It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 278 The gathering of conspirators is abnormal

In the dark woods, at this time, the moonlight shines down from the sky, revealing a hazy beauty.

And in this clearing cleared by the Zhensi Si himself, the bright dark green sword light shattered the hazy moonlight, like a terrifying poisonous snake, opening its cold fangs.

Taoist Hanyuan never expected that Zhou An would take action so decisively, even before he could finish his words.

Seeing the approaching dark green sword light, Taoist Hanyuan suddenly realized why Zhou An had said so many words to him before.

Because Zhou An needed a result, a result that could kill him, and he happened to give the result.

What Zhou An said was undoubtedly confirming his guess, and his answer confirmed Zhou An's guess.

Now that it's confirmed, it's true, it's true, and there's no need to continue.

Zhou An has never been soft-hearted when dealing with his enemies, and he has never been intimidated.

"This boy is truly a rare talent. Not to mention his strength, his decisiveness alone is more powerful than many geniuses."

Taoist Hanyuan thought to himself and raised his right hand.

On the index and middle fingers of his right hand, there is a piece of yellow talisman paper with mysterious patterns on it.

When the talisman appeared, it immediately turned into a pale white barrier, covering Taoist Hanyuan's body.


There was a roar, and Taoist Hanyuan's barrier came into contact with Zhou An's long knife and immediately shook.

In just the blink of an eye, the barrier disappeared, and the long black knife continued to attack Taoist Hanyuan's chest with a momentum that would never look back.

"What a powerful attack."

Taoist Hanyuan waved his sleeves, and a handful of floating dust emerged, wrapping Zhou An's black long knife.

This floating dust seemed to have spirituality. After it appeared, part of it wrapped around Zhou An's long knife, while the other part stabbed Zhou An's chest like a steel needle.

The whole process happened so fast that people couldn't react in time.

When Zhou An saw the floating dust coming straight towards him, he narrowed his eyes and circulated the Qi in his body.

When Qi circulated, a dense layer of golden light immediately appeared on Zhou An's body, making Zhou An look like a Buddha chanting sutras.

The floating dust pierced the golden light that cast his body, and immediately it was like an all-pervasive stream of water that started to cover its head and burrow into the golden light.

At this time, Zhou An's long knife was restrained by the floating dust and could not escape.

A strong man in the ultimate realm of enlightenment can destroy the world with his attacks.

Taoist Hanyuan waved his other hand, and a large number of talismans were lifted up with the wave.

When the talisman was raised, it moved towards Zhou An to suppress it with terrifying murderous intent.

Zhou An's reaction was also very fast. An iron pot appeared in his left hand, and the iron pot shrouded it, enveloping a large piece of talisman paper.


A dull sound continued to explode in the iron pot.

Both sides restrained the other, but at the same time they were restrained by the other.

Zhou An smiled and said, "You are much better than your old mistress."

After these words were spoken, Taoist Hanyuan's face became extremely gloomy, and murderous intent suddenly bloomed.

He was an admirer of Princess Fuling. Even after Princess Fuling died, there was still no progress in their relationship.

But even so, Taoist Hanyuan was still enjoying the meal and was tireless.

If it weren't for the plan, Taoist Hanyuan would have killed Zhou An the moment they met.

Now that the plan is ruined, it would not be a big loss to just kill Zhou An directly.

Taoist Hanyuan's gaze was noticed by the Zhou Security Department.

Zhou An shook his head and said jokingly: "I never thought that at your level, you would be a licking dog."

That's right, in Zhou An's view, Taoist Hanyuan is just a licking dog.

A man, when he thinks something is wrong, he treats him like a licking dog, disgusting!

"No matter what you say today, you will die!"

Taoist Hanyuan raised his head and looked at the Holy Spirit Demonic Body behind Zhou An with a sneer.

The floating dust and paper talismans were not only able to control Zhou An, they even controlled the Holy Spirit Demonic Body through Zhou An.

He knew very well that Zhou An had no extra means at this time, but he still had many.

As Taoist Hanyuan said these words, countless talismans appeared again behind Taoist Hanyuan.

"Let me see what other tricks you have."

Taoist Hanyuan sneered: "Killing you with this move will be a disaster for the Chu Kingdom!"

The talismans continued to combine, and finally condensed into a huge talisman in the sky that covered the sky and the sun.

This combination of talismans filled the sky with terror.

The clouds dispersed, and the light of the moon seemed to be outweighed by the illumination of the talisman paper.

What's even more terrifying is that this talisman actually swallowed up all the moonlight.

The earth suddenly became dark, and under the darkness, the gloominess deepened.

When He Sheng and others saw this, they anxiously drew their weapons and prepared to step forward.

But then Zhou An's look made He Sheng stop.

"keep away."

Zhou An said calmly.

He Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses.

He found that even under such a destructive talisman, Zhou An's expression was still calm.

He even told them to stay away!

As a member of the Huaixi Jingzhen Guisi, He Sheng had been in contact with Zhou An for a long time, and He Sheng knew what Zhou An meant.

This situation shows that Zhou An does not take Taoist Hanyuan seriously and does not even need their help.


Almost instantly, He Sheng obeyed Zhou An's order and left the mountain with a large number of members of the Suppression Division.

Other members of the Suppression Division, including the police officers, were already prepared to die.

But as He Sheng said these words, they gritted their teeth and silently followed He Sheng and left the mountains.

Taoist Hanyuan did not stop him. Instead, he looked at Zhou An jokingly and said mockingly: "If you run, you won't be able to run for long."

"After I kill you, I won't waste much time chasing you myself."

"Zhou An, do you regret it?"

In the sky, the talisman covering the sky and the sun was like a tall mountain, pressing down on Zhou An.


Zhou An shook his head and said with disdain: "I have killed enough rats in my life, and you are just a slightly older rat."

After the words fell, a terrifying change appeared in Zhou An's eyes.

The eyes that had always been indifferent contained a large number of countless emotions, and when they were mixed together, they finally merged into one thing - chaos.

The chaotic attribute of the Eye of Chaos, even in this environment, is still like a bright sun, making people subconsciously look away.

The ten-meter-tall Holy Spirit Demonic Body also blesses all the Eyes of Chaos.

At a glance...

Taoist Hanyuan, who had always been confident, suddenly felt his heart shake.

His consciousness was in an extremely chaotic state, and even the talisman covering the sky paused slightly.

"He has spiritual abilities!"

Taoist Hanyuan reacted immediately.

Runes of talismans appeared and turned into lumps of ashes, blending into Taoist Hanyuan's brows.

Taoist Hanyuan woke up immediately, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

"Fortunately, he has been restrained by me." Hanyuan Taoist thought in his heart.

Perhaps a brief trance is extremely fatal to an expert.

But the current situation is that Zhou An was restrained by him. Even if he was in a short trance, Taoist Hanyuan didn't think it was a big problem.

"He's still going to die!"

Taoist Hanyuan's heart was filled with boundless murderous intent.

Especially when he thought about whether Princess Fuling died because of Zhou An or whether she died in Zhou An's hands, Taoist Hanyuan felt even more murderous in his heart.

"I avenged you with my own hands, Fuling!"

"No! What is this!"

Taoist Hanyuan looked at the situation ahead, his pupils slightly widened.

Not far ahead, a second knife appeared.

And this knife shot towards the sky, with terrifying power, hitting the talisman falling from the sky.

The talisman paper that covered the sky and the sun should have been extremely terrifying, but when Zhou An's knife fell on the talisman paper, it was like hot fire hitting the ice.

The talisman shattered and turned into ashes all over the sky.

"How can you still control the second knife?" Taoist Hanyuan's face was filled with astonishment.

Zhou An said lightly: "Are you surprised?"

He was cheating. The Chef Ding Jie Ren Dao had long been able to control the second sword, and he had perfectly reproduced all the power of the sword technique.

"By the way, you seem to have lost your mind." Zhou An continued.

Before Taoist Hanyuan could react, he saw Zhou An's extremely confused eyes.

The next moment, he was in chaos again.


Taoist Hanyuan immediately controlled the talisman and wanted to go towards his mind.

But before these talismans came close, Zhou An's second knife fell!

The terrifying sword light shattered all the talismans.

But the light of the sword did not stop at all and continued to fall on Taoist Hanyuan's head.


A sound like tearing rags sounded above Taoist Hanyuan's head.

Wherever the long knife passed, Taoist Hanyuan's body began to break.

Pieces of ashes tumbled in the sky.

In just a blink of an eye, Taoist Hanyuan was completely reduced to ashes all over the sky.

Zhou An drew out his long knife, looked at the place where Taoist Hanyuan died, and frowned.

"It's really difficult to kill in the ultimate enlightenment state."

As he said these words, the ashes on the ground began to gather, and once again condensed into the appearance of Taoist Hanyuan.

"Why not die?" Zhou An raised his eyebrows.

He was very sure that the sword strike just now was enough to completely kill Taoist Hanyuan.

But the result was that Taoist Hanyuan, who was supposed to die, was actually resurrected.

This is indeed novel, because it is also the first time Zhou An encounters it.

The former enemy is dead and resurrected is really outrageous.

"Have you ever heard of the Taoist Nine Seals of Immortality?"

Taoist Hanyuan's face was extremely gloomy.

He really didn't expect that he would die here in Zhou An, it was simply unbelievable.

Zhou Ancai is in the spiritual realm!

It would be too outrageous for the psychic realm to kill the absolute enlightenment realm!

Zhou An touched his chin: "I see, you and Princess Fuling are both useless. It's a pity. I thought I could kill the veteran Juewu, but it seems you are not old enough."

Nowadays, Zhou An's knowledge is no longer the same as before. He has long heard about Taoist methods such as the Nine Seals of Immortality.

The Nine Seals of Immortality can be resurrected nine times, but serious people will never learn this technique.

It seems that this skill is very good, and it also comes with resurrection, but the price is extremely high.

First, every nine years, one will suffer from the heart-gnawing pain of thousands of insects.

This kind of pain is felt from the heart to the soul.

At this time, even an ordinary person can easily kill those who practice the Nine Seals of Immortality.

In other words, every nine years, there will be a huge crisis. If the enemy takes this opportunity to find it, it will be completely finished.

Secondly, those who practice the Nine Seals of Immortality will have their strength permanently consolidated.

This kind of eternity cannot be broken by any method. No matter how you practice, your strength will not improve even slightly.

It is precisely because of these two reasons that Taoist masters who are as powerful as the Jue Enlightenment realm will not practice at all.

And those who practice the Nine Seals of Immortality are Taoist people who are lacking in talent and have made no progress, just to save their lives.

Zhou An was slightly disappointed.

Because he felt that Princess Fuling had gone to a sideline to practice spells, and Taoist Hanyuan was a practitioner of the Nine Seals of Immortality.

These two people are not considered to be the strongest in the Juewu Realm.

"Not enough." Zhou An sighed.

This disappointed and mocking expression happened to be seen by Taoist Hanyuan.

Taoist Hanyuan felt that he had been insulted!

He knew very well that Zhou An despised him.


"Of course you people who are extremely talented look down on us."

"But do you know that being able to cultivate to the point of ultimate enlightenment is already our ultimate peak."

"Why do you look down on me!"

Taoist Hanyuan was enveloped in a layer of gloom.

But what was waiting for him was Zhou An's long sword.

The tall holy spirit demon body, with terrifying power and huge sword light, shrouded the mountain.

"None of my business!"

Zhou An took a step forward and dropped a sword from the sky.

If you can kill once, you can kill nine times. There is not much difference.

Taoist Hanyuan looked at the falling sword light and was already trying his best.

He used the talisman to protect his soul first and avoid making the same mistakes again.

The remaining countless talisman papers turned into giant talisman papers that blocked the sky and sun again, colliding with Zhou An's sword light.

Zhou An freed up his other hand, held the iron pot in his hand, and quickly grabbed it towards Taoist Hanyuan.

Knife and pot pinch attack, coupled with the second knife, the shot is full force.

After the first situation, both parties knew what the other party's trump card was.

Taoist Hanyuan began to pay attention to Zhou An's eyes of chaos, and Zhou An would not be controlled by Taoist Hanyuan's floating dust.

This time, it was a confrontation, and it was also the most brutal style of play.

There's no bells and whistles, it's just a fight against each other to see who is stronger.

The roaring sound continued to resound in this nameless mountain.

Under the moonlight, he was defeated by the remaining power of the two.

Light cannot last forever here.

The nameless mountain began to descend continuously, and was defeated by the residual power of the two attacks at an extremely terrifying speed.

At this time, He Sheng and others had left the scope of Wuming Mountain.

There was a constant roar in my ears, deafening.

The nameless mountains ahead were filled with patches of dust that were constantly settling.

This scene is really shocking.

In a battle at the Juewu Realm, even if you are standing on the edge, being affected is a sure sign of death.

"Master Zhou's strength has become stronger again." He Sheng said with emotion.

Next to him, the people in charge of the town and the Yamen were all silent.

Sometimes, this kind of silent silence is more shocking than a bunch of words.

"If I were one-tenth of Lord Zhou's level, I would be able to laugh out of my dreams." He Sheng continued.

The people around him couldn't help but nod their heads, feeling the same way.

A member of the Suppression Division asked: "Do we need to contact the higher authorities to send reinforcements from experts?"

He Sheng shook his head: "It's too late. Besides, it's not necessary."

"Why?" The members of the Zhensi were puzzled.

"Because, that's Mr. Zhou."

He Sheng laughed and said, "Has Mr. Zhou ever been defeated?"

The members of Zhenshi thought for a while and then shook their heads.

In the arena, Zhou An has never been defeated.

He Sheng showed a strong confidence: "Master Zhou will not lose, we must believe in him."

At this time, He Sheng had developed a blind confidence in Zhou An.

The surrounding members of the Suppression Division were so exaggerated that they all nodded.

While they were communicating on Zhou An's side, the fighting was still going on.

"That's it, it's great!"

Zhou An attacked crazily, cracks appeared in the surrounding space, and the air became distorted.

Although there were countless cracks in the golden light that cast his body, the excitement in Zhou An's eyes continued to skyrocket.

He hadn't felt this happy in a long time.

Thinking about it carefully, this kind of hearty battle is already a very vague memory.

He is so strong that he can kill all the enemies he encounters with just one strike.

Sometimes, Zhou An feels that the loneliness of masters is not just a pretense, but a real thing.

"The excitement you bring me is comparable to that of my aunt!"

Zhou An swung his sword again.

Taoist Hanyuan was surrounded by countless talismans.

The battle just now consumed a lot of talisman paper, so he drew talismans in the air and used Qi to condense the translucent talisman paper to fight Zhou An.

"What kind of monster are you!"

At this time, Taoist Hanyuan felt a trace of fear in his heart.

"This is just the psychic realm. Although I am not a master in the realm of enlightenment, he is two great realms behind me!"

"This is incredible!"

"If this person reaches Quan Sheng, wouldn't killing Wu Jue be like killing a dog?"

"If you reach the realm of ultimate enlightenment, will you be able to fight against the likes of the national master?"

The more he thought about it, the more chilled Taoist Hanyuan felt.

"This person must not be left here!"

Taoist Hanyuan took out a piece of emerald green talisman paper from his arms.

This talisman paper is emerald green and looks ordinary except for the color.

But when this talisman appeared, Zhou An felt that an extremely terrifying danger was growing in his heart.

"In the beginning, the teacher was the national master at that time, but he was defeated miserably at the hands of the current national master. This is the only relic left by the teacher to me."

Taoist Hanyuan ignited the emerald green talisman: "Zhou An, you can be proud to die in the hands of the Judgment Talisman."

When the talisman was ignited, Zhou An immediately felt that the surrounding space began to become sluggish.

The next moment, a huge emerald green hand appeared out of thin air in the sky.

And when the emerald green palm appeared, it immediately crushed towards Zhou An.

"Can't afford to offend."

Zhou An had already made his choice in just a split second.

"Quick, shake people!"

This talisman is simply not something I can deal with at this stage.

As Taoist Hanyuan said just now, the maker of this talisman is at the same level as the national master.

Shaking people is the right answer!

In the shadows, Black Jade appeared, and he instantly understood what Zhou An meant.

She just started summoning the coven in an instant.

Taoist Hanyuan looked at his right hand, which was on the verge of being broken.

This talisman was left by his teacher before his death. Even if he wanted to use it, he would have to pay a huge price.

Just now, he had died three times.

The Nine Seals of Immortality have been used by him several times over a long period of time.

Now, there are only two left.

"But it's enough, at least Zhou An will die." Hanyuan Taoist thought in his heart.

But just as this idea appeared, he suddenly felt an extremely cold feeling growing in his heart.

Taoist Hanyuan subconsciously looked up and found that the surroundings were no longer mountains, but ancient and cold streets.

One after another is strange, standing on both sides of the street, looking extremely cold.

"Is this a gathering of conspirators?"

Taoist Hanyuan said subconsciously: "Why did you suddenly come to the Guild?"

Before he could continue thinking, bursts of roaring sounds sounded in the sky.

Two extremely powerful monsters appeared in mid-air.

One of them is a charming woman dressed in black, and the other is a man dressed in white.

There was a layer of white mist on the strange face of the man in white, making it difficult to see his true appearance.

The attacks from both sides caused the surrounding space to continue to shatter.

And that emerald-green talisman was instantly extinct under the attacks of the two.

If the imperial master of the previous dynasty came in person, he would not be so fragile, but this emerald green talisman paper is just a talisman paper after all.

Taoist Hanyuan heard a gust of wind in his ears.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw Zhou An holding Heiyu and running to the end of the street.

At the corner, Zhou An turned his head and looked at him like an idiot.

Zhou An really didn't expect that this time when he entered the gathering, it would be so explosive.

A strange creature in white clothes is inseparable from the guild.

In this situation, it is obvious that there are big bosses on both sides.

Zhou An couldn't even throw the inner elixir, because in a battle of this level, one could not be distracted.

If the Guild were distracted to receive the inner elixir, Zhou An would not be able to escape if he really lost the fight. first!

Wait until the fight is over!

Taoist Hanyuan understood what Zhou An meant and was ready to run away.

But before he could lift his feet, he saw a jet of black sword light coming towards him.


Taoist Hanyuan shattered the sword light, but the roaring sound immediately attracted the attention of the sky.

No matter how fiercely Weiwei fights, once a stranger appears, there is only one enemy.


"With your status, how could you use such despicable means!"


Taoist Hanyuan roared angrily.

The next moment, he couldn't yell anymore.

Two attacks came in person, blasting his body into pieces and turning into ashes.

The Nine Immortal Seals provided resurrection, but this last resurrection turned into ashes again before Taoist Hanyuan could react.

This time, he was really dead.

Taoist Hanyuan's aura completely disappeared in this space, leaving only an inner elixir rolling on the ground.

At this time, Zhou An fled to the street corner and hid. After hearing Taoist Hanyuan's roar, he laughed.


He cursed secretly, raised his head, and looked at the sky.

In the sky, the battle continues.

The battle between the two bosses was really evenly matched. No one could surrender to the other, and no one could defeat the other.

But in Zhou An's view, the weird one in white seemed to be stronger than the Guild.

Not to mention anything else, it can be seen that just on the territory of the Guild of Guilds, he can fight evenly with the Guilds of Guilds.

"Continuing the fight like this is not an option." Zhou An thought.

"Yeah!" Black Jade's face was serious and he nodded.

"You're a hammer." Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly.

The weirdness in this state is all based on instinct.

He thought that if he could make the group of monsters wake up, their strength would definitely increase, and it would be easy to kill another group of monsters.

But if we really do this, will it temporarily distract the Guild?

Zhou An thought about it for a while and suddenly had an idea.

He pulled Black Jade and spoke carefully.

Black Jade listened, and her face turned bitter: "Me again?"

"Nonsense, you're not going to die, why don't you act as cannon fodder?"

Zhou An knocked on Black Jade's head: "You have half the aura of a living person. As long as you attract their attention and stop fighting, throw the inner elixir over."

"You won't die. Even if they attack you, it won't be a problem."

This is Zhou An's idea. He can't keep watching these two big guys fight.

And black jade is the best solution.

Black Jade is immortal. As long as he is still alive, no one can kill Black Jade.

In this case, first use the aura of the black jade half of the living person to attract the attention of two strange people, and completely spend the vacuum area where the inner alchemy is thrown out.

It will be easier to handle when the Guild of Guilds regain their sanity.

Black Jade was only scratched for a moment, but after being knocked on the head by Zhou An, he immediately became well-behaved.

She obediently took the inner elixir from Zhou An's hand, and suddenly started bargaining: "You want to swipe me."

"Brush! Brush hard!" Zhou An promised.

"I'll make it big." Hei Yu said again.

Zhou An's breath was stagnant: "Why do I think you are very smart?"

Black Jade returned to his silly look: "I'm stupid."

She no longer waited for Zhou An to answer, and appeared from the corner of the street with her head in the air.

Then, Black Jade suddenly shouted: "Look at me, look at me, look at me!"

This sentence is like dropping a pebble on the calm water, causing waves to rise instantly.

The two weirdos stopped at the same time, and both cast their sights on Black Jade.

It stands to reason that Black Jade has the breath of a living person, and the Guild can't do anything to her, because Black Jade is the daughter of the Guild.

But that man in white looks weird, so that's different. He should take action immediately.

But when Bai Yiyi saw the black jade, they all stopped in place like the Guiyi guild.

Although Bai Yi's strange face was covered with a layer of white mist, his true appearance could not be seen clearly.

But Zhou An could feel that the white clothes were strange at this time, and he was indeed a little stunned.

"What's happening here?"

Zhou An thought to himself: "This is wrong, how can it affect it?"

This situation is really incredible.

But the current situation does not allow Zhou An to think too much and solve the current predicament first.

Black Jade listened to Zhou An's words very much. When the two weirdos stopped, she took out the inner elixir that Zhou An gave her.

When the inner elixir appeared, Black Jade threw the inner elixir towards the gathering of conspirators without hesitation.

Since it was thrown by his own daughter, even if the conspirators relied on their instincts at this time, they would not have the slightest resistance to the black jade.

The whole body was full of coldness, with an aura that made all living beings afraid, but the hand that was stretched out was extremely gentle, creating a strong sense of contrast.

Zhou An breathed a sigh of relief when his hand touched the inner alchemy.

"It's done, I'll watch my aunt get beaten up and weird later."

"I'm such a genius, doesn't this solve it?"

Thinking of this, Zhou An waved to Black Jade from a long distance away, meaning to come back quickly.

Although Black Jade will not die, he cannot stand there and risk his life.

Just take advantage of this moment to let Black Jade hide back.

But the next scene made Zhou An frown.

Black Jade, who was heartless and happy every day, turned around with a touch of sadness on his face.

This was the second time Zhou An felt this sad emotion.

The first time was not long ago, when I just came out of the psychic space.

He didn't find any clues at the time.

Even after using Bagua arithmetic, Zhou An still couldn't figure out the clues.

At that time, he put the matter aside and put it aside for the time being.

And this time, it was almost exactly the same as the last time.

"what's the situation!"

Zhou An squinted his eyes and looked at the strange white-clothed bird in the sky. In an instant, he already had an idea in his mind.

"Is it possible that it's because of this weird thing?"

When entering here before, Black Jade had never experienced such a change.

Entering here this time, there is a strange person in white clothes, and because of this, Black Jade has a sad mood.

After Zhou An connected everything that happened, he came up with the answer.

——Black Jade's sadness should come from this strange man in white.

But...why is this?

Zhou An couldn't figure it out, but he knew he would get the answer soon.

Because when the coven wakes up, this battle will come to an end, and the answer will be revealed.

Thinking of this, Zhou An waited patiently.

As the Guild gathered the inner elixir, the inner alchemy began to melt in the Guild's palm.

It melts very quickly.

Zhou An originally thought that everything was normal.

But then, an unusual scene occurred.

Baiyi suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the remaining half of the inner elixir.


With a crisp sound, the remaining half of the inner elixir was grabbed by Baiyi Weiwei.

Zhou An raised his eyebrows.

He turned his head and winked at Black Jade.

The meaning is very simple, just throw another inner elixir.

Half of the inner elixir has been taken away, so let's get another one.

After all, the Guild of Guilds has only absorbed half of the inner elixir, and it is unlikely to be recovered, so they will add one more to make up the whole number.

It's not a big problem, he still has four pills. Even if he uses one, he still has three pills.

In the black jade hand, an inner elixir appeared again and was thrown towards the gathering of conspirators.

The inner alchemy drew a curve in mid-air.

But the next scene stunned Zhou An.

I saw Guigui and Baiyi Guiyi reaching out their hands at the same time, each holding half of the inner elixir.


The clear voice sounded again.

This inner elixir was divided into two parts by two strange things, neatly, as if it had been cut with a saw. (End of chapter)

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