The capital is the most important hub of the Great Chu State. If all the counties and prefectures surrounding the Great Chu State are compared to human limbs and torso, then the capital city is the brain of the Great Chu State.

This place is extremely prosperous and is the most prosperous place in the entire Chu Kingdom.

Whether they are ordinary people or officials, there are countless people here.

There was an endless stream of merchants, and the streets were bustling with people.

At this moment, the Imperial Master was holding a book in his hand and walking on the bustling street.

He did not ride in a carriage, but walked alone.

The imperial master in Taoist robes formed a sharp contrast with the people around him.

The common people looked here from time to time, but they didn't pay too much attention, just took a curious look.

People who are just trying to make a living don't care whether you are a national advisor or not, nor do they know what a national advisor looks like.

In addition, the national master is low-key, so to the common people, the person passing by is just a Taoist priest, and at most he is just an immortal.

The road was extremely smooth, and soon the Imperial Master arrived at the most important place in the capital, the palace.

At the entrance of the palace, two soldiers were guarding.

Ordinary people don't know the identity of the National Master, but that doesn't mean that the onlookers don't know.

Even a soldier knows what a national master looks like.

When the imperial master came to the entrance of the palace with a book in his hand, the two soldiers immediately stood up straight.

"I've seen the Imperial Master!"

They bowed their hands in salute with respect in their eyes.

This person is currently one of the three ministers of the Great Chu Kingdom. He is in charge of the Supervision Department that silences all civil and military officials. He is also His Majesty's right-hand man.

Regardless of whether they were soldiers or officials in the Chu State, they had to stop and bow their hands in greeting when they saw the imperial preceptor.

The Imperial Master nodded and said, "I'll go in and see Your Majesty."

There is a rule in the Great Chu State that if they are the National Preceptor, the Prime Minister, or the Commander-in-Chief of the Zhensi Division, they do not need any notification when they come to Beijing?

They can just go in.

The two soldiers did not stop him and gave way.

The Imperial Master raised his feet and walked in.

The palace is very large, and the decoration is the top of the Chu Kingdom.

Even if it's a brick or a tile, it's worth a lot if it's living outside.

But the palace was also deserted. Walking on the street, apart from the eunuchs and maids, there were only a few scattered guards.

But if you look at these guards and think that the Chu Kingdom's imperial palace is not well-guarded, you would be totally wrong.

Here, the Suppressing Secret Service has sent heavy troops. Not only that, there are countless overt and hidden lines, but they are not placed in a visible position.

Walking in the palace, the Imperial Master was familiar with the roads. Soon, he bypassed more than half of the palace and arrived at the most central location.

This is the emperor's imperial study. Except for the morning court, Emperor Xingwu spent most of his time in the imperial study, sorting out various memorials.

Although the emperor's position is very noble, the responsibilities he has to bear are also as heavy as mountains.

Every day, Emperor Xingwu's schedule was packed to the brim.

From getting up in the morning to evening, there is very little rest time in between.

There is a flood of information every day, which contains all kinds of important events in people's livelihood.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he never leaves the royal study room.

At this moment, when the imperial master came to the imperial study room, he saw a person standing at the door of the imperial study room.

Eunuch Wei still looked like that, putting his hands in his sleeves and hunching his body.

If an outsider saw this and didn't know Eunuch Wei's identity, they might think he was just an ordinary old man.

But the Imperial Master knew very well that this old man had amazing power.

At the beginning, he was also a person who frightened the entire world.

"What's the reason for the Imperial Master coming here at this time?" Eunuch Wei stood guard at the door and asked with a smile.

As the head of the eunuchs in the entire Chu Kingdom, Eunuch Wei is also very busy on weekdays.

But after being busy for a while, Eunuch Wei came up with a way, which was to become a hands-off shopkeeper and leave all the things in hand to his subordinates.

Unless it was something important, Duke Wei would stay here in the study room every day.

Emperor Xingwu was working inside, and Eunuch Wei was waiting outside.

If there is anything important, the first thing to go through is Eunuch Wei.

To put it simply, Eunuch Wei also plays a protective role here.

With him guarding the outside of the royal study, no matter how big the assassin is, he is as small as a chicken here and poses no threat.

The Imperial Master nodded, raised the fold in his hand, and said, "It's time to act. It's time to fulfill the agreement we made with His Majesty."

When Eunuch Wei heard this, he waved his hands and said, "There's no need to say too much. Your Majesty said, when you come with the book in your hand, just go in."

After saying this, Eunuch Wei didn't say much. He still kept his hands in his sleeves and slowly walked aside, looking at his eyes, nose, and heart.

Speaking of Eunuch Wei, he is actually very clear.

Although he is called the fourth person among the three by the entire Chu Kingdom, he usually does not participate in other things except his own affairs.

To put it in simpler terms, although everyone is said to be brothers in life and death and fought together in the beginning, they still have to perform their own duties.

No one can exceed their authority or level. If anyone does, if problems arise, that designated person will be the target of public criticism.

So now it is clear that this matter is a matter between the Imperial Preceptor and the Emperor, and Eunuch Wei does not want to get involved.

The Imperial Master knew Eunuch Wei's temper and didn't say anything. When he came to the door, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

When there was a knock on the door, the sound of turning pages in the royal study suddenly stopped, and soon, a calm word came from inside.

"Come in."

There are only two simple words, but they convey endless nobility and majesty. Even if you stand outside the door and listen, you will still feel the fear of facing the superior.

The Imperial Master nodded, and regardless of whether the people inside saw it or not, he pushed the door open. After pushing it open, he turned around, walked backwards, and then closed the door.

The imperial study room is large, but also very crowded.

Because it is filled with various bookshelves.

These books have astronomy on the top and geography on the bottom. When you look up, you will be dazzled by everything.

In the middle of the royal study room, there is a huge desk.

The length of this desk alone is nearly three meters, and there are various folds placed on the desk.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a yellow robe was correcting with his head down.

The middle-aged man looks very handsome. Even if he has entered middle age, you can still see his youthful attitude.

Especially the straight back gives off a convincing aura.

The most surprising thing is that this middle-aged man is not thin, but as strong as an ox.

His height alone is nearly two meters.

At this moment, when the imperial master came in, the middle-aged man said nothing and was still correcting.

The Imperial Master didn't say anything, he just stood in front of the huge desk with his hands down.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, a stick of incense passed.

At this time, the middle-aged man put aside the memorial in his hand and looked up at the Imperial Master. There was a kind of indifference in his eyes, as well as the confidence and domineering attitude of turning the world into a chessboard.

This person is the most noble person in the entire Great Chu Kingdom, the leader of Great Chu, Emperor Xingwu.

"Your Majesty, the plan can be started." The Imperial Master handed the document to the table without any nonsense.

Emperor Xingwu raised his hand, took the folder into his hand, and then opened it.

There is not much content in this booklet, only some shocking names.

Each name is marked with a different color, from light to dark.

The Imperial Master waited patiently, while Emperor Xingwu flipped through the envelope page by page, as if he didn't want to forget every name.

He did not flip through the pages very quickly, but read them one by one very rigorously.

Although the book is not thick, if it were written as a name, it would take a very long time to read.

After the entire book was read by Emperor Xingwu, Emperor Xingwu put it aside casually: "Is the news reliable?"

His voice was as calm as ever, and his eyes remained unchanged, as if no matter how everything in the world changed, he couldn't feel the slightest emotion.

The Imperial Preceptor nodded and said: "Your Majesty, this is the joint effort of the Prime Minister, the Supervision Department and the Suppression Department. The investigation revealed that there are no omissions. They are all traitors. Not only are there those who have joined the conspiracy, but there are also those from other countries. spies, as well as some small rebel forces. The colors are from light to heavy, representing their crimes from light to heavy."

When Emperor Xingwu heard this, he nodded and tapped his fingers on the table, making a shivering sound throughout the room.

After a moment, Emperor Xingwu raised his eyes.

"When did I make the plan with you?"

The Imperial Master said slowly: "Your Majesty said at the beginning that when the livelihood of the people of Da Chu has developed to a certain level and has achieved stability, all these lawless people will be killed."

Emperor Xingwu withdrew his eyes and stared at the folds on the table: "Now their role is gone. I kept them alive in the first place only because there was a shortage of people at that time, so I let them maintain their identities and continue to serve me. They did a good job, and now it seems that they did a good job, and the price was just some insignificant little information."

"The current development of the Great Chu State is actually thanks to them, but it is a pity that the Taoists are not in harmony with each other. They must die. I hope not to let anyone go. Do you understand?"

The Imperial Preceptor nodded: "Your Majesty, don't worry. In this operation, not only the Supervision Department, but also the Suppression Department will cooperate. In addition, the Prime Minister will also help. Under the joint efforts of the three parties, no traitor will be let go." ."

After hearing this, Emperor Xingwu nodded, but did not continue speaking, as if he was thinking about something.

Sitting in this position, he seems to be the most noble person in the entire Chu Kingdom, but he must be careful every step he takes.

Maybe to others, sitting in his position and making casual remarks are just insignificant.

But if this is true, it would be a big mistake.

His words could bring about earth-shaking changes in the entire Chu Kingdom.

As for whether this change is good or bad, whether it will take off in one fell swoop or sink into hell forever, it depends on him who makes the decision.

Therefore, many times, when Emperor Xingwu was talking to others, he would fall into silence for no reason.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk, but that when talking, he will fall into a high-speed thinking state.

This state represents an imminent decision at every moment.

The Imperial Master understands very well.

In fact, this is similar to some situations of ordinary people.

Some people are very good at thinking, but they look dull and stupid. In fact, such people can be of great use at certain times.

Thinking of this, the Imperial Master had long been used to it and waited patiently.

After about half a stick of incense, the silent Emperor Xingwu spoke again.

"If I remember correctly, after these people die, a large number of positions will be vacant. But now that the selection has passed, we have to make an exception. Let others fill the positions they vacated. Remember Yes, we must not let the people suffer the slightest disaster because of this plan."

The Imperial Master nodded in agreement.

Emperor Xingwu continued: "Do you have anyone you recommend? There is a person here who seems to have been recommended by the prime minister. He said that he can be arranged to be a governor somewhere. You should be interested in this person."

When the Imperial Master heard this, he was slightly startled and asked, "Who is it?"

At first, the Imperial Preceptor thought that His Majesty the Emperor was talking about Zhou An, but it didn't sound like it.

Because it was said that he was going to serve as a government official in a certain place, and it was arranged by the Prime Minister.

The Imperial Master knows the Prime Minister's temper best. No matter how much they value Zhou An, the Prime Minister will not take a glance at him.

The reason is simple. The Prime Minister has a very arrogant attitude.

To put it more simply, it is what Eunuch Wei often said. Eunuch Wei said that even when the prime minister was walking, he always held his head straight, just like a scholar.

Therefore, the Imperial Master estimated that the Prime Minister despised Zhou An.

Emperor Xingwu glanced at the Imperial Preceptor calmly, as if he could see what the Imperial Preceptor was thinking, and said calmly: "This person has done a lot of good results in the county government where he is. When he took the exam, he also wrote I am very satisfied with this article, and this person is inextricably linked to the Zhou An you admire."

"Yu Hang?" The Imperial Master heard this and guessed it.

He was slightly surprised.

They sit in this position, and their intelligence is very good. How can they not know the relationship between Yu Hang and Zhou An?

What the Imperial Preceptor is wondering is, why does the Prime Minister pay attention to him?

To be honest, as the leader of scholars in the Chu Kingdom, the Prime Minister cannot pay attention to a small county magistrate.

No matter how good the county magistrate's achievements were, he would not be able to ask the prime minister to personally propose his promotion.

"Not only that..." Emperor Xingwu seemed to have started talking and continued: "The Prime Minister also wants to accept him as a closed disciple."

When the Imperial Master heard this, his expression became extremely stiff: "Did he make a mistake in becoming a closed disciple?"

The Prime Minister did not have many disciples in his life, but every disciple, without exception, held an important position in the Great Chu Kingdom.

If you can be accepted as a disciple by the Prime Minister, it will be enough to bring glory to your family.

In the Great Chu Kingdom, it can also be said that a pheasant turns into a phoenix.

But the Imperial Master never expected that the Prime Minister would come to such a step.

Even he was caught off guard.

Emperor Xingwu opened the conversation quickly and stopped it quickly. He seemed to not want to continue talking on this topic and said: "Just stop it. You know that guy's attitude. Anyway, he is also thinking about the great Chu country." , even if he did something unusual, it was normal."

Since Emperor Xingwu wanted to end this topic, the Imperial Master didn't say anything, but just wrote it down in his mind.

Emperor Xingwu changed the subject: "I have also heard the news about Zhou An. He has done a good job, but at present, it may be difficult to be promoted. After all, he was promoted too fast. From Anding County to Feng Lin Zhou has risen to several levels in a short period of time, and no one else would be able to do it."

Emperor Xingwu had his own considerations, so he temporarily made some decisions on this matter.

"Of course, there is a reward. Doesn't he know how to make it? Send him some materials that are better than Han Jing. You go and take care of this matter."

The Imperial Master nodded and agreed. Then he seemed to remember something and asked, "Your Majesty, did you arrange the Third Prince's visit?"

Emperor Xingwu did not shy away from it: "Lao San, I was biased when allocating resources, so I will make up for it now, which can give him some peace of mind."

At this point in the conversation, everything that should be discussed has already been discussed. After thinking about it, the Imperial Master did not stay any longer, turned around and left.

Emperor Xingwu continued to review the memorial with his head lowered. No one knew what he was thinking about.

After closing the door of the royal study, Mr. Wei stood outside the door with a kind smile on his face.

"Eunuch Wei, we are all old acquaintances. Don't smile at me like that, making me look like your junior." The Imperial Master said helplessly.

Externally, the Imperial Master is a very cold person, and only in front of these acquaintances will he show his talkative side.

In this regard, he is very similar to his ninth disciple Ye Shuang.

It has to be said that they are both master and disciple, and they are all carved from the same mold.

Eunuch Wei did not listen to the Imperial Master's words, but still said with that smile: "Our family heard that the Prime Minister made Yu Hang a closed disciple. The word "closed door" is very strong."

The Imperial Master sighed: "That old guy does some weird things, and I don't know what he is doing. By the way, Eunuch Wei, you have great eyes and hands in Kyoto, so you can always know some news."

He is a smart man, and at this moment, he has gone the opposite direction and wants to find out something from Eunuch Wei.

"Our family doesn't know about the others, but we know that Yuhang is not simple either. Starting from Anding County, everyone seems to be quite unlucky. Even if they become the county magistrate, they are also very unlucky. When these things happen, they happen one after another. Maybe there is something special that attracted the Prime Minister's attention?" Eunuch Wei was vague.

After hearing this, the Imperial Master also knew that it was impossible to find out other information from Eunuch Wei.

He was also a busy man and didn't want to stay here for a long time, so he said goodbye and left.

Soon, only Eunuch Wei and the emperor were left in the imperial study.

Emperor Xingwu was inside, and Eunuch Wei was standing outside.

The two did not interfere with each other, and the palace was quiet again.

Time gradually passed, and in the blink of an eye, many days had passed.

After the last battle with Qiu Shiwen, Zhou An returned to his original routine.

Every day, he took some time to teach the woman in black how to speak, and the rest of the time was used to develop another skill, Wandering Dragon Step.

If there are any skills that can be thought of through the existing methods, then there are only a few.

For Zhou An, Wandering Dragon Step is indeed a very important skill.

In the last battle with Qiu Shiwen, in addition to using his body to withstand Qiu Shiwen's attacks, You Longbu also deflected many attacks.

This skill doesn't seem to have much performance, but in fact it accounts for a very important proportion among all Zhou An's skills.

Whether it's rushing or dodging, it has miraculous effects.

Originally, Zhou An wanted to brush up on the proficiency of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, but after thinking about this skill reaching level six, he planned to hold off for a while.

His current idea is to upgrade all skills to level six, so in addition to teaching the woman in black to speak, the one that is fully upgraded is Youlongbu.

In the past, the improvement was to use weights and then minimize the coverage of Qi on the surface to increase proficiency.

After all, the mechanism of Wandering Dragon Step is like this. It wraps a layer of Qi all over the body, and uses the changes of Qi to determine the direction of the attack, and then use it to avoid it.

So Zhou An's current method is to increase the weight, and then further compress and reduce the surface Qi.

If he uses this method correctly, his proficiency will also increase.

And Zhou An is now completely obsessed with it.

It is worth mentioning that because she takes time to teach the woman in black every day, the woman in black now knows more words and can communicate simply.

Zhou An also took the time to ask some secrets of the woman in black, but the results he got were disappointing.

The woman in black seemed to have forgotten everything and knew nothing.

Zhou An is not anxious about this. He will have plenty of time in the future and will teach slowly.

Since you have forgotten everything, just treat it as a blank sheet of paper.

Therefore, Zhou An has become more and more harmonious with the woman in black during this time.

During the recent period, Zhou An felt an aura of imminent rain reverberating throughout Maplewood State.

In fact, the reason why I felt it was very simple, because Hou Sizhou, who was suppressing Guisi, suddenly arrived and said that if anything happened in Maplewood State, he hoped Zhou An would ignore it.

As for why, Hou Sizhou didn't say, and Zhou An didn't ask.

Just like that, one day, Zhou An finally knew what happened.

It was a dark and windy night, and Zhou An heard shouts of death coming from all over Maplewood State.

He ignored it and waited patiently for the results.

I heard the news the next day.

More than 10% of the officials in Maplewood Prefecture died suddenly that night.

Both the prefectural government and the town government conducted half-hearted investigations into this matter.

As a smart person, Zhou An contacted Qiu Shiwen, whom he met earlier, and soon understood.

"The emperor wants to eliminate the traitor."

Zhou An sat on the chair and thought to himself.

Next to him, the woman in black poured Zhou An a cup of tea and stood aside very obediently.

I have to mention that Zhou An’s education is very useful.

Nowadays, the woman in black can be said to be extremely well-behaved. Zhou An asked her to go east, but she would never go west.

Of course, only for Zhou An.

"Drink...tea." The woman in black pointed to the tea cup.

Zhou An drank the tea in the cup and then handed his left hand to the woman in black.

This action has been done many times before.

When he handed his hand over, the woman in black came to Zhou An with a face full of joy and grabbed Zhou An's arm, looking very happy.

Zhou An let the woman in black hold his arm and led the woman in black to the box on the ground.

In this box, there are rewards from the capital.

Regarding Qiu Shiwen's matter, the capital already knew about it, so they gave Zhou An heavy rewards.

There are many yellow and white things among them.

But for Zhou An, the most important thing is the materials used.

The material contained here is called cold marrow, which is more precious than cold crystal.

The things arrived yesterday, but today Zhou An decided to make this cold marrow into his own weapon.

The reason is very simple. Yesterday, Zhou An Ganyou Longbu was a little too good.

The box was opened, and there was a box of cold marrow inside.

The cold marrow is black and looks very transparent.

"Look at this black color, it matches the black clothes you are wearing." Zhou An turned his head, looked at the woman in black, and said tentatively: "Xiao Hei, I gave you this name, it's really good."

During this period of time, Zhou An's greatest pleasure was to name the woman in black.

He had several names for his particularly bad way, but the women in black shook their heads and refused, especially when they thought of Xiao Hei.

At this moment, when the woman in black heard these two words, a look of fear appeared on her face, and then she shook her head desperately and held Zhou An's hand so hard.

Those white hands are so strong that they can break rocks.

Seeing the look of the woman in black, Zhou An helplessly comforted her: "Okay, okay, I won't call you this name anymore."

As he finished these words, the woman in black returned to normal.

"Don't worry, one day I will be able to give you a name that satisfies you." Zhou An thought in his mind and started to argue over this matter.

Of course, he didn't think much about it now, so he carried the box into the casting room and started hammering.

The woman in black stood obediently at the door, as if guarding Zhou An, watching Zhou An knocking on the cold marrow.

While Zhou An was beating the cold marrow, on the other side, in Fenglin Prefecture, a group of carriages was slowly approaching.

There were three carriages in total, followed by a group of people wearing light green clothes.

There are dozens of people in this team, including men and women.

The carriage headed by the leader looked extremely luxurious, and inside the carriage, an imposing young man was sitting.

The young man was dressed in green, and on his left and right sides were two girls dressed in green.

Surprisingly, the young man kept his eyes closed during the entire process, and did not open them even when the carriage jolted.

The girl on the left covered her mouth and chuckled: "The young master has not opened his eyes until now. It seems that this place is not worth mentioning."

Another girl continued: "Of course, the young master's eyes can see through all diseases, so in this great Chu country, there is no doctor who can compare with the young master."

"That's right." The girl who spoke first looked proud: "After the founding of Da Chu State, the development of doctors has been very backward. We come here this time to give them a face and allow them to learn from our Da Viet." country’s medical skills.”

The two girls just started talking.

The young man sitting in the middle spoke slowly, interrupting the conversation between the two: "Shut up and let me be quiet for a while."

As the young man spoke, the two girls in green quickly shut their mouths.

The young man's eyes, which had been closed, finally opened at this time.

If you look carefully, you will find that this young man's eyes are emerald green, like jade.

The young man is called Huang Hui and he comes from Dai Viet.

He is the young owner of Hengren Medical Village in Dayue Kingdom. At this time, he came all the way from Dayue Kingdom to Chu Kingdom in order to obtain one of the psychic medicines.

Now, after Yuan Qingyi was exposed to the sight of the Great Chu Kingdom, news immediately spread to the surrounding countries.

In fact, such a big thing cannot be hidden, and psychic medicine is a very precious thing for doctors.

Medicine and medicine are inseparable.

Therefore, the Dayue Kingdom gave priority to communicating with the Chu Kingdom and decided to send Hengren Medical Village to ask for a pair of miracle medicine from Yuan Qingyi.

As for this magical medicine, it actually played an important role for the emperor of Dai Viet.

The request of the Great Chu Kingdom is also very simple, that is, they hope that the Hengren Medical Village can spread some medical knowledge in the Great Chu Kingdom.

For Hengren Medical Village, the purpose of their trip was to get the magic medicine, so they agreed.

Starting from the capital, they started teaching separately, and what they passed on were also the medical skills of Hengren Medical Village.

On this trip, the team led by Huang Hui happened to enter Maplewood State.

They plan to conduct teaching in Maplewood State before leaving for other places.

There was no way. In fact, as a medical profession, they were unwilling to hand over some of their knowledge, but this was an order from the Emperor of Dai Viet.

If you want to live in Dai Viet, you have to listen, so I can only do this.

The carriage gradually moved forward, and soon it reached its destination.

This is the largest medical center in the entire Maplewood State, called Universal Medical Center.

Since people from Hengren Medical Village of Dayue Kingdom are coming, Fenglin State will naturally receive them with the best treatment.

When the carriage stopped, Huang Hui got off the carriage.

Two girls in green clothes followed behind.

At this moment, in front of the Universal Medical Center, the owner of the medical center was waiting patiently.

When they saw Huang Hui and others getting off the carriage, the owner of the medical center quickly walked up.

"I met Young Master Huang in Gaoshu Hall. Everything has been arranged. Starting from tomorrow, all the doctors in Maplewood State will be summoned here to listen to your teachings."

Huang Hui nodded, somewhat casually.

In fact, he has always maintained this attitude.

For him, he thought that the doctors of the Great Chu Kingdom had become insignificant, but inexplicably, they received some attention from the Great Viet Kingdom with the help of the psychic medicine, one of the eight unique skills.

For Huang Hui, he looked down upon the doctors of the Chu Kingdom because he felt that doctors of this level were not worthy of the magical medicine.

If it weren't for the purpose of completing the mission of the Emperor of Dai Viet, he would not be willing to teach the knowledge of Hengren Medical Village at all.

But there is no way around it.

As the owner of Universal Medical Center, Gao Shutang felt a little aware of Huang Hui's attitude at this moment, but he didn't say anything.

After all, although it was just a transaction, they were actually imparting medical knowledge, so Gao Shutang didn't take it personally and prepared to bring Huang Hui in.

Huang Hui just nodded lightly and took the first step to enter the universal medical center.

At this time, there were many doctors in the medical center, all waiting patiently.

After seeing Huang Hui coming, they all greeted him with fists in their hands.

Huang Hui nodded lightly and was about to find a place to rest. He would leave directly after finishing the doctor's knowledge tomorrow.

But his eyes inadvertently looked at the waist of the doctor from Universal Medical Center.

In the waists of these doctors, there is a book with a few words written on it.

——Zhou An talks about miscellaneous diseases.

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