It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 220 A sober gathering (please vote for me)

After Taoist Fulong heard what Monk Zenxin said, he fell into deep thought.

While thinking about what the Zen monk said, he was running away.

For them, this is really the only way to escape with their lives.

"I knew that going to Zhou'an would definitely bring bad luck." Taoist Fulong thought to himself.

Originally, according to their intention, they were to hide in the dark and act like theatergoers.

If Zhou An was targeted by the Guild of Guilds as soon as he arrived and was directly beaten to death by the Guilds of Guilds, then everything would be easy.

They just need to wait quietly for the guild to pass, and then go out and get the map, which will be a double harvest.

To take a step back, even if the Guild didn't take action against Zhou An, they could still find an opportunity to take action personally and kill Zhou An.

But they never expected that the results would always be worse than they planned.

They had just entered the Guild of Guilds, and before they could recover, the Guilds of Guilds in their heyday came.

The beating made them run away, almost killing them.

He is still desperately chasing him, and it is only a matter of time before he catches up.

Only the Zen monk's method can be used.

"Is it really possible?" Taoist Fulong asked after hesitating for a moment.

He always felt a little uneasy inside.

The current situation is too complicated and too weird.

"Is there anything else I can do?"

Monk Zenxin waved out a Buddha light filled with evil aura and said: "This is the only way to save one's life at this time."

"Moreover, this is also the way to kill Zhou An."

"When he and the Guild meet, they will inevitably fight. When the time comes, we will reap the benefits."

While he was speaking, a strong Yin Qi hit his face, beating Monk Zenxin until he vomited blood.

The entire assembly has become their enemy, and no one can stand up to them.

Taoist Fulong gritted his teeth: "Look! Find Zhou An! Escape while you can still!"

He also knew in his heart that there was only one way at this time.

After the two of them were ready, they started looking for Zhou An everywhere in the street.

the other side.

"Heiyu, even if these things belong to your family, you can't plunder them like this. I'm worried that your mother will come and skin me."

Zhou An looked at the large and small bags of black jade and was speechless.

But those strange people had dull faces and no intention of taking action.

This place is all a gathering of ghosts, and according to the rules of inheritance, they are all black jade.

Black Jade held a lot of things and looked at Zhou An with his head tilted, looking stupid.

"Okay, okay, you can take whatever you want, but you can't take it out anyway." Zhou An waved his hand helplessly.

The two of them continued shopping, inversely proportional to Taoist Fulong's nervousness.

They were quite comfortable here, but Taoist Fulong was running away and looking for someone. They were beaten many times by the scheming guild, and they all suffered serious injuries.

This is a place where even Eunuch Wei dare not set foot easily.

Even if Eunuch Wei comes in and the Guild has the home field advantage, they can have a back-and-forth fight with Eunuch Wei, let alone Taoist Fulong.

"No, it's too big here. I think we have to go down first if we don't find Zhou An."

Monk Zenxin gritted his teeth, his body was broken a lot, and even his chest became dripping with blood.

The Yin Qi was corroding his wounds, leaving him with no time to recover.

"Fu Long! I don't need your calculation method to figure out Zhou An's location!"

Monk Zenxin looked disgraced and roared: "Stop hiding and choking. If this continues, neither of us will be able to escape!"

"Why don't you count it?" Taoist Fulong choked back: "If you forget it, you have to be distracted. If you are distracted, you will run slower. If you run slower, people will be gone!"

At this time, the main thing is to concentrate on escaping.

Although Taoist Fulong knew that this situation was considered chronic death, he could not die first.

Just like two people being chased by a tiger, everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before they are caught up.

But they all had to run desperately.

Because if you run slowly, you become food for the tiger. If you run faster, you will have time to escape.

Whoever runs slowly will be in the front row, not to mention their life and death crisis, if they run slowly, they will die.

Monk Zenxin turned around and saw that Taoist Fulong was determined not to make any calculations. He felt cruel in his heart.

"Okay! Fulong, I have written this down. I will go to Ye Daomen to ask you for an explanation when the time comes!"

He stretched out his right hand, and a Buddhist bead appeared on it.

This Buddhist bead shines brightly.

This is his natural thing.

Since I started practicing Buddhism, I have been nourishing it day and night. If it is not an emergency, I will never take it out.

After the Buddha beads appeared, a faint Buddha light emerged, and the fascinating Buddha sound also filled the surroundings.

In the gray sky, the phantom of the Buddha kept coming and going, wandering in the sky.

A magnificent Buddhist kingdom emerged.

The figure of the gathering suddenly stopped.

"Forget it!" Monk Zenxin said hurriedly: "There is only three breaths of time!"

Taoist Fulong also knew that Monk Zenxin had taken out all his old money at this time, and quickly started counting on his fingers.

After a moment, he pointed to a direction and said: "That location!"

As soon as he finished speaking, it was time for three breaths.


The beads suddenly shattered and turned into dust on the ground.

The surrounding Buddha's light, Buddha's sound and Buddha's kingdom all disappeared.

The guild returned to normal again and continued to pursue them.

This time it was different. The two of them had a direction, so they did not stop and rushed towards Zhou An's position at full speed.

"The loss is so great, even my Buddhist beads are gone. Zhou An, I will definitely kill you!"

Monk Zenxin looked extremely ferocious.

Above the street, the two sides were chasing and escaping, approaching Zhou An's location.

After flying for nearly another stick of incense, Monk Zenxin and Taoist Fulong finally saw Zhou An and Heiyu who were shopping like taking a leisurely stroll in a courtyard.

"We are running for our lives, and you are shopping?" Monk Zenxin became even more angry when he saw this scene.


With a roar, the two men fell from the sky and looked at Zhou An.

Taoist Fulong said coldly: "Zhou An, you are dead!"

Behind him, the coven unexpectedly stopped.

Although his face was dull, his eyes were filled with coldness and resentment.

Zhou An was also stunned.

He was shopping when these two people suddenly came.

And the most important thing is that there is a woman in black following behind, which is obviously weird.

This aura is powerful and ancient, and even when you stand in front of it, you have a heart-stopping feeling.

The surrounding space was constantly distorting, as if this woman was the source of all natural disasters.

Zhou An knows this familiar feeling all too well.

"Gathering of conspirators!"

"It's still a fucking guild in its heyday!"

These two strangers actually attracted the coven from the heyday.

Zhou An frowned and said, "Who are you two and what do you mean?"

Now this situation is a bit strange.

Because the Guild of Guilds were standing there, covered in Yin Qi, but they didn't make any move.

Her eyes were cold, staring straight at Zhou An, but she didn't make a move.

A strange instinct prevented her from acting rashly for the time being.

The first time, she was impulsive and Zhou An cut off half of her eyes.

The second time, she was impulsive again and was destroyed half a block by Eunuch Wei.

Now, instinct allowed her to exercise restraint, which was also an extremely rare thing.

Because of this, Zhou An had time to ask questions.

"Take care of yourself, your situation is even more dangerous now." Taoist Fulong sneered.

Zhou An touched his chin: "Looking at the attire of the two of them, they should be Taoist priests and monks. If they want to kill me, they are the Wild Dao Sect and the Wild Buddha Sect."

Hearing this, the two of them were noncommittal and sneered.

Zhou An suddenly realized: "In other words, my guess is good, you two should be ahead of me."

Monk Zenxin was slightly startled.

He didn't understand what Zhou An meant.

At this moment, Zhou An suddenly smiled sadly.

If anyone who is familiar with Zhou An is here, especially if Yu Hang is here, they will know that Lao Zhou has a sinister expression.

As expected, Zhou An enthusiastically pointed at the gathering of ghosts and spoke to Taoist Fulong.

"You two, it's great that you can come. Let's beat the Guild to death together!"

Taoist Fulong: "?"

My face is full of question marks, it’s not that I have a problem, it’s that you have a problem.

Don't you understand what's going on now? We've both had enough to support you, and we're going to help you deal with the guild?

Not only him, but also the monk Zenxin laughed mockingly.

"Zhou An, do you still want to go crazy before you die? How could we... huh?"

He originally wanted to say something sarcastic, but when the words reached his lips, he couldn't say them.

Because the conspirators are taking action.

The Guild of Guilds almost did not hesitate to take action against Taoist Fulong.

The sky is full of gloomy air, with an ancient atmosphere, which makes people despair.

After all, Taoist Fulong has experienced many lives and deaths, and in critical moments, he managed to avoid vital points.

But most of his body was still hit by Yin Qi.

Countless talismans appeared on Taoist Fulong's chest, blocking all these attacks.

If it weren't for these talismans, Taoist Fulong at this moment would probably turn into a pile of ashes.

But even so, Taoist Fulong's talisman was instantly turned into ashes.

"what happened!"

Taoist Fulong shook his body, his face full of disbelief.

Zhou An smiled and said: "She has instinct and is worried about my helper. I was enthusiastic just now. Even if she doesn't understand, she can still feel the emotion. So, the weird instinct is really a good thing."

Taoist Fulong's eyes widened.

They were exploited in turn!

The enthusiasm shown by Zhou An just now would be misunderstood by the conspirators.

No matter how strong the guild is, it is still only instinctively weird, so you will instantly think that they have united together.

And because they were looking for Zhou An, they happened to be in the middle at this time, so... they happened to be the target of the attack.

The Guild didn't give them a chance to attack, and launched attacks one after another.

Rich Yin Qi rose into the sky.

At this time, Monk Zenxin and Taoist Fulong seemed to have returned to the starting point.

They tried their best and tried their best, but finally it was restored to its original state.

If I had known this was the case, it would be better not to come in.


Monk Zenxin turned around and was about to leave without any hesitation.

This is now evident.

They had no choice but to run for their lives.

The guilds have all turned to deal with them. Why are they still here? Let's run away first.

The two people withstood the attack of the guild and fled quickly.


Zhou An didn't give them this chance.

Without any hesitation, he raised his hand and struck out with a knife.

Behind Zhou An, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body glowed with waves.

The ten-meter-high Holy Spirit Demonic Body suddenly expanded in this space.

This sword carries countless dark green sword lights.

On the other side, Zhou An's pot has also arrived.

One knife and one pot, with unparalleled power, attacked Taoist Fulong and the two.

"Zhou An, you can't stop us with just this attack!"

Taoist Fulong raised his hand, and countless talismans fell from the sky.

These talismans blocked all Zhou An's attacks, and most of the talismans were destroyed by Zhou An.

On the other side, Monk Zenxin also took action.

Although they were escaping, it didn't mean they wouldn't leave some gifts for Zhou An.

All this is just following the trend.

If it could inflict fatal injuries on Zhou An, it would be a worthwhile trip.

The bright Buddha's light enveloped Zhou An with heart-stopping terror.

They have already surpassed the psychic realm.

So the attack at this moment is extremely terrifying.


Even facing this terrifying attack, Zhou An's expression did not change at all.

His face remained as usual, and he even showed a smile.

The gold ring squirmed.

In the eyes of Taoist Fulong and Monk Zenxin, the second knife appeared.

Two knives, one pot.

This time, Zhou Ping's forceful attack brought with it a terrifying level of power.


The roaring sound was endless.

This time, he used all his strength to deflect the attacks of Taoist Fulong and Monk Zenxin.

Because of this, Zhou An's sword actually caused the two of them to stop.

In the battle of life and death, even a tiny flaw can have fatal effects.

What's more, at the critical moment when the two were about to escape, they were stopped by Zhou An.

The moment he was stopped, the guild's attack came instantly.


A huge explosion occurs.

The terrifying gloom covered the sky and filled the space.

Taoist Fulong and Monk Zenxin both vomited blood during this attack.

In just one moment, their defense collapsed instantly and they were already seriously injured.

The two of them lay on the ground, their faces becoming extremely pale.

"Can't run away!"

Taoist Fulong and Monk Zenxin looked at each other with fear in their hearts.

They have lived for a long time, but the longer they live, the more they fear death.

Having seen many colorful worlds, death is an extreme terror to them.

But what happened next was beyond their imagination.

The Guild of Guilds did not continue to take action, but looked at Zhou An with cold eyes.

Taoist Fulong saw this scene. After being stunned for a moment, he laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, Zhou An, it seems you are going to die in front of me!"

Monk Zenxin also mocked: "Even if we die, if we can bring you with us, that's enough!"

"Weird instinct, now that the crisis has been eliminated, the first thing he wants to kill is you!"

Now, the ending has been decided.

They couldn't run away, but if they could take Zhou An with them, it would be worth it.

Zhou An also felt the cold breath, and the depressing feeling continued to fill his heart.

This ancient and cold atmosphere made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Even with the current strength, facing this kind of pressure, there is still some feeling.

"Do you really think I'm going to die?"

Zhou An sneered: "There are many people who want to kill me, but no one can really take me away. I am more difficult to kill."

"You can still run?" Taoist Fulong said sarcastically.

"Why should I run?" Zhou An asked.

When he asked this question, Taoist Fulong was confused.

If you don't run away, are you still going to fight with the Guild?

This is a bit nonsense.

Who can fight with the Guild here?

Even the top people in the Great Chu Kingdom cannot do it.

This is the home of the Guild.

"So I said, it's not good for you people to know how to fight and kill in just one day."

Zhou An smiled and said: "This world is about human nature, Black Jade, do it!"

He felt that the Guild couldn't wait any longer.

So he had to take action first.

Black Jade has been acting as a transparent person next to him.

At this time, Zhou An suddenly spoke, and she immediately understood what Zhou An meant.

Black Jade raised his hand, and a relic with a faint Buddha light appeared from Black Jade's right hand.

After the relic emerged, it immediately shot towards the gathering of conspirators.

The Guild originally wanted to stop it.

But when she saw that Black Jade had thrown it, her strange instinct made her subconsciously catch it.

This was thrown at me by my daughter, and even if it was instinctive, I would not take it as an attack.

The next moment, the relic fell into the hands of the conspirators.

The light of the relic is very faint.

But the light followed the right hand of the Guild and headed toward the Guild.

When the light gradually faded, the relic turned into a line of flying ash.

At this time, the aura on the Guild's body changed and became very different.

It is no longer that strange and cold aura that seems to annihilate everything.

Although it is still ancient and powerful, it exudes a sense of desolation and... reason!

She was still dressed in black, and her body exuded a powerful aura, as if it contained ancient and desolate power.

It is extremely powerful, as if it is the end and beginning of everything.

The surrounding streets will become extremely quiet, no one dares to confront her, as if she has become the master of the world.

" is...I see, this familiar feeling has rarely appeared for so many years since that trash made me sober."

A cold word came from the mouth of the Guild.

Zhou An heard it very clearly.

That trash probably refers to the owner of Fengyu Tower.

He knew it very well, but that didn't mean that Taoist Fulong and Monk Zenxin knew it.

The expressions of the two people at this time were completely stunned.

If you open your mouth wide, you can fit an egg in it.

"Am I right? The Guild has... consciousness?" Taoist Fulong had already forgotten where he was.

Monk Zenxin was shocked: "Is this... Zhou An's method?"

Now, they no longer know what words to use to describe it.

The extremely powerful guild has human consciousness, so what will be the result?

Monk Zenxin reacted quickly, pointed at Zhou An, and shouted: "It's him! The person you hate the most! We worked hard to bring your enemy here, and we are helping you!"

I have to say that Zen monk’s thinking is very clear.

After he gained consciousness in the Guild, he immediately pointed out Zhou An's identity.

In his mind, since the Guild hates Zhou An so much, if he points out Zhou An now, Zhou An will definitely die.

Taoist Fulong also helped: "Yes, yes! It's him, kill him quickly, we are here to help you."

The corner of Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly: "I'm so big for you, now, I want you to see what I do. It's time to show off."


What operation?

Taoist Fulong and Monk Zenxin looked at each other, but neither could see what Zhou An meant.

Next, Zhou An's actions completely stunned the two of them.

Zhou An pointed at Black Jade and said, "Black Jade, come here and call me mother."

Acknowledge her marriage quickly so that the Guild can see how good she is to her daughter.

Black Jade tilted her head, listening to Zhou An's words, and whispered: "Mother."


What the hell is this!

What kind of trick are you doing here to recognize your relatives?

Taoist Fulong was stunned.

This incident was beyond their common sense.

The Guild didn't care about them, but stretched out their hands to Black Jade.

The next moment, the black jade figure disappeared and appeared next to the Guild.

"How does he treat you?" The Guild Club gently touched Black Jade's head and asked.

He refers to Zhou An.

Black Jade said cutely: "Very good, teach me, bump me, and knock my head every day."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Guild Alliance became filled with murderous intent.

Sweating profusely, bro!

Zhou An looked stiff and said, "If you don't know how to talk, just say less."

After finally making a game, we can't let it collapse because of Black Jade's words.

Black Jade seemed to understand. He took the hand of the Guild and tilted his head and said, "It's really... very good!"

After saying these words, the expressions of the Guild Council finally relaxed a little.

Zhou An was relieved.

The conspirators turned their eyes away from Zhou An and looked at Taoist Fulong and Monk Zenxin.

The hair on both of them stood on end instantly.

This kind of terror is even more stressful than being weird.

Because all this comes from a sober strong man.

"Why don't I understand the tricks you two are playing?"

The conspirators waved their sleeves.

An extremely simple action.

But after this action appeared, the terrifying Yin Qi covered the sky and the sun.

The two people, with their gloomy and unwilling expressions, instantly turned into ashes on the ground.

The methods were terrifying, and the top leaders of the two forces were easily eliminated.

And all of this seemed to happen at random.

After doing all this, the conspirators turned their attention.

There are many emotions in this gaze.

Tangle, pressure, and a little bit of indifference.

Of course Zhou An knew what it meant.

You abducted someone else's daughter, and that's weird if someone can say nice things to you.

Zhou An shrank his neck.

All the emotions of the conspirators turned into relief: "Well, she has another ability. It seems that you are really good to her, otherwise I would have to pay a huge price to cut off your connection with her today. "

At her level, of course she can see the connection between Zhou An and Black Jade.

This connection is terrifying.

If it were to be cut off, even she would have to pay a terrible price, even die.

Even death may not necessarily lead to success.

Fortunately, judging from Zhou An's intentions, he seems to be pretty good to Black Jade.

"It's not good for her to stay in a dark place like mine. The world outside is so wonderful."

The conspirators thought to themselves and changed the topic: "If you have anything to ask, just ask directly."

An old man of this level, in addition to being extremely powerful, is also extremely resourceful.

It only takes one glance to see Zhou An's thoughts.

Zhou An also has no ink marks.

He has no other good qualities, that is, he is very adaptable.

When I first traveled through time, it only took a blink of an eye to get used to everything.

So at this time, Zhou An didn't pay attention to etiquette.

"Everything, about you, about the weirdness, about the cracks!" Zhou An looked curious.

The conspirators frowned and said: "There are quite a lot you want to know, but I can't tell you a lot of them. You can understand's limited by the rules."


Zhou An touched his head and felt that what he heard was a complete mess.

The conspirators pointed to these terrifying streets and said, "What is the source of the weirdness? It is pollution, it is terrifying pollution."

"Contamination comes from the cracks, and within the cracks lies the Great Terror, and from the cracks of the cracks."

"Through the cracks, you can see countless horrors, and you can also see the cracks inside the cracks. If you go through that layer of cracks, you can see the source of the pollution."

"As for the source of the pollution, I can't tell you, because the rules limit it, even I can't tell."

At this point, the gathering of conspirators stopped and they did not continue.

Besides, I couldn’t tell.

Zhou An thought for a moment: "If we want to solve the root cause, wouldn't it be very difficult?"

If you look at it carefully, you will see that it is not only difficult, but also a top-level natural hazard that is difficult to cross.

First, find the cracks.

As we all know, places like cracks lurk endless dangers.

Even the leader of the Taoist sect in Dai Viet Kingdom, who has more than ten thousand people, was also overwhelmed when faced with the cracks.

Not to mention the others?

And it is even more difficult to find the cracks in the cracks amid the dangers everywhere.

And there is also the place behind the crack, which is called the contaminated place.

It can be said that every road is full of difficulties and dangers.

"No wonder, in those ancient times, countless heroes only wanted to destroy the cracks outside so that pollution and weirdness would not come out again."

Zhou An thought in his heart: "It turns out that it is because there is no way to explore the place of origin. If you go there, you will die."

If you can get it done once and for all, why bother with all the trouble?

Countless heroes and countless talents have generously sacrificed their lives just to resolve the cracks, which is actually a helpless act.

But even so, for that period of history, it was also an era of heroes.

Zhou Anguang felt a little uncomfortable just thinking about it.

"I've witnessed it."

The gathering of conspirators also sighed: "Those countless geniuses and countless top-notch people fought hard in the cracks and died in the cracks."

"When they die, they will be replaced with new ones. They are not afraid of death, and they are even willing to die."

"Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, unimaginable numbers, dead everywhere."

"It can be said that without these people, your present day would never be what it is today."

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade.

Today's life is actually the result of the hard work of those predecessors in the past.

"Can you feel empathy?" Zhou An asked.

In his opinion, the gathering of ghosts is weird and should not produce such emotions.

"When I'm awake, there will be. Before I became Weird, I was the leader of the Human Chamber of Commerce. After I died, I was still doing things related to trading."

The Gui Hui said calmly: "Actually, being weird is very uncomfortable. The feeling of chaos and all kinds of cold atmosphere are not good."

Zhou An's head is full of black lines.

He felt a little crooked, and it felt weird.

He shouldn't be weird.

No, this flag must not be raised.

"Is there more?" Zhou An continued to ask.

"Like more secrets."

"No more." The Guild shook his head.

"I don't show up very often, so how would you know? Well...but if you really want to know, I have a way."

Zhou An's eyes lit up when he heard this.

At this time, the aura on the Guild's body has changed.

The relics can revive the guild, but only temporarily.

The consciousness among the members of the Guild is fading.

What's more, it's that weird aura that's gradually spreading.

"I can let you see for yourself what the so-called cracks look like."

The Guild Club said calmly: "Of course, you need to promise me something."

Zhou An asked: "What's the matter?"

"Relics!" The Guiji assembly said: "Please help me do more of this kind of thing. The feeling of being sober is really intoxicating."

Zhou An: "..."

Good guy, it turned out to be waiting for him here.

Is this thing possible if it can be done?

Monk Kong Wen only has two statuses, so it is very difficult to obtain them.

Of course, at this time, Zhou An felt that he could afford a blank check.

"No problem." Zhou An agreed.

"That's good."

The conspirators said: "I can let you personally experience the pollution and weirdness in the cracks, and there is no danger."

After she finished saying this, she waved gently around her.

As the Guilds waved their hands, the next moment, the street where this area was located turned into nothingness.

"This..." Zhou An was a little stunned when he saw this scene.

This is self-destructive.

"I have many streets, so it doesn't matter if I sacrifice some of them."

The Guild is very heroic.

Thinking about it, there are so many streets where ghosts gather, so naturally they don't care about this.

Along with the destruction of the street, a gap appeared in this street.

The crack was ethereal, like a deep passage filled with mist, bottomless.

The terrifying aura coming from the cracks makes people shudder.

Around the crack, the air seemed to be sucked in, surrounding the crack, reflecting various blurred pictures.

Sometimes it's a desolate desert, sometimes it's a dark abyss, sometimes it's a burning sea of ​​fire, sometimes it's a weird forest.

Looking again, there seems to be some invisible and mysterious power inside the crack, which makes people's thinking and senses become chaotic, as if they are in another world.

This feeling is so weird and mysterious that people dare not look directly at it.

"Go in," the conspirators said.

Zhou An said strangely: "How do I get in?"

Just kidding, if he goes to the crack, isn't that asking for death?

The conspirators asked strangely: "Who said you were allowed to go in?"

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