It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 275 The Ancestor Worship Festival is Coming

At this time, it was already night, and the room was dark, with only the light of the oil lamp flickering faintly in the room, like the only brightness in the dark night.

Although the room is spacious, there are only two people, Zhou An and Heiyu, and it seems a bit deserted.

Zhou An turned his head, looked at the black jade holding his hand next to him, and fell into deep thought.

Although Black Jade held Zhou An's hand, he didn't seem to be very interested. He lowered his head as if he was thinking about something.

This state is typically a state of worry, and a discerning person can see it at a glance.

After coming out of the psychic space, Heiyu has been in this state, which is not consistent with Heiyu's usual temper, or even completely opposite.

In the past, no matter what the situation was, or what situation he was in, Black Jade looked heartless and brought too much joy to Zhou An.

After arriving in this world, Zhou An gradually became accustomed to the existence of black jade, and even felt that with the company of black jade, the road of the Liver Emperor would not be so boring.

But at this moment, Black Jade changed from his previous state and became taciturn and even worried.

Zhou An was very worried about this state.

Zhou An held Black Jade's hand tightly and asked, "Are you worried?"

Heiyu heard Zhou An's voice, raised his head, and nodded his head slightly: "Ouch."

She raised her free hand and pointed at her forehead: "It's so sad here."


Zhou An was slightly surprised.

This kind of emotion is impossible to appear in Black Jade. How can he feel sad?

Generally speaking, Black Jade only has joy and joy, accompanied by the grievance of being knocked on the head by Zhou An.

What sadness is, Zhou An has never felt it in Black Jade.

"After you came out of the psychic space, you were in this state. Tell me what happened inside."

Zhou An touched Black Jade's head and said, "We are a family, and we must say what needs to be said."

Black Jade raised his head in confusion, then let go of Zhou An's hand, wrapped his arms around Zhou An's waist, and pressed his face against Zhou An's chest.

Zhou An could feel that Black Jade's body was trembling slightly at this moment.

This state is more serious than the previous silence.

There was a deep murderous look in Zhou An's eyes, and a cold feeling spread across his body.

Qi began to flow, washing over and over again around him.

He felt that Black Jade had been wronged just now.

Anyone who makes Black Jade feel wronged will be torn into pieces and turned into ashes.

"After entering the psychic space, before I came out... I felt a particularly familiar aura."

Black Jade rubbed Zhou An's chest with his face and said: "It appeared very quickly, but also disappeared very quickly. That breath made me feel familiar and sad at the same time."

"It's like an acquaintance whom I haven't seen for a long time appears in front of me, but then disappears very quickly."

"I haven't recovered yet."

Zhou An listened to Black Jade's eloquent words and circulated the Qi in his body.

The golden gossip emerged from scratch, slowly appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes, and kept spinning.

Zhou An began to use Bagua arithmetic to make calculations based on what happened in the psychic space.

A silk thread is connected to the black jade, ready to spread in one direction.

But as soon as the spread spread, it disappeared in an instant, as if the thread had never appeared.

"It doesn't count?"

Zhou An frowned slightly.

This situation means that the cause and effect cannot be calculated, and it also means that the cause and effect of this matter is beyond the calculation range of Bagua arithmetic.

"Let's go to a psychic space."

Zhou An patted Black Jade's back and said, "Let's see what's inside."

Since the incident occurred in the psychic space, Zhou An wanted to go back to the psychic space to see what was going on.

If there is a problem, then solve it, let alone the black jade problem, it must be solved.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou An said these words, Bai Yu shook his head.

"It's no use, the aura disappeared, I can feel it, and it will never appear again."

Zhou An gently stroked the black jade head: "Are you sure it won't appear again?"

Black Jade hummed: "It's a mysterious feeling, but it tells me that everything is right."

Speaking of this, Heiyu's mood became much better because of what he talked to Zhou An, and his eyes had the same color as before.

Zhou An pondered for a moment and nodded: "I will help you deal with it. As long as there is no danger, it is just a secret and you will find it out sooner or later."

Since Black Jade has talked about it to this extent, and there is indeed no clue at present, Zhou An plans to put it aside for the time being.

Shelving does not mean giving up.

When his skills become stronger or he gets a clue one day, Zhou An wants to see what it is that makes Black Jade feel bad.

If it is a bad one, just cut it down and it will be over.

"Honestly, it's the first time you've said so many words. You're very smart."

Zhou An thought of another question, narrowed his eyes, held Heiyu's chin, and raised Heiyu's face: "In the past, I was just pretending to be stupid."

Black Jade was dumbfounded.

With Zhou An holding her chin like this, her eyes changed again, as if she had changed from a border collie to a husky.

"I'm stupid, not smart at all."

"Speaking very logically."

Zhou An said happily: "It seems that during this period, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body has made you smarter and smarter, don't pretend to be stupid."

During the recent period, Zhou An ignored the screams of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body caused by Black Jade and became furious.

This also caused the black jade to seem to be becoming more and more human-like while the Holy Spirit Demonic Body was rising.

Black Jade tilted his head with a stupid look in his eyes, but did not answer Zhou An's question directly.

Zhou An said helplessly: "Okay, okay, you like this, it's up to you."

Whether Black Jade is smart or not, it doesn't matter to Zhou An.

At the beginning, because of the conspiracy, the two were already connected, and there was basically no possibility of separation.

Even if the Guild wants to split up, it will still have to suffer heavy losses, and may even be in danger of complete death.

Moreover, the two of them have been together for so long, Zhou An has already become accustomed to it.

It doesn't matter whether he is smart or stupid, as long as the person is black jade, it makes no difference.

"Go on." Zhou An chuckled and planned to continue using the Liver Spirit Demonic Body.

Black Jade immediately retracted his hand, covering his collar, pretending to be trembling: "No..."

Zhou An's mouth twitched, ignoring the dramatist, and flicked out the light of the Holy Spirit's Demonic Body.

The next moment, Black Jade hummed softly.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere in the room.

Time passes gradually.

The Great Purge was still going on, and Emperor Xingwu seemed determined to eliminate all the moths.

The people in the previous dynasty were hiding desperately, and for a while, the situation became extremely serious.

Regarding this matter, Huaixi Jing's Suppression Division also mobilized a large number of manpower and began to cooperate with the great purge.

In this regard, Zhou An would go to Zhenguisi every day to learn about the latest situation.

The time for Xie Gui and the Dayue Kingdom to send troops is getting closer and closer. Before that, the great purge must be effective, which is enough to show Emperor Xingwu's determination.

Fortunately, apart from going to Suppress the Spies every day, the speed of Zhou Angan's Holy Spirit Demonic Body has not slowed down.

For an hour every day in the psychic space, after coming out, I would go to Zhengui Si to have a look, and then go back to continue my work.

The proficiency of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body is also gradually increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is worth mentioning that after entering the psychic space again, nothing like the last time happened, and Black Jade once again regained its former vitality.

Although Zhou An didn't seem to care about this on the surface, he had already remembered it in his heart.

He even went to Zhensi to look through the information, but there was no clue at all.

But Zhou An has decided that if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely dig out the things that make Bai Yu feel bad.

Today is another ordinary day.

Zhou An came out of the psychic space, stretched, and patted Black Jade on the back: "Go out to eat."

This is a daily routine. After dinner, we go to Zhenguisi to see the progress of the great purge.

Black Jade agreed proudly, took Zhou An's arm happily, and went out with Zhou An.

After the two went out, they went to the stall outside and had a small meal before arriving at Zhenguisi.

The number of people in the Suppression Division is much smaller than before. Most of the people have gone to cooperate with the purge. Only a few people are left to allow the Suppression Division to operate normally.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou."

The members of the Zhenguisi who passed by said hello respectfully.

Zhou An nodded and then went to his room.

As soon as he sat down, He Sheng came to the room with a booklet.

"Tell me about it." Zhou An waved his sleeves, poured himself a cup of tea, and took a light sip.

He Sheng opened the fold and said seriously: "Today, two more Jianghu forces were discovered with traces of the previous dynasty. We have cooperated with the Yamen and the Supervision Department to cleanse these two Jianghu forces."

"Currently, the entire Huaixi Capital, including its county offices, has purged a total of 438 places of influence from the previous dynasty, with considerable results."

In the room, He Sheng spoke very slowly, trying to explain every detail one by one.

This is a daily routine.

After everything was said, He Sheng put the fold on the table.

Zhou An opened the book on the table and compared it with He Sheng's report. After making sure that nothing was missing, he nodded and said: "Very good. If there is something that cannot be handled, tell me as soon as possible."


He Sheng nodded in agreement.

The matter was almost over, and Zhou An was ready to leave Zhenguisi and go back to continue working on the Demonic Body of the Holy Spirit.

Unexpectedly, He Sheng had no intention of leaving and remained standing there without moving.

Seeing this, Zhou An frowned and said, "Is there something that cannot be handled?"

This was the first time he had seen this situation, so Zhou An guessed that He Sheng had encountered something he couldn't handle and needed to take action himself.

He Sheng nodded and said: "Sir, it's not about the great purge, but the Ancestor Worship Festival is approaching recently, so I'm afraid trouble may arise."

Ancestor Worship Festival?

Zhou An touched his chin and searched for impressions in his mind, and soon found something about the Ancestor Worship Festival.

The so-called Ancestor Worship Festival is somewhat similar to the Qingming Festival in previous lives. Just like the name, it means honoring one's ancestors.

Zhou An frowned and said, "What kind of trouble will happen during the Ancestor Worship Festival?"

He Sheng said: "Whenever ancestors are worshiped, resentment will inevitably breed, strange things will arise, and trouble will inevitably arise."

Later, He Sheng explained everything about ancestor worship.

When He Sheng explained everything clearly, Zhou An already understood what happened.

The so-called ancestor worship will breed weirdness, but it is actually related to resentment.

In this world, some people have a good life, and some people have a bad life.

People who are living a good life are fine, but people who are living a bad life will have resentment in their hearts.

Worshiping ancestors should be a serious process, but once those who are not living a good life go to worship ancestors, problems will arise.

It itself is to pay homage to the dead ancestors. If you have resentment, it will be easy to bring those ancestors back to life.

This kind of resurrection is naturally not a human being, but a dead person.

Zhou An thought for a while and said: "There are so many people in Huaixi Capital, and the ancestral graves are widely distributed. Even if there is no major purge, even if the entire town is mobilized, it will not be able to cover them all."

There is no such thing as a cemetery in this world, and burial graves are scattered everywhere.

If He Sheng's statement is true, then even if all the secret agents in Huaixi Capital are dispatched, they may not be able to solve this matter.

After all, no matter how many people there are in the industry, they cannot cover everything.

He Sheng nodded and said: "That's true, but we also have a way. There is a profession among the miscellaneous sects called memorial masters."

"The ability of the memorial master is to use the remaining strength of the ancestors to take over the body through memorial ceremonies. This is also their fighting method."

"In addition to being used in battle, they also have the ability to centralize the remaining power of those tombs."

"This is only for tombs. Our previous plan was to divide a large number of areas, let the mourners concentrate in this area, and we would deal with it together."

The strange problem with the Ancestor Worship Festival is that the tombs are scattered.

And because of the memorial master, these graves that may become weird can be dealt with together, which can also solve the situation that is beyond the power of the Suppressor.

This is a very good method and an excellent solution.

Zhou An frowned and said: "In that case, then I will do as you say, why do you look so embarrassed?"

He Sheng said awkwardly: "The largest force of memorial masters in Huaixi Capital is called the Sacrifice Sect, but recently the leader of the Sacrifice Sect said that they accidentally went into a misunderstanding in their practice, which made the entire Sacrifice Sect unable to deal with this ancestor worship. Festival."


Zhou An sneered and said: "It is too coincidental that the entire force has gone astray. Please explain the reason directly and what the situation is. Don't hesitate."

He finally figured out that this so-called sacrificial sect probably didn't want to cooperate with this action, so he found a reason to refuse.

He Sheng pondered for a moment, organized his words, and then told what happened.

"Actually, this matter is related to Mr. Zhou..."

"Is it related to me?"

Zhou An raised his eyebrows: "I don't remember that I had a relationship with Ji Men."

He had never heard of this force, how could it have anything to do with him.

Those who had a grudge against him had already gone to accompany his aunt, and no one was alive. How could Zhou An let a sacrifice man live?

"Master Zhou, do you remember that not long ago, you went to the Qin family and solved Master Yu's matter?" He Sheng asked tentatively.

Zhou An touched his chin: "It is indeed true. Why, is this sacrificial sect connected with the Qin family?"

He Sheng nodded and said: "The Sacrifice Sect was originally located in Lihuang Capital, but when it was in Lihuang Capital, it offended a big force and was forced to move from Lihuang Capital to Huaixi Capital this time. After the relocation The Qin family was very helpful during the process.”

"After the incident in the Qin family, we also took advantage of the purge to investigate the sacrifice sect, but there were no major problems."

"My subordinates speculated whether the Sacrifice Sect was resentful because Mr. Zhou destroyed the Qin family."

"But this is just speculation after all. Since the Sacrifice Sect doesn't admit it, we have no way of taking action. Now that the Ancestor Worship Festival is approaching, it's probably beyond our power to find the same forces."

The Ancestor Worship Festival is coming soon, and even if we go to a nearby Beijing-level city, we still don’t have enough time.

Zhou An pondered for a moment and said, "Where is the sacrificial gate?"

He Sheng took out a map, put it on the table, and pointed to a location: "It's right here, sir. Do you want to go to the Sacrifice Gate?"

"Just because you can't find it doesn't mean I can't find it."

Zhou An stood up: "If there is really a problem with cultivation, then that's fine. We will think of other ways. But if the people's lives are specifically used to disgust me, then there is no need for the existence of this sacrificial sect."

"Remember, when I go to the sacrifice gate, I have to be responsible for not causing chaos in Huaixi Capital."

He is someone who never offends anyone.

But if someone comes to provoke him, then be prepared to die.

In this world, no one likes to leave enemies alone and let them develop silently.

If there is really a problem, just kill it directly.

He Sheng said respectfully: "Yes, sir, do you need my subordinates to send members to accompany you on this trip?"

Zhou An shook his head: "No need."

After saying that, he took Black Jade's hand and walked out of the Zhenguisi gate.

After arriving at the deserted street outside, Zhou An circulated the Qi in his body, used the Flying Dragon Movement Technique, soared into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared into the horizon.

The location of the sacrificial gate is located on a high mountain in the north of Huaixi Jing.

This mountain is called Qingdu Mountain. Although it is not a famous mountain, the scenery here is unique.

A place where birds sing and flowers bloom, forests and grasses are abundant, and a piece of natural beauty sets off the beauty of this mountain.

The majestic and tall building complex is located on the mountain peak, blending in with the surrounding beautiful scenery, and appears to be particularly harmonious.

At the entrance, there is a huge plaque with the words "Sacrifice Gate" written on it.

If you get closer, you will feel that the interior of this building complex is not as beautiful as Qingdu Mountain.

Inside the gate is a vast and boundless courtyard, and in the courtyard, there are spiritual tablets standing on both sides.

It's so densely packed that it feels like a paradise for the dead, making one's scalp numb.

The master of the Sacrifice Sect, surnamed Lu, was sitting in the largest room, drinking tea, looking leisurely.

Behind Clan Master Lu is a maid in light gauze, lifting his shoulders.

And below, an elder from the Sacrifice Sect was reporting the news.

"Master, if we do this, are we really not afraid that Zhou An will come in person?" The elder of the sect was slightly worried.

Their power is only a first-rate power, and even the leader of the Lu clan is only in the psychic realm.

To be honest, if it weren't for their unique role, the Suppressors in Huaixijing might not even look at them.

But recently, the sect leader issued an order to put aside the Ancestor Worship Festival for a very strange reason.

In the past, the ancestor worship festival was always done by the sacrificial sect, and the relationship with the Zhengui Si was still okay.

But this time the sect leader's order has made many disciples feel fearful in their hearts.

It's okay to offend Zhensi, but now, there is still Zhou An in Huaixi Capital.

They all know that Zhou An destroyed the Qin family, and they have imagined Zhou An as a unique murderer.

Even the elders of the Sacrifice Sect couldn't figure out what was the reason that made Master Lu dare to do such a thing.

The masters of the psychic realm have practiced for a long time. It can be said that without any brains, it is impossible to reach this realm.

If this kind of behavior seeking death happened to a minor character, it would be okay, but if it happened to a master of the psychic realm, this is absolutely impossible.

Elder Jimen's hair has turned gray in the past few days, and he is even thinking about whether he should just run away.

Otherwise, if Zhou An comes and the people are eager to kill, there will be no way to survive.

After hearing what the elder of the sect said, Master Lu put down the teacup in his hand and waved to the maid behind him.

The maid immediately resigned and left quickly.

Soon, only the elders of the Sacrifice Sect and the Master of the Lu Sect were left here.

"When have I ever done something like this that harms others and does not benefit myself?"

Master Lu said slowly: "Now it is said in the world that I sacrificed my sect because of the Qin family and deliberately went against Zhou An, but the Qin family deserves it the most."

"No matter how strong the Sacrifice Sect is, it is still the power of the Great Chu Kingdom. Who dares to go against the Great Chu Kingdom, let alone Zhou An, who is now famous for his evil reputation?"

The elder of the Sacrifice Sect was slightly startled: "Then why... you still deliberately don't go to worship your ancestors?"

He was completely confused by the sect master's words.

He really couldn't understand why the sect master could see everything clearly but still did this.

The elder of the Sacrifice Sect wanted to open his mouth, but saw Master Lu wave his hand.

"Go down, I have my own sense of discretion." The leader of the Lu family was waning.

When the elder of the festival door heard this, he sighed and then left the room.

Even before leaving, the elder of the Jimen was still worried.

After the elders of the Sacrificial Sect left, only Sect Master Lu was left here.

Not long after, a figure flashed past, a gorgeous woman wearing a black robe, standing in front of the Master of the Lu Sect.

"Is Zhou An coming soon?" the gorgeous woman frowned.

Master Lu said respectfully, "Yes, Princess Fuling."

The corners of the mouth of the gorgeous woman named Princess Fuling rose: "Very good, as long as the sacrifice sect is killed by Zhou An, no one can deal with the ancestor worship festival. Many people will die. This is for Zhou An A lesson."

"Yes!" Master Lu lowered his head and said.

Not long ago, the princess of the former dynasty suddenly came to him and asked him to succumb to the previous dynasty and even live in this gate.

Princess Fuling's plan was actually very simple, which was to use the Sacrifice Sect to offend Zhou An, and then ask Zhou An to kill the entire Sacrifice Sect, so that the Ancestor Worship Festival could not be preserved and a large number of people died.

The purpose of the plan was just to retaliate against Zhou An and Ji Men.

Master Lu agreed because the former princess was too powerful.

"I hope you can take me away, Princess." Master Lu continued.

Princess Fuling nodded and said: "Don't worry, you just need to anger Zhou An after he arrives. When the time comes, I will naturally take you away."

"After all, what we want to do is to restore the previous dynasty. You memorial masters are also talented people and will leave your roots."

"Don't ask me how I can take you away."

Sect Leader Lu said respectfully: "Yes!"

"Go and get ready." Princess Fuling waved her hand and said impatiently.

She looked at Master Lu with a hint of contempt, but Master Lu didn't notice it.

Take him away?

This is impossible, unless there is something wrong with her head.

This time, she had such a simple purpose.

At first, the previous dynasty never offended Zhou An, because in their view, Zhou An was a talent.

And after they captured the Great Chu Kingdom and restored the power of the previous dynasty, they would definitely be of great use to Zhou An.

But he never expected that Zhou An would wipe out the Qin family. It was their painstaking arrangement, and they didn't know how much hard work they put into it.

Then, they sent the Bamboo Swordsman to give Zhou An a wake-up call and beat Zhou An.

But they still miscalculated.

Zhou An was very decisive and killed the bamboo swordsman directly, neatly and without any sloppiness.

This approach completely angered them.

The arrival of Princess Fuling was to teach Zhou An a profound lesson with the people of Huaixijing.

As long as the Jimen was destroyed by Zhou An himself, the people of Huaixijing would surely die in large numbers, and Zhou An would become the culprit of this matter.

By then, I am afraid that even the emperor would not be able to deal with it.

As for the lives of the people, in the eyes of Princess Fuling, it was nothing more than that.

The previous dynasty did not value these ordinary people, let alone now?

"Emperor Xingwu values ​​the people, and the large-scale death of the people is caused by Zhou An. Zhou An, I want to see how you will get through this time."

Princess Fuling sneered in her heart.

"And this Lord Lu, do you really think I will take you away?"

"Wait until I see Zhou An kill all the people in the Jimen, and then leave alone, isn't it happy?"

Thinking of this, Princess Fuling felt a little relieved, as if she had already thought of Zhou An's end.

While she was thinking about this, at this time, a huge sound of wind had emerged from outside.

Along with the sound of the wind, there were also screams of fear.


Princess Fuling could feel a strong momentum spreading in the Jimen.

She stretched out her hand and pointed at the void. In an instant, a smooth mirror appeared in the air.

Taoism magic-developing mirror.

Princess Fuling was a Taoist, and she was also an important figure in the Taoist of the previous dynasty.

Developing mirror is just a small magic, which can observe the situation outside. For Princess Fuling, it can be done by waving her hand.

At this time, in the courtyard with a large number of spirit tablets, Zhou An led Hei Yu and arrived at the front yard, while the elders of the Jimen were smiling timidly.

After seeing Zhou An's appearance through the mirror, Princess Fuling's eyebrows turned cold, and a trace of murderous intent was revealed in her eyes.

"You are so arrogant. Today is just an appetizer. There will be more later, enough for you to drink a pot."

With this thought in mind, Princess Fuling quietly waited for Master Lu to appear.

Through the developing mirror, Princess Fuling waited for half an incense stick of time, and finally saw the figure of Patriarch Lu.

"Here he comes."

Princess Fuling sneered.

"Let me see if Zhou An can destroy the Ji Sect. All I need to do is to provoke him and make his anger reach the limit."

After Patriarch Lu appeared in the developing mirror, he immediately looked around with a calm look.

Princess Fuling thought that Patriarch Lu would find ways to make Zhou An angry.

But the next scene made Princess Fuling dumbfounded.

I saw Patriarch Lu kneeling on the ground very smoothly, and then kowtowed to Zhou An.

This action was extremely familiar, as if it had been rehearsed countless times in my mind, so skilled that it made people feel distressed.

After Patriarch Lu kowtowed, he said loudly: "Master Zhou, there is a princess from the previous dynasty inside. She forced me to do it. She cursed me. I have stabilized her. Please kill her and save me by the way."

Princess Fuling was stunned, and the whole person seemed to be frozen.

This is totally different from what she thought!

Why did this happen?

This Lu Sect Master was cursed by the most vicious curse of the Taoist sect. As long as she casts the Taoist magic, he will immediately turn into pus and blood.

How dare he?

Thinking of this, Princess Fuling's face became even colder, and she was ready to cast the Taoist magic to make Lu Sect Master die completely.

But at this moment, Zhou An waved his sleeves, and the light of the Holy Spirit Demon Body enveloped Lu Sect Master.


It's just a negative state, a piece of cake.

The Holy Spirit Demon Body can even cure the problem of black jade, not to mention that it has reached the eighth level now, and will soon usher in a qualitative change.

This level of curse is just a matter of dispelling.

When the light of the Holy Spirit Demon Body fell, Princess Fuling felt that her curse seemed to lose its effect instantly.

At this time, Lu Sect Master let out a long breath, and the tension on his face completely disappeared.

This is a gamble, and the gamble is whether Zhou An can solve the curse.

Just like what the elder of Jimen said, if Master Lu can cultivate to the spiritual realm, he is not a fool and will not go against Zhou An.

If Zhou An can break the curse this time, he can live, and Jimen can live too.

If he can't break it, although he can't live, other people in Jimen can live.

As for the nonsense said by Princess Fuling, he just pretended not to hear it.

Even if he was really taken away, everything he had worked hard for would be in vain.

Jimen was his hard work, and he inherited it from his ancestors, which was more important than his life.

If Jimen was gone, it would be better to die.

Therefore, Master Lu felt that he made the right bet this time.

"Stupid thing, isn't it better to follow the Great Chu Kingdom these days than your previous dynasty?"

"What's more, you want to run away after offending Zhou An? Isn't that asking for trouble?"

Master Lu thought secretly in his heart.

In short, only idiots follow the previous dynasty.

Master Lu thought that he was not idiot.

Outside, Zhou An looked at the prostrate Lu Clan Master and smiled.

He held the black long knife, his hand drooped naturally, letting the long knife slash across the ground, leaving a long knife mark.

Then, Zhou An pointed his long knife directly at the house in front of him and sneered.

"Princess? I have never killed a royal relative, I wonder if the blood spilled is different from others."

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