten girls, and the madam felt that it was too aggressive.

Now out of curiosity, I want to find out.

But as soon as she opened the door, she saw ten girls staying in the room with red faces.

"How is it? Mr. Zhou, was he very impressive last night?" the madam asked.

After these words were spoken, one of the girls smiled bitterly and recounted her experience last night.

"I don't know if the sisters are not charming enough, but Mr. Zhou just watched them last night."

The madam was stunned for a moment, and then a serious look appeared in his eyes: "Everyone, remember, this matter must not be spread."

The girls didn't understand, and there was no one around now, so they asked.

The madam sighed: "Everyone has secrets that they can't tell, especially men. Just don't ask, right?"

The girls were slightly stunned, but one girl couldn't help it anymore.

"Mr. Zhou has an extraordinary appearance and temperament. Is there something unspeakable?"

The Madam's eyes immediately became stern: "Just don't say it, do you understand?"

The girls were shocked and quickly agreed.

At this time, Jiaofangsi finally fell into calm.

Zhou An didn't know what happened next. He was eating noodles at the noodle stall at the moment.

If he knew about it, he would definitely go back and give the madam a few ear-scratchings.

After eating the noodles, Zhou An went to Renxin Medical Center.

People from Yaowang Valley were coming over today. Zhou An was very curious about the corpse, so he came early.

At this time, many doctors also arrived. When they saw Zhou An coming, they all came forward to say hello and ask for advice on difficult and complicated diseases.

Since it is a difficult and complicated disease, it has been accumulated for many years, so it cannot be solved in one day.

Zhou An also focused on his proficiency and explained it to the doctors.

In this way, the doctors exchange meeting lasted for about an hour. When it was almost noon, there was finally a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Everyone looked over, and Zhou An saw some people in white clothes appearing at the door.

There were men and women in this group, more than ten in total.

Everyone is wearing white clothes, the men are handsome, the women are handsome, and they all have an aura of worldliness.

There were six people among them, carrying a coffin that could accommodate about one person.

The leader was an old man, about seventy years old, with white hair and many wrinkles on his face.

When the old man came in, Han Shan immediately greeted him.

"It turns out that he is an elder from Yaowang Valley. He is the director of Renxin Medical Center in Xiahan Mountain. I have met Elder Wang."

Elder Wang nodded, stroking his beard and smiled: "Mr. Han's famous name has been circulated in Tingyun Mansion for a long time. The doctor has a benevolent heart and deserves this name."

The two had just met, and Zhou An naturally took notice of this business exchange.

He didn't pay attention, but looked at the coffin.

With the coffin blocking the way, he couldn't see anyone, but he didn't ask.

It has to be opened later anyway.

After Elder Wang and Han Shan exchanged pleasantries, the main event began.

The doctors present were naturally attracted.

Han Shan led Elder Wang and others into the courtyard, where a special space had been set up.

Zhou An stood up and walked forward.

There were many doctors in front of him. When they saw Zhou An coming, they all made way.

Zhou An said helplessly: "You don't have to do this."

He has always been a low-key person, so he just planned to take a look outside.

But sometimes, when your identities are different, being low-key doesn't work in certain situations.

For example, now.

Everyone has learned how high Zhou An's medical skills are. If Zhou An wants to move forward, everyone is a peer, so there is no way he can't let him go.

It was precisely because of this action that attracted Elder Wang's attention.

After Elder Wang saw Zhou An's appearance, he asked in surprise: "Who is this little brother?"

Han Shan hurriedly explained: "He is the head of the craftsman's supervision, Zhou An, Mr. Zhou."

When Elder Wang heard this, he became even more curious: "Master Zhou, the craftsman supervisor, isn't this a specially built business? Why are you here?"

Han Shan continued: "Master Zhou also has high attainments in medical skills. It is not convenient for Han to say more about the details, but Master Zhou is qualified to participate in the Doctors Exchange Conference."

After living at such a long age, Han Shan also knew a little about human nature. He knew that Zhou An had always kept a low profile, so he did not talk about Zhou An's treatment of thousands of villagers.

Elder Wang understood, Han Shan had said this, so he naturally didn't say anything, turned to Zhou An and cupped his fists.

"Yao Wang Gu Wang Quan, I have met Mr. Zhou."

Zhou An also cupped his hands: "Elder Wang, just do what you want, don't worry about me, I just came here to take a look."

Elder Wang didn't say much more and waved to several Yaowang Valley disciples behind him.

The Yaowang Valley disciples carried the coffin and placed it on the ground.

Elder Wang explained: "This coffin is made of special wood and soaked in special medicinal materials. It can prevent the disease in the corpse from spreading. There are diseases inside, so everyone must be careful when looking at it."

With this explanation, everyone will understand.

Since there are many kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, it is natural that there will be epidemic diseases.

With this coffin, it can also stop the spread.

Everyone nodded and got ready.

Everyone is a doctor, there is no cumbersome process, just seeing a doctor.

Therefore, Elder Wang did not show any politeness and waved his hand again.

Several Yaowang Valley disciples stepped forward and worked together to open the top of the coffin.

But when they opened it, they sprayed a medicine first.

After the drug appears, water mist forms around it.

Zhou An has reached the fourth level of medical science, so it can be seen naturally that this thing plays an isolation role to prevent the spread of immune diseases.

Soon, the coffin was opened, revealing the scene inside.

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