These people are all of the younger generation, and they all come from various forces in Dai Viet Kingdom, and they are all the geniuses of each force.

They gathered here with a very simple purpose, to target a person named Zhou An.

Nowadays, in the entire world of Chu Kingdom, the word Zhou An can be said to be menacing.

Although it has not yet spread to Dayue Country, in Da Chu Country alone, while these talented people are still on their way, they have heard the news one after another.

Each message was only a few words, but after they listened, Zhou An's life was like a picture scroll, presented before their eyes.

From the rise of Anding County to the various battles in Maplewood State.

The hostility of various demons such as Zong Xing and Ye Daomen, as well as Zhou An's tough style.

Every experience made these talented people from Dai Viet feel emotional.

Also during the trip to the capital, many talented people from the Chu Kingdom knelt down to admit their mistake.

These are all things that are unthinkable.

Who dares to think?

No matter how awesome you are, can you be as awesome as Zhou An?

Of course, although I dare not think about it, it does not mean that I dare not discuss it.

And this group of geniuses from the Dai Viet Kingdom are actually very rare.

What they were talking about was how to avoid Zhou An.

"I don't think Zhou An is the kind of person who looks for trouble." A young man said.

"So, as long as we don't take the initiative to find trouble with him, we will be safe."

Another young and beautiful woman said: "Yes, we just need to look at the other talented people in the Chu Kingdom."

"This time, our mission is not Zhou An, so there is no need to ask for trouble."

A group of very talented young people finally came up with the result after a heated discussion.

That is to simply not provoke Zhou An.

After this conclusion came out, it was immediately recognized by everyone.

The scene became lively again.

The older generation who followed saw this and sighed.

These older generations know this clearly.

When this group of young people made these choices, it seemed that they were reasonably avoiding the enemy, but it was not a psychological failure.

Temporary failure is not terrible, but psychological surrender is terrible.

Of course, they are only responsible for protecting people along the way, and they have no right to interfere with these matters.

However, in the hearts of these older generations, they suddenly became curious about the person named Zhou An.

Put aside this curiosity for now.

On the other side, three people, including a middle-aged man and a Taoist monk, also moved into the room.

The identities of these three people actually have a lot of backgrounds.

If we want to break it down, it actually has something to do with the structure of Dai Viet Kingdom.

The structures of the Great Viet Kingdom and the Great Chu Kingdom were different.

First of all, in addition to the emperor, the Dai Viet Kingdom also had a prince named King Far West.

This middle-aged man is the Far West King and one of the people leading the team this time.

What the King of the Far West is in charge of is somewhat similar to the Zhengui Division. It is called the Zhuxie Division. It is very powerful and is roughly on the same level as the Chief Division.

The old Taoist priest is named Taoist Xuan Xin. He is the younger brother of the national master of the Dayue Kingdom. He is also a master of Qi Refining. This time he is here to represent the Taoist sect.

As for the white-browed old monk Kongwen, he came from Kongchen Temple, the top temple in Dai Viet Kingdom.

Although he is not the host, he is the first person under the auspices in Kongchen Temple.

This time he is responsible for taking charge of all forces coming to Dai Viet.

Three people, each with their own affairs.

At this time, these three people gathered together.

But what they were discussing was another matter.

"Zhou An's appearance actually caused several organizations to merge together?" The King of Far West frowned.

When they reach their level, what they actually see, hear, and think is different.

For example, now, whether it is the Zhensi Si, the Imperial Preceptor, or Eunuch Wei, they all have interactions with Zhou An, and the King of Far West has to think more.

"My lord, are you worried that because of Zhou An's existence, these institutions will become incompatible?" Taoist Xuanxin asked.

The King of Far West did not hide anything and said bluntly: "When the Chu Kingdom was established and it was at its weakest, several other countries wanted to take advantage of it."

"But I never expected that at that time, internal strife would break out among these institutions in the Chu Kingdom."

"Originally, even if the addition of the Chu State can balance the situation, other countries are not willing to see the rise of a new country."

"But the internal strife in various institutions in the Great Chu State made several other countries think that they might try it, so they had no intention of taking advantage of the situation."

"But now it seems that this internal strife seems to be calming down."

At this point, everything is actually very clear.

Monk Kongwen smiled and said: "But now, after ten years of recuperation, it is already very difficult to deal with the Chu Kingdom."

"Not necessarily. To deal with the Great Chu State, we do not necessarily need to use troops." The King of Far West said calmly: "The economy, food and clothing are all acceptable. If the Great Chu State becomes a piece of iron, then they can only Be the weakest of these countries.”

"It can play a balancing role, and it can overturn the balance at any time."

The conflict between countries is actually not just war, but also has many other factors.

Even poaching someone is a confrontation.

Taoist Xuanxin frowned and said, "I heard that the Prime Minister once took action against Zhou An. Maybe this is a good breakthrough point."

The King of Far West nodded: "Watch and observe again."

He did not continue, but changed the subject.

"It will be noon soon. Emperor Xingwu will hold a banquet then, and we can also see Zhou An. I am really curious." King Yuanxi said with a smile.

"What kind of person is this Zhou An?"

Monk Kongwen also smiled and said: "Our genius of Dayue Kingdom will probably have a hearty competition with Zhou An. If there is a chance, I will personally extradite Zhou An to Kongchen Temple. He is destined to me."

Several people smiled noncommittally.

But they didn't know that the geniuses of Dayue Kingdom were shying away from Zhou An at the moment.


Time passed gradually.

Zhou An didn't know what these people were thinking, he was still trying his best to tell fortunes.

Now, the fortune-telling is getting closer and closer to the sixth level, and the end point is getting brighter.

Zhou An's Liver Emperor status has never been so high.

Unfortunately, noon arrived.

The banquet has begun.

Many eunuchs came to the door of each room one after another, began to greet the people in the room, and walked outside.

Zhou An is also on this list.

He followed the crowd all the way deep into the palace.

Not long after walking, they came to a huge open space in the palace.

At this moment, the open space was filled with tables.

On the table, there are all kinds of delicacies.

Under the eunuch's greeting, everyone sat down in order according to their respective positions.

Anyone who often attends the emperor's banquets knows that at this time, the seating arrangement is very particular.

The arrangement of each position also has its own rules.

If you go to the wrong position at this time, the consequences will be quite serious.

Zhou An felt that he should be sitting with those officials from the Chu Kingdom.

What he never expected was that the eunuch walked up to Zhou An and spoke in a low voice.

"Master Zhou, please come this way." The eunuch hunched over and looked very respectful.

Zhou An stopped and said nothing. Under the leadership of the eunuch, he came to a table and sat down.

At this time, there was no one at this table, only Zhou An was here.

Not long after Zhou An sat down, many people soon arrived one after another.

Zhou Anshun looked over.

First, officials from various Chu kingdoms sat down. Zhou An didn't know them, and he didn't bother to get to know them.

And Zhou An also has people coming here.

First came Yu Hang, then Ye Shuang, Yu Hang's senior brother Gongsun Yun, and Ye Shuang's senior brother Xi Yuan.

In addition, there are several officials from the Great Chu State.

Several of them were old acquaintances, so naturally they chatted with each other.

What surprised Zhou An was that no matter from the Imperial Master's side or the Prime Minister's side, only these few disciples came.

"My other senior brothers are all busy with important matters and cannot come today." Ye Shuang said coldly.

"Hey, Senior Brother Gongsun is the most idle one. The other Senior Brothers are all dealing with important matters." Yu Hang also said.

Gongsun Yun's reaction to the two people's complaints was to roll his eyes and not take it seriously.

As for Shi Xiyuan, he looked listless at the moment.

"The fishing rod is gone..."

From time to time, Master Xiyuan would mutter something.

Apparently, someone had confiscated the fishing rod on the way here.

Zhou An said with a smile: "Master, you are addicted to fishing a lot."

Zhou An found this fishing expert very interesting.

Upon hearing this, Master Xiyuan responded feebly.

A day without fishing is undoubtedly a dimensionality reduction blow for anglers.

While a few people were talking and laughing, soon the second wave of people arrived.

This time, it is the genius of all the major forces in the Chu Kingdom.

When these geniuses entered the venue, they naturally attracted the attention of many people.

If it were normal, these talented people would definitely have their heads held high.

But it's different now. Every one of them looks listless.

There is no other reason, because they were all educated by Zhou An not long ago.

Thinking of what happened that day in the box, everyone felt miserable.

They knelt down, even in the street, and shouted, "I was wrong."

From that day on, their pride was shattered by Zhou An.

Naturally, the spirit of the past is gone.

Even when he saw Zhou An at the table, he subconsciously turned away and stopped looking at Zhou An.

"This group of people was hit hard by Lao Zhou." Yu Hang said with a smile.

Zhou An smiled and shook his head without speaking.

To him, it was just a fun sideshow.

Next, people from the Dai Viet Kingdom entered the scene.

Zhou An also looked over curiously.

Led by the three kings of the Far West, many powerful talents from the Dai Viet Kingdom also entered the venue one after another.

At this time, Ye Shuang spoke coldly and introduced the identities of King Far West and others.

After hearing this, Zhou An touched his chin: "It seems that these people have a good background. The purpose of coming here is probably not for the emperor's birthday."

This has never happened before.

Zhou An suddenly came over this time and felt that there was something going on here.

Of course, he doesn't know what it is now.

Soon, everyone who should be seated also took their seats.

The next ones to appear were the General Secretary, the National Preceptor and the Prime Minister.

Among these three people, Zhou An has only met the Imperial Master.

Zhou An had never met the other two people.

The Souji looks like an ordinary warrior.

As for the prime minister who had been dealing with him, Zhou An didn't see anything strange.

Apart from their slightly better temperaments, there is actually not much out of the ordinary about these two people.

Zhou An had watched a movie before, and there was a description of a master in it.

In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, masters must have an extremely powerful temperament, which is even different from normal people.

But in fact, those are the prejudices of ordinary people.

A master will not be recognized as a master at a glance.

For example, the fat Ximen Chuixue, the bald Ye Gucheng, and the ugly Lu Xiaofeng.

The beginning of that movie really made Zhou An agree with it.

Of course, except for the national master.

At this time, only the Imperial Master's temperament was so elegant that one could tell at a glance that he must be a top master.

There is no way, Zhou An knows the double-faced character of the national master.

Ye Shuang can reflect this very well.

"The Imperial Master really shows off his master's temperament all the time." Zhou An thought to himself.

Sitting with the Imperial Master and others were Yuan Qingyi and other high-ranking people.

As these people took their seats, the banquet began.

In the main hall, there was a sound of footsteps.

Then, the hunched-over Eunuch Wei walked out of the main hall in front.

When Eunuch Wei came out, he instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Now, His Majesty's birthday..."

As Wei Gonggong spoke, he first said some scene words.

After the scene was finished, Eunuch Wei stepped aside.

Immediately afterwards, a steady sound of footsteps came.

Among the truly ten thousand people in the Great Chu Kingdom, Emperor Xingwu came out.

Emperor Xingwu wore a dragon robe and walked out slowly in the sight of everyone.

Everyone, including Zhou An, cast their gaze over.

Zhou An was the most curious about Emperor Xingwu.

This person can be said to be a legend in the entire Chu Kingdom.

Emperor Xingwu was tall and looked extremely strong. The dragon robe he wore made him look even more majestic.

Due to being in a high position for a long time, Emperor Xingwu looked like a suffocating superior.

Whenever Emperor Xingwu turned his gaze, the person being stared at would lower his gaze, not daring to look at him.

This was the emperor who overthrew the previous dynasty and established the Chu Kingdom.

Even if he stood here without speaking, there was a strong sense of oppression.

After looking around, Emperor Xingwu glanced at Eunuch Wei and said calmly: "Let's get started."

Eunuch Wei nodded, put his hands in his sleeves, looked forward, and said loudly: "The banquet begins!"

As Eunuch Wei finished these words, Emperor Xingwu walked to the main table at the front.

Sitting here, in addition to Emperor Xingwu, are the Prime Minister and the National Preceptor, as well as the King of Far West from Dayue Kingdom and others.

Although Eunuch Wei said that the banquet was about to begin, no one moved their chopsticks. Even though there were delicacies on the table, no one went to eat them.

Because before the banquet begins, there is another important process, which is for all the civil and military officials who came to attend the birthday banquet to report their respective achievements.

This is one of the most important parts.

Ever since, starting from the table closest to Emperor Xingwu, officials one by one began to report their achievements.

Emperor Xingwu listened and nodded from time to time, but there was no expression on his face.

Zhou An didn't care, he looked around.

Finally, Zhou An's eyes stopped on one of the tables.

In addition to some officials, there were three people sitting at that table.

One of them is the second prince and the other is the third prince.

These are all old acquaintances, especially when Zhou An looked over, the second prince seemed to be frightened and looked away.

Of course, what Zhou An is most interested in is the young man sitting in the front seat.

This young man looks strong and strong. There is a deep scar on the young man's face, which shows a bit of toughness.

You don't need to look to know that this person should be the eldest prince who has never been seen before.

After noticing Zhou An's gaze, the eldest prince also looked over.

When he and Zhou An looked at each other, both sides could see the curiosity in the other's eyes.

In the eyes of the eldest prince, Zhou An has always been a man of great influence. Now that he finally met him, besides being curious, he actually wanted to make friends with him.

He doesn't care about the position of prince at all, he just wants to be stationed at the border forever. And he has been at the border all year round and has developed a character that likes to make friends.

Especially for a famous person like Zhou An, he wanted to make friends.

Zhou An's curiosity came entirely from the feeling the eldest prince gave him.

With this casual gesture, he felt that the eldest prince seemed to be a very Buddhist person.

Of course, it's just curiosity.

Zhou An felt that these things had nothing to do with him.

The third prince next to him was quite proud. Even sitting here, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The most uncomfortable thing belongs to the second prince, who is sitting here on pins and needles.

It felt like every line of sight around him was staring at him.

Although he knew it was just an illusion, he still felt uncomfortable.

The process of the birthday banquet is still in progress, and each official reports his own deeds.

Although Emperor Xingwu was expressionless, everyone knew that this expressionlessness meant that he was not at fault.

Later, after the officials reported one by one, it was Zhou An's turn.

When it was his turn, he was prepared and reported his side of the matter as usual.

The most important thing was the matter of being the supervisor. After he finished speaking, he became silent.

Unexpectedly, before the next official could report his achievements, Emperor Xingwu actually spoke for the first time.

"Is that all?"

It was just five faint words, but at this moment everyone's eyes were looking at Zhou An.

Zhou An scratched his head: "That's almost it."

He was telling the truth. There was actually nothing to be repaid for being a supervisor.

He is another hands-off shopkeeper.

If I hadn't been going to the capital this time, I probably wouldn't have prepared or understood it.

"Why don't you talk about the things you did? For example, indulgence in sex, or the wild affairs." Emperor Xingwu said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhou An suddenly realized: "Actually, it's nothing. I just killed their people. Then they were unwilling to give up and sent people to cause trouble for me. I killed them again."

He kept his words brief.

But to the ears of the people around me, it was not that simple.

Everyone knows that Zhou An is making trouble!

Everyone in the world of Chu Kingdom knew that Zong Xing and Ye Dao Sect were suffering from Zhou An, and Zhou An had almost been blacklisted by them.

Therefore, Zhou An's calm demeanor at this moment actually made everyone feel that the original situation was definitely intense enough.

Emperor Xingwu didn't dwell too much on this issue. After nodding, he looked at the next person.

The whole process went quickly. Next, when the process was completed, everyone started to carry out the seemingly important but actually not important processes in the banquet.

That's eating.

Whether they are officials from the Great Chu Kingdom or the most talented people in the power, even those from the Great Viet Kingdom eat very elegantly.

Only Zhou An was different, he ate happily.

When a person is alive, he eats, drinks, poops, and sleeps all his life, and eating comes first.

He doesn't care about anything. If it's delicious, he'll give it a few extra pieces.

Yu Hang cooperated beside them, and the two of them ate happily.

The whole banquet was not a big deal, and it was not until the afternoon that everyone finished eating.

During this period, Emperor Xingwu remained silent. Even though the people sitting with him were all high-ranking and powerful people, he did not say a word. He maintained the good temperament of an emperor, making it difficult for people to guess what he was thinking. .

After finishing the meal, Emperor Xingwu stood up and walked towards the main hall accompanied by Eunuch Wei.

This process of the banquet is finally over.

There was also a meal in the evening, and there were various performances by Ye Ji.

Before that, everyone will not go back, but will wait patiently here.

As for what Emperor Xingwu was doing when he returned to the palace, no one knew, and no one dared to ask.

It is also beneficial for the officials of Dachu State to stay here.

They can communicate with each other and expand their network.

This is especially true for those powerful people.

Zhou An sat at the table and did not move.

He is very lazy.

If the situation wasn't right now, he would even think about fortune-telling.

Yu Hang and Zhou An have similar tempers, and they seem to have taken root in their seats.

As for Ye Shuang, she looks cold on the outside, but in fact she is a bit socially fearful woman, so she stays by Zhou An's side.

A few people just sat there, chatting with each other, not wanting to get involved in other things.

Of course, if you don’t want to continue chatting, you can go back to your residence temporarily.

Zhou An felt too lazy to leave, so he rested here. Anyway, he didn't have much time before he would proceed to the next process.

He originally thought that nothing unusual would happen to him as he was sitting quietly.

But sometimes, things are too simple.

Behind Zhou An, there was a sound of footsteps.

Zhou An turned around and saw a monk with white eyebrows walking towards him.

Zhou An knew the identity of this monk.

Yu Hang had also introduced him before that he was one of the most powerful people in the Chu Kingdom. He seemed to come from the top temple, and he was also the junior disciple of the abbot.

This time, the Kingdom of Dai Viet was also sent here to take care of those talented people.

Zhou An felt that the visitor was unkind.

Although the monk looked smiling.

But in this situation, he has nothing to worry about.

Afterwards, Zhou An turned around and looked at Monk Kongwen walking over without saying a word.

Monk Kongwen spoke first: "I have met Mr. Zhou."

Zhou An narrowed his eyes.

Even though Monk Kongwen looked like an ordinary monk, he could keenly sense that there was a terrifying power in this old monk.

This is the real older generation, which is completely different from those who have grown up through age, and the pressure they bring is naturally more terrifying.

"Master Kongwen came to see me. What's the matter?" Zhou An asked.

Although he was asking, Zhou An knew clearly that the person coming was definitely not good.

When Zhou An asked this question, Monk Kongwen put his hands together and said.

"I wonder if Mr. Zhou has any thoughts about Kongchen Temple?"

Zhou An raised his eyebrows and said, "What is an idea?"

Monk Kongwen said with a smile: "Master Zhou is young and powerful, and he has dominated the world of Chu for a generation. But to be honest, Master Zhou is actually destined to our Buddhist sect. If you are willing to go to Kongwen Chen Temple, then there will be one more Buddhist disciple in Kongchen Temple."

This is clear enough, both inside and outside the words.

The intention of soliciting is beyond words.

Zhou An also didn't expect that the other party came over to solicit him, and he spoke so elegantly.

He didn't even blush when he said something like being related to Buddhism.

Zhou An shook his head: "I'm not interested."

It's pretty good here so far, he really has no interest.

He doesn't even have the interest to be an official, so who would want to be a monk?

Zhou An originally thought that he wanted to have some trouble here, but who knew that Monk Kongwen just asked this question and left directly.

This was just a small episode, and then more people came to talk to Zhou An.

In addition to the officials from the Great Chu Kingdom, the third prince also came over.

Zhou An also experienced what it means to be delicious.

He feels that he is the busiest one here.

Of course, after this banquet, there was nothing else going on.

There was no disturbance.

Soon, the afternoon passed and the sky gradually turned dark.

There was a sound of footsteps in the hall.

Then, Eunuch Wei walked out of it, said "Go to the main hall," and then led everyone towards the main hall.

The area inside the main hall is not small, just enough for these people to live in, and the decoration inside the palace is also unique.

There is a large open space in the middle, and around it are long tables.

No more than two people can sit at each table.

Zhou An took Black Jade and sat at a table.

Others also took their seats one after another.

This position also pays attention to an order.

Some of the dishes on the table have also been freshly made.

Zhou An had just sat down on it. At this time, along with the sound of footsteps, many Yijis walked out from outside.

These are the queens of art in the palace.

In the evening, in addition to eating, there is also singing and dancing.

Emperor Xingwu sat in the highest position and watched expressionlessly.

After everything was ready, the sound of singing and dancing continued to spread in this vast palace.

Zhou An felt that this kind of life was quite luxurious, drinking and watching beauties performing, which he had only seen on TV before.

Of course, in his mind, he just wanted this banquet to be over quickly, and then return to his temporary residence to continue his liver proficiency.

Nothing unusual happened during the singing and dancing, and the entire banquet went smoothly.

Until several songs are finished, the wine has passed three rounds and the dishes have passed five flavors.

Zhou An felt that the first day of the banquet was about to pass.

But I never expected that there would still be a problem at the end.

The King of Far West and others who came all the way from Dayue Kingdom suddenly spoke.

The King of Far West bowed his hands to Emperor Xingwu and said slowly: "Your Majesty, first of all, on behalf of the Kingdom of Dai Viet, I would like to wish your Majesty a long life. In addition to congratulating your Majesty on his birthday, we are here for one more thing."

When the King of Far West spoke, no one present made a sound.

But there are all kinds of thoughts.

Emperor Xingwu had no expression on his face and glanced at King Yuanxi lightly: "Go ahead."

After receiving the reply from Emperor Xingwu, the King of Far West said: "The Kingdom of Dayue and the Kingdom of Chu are very close to each other. This time I brought the powerful talents of the Kingdom of Dayue here. In fact, I also wanted to have a friendly interaction with the Kingdom of Chu. , Your Majesty, what do you think of a hearty competition between the genius of our country and the genius of your country?"

When these words were said, the first ones to react were the geniuses from all the forces in the Chu Kingdom!

They all looked at King Far West, no one knew what they were thinking.

But some people looked a little excited.

In fact, this kind of excitement is normal. After all, the geniuses of the Great Chu Kingdom are all holding their breath in their hearts at this time.

They had been severely suppressed by Zhou An before this, and their reputation in the world had actually been damaged.

If we can take this opportunity to regain our prestige, it might be a matter of making amends.

But now, they just show their excitement and don't dare to be too obvious on this occasion.

When Emperor Xingwu heard what the King of the Far West said, he frowned slightly, then relaxed his brows and nodded: "Tomorrow morning, we can have a competition, but have you thought about the rules of this competition?"

A person in such a high position must have a lot on his mind.

Emperor Xingwu could tell at a glance what the King of the Far West meant.

It was nothing more than a way to test the strength of the genius of Chu Kingdom.

For people like them, new strength is also an extremely important part, and it is also a demonstration of national strength.

Being able to test out the other person's depth is equally important.

Since you want to test me, I will also take this opportunity to test you.

Everyone competes with each other, which is naturally the best.

After receiving Emperor Xingwu's reply, King Far West said with a smile.

"Of course I have thought about it. Since there are four major categories, we will fight the same kind against the same kind. From each of the four major categories, we will send a top master to compete with each other."

"Your Majesty, what do you think of this?"

Emperor Xingwu pondered for a moment and nodded: "It's feasible. In that case, let's treat it as a performance tomorrow morning. Before that, you can make good choices."

"That's right." The King of Far West nodded, and then said nothing more.

Next, the banquet was basically over.

There will be one tomorrow, but it's very late at this time.

As a result, everyone got up and left the palace.

Zhou An walked very fast, and now he wanted to get back to liver proficiency.

As for the competition, he didn't care at all.

These things are none of his business.

Ding Busan is also at the banquet today, but obviously, today's occasion is not suitable to bring up the so-called bet. It is expected that it will be brought up tomorrow.

When it's time to mention it, you can complete the transaction yourself.

Thinking about this, Zhou An's pace became faster.

But before he could take two steps, Eunuch Wei stopped him.

Not far away, Eunuch Wei stood there with a smile on his face.

When Zhou An came to the front, Eunuch Wei slowly spoke.

"His Majesty asked you to go to the imperial study. Just take this badge and walk in this direction. We won't lead the way."

After saying that, a waist badge was thrown over.

Zhou An took it in his hand and looked at the word Wei carved on it.

Before he could speak, he saw another side of Eunuch Wei.

Eunuch Wei finally took his hands out of his sleeves, his whole body filled with yin energy.

"You go and poach our people by yourself. We'll give him a slap in the face first."

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