In fact, when the psychic speaker appeared in front of Zhou An, Zhou An had always been very vigilant. After all, he was facing a sexual member. Even if the sexual member had surrendered, he was still very vigilant.

This beam of light appeared very suddenly. With Zhou An's reaction ability, he could react to it no matter what the situation.

But he never expected that this light did not come from the outside world, but came from within the psychic speaker.

The psychic speaker opened his mouth, and pale white light emitted from his mouth. It was not dazzling, but it carried a sense of danger.

Not only the mouth, but also the eyes, ears and nostrils have pale white light shining from inside.

The psychic speaker raised his head, his limbs became extremely stiff, and he let out an incomprehensible whimper.

Zhou An frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He felt that there was a hint of danger spreading in this white light.

Then, before he could react, tentacles made of flesh and blood emerged from the psychic speaker's seven orifices.

The psychic speaker lowered his hands and remained standing.

The tentacles are half a meter long.

After appearing, it shot towards Zhou An at an extremely fast speed.

If it were an ordinary person in the industry, it would be impossible to react at such a close distance, and they would be penetrated in an instant.

But Zhou An is not an ordinary person in the industry. The moment the tentacles launched their attack, he took out the cold crystal knife and slashed it from top to bottom.

A jet-black sword light emerged, and the psychic speaker in front of him, along with his flesh and blood tentacles, turned into ashes.

But there was one thing that didn't disappear. A pill appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

On the outside of the elixir, there are tiny tentacles like hair.

When the elixir emerged, cracks appeared on the surface and gradually spread.

The small whiskers also begin to become thicker and longer.

In the blink of an eye, a monster with tentacles all over its body appeared in front of Zhou An.

In the center of the tentacle is a light green eye.

The eyes are surrounded by blood-red flesh, which looks like a ball of flesh.

It might not matter if you ignore those tentacles, but after adding those tentacles, this strange-shaped eye has a sense of fear.

"Master Zhou, be careful, this is Dan Gui's move." A voice sounded, and Zhang Tiezheng was standing at the corner of the street.

He had just been patrolling around and happened to pass by this street when he saw this scene.

"Alchemy ghost?" Zhou An touched his chin, feeling that the scene in front of him was quite novel.

He knew that this was another business that he didn't understand.

But it doesn't matter, it's not a big problem.

Zhou An stared at the strange eyes and asked, "Can you speak?"

What answered him was a fierce offensive.

Hundreds of tentacles, like steel nails, were piercing towards Zhou An.

There is a metallic light on the tentacles, as if everything is indestructible.

The surrounding air is rubbing, which is the sound made when the speed is extremely fast.

But this has no effect on Zhou An.

Zhou An just waved the cold crystal knife lightly, and the attack was disintegrated in an instant.

The grotesque eye in front of him finally turned into ashes in the jet-black light.

"It seems that he can't communicate anymore, so there's no need to keep him." Zhou An said calmly.

Sheath the sword and the crisis is over.

"Zhang Tie, what is Alchemy Ghost?" Zhou An asked.

At this time, Zhang Tie also walked up to Zhou An and told him about the elixir ghost.

After all, he is a member of the Suppressing Guisi, and he still has high attainments in this aspect.

After listening to it once, Zhou An roughly understood what was going on.

There are thousands of professions in this world, among which there are blacksmiths, and naturally there are also alchemists.

Alchemists are a large branch, which is different from doctors.

Doctors make medicine, they only refine elixirs.

The elixirs made by alchemists have different effects and can cure diseases, but they are not as targeted as doctors.

The elixirs they make are mostly used by people in the industry.

Some enhance strength, some are poisonous, and some have temporary effects.

There are even all kinds of weird stuff.

This branch is also quite popular among people in the industry.

After all, who doesn’t like people in the industry who can make alchemy?

Like a girl in white stockings.

There are also many branches of alchemists.

Among them, Dangui is one of the branches.

Moreover, it belongs to the branch of rats that cross the street and everyone shouts to beat them.

Alchemists need to have unconstrained ideas.

There is a saying in this industry that if you don’t have imagination, don’t make elixirs.

Every alchemist has his own unique method, which cannot be copied.

They are obsessed with alchemy and all kinds of materials that can be used to make alchemy.

There are many branches of the profession, but Dangui is the least popular.

It is even banned in various countries.

The reason is very simple. The alchemy ghost relies on people as a guide to make elixirs with flesh and blood.

The refined elixir is more powerful, but the side effects are also greater.

In fact, if you do this branch secretly, no one will find it.

But this branch was completely exposed due to an accident.

Several countries joined forces to clear out the Dan ghosts, and only some people were able to escape.

Survive in some dark corners.

The monster just now came out of the elixir, and it was also some of the methods of the elixir ghost.

This branch is very good at fighting, and their elixirs can transform into many terrifying monsters.

Compared with traditional alchemy, it doesn't look like a logistical business, but it is more powerful in combat.

"In other words, the psychic speaker took some kind of elixir before this, which led to this result?" Zhou An came up with this answer after thinking for a moment.

Zhang Tie didn't know why the psychic speaker came, but he knew that this was indeed the result of taking the elixir.

Zhou An connected the two situations and finally came to a conclusion.

"He's not the only one with perverts here. Maybe he's just showing it off to attract our attention."

The current situation has become obvious. The person who can make the psychic voluntarily take the elixir, and ultimately lead to this result, is probably one of his own people, that is, a person who indulges in sexual behavior.

To take a step back, it is impossible for a sexually indulgent person to have only one psychic speaker.

Before coming, the psychic speaker's identity had been exposed, and that was a bright line.

As for the hidden line, it is still unknown.

I was probably worried that the manipulative person would be exposed just now, so I used this move to kill the psychic speaker.

At this time, Zhang Tie also reacted, and he finally understood that there was more than one manipulative fact here.

"The alchemy ghost hiding in the dark is extremely scary. Sir, I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve this problem." Zhang Tie said worriedly.

Zhou An nodded.

He tried the medical Gu seed just now, but he couldn't see what was going on in the psychic speaker's body.

In other words, taking pills does not count as a disease.

Medical magic can't solve it.

He couldn't remove the nails through medical treatment as before.

If the other party really wants to hide in the dark, there are so many people here that it is impossible to find him overnight.

"Master Zhou, I'm going down immediately. We must continue to monitor him closely." Zhang Tie's face turned ugly.

There is no way, a psychic speaker is already a headache, and now there is an alchemy ghost. The two together are quite uncomfortable.

Although except for one, the other is even more of a problem.

He can only hope to solve it through tight control.

Zhou An felt that it was useless, but he still did not stop Zhang Tie. After all, it was good to have someone useful at this time.

He thought for a while and continued walking around the streets to see if he could find anything new.

He was strolling here, and on the other side, in an ordinary street, there was a young man in ordinary clothes, wandering around on the street.

"It's good to die." The corners of the young man's mouth raised slightly, showing a satisfied smile: "You have to pay the price for taking my elixir. If you don't betray and indulge in sex, you won't die. My Li Ruofeng's elixir How can medicine be so useful?"

Alchemy Ghost Li Ruofeng found a seat, stood silently, looked at the people coming and going, and raised his right hand.

His right hand is the same as that of ordinary people, but if you look closely, you will find that this arm does not have the palm prints that humans should have.

Not only that, there aren't even some tiny lines.

The right hand is like this, and the left hand is like this.

Li Ruofeng knew very well that his limbs were all fake.

The only real thing is the head and torso.

He is an alchemy ghost. This business was previously suppressed by several countries and was barely surviving.

He is also one of the last remaining ones.

He was seriously injured at that time and his limbs were disabled. Later, he was rescued by a sex abuser and became a member of the sex abuser.

The alchemy ghost uses human beings as a guide to refine the elixir.

That period was also his most indulgent moment.

He finally understood what the so-called indulgence meant.

No one here will care what you do, you just have to follow your own heart.

Even if you do something treacherous and unethical, as long as you can bear the consequences, no one will care about you.

Because of this, Li Ruofeng lived very comfortably during this period.

But one thing that made him very uncomfortable was that he was no longer a complete person.

His hands and legs were made for him by a puppet master.

Puppet master is also a special profession, good at making puppets for fighting.

After the hands and legs were created, they were installed on him, and he also used them to refine elixirs.

But it's never his own.

Later, the Five Elements Burial Method appeared.

People with indulgent nature fail to practice the Five Elements Burial Method.

Then, they thought of the Guild, and he, Li Ruofeng, was also an important chess piece.

He is said to be a chess piece, but he is the one who benefits the most.

Someone at the top of Zongxing came up with a brilliant idea.

Wasn't Li Ruofeng's limbs completely destroyed?

If you can put the weird guy on your body and use the weird characteristics, the Five Elements Burial Method can be integrated into one.

There are big costs and there are big risks.

The biggest risk is whether the weird and the human can be connected.

This is an extremely crazy idea, but it doesn't mean that Li Ruofeng can't do it.

Before this, he no longer used people as a primer, but used weirdness as a primer to make pills.

And take the elixir day and night.

A part of the body is already connected to the weird.

He is not weird, he is still human.

But in a certain part, it's almost weird.

If he could really fuse the weird limbs into his body, Li Ruofeng would not only be able to regain his limbs, but also possess the powerful five elements of burial method.

That's why this plan was created.

The Psychic Whisperer is just a decoy on the surface, he is the pawn hiding in the dark.

That pill was what he gave to the psychic speaker. After taking it, he became sensitive and could sense every step of the psychic speaker.

When the Desperate Life Pill is taken, it represents a real desperate situation, and Li Ruofeng did not expect that the psychic speaker would choose to betray.

That's when he killed the psychic speaker.

Li Ruofeng likes to indulge in sex very much because he is a psychopath himself.

There is no one who is not crazy in this business.

So he liked this organization very much and didn't want the Psychic Speaker to destroy it, so he just killed the Psychic Speaker.

"How stupid. You destroyed a hand. Fortunately, you only destroyed the surface." Li Ruofeng thought in his heart.

There is a strange pattern on the raised right hand.

This pattern is gradually spreading, proving that this right hand made by a puppet is gradually becoming weird.

This is his true intention.

After taking the strangely refined elixir for a long time, his body had become strangely transformed.

And when the right hand appeared, he was actually the first person to rush to the scene, and before the right hand could condense, he absorbed the Yin Qi there, and finally turned the Yin Qi into a strange right hand.

And it is the right hand with the golden burial method.

"I really have to thank you for making me think of a simpler way. Originally, the organization planned to release everything together and then integrate it, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary. This can also reduce a lot of risks." Li Ruofeng Clench your right hand.

The next moment, this right hand gave him an unprecedented touch, making him feel an indescribable excitement.

"I once had arms, but it was you, the righteous people, who caused me to lose them. Now I have them again, and they are even stronger!"

The entire arm turned golden, with powerful offensive power.

This is brought about by the golden burial method.

Li Ruofeng took a deep breath, and then put his hand on the ground: "Now, let me bring out other parts and give this gathering a unique spectacle!"

He pressed his hand on the ground, and the next moment, the aura of the Golden Burial Technique spread throughout the street.

There was something strange in every stall.

The terrifying ground thorns, with a golden color, crushed the weirdness into pieces.

The streets began to tremble, and with Li Ruofeng as the center, all the streets in Guiji Market were experiencing abnormalities.

The weirdness is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a cold aura is gradually gathering.

Everyone in the gathering felt it, including Zhou An, who was looking everywhere at this time.

Zhou An turned his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

At the end, four colors are gradually condensing, namely green, yellow, red and translucent colors.

And these four colors also exude this unique atmosphere.

"Wood, fire, water, and earth." Zhou An is very familiar with these four breaths.

"Isn't this the Five Elements Burial Method? Why are they all coming out? Something is wrong!" He turned his head and looked at the ground.

On his street, golden spikes appeared from the ground one after another, destroying all the weirdness on the stalls with incomparable precision.

This aura is equally familiar to him, it is the aura of the Golden Burial Technique.

"So it turns out that the Dan ghost hiding in the dark took action." He thought.

Zhang Tie also led people through this street: "Master Zhou, all the weirdness on every street has been eliminated, and the atmosphere here is several times colder than before!"

Zhou An nodded: "Go and have a look."

Without hesitation, everyone rushed towards the place where the four auras gathered.

Li Ruofeng raised his head and looked at the four auras gathering in the sky, with more and more craziness in his eyes.

He used his strange right arm as a guide to trigger the Golden Burial Technique and the other four burial techniques, and together they destroyed all the weird things.

At this moment, all four breaths were finally released.

"Come on, come on, you are all mine!" Li Ruofeng walked forward.

In the sky, the aura of the Five Elements Burial Method was cold and condensing rapidly, eventually turning into an arm, two legs and a head.

When these things appeared, the aura of terror gradually spread, and the surrounding air slowly became distorted.

Li Ruofeng raised his right hand, and those limbs in the sky seemed to have found their target, rushing toward Li Ruofeng crazily.

In just an instant, he arrived in front of Li Ruofeng.

These stumps were huge, just like the previous right hand.

But when he got closer to Li Ruofeng, he slowly became normal size.

"Come on, come on, I need you here!" Li Ruofeng touched one of his left hands with his hand, and soon, his left hand absorbed the remains of the body in front of him.

There was an indescribable numbness in his left hand, which gradually became strange.

The other legs and head also gradually came closer and were completely absorbed by Li Ruofeng.

Li Ruofeng held his head in his hands. Apart from regaining consciousness in his legs, he felt a sense of disharmony in his head.

It was as if there was one more thing that he couldn't control.

Soon, he found the reason.

"I understand, it's because I have a head myself!"

Li Ruofeng raised his head, slapped his head crazily with his hands, and rolled on the ground.

It felt like ants were crawling in my mind, trying to reach in but couldn't.

The strange head from before was mixed with his head, which led to this situation.

"Then don't want this head!" Li Ruofeng stood up with difficulty.

He pulled his hair and tore his head right off his shoulders.

Blood sprayed, but Li Ruofeng did not die.

He held the head in his right hand, showing a lunatic smile.

"Grow out, grow out!"

As he spoke like this, another head appeared on the empty shoulders.

And this head is the weird head that appeared before.

At this moment, Li Ruofeng made another move.

He put his hand into his abdomen, dug around inside, and finally pulled out a huge hole.

Li Ruofeng put the removed head in, and the wound gradually healed, as if it had never appeared before.

"It's done! It's done!" Li Ruofeng looked at his hands and shouted excitedly.

He succeeded, he successfully attached the weird body to his body!

You can even feel the long-lost touch!

For this moment, he took the strangely made elixir every day and paid a huge and painful price.

That kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people, but it is enough.

At this moment, Li Ruofeng's body smelled weird except for a trace of human smell.

He can remain rational, but he is no different from being weird.

The only difference is that the torso is still human.

Li Ruofeng opened his right hand, and then showed a regretful expression: "It's a pity that Zhou An destroyed my right arm before, otherwise I would be able to achieve a complete balance now."

The Golden Burial Technique on his right arm is slightly weaker, that's because he only absorbed part of the breath in order to prevent accidents.

But that doesn't matter. As long as he has time, he can balance the Five Elements Burial Method.

"I now have the Five Elements Burial Technique, all I have to do is merge it into one." He lowered his head and looked at his torso.

Inside the torso, the real head had its eyes closed.

As long as the Five Elements Burial Method is integrated, he will be the first person to obtain the Five Elements Burial Method.

"Even the person who created this technique back then is not as powerful as me." Li Ruofeng thought to himself.

At this time, Li Ruofeng heard a sound of footsteps.

He turned around and saw that Zhou An had arrived at this street with his members.

Zhou An felt that he had never seen such a strange scene in his life.

There was a person standing not far away, and to be precise, this person could no longer be described as a human being.

The limbs and head have a strange aura, and only the torso has a slightly human flavor.

You could say it's weird, but it's not. You could say it's human, and it's even less human-like.


Or people are treacherous?

Zhou An felt that he had to give this guy a name.

Of course, he also saw that this guy's head and limbs had the smell of the Five Elements Burial Method.

He is very familiar with this smell, because he has died in many Five Elements Burial Methods.

"Zhou An, you're finally here. I thought this noise couldn't attract you." A perverted smile appeared on Li Ruofeng's face.

Zhou An touched his chin: "It seems that I am quite famous among you. I don't know you either, but you know me."

He really didn't know the person in front of him, but from his tone, he seemed to know him very well.

Li Ruofeng sneered: "Of course, your name Zhou An is now attached to Zong Xing. Many people want to get to know you. I'm just taking the lead."

"It seems that you are very confident in yourself." Zhou An smiled.

"You must have reached your limit against one arm. You have even used your most famous knife and pot." Li Ruofeng slowly took two steps forward.

In Zongxing, Zhou An has already put his name on it.

They also know some information about Zhou An.

Zhou An's strongest weapons are knives and pots, and these two have been used against the bloody arm.

Li Ruofeng felt that Zhou An used all his trump cards and only dealt with one of his arms.

But he is different, he now has five parts fused together!

Every part is equivalent to the strength of a first-class master.

When all five parts were absorbed by him, he had achieved five times the pure effect!

"No, the right hand is a little worse, but it is four times more pure. This kind of strength, this kind of Qi intensity, is considered top-notch among those in the industry."

He knew that Zhou An used the two strongest attack methods to deal with one of the bloody arms.

What's more, he now has five kinds.

Li Ruofeng was already thinking in his mind that if he captured Zhou An and removed Zhou An's head, the organization would definitely reward him heavily.

"Give me your head." Li Ruofeng sneered.

Zhou An felt very strange.

What the other party said was completely inconsistent with him.


Is this my limit to deal with a bloody arm?

I really use the knife and pot.

But I just wanted to try out the pot method.

After all, he had never used the Pot Control Technique since he came out with it, so he just happened to use it at that time.

Why is it that once you get into the other person's mouth, you have to use all your means and all your strength?

Seeing Zhou An's silence, Li Ruofeng thought that Zhou An had been fooled by him, so he continued to step forward and clenched his fists: "I guessed it right, Zhou An, do you know what my strength is now?"

He now has the joy of a winner, so he doesn't care to say more, because he wants to let Zhou An die in despair.

He also hopes Zhou An will cooperate.

When Zhou An heard this, he actually asked: "A first-rate master?"

Li Ruofeng shook his head and nodded again: "I am a first-class master, but the purity of my Qi is nearly five times that of first-class masters. Even if we let some young talents, the proud ones of heaven, come over, He will still die in my hands, not to mention that I still have the Five Elements Burial Method. Although it is not unified, it is still..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped talking because he was interrupted by Zhou An.

"Five times? Or close? That's it?" Zhou An was speechless.

Li Ruofeng was stunned.

He didn't understand what Zhou An meant.

Zhou An stopped talking, but pulled out the cold crystal knife and the cold crystal pot at the same time. The two collided, then turned to Zhang Tie and said: "Take your people and leave. This place is no longer under your control." ”

Zhang Tie was slightly startled, but he was a member of the Zhensi Division and had strong execution ability, so he turned around and left.

As for other people in the industry, they have already left.

This is not the place for them to stay.

They still remember Zhou An's previous battle in their hearts.

Staying here will only lead to disaster.

After they left, Zhou An turned to look at Li Ruofeng and said strangely: "Five times the purity can bring you so much confidence. Is it the nouveau riche mentality that has suddenly improved due to the hard life in the past? ?”

Li Ruofeng was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"It's boring. It's really annoying for you to have sex, so I thought I'd let you see what I'm like in a more serious state." Zhou An took two steps forward, and the Qi in his body began to circulate.

Then, he swung the knife expressionlessly.

Zhou An called this knife a more serious one, not particularly serious.

After taking action, the sword light appeared all over the sky, and finally condensed into a towering giant blade, just like when it dealt with the bloody arm.

But this time there was something different.

On the sword light, in addition to a layer of water emerging, the sword light inside was actually densely packed, and its density was countless times stronger than the previous sword light.

When the sword light appeared, Zhou An didn't even give the opponent a moment to breathe and slashed directly at Li Ruofeng.

Li Ruofeng felt a terrifying aura.

Between life and death, he had no time to react and closed his hands.

The moment he put his hands together, five different attributes continued to gather in front of him, forming a huge five-color barrier with the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth in the middle.

The roar resounded.

Zhou An's sword light disappeared, and the five-color barrier in front also disappeared.

Li Ruofeng took a step back, his face extremely pale: "Okay, okay, this is your strongest move, but it's a pity that I still caught it. I guess you won't have to use this trick a few times."

He was indeed shocked. He did not expect that the power of Zhou An's sword was so powerful that he could not look straight at it.

After obtaining the Five Elements Burial Method, although it is not completely integrated, it already possesses extremely strong strength.

For the barrier just now, he used gold as a hedge, wood as a backing, earth as a defense, fire to burn Zhou An's sword light, and even used water to simulate the trend of Zhou An's sword light, and then the sword was completely dissipated. .

Li Ruofeng knew that a sword technique like this could easily kill a top-notch master.

"This should be the ultimate trick." Li Ruofeng thought to himself.

Who knew Zhou An fell into deep thought after hearing this.

This scene made Li Ruofeng believe in his idea even more.

"It's a trick, right, but unfortunately, I'm nearly five times more pure, so you can't beat me!"

The five-color light appeared again, closing again, and once again Li Ruofeng planned to fight back.

But then, his movements completely froze.

Because Zhou An said something.

Zhou An gave him a strange look: "Isn't this just a casual blow? How can it be linked to a special move? By the way, I don't have a special move, because every one of my blows is a special move."

After the words fell, Zhou An casually waved a few knives again.

At this moment, the sword light condensed again, and what was condensed turned into ten towering giant blades.

The light of these ten huge swords was stronger than the one just now.

Li Ruofeng was stunned and said incoherently: "Impossible, impossible..."

He really didn't expect that Zhou An's casual knife could reach this level, which gave his self-confidence a strong impact.

Zhou An said calmly: "What a pity, you are not even qualified to let me take the blame."

Then, with a look of contempt on his face, he put the cold crystal pot back into his pink money bag.

"Any last words?"

Li Ruofeng came to his senses and said dully: "How on earth do you practice?"

"How do you practice?" Zhou An touched his chin: "There is a saying you probably haven't heard of. Maybe it's numerical crushing."

He is a numerical monster, and a crushing numerical monster.

It has many skills, strong abilities, and is ten times more pure.

The Li Ruofeng in front of him was only five times as pure, yet he dared to talk nonsense in front of him. Wasn't that asking for death?

"Numerical crushing..."

Li Ruofeng couldn't understand these four words, but he knew in his heart that the organization might have done something wrong.

Including him, including the higher-ups of the organization, all thought Zhou An was a master.

But it didn't reach a level that would scare them.

But now it seems that Zhou An's situation is far more terrifying than they imagined.

"I'm just going to die first. I'll wait for you below." Li Ruofeng closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

These ten huge sword lights were simply not something he could resist.

Five Elements Burial Method?

Taken together it's pretty much the same.

At his level, it's not enough for the other party to see.

Of course, Li Ruofeng felt a little bitter.

After entering this industry, he had the consciousness of death, but the bitterness in his heart was still there.

Because he felt that he was nothing in front of Zhou An.

At first, he regarded the other party as his opponent, but now it seems that he is just an ant.

At this moment, his heart was filled with despair, and he suddenly realized that nothing mattered anymore.

Zhou An smiled: "Yes, I am quite enlightened."

After all, he didn't hold back and snapped his fingers.

Ten giant sword lights fell directly, cracks appeared on the ground, and the surrounding streets gradually shattered under the residual power of the sword lights.

Standing at the center of the sword light, Li Ruofeng's body was in pieces.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into flying ashes.

"Too much confidence is not a good thing." Zhou An even yawned.

The people in the running row were not nearby, but they turned their heads after hearing the loud noise.

Everyone looked at this scene, especially when they saw the ten terrifying sword lights falling, everyone present took a breath.

Did they even forget to escape?

I don’t know when, someone suddenly said something.

"This sword is first-class and invincible."

"Perhaps... you can kill Xiantian!"

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