It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 297 Hundred Formations of Heart Refining (please vote for me)

In this green mountain, as this resentful voice came out, a crowd of birds immediately started.

In the forest, a breeze blew, and the forest began to shake violently, making a roaring sound.

The sky was originally extremely clear, but as this voice sounded, the clear sky turned into dark clouds in an instant.

The gentle breeze gradually turned into a strong wind, which made people's ears hurt.

Flashes of lightning echoed with the strong wind, and thunder echoed with the dark clouds.

"In one sentence, did it change the celestial phenomena?"

There was a hint of surprise in Zhou An's eyes.

This kind of strength is definitely at the level of Eunuch Wei. Just a word of resentment can change the color of the world.

Even a master in the ultimate enlightenment realm cannot do it.

Because ascending to the sky means standing tall on the sky and the earth, and the movements of your hands and feet are accompanied by fear of the power of heaven.

Just like when Eunuch Wei took action not long ago, Meng Yun's ball, which was enough to destroy most of the country's capital, was nothing more than a toy in Eunuch Wei's hands.

This scene also made Zhou An more curious about who Eunuch Wei was about to meet.

"We are all seniors, so we still have to take care of the juniors."

Eunuch Wei took a step forward and stood in front of Zhou An.

A yin energy as deep as the ocean appeared from Eunuch Wei and rose into the sky.

The environment where the world was about to overturn disappeared in an instant and became clear again.

In the woods, the resentful voice came again.

"He is Zhou An? It is rumored in the world that he is your illegitimate son?"

Eunuch Wei put his hands back into his sleeves: "You still don't know if there is an illegitimate child in our family?"

Zhou An looked left and right.

He always felt that there was a big melon waiting for him.

Now, all I need to do is to be a qualified melon-eater.

Heiyu also imitated Zhou An, looking around, and even took out a candy man from the pink purse and started to show off.

Her melon-eating skills are higher than Zhou An's.

Although Eunuch Wei did not look back, he could feel the situation of Zhou An and Heiyu at this time, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He felt that he shouldn't have brought them here this time. He felt that after bringing them here, he felt particularly embarrassed. These two little guys seemed to be watching a circus, making him look like a monkey jumping up and down.

Fortunately, Eunuch Wei's embarrassment was quickly relieved, and there were no more distant sounds from the depths of the woods.

Instead, a figure slowly walked out of the woods, and the moment this figure walked out, it also attracted the attention of Zhou An and Heiyu.

Zhou An's eyes immediately focused on it, and he saw an old woman in ordinary clothes walking slowly out of the woods with a wooden crutch in her hand.

Although the old woman is old, she has a noble temperament about her, especially the crutch in her hand, which is carved with landscapes and vegetation. It looks extremely expensive, and the nobility of the old woman is even more striking. .

When the old woman appeared, Zhou An immediately turned to look at Eunuch Wei. Then, he felt that Eunuch Wei was inexplicably nervous.

"What the hell, Eunuch Wei is so nervous?" Zhou An thought in confusion.

"This is not right at all. According to Eunuch Wei's strength and level, he won't be nervous even when he sees the emperor. Is it possible that the melon here is bigger than I thought?"

With such a mood, Zhou An continued to read.

At this time, the old woman was already ten meters in front of Eunuch Wei on crutches.

He did not step out of the woods, but looked at Eunuch Wei from a distance.

Eunuch Wei put his hands in his sleeves. You couldn't see his expression, but you could only clearly feel that Eunuch Wei was still very nervous.

At this moment, the old woman finally spoke.

"When you see me, don't you want to say a word?"

Only then did Eunuch Wei react. He let out a long sigh, took out his hands from his sleeves, and hung them on both sides: "Long time no see, Yueming."

The old woman named Yueming shook her head when she heard Eunuch Wei calling her name, with a hint of regret in her tone.

"You old man, you still feel alienated from me as usual. Why, if you no longer have a man's body, do you really don't need a woman?"

When these words were spoken, Zhou An, who was eating melon at the side, immediately felt like a bolt from the blue, lightning flashing across his mind.

He suddenly knew why Eunuch Wei was so nervous.

Because Eunuch Wei and the old woman in front of him seemed to have had some interactions between men and women when they were young.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Everyone who understands understands.

Zhou An felt that the melon was so delicious that he even took out a bag of beans from his pink purse and stood beside Black Jade.

Eat and watch.

"Crack, bang..."

The sound of Pacman echoed continuously in the quiet woods, appearing extremely clear.

Eunuch Wei couldn't bear it anymore. He turned around and glared at Zhou An: "Boy Zhou, stop eating. Our family's hearts are all messed up and we don't even know what to say."

Zhou An nodded, took out another bean, put it in his mouth, and chewed it gently: "This way you won't hear the sound."

Eunuch Wei was full of trouble. He even wanted to kick Zhou An out and regretted agreeing to bring Zhou An here.

Fortunately, this embarrassment did not last long.

"You all come in."

Yue Ming didn't say anything else, nor did she dwell on the matter. Instead, she turned around, walked inside with a cane.

As she walked around, the hundreds of thousands of formations in this forest began to shake, spreading towards the surroundings, and making way for a road.

Zhou An's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this situation.

Only those who understand the formation know the brilliance of this formation.

He understands formations, so he can see that Yue Ming's formations have reached a state of returning to nature.

Just wave your hand and take a step forward, and countless formations will be extended.

It's as if she is the formation and the source of all formations.

Compared with Yue Ming, the Formation Heaven Master that I had come into contact with before was nothing more than a small fish.

Eunuch Wei didn't say anything, and then took Zhou An and walked inside.

This forest is very large, but the pace of the few people is not fast.

Not long after walking, they came to the depths of the woods.

Deep in the woods, there is a small wooden house.

The decoration of the wooden house looked extremely simple, just built casually, but what Zhou An saw was different.

Because there are more formations around this wooden house than there are hundreds of thousands of formations in the entire forest combined.

Not only is there a lot of it, it's even terrifying. Just a cursory glance at it can make people feel cold all over.

Yue Ming came to the wooden house, stretched out her wrinkled palms, and pushed open the door of the wooden house. Inside the wooden house, there was only a table, a few chairs, and a bed, which looked extremely simple.

There is no particular decoration, it is just placed inside.

Zhou An was not polite. Anyway, Eunuch Wei was lying in front of him with a gun, so he naturally followed Eunuch Wei into the wooden house.

"You can find a seat wherever you like, and you can drink the tea on the table yourself, and I won't pour it for you," Yue Ming said.

Zhou An was a familiar person, so he poured himself a cup of tea, and then drank it with Hei Yu.

While drinking, he glanced at Eunuch Wei from time to time.

Eunuch Wei's head was full of black lines: "You two go out first, I'll have a chat with Yueming."

Zhou An put down the tea cup, said no problem, and prepared to go out with Black Jade.

Although it is good to eat melon, you must have a sense of moderation.

Now that Eunuch Wei feels embarrassed, he had better not stay here for a long time.

Unexpectedly, after saying these words, Yue Ming shook her head.

"You don't need to go out. It's just here. It's not a shameful thing. It's just a story about a man leaving his true love behind and running away alone."

The resentment in this sentence is even stronger.

Zhou An couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this.

When Eunuch Wei heard what Yue Ming said, he rubbed his forehead with a headache. Then he looked at Zhou An and said helplessly: "Since you like to read other people's stories so much, then we will tell you all the stories." , don’t act that surprised again, our family will be upset after seeing it.”

Zhou An nodded fiercely, indicating that he was willing to listen.

There wasn't much resentment between him and Eunuch Wei, so he would express whatever was necessary.

Only then did Eunuch Wei begin to speak slowly, and during the narration process, Yue Ming kept looking at Eunuch Wei, her eyes turning from resentment to tenderness.

Zhou An listened patiently, and after hearing it, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Every master of the older generation has a thrilling past. They were once young, and they once struggled in the world, and they also left behind There have been various legends.”

"Actually, it's like some children who don't understand their parents. They always feel that their parents will be like that when they become wiser, but they don't know how wonderful their parents' experiences were when they were young."

In the early years, Eunuch Wei's body was still intact, and he was also the existence that scared the entire world.

Eunuch Wei is good at using swords. He once defeated hundreds of masters with an iron sword and became famous in the world.

At that time, the former Dafeng Kingdom was still there. At that time, Eunuch Wei only relied on a long sword to constantly challenge the arena of various countries.

It can be said to be high-spirited.

It was at that time that I met Yueming, the sister of the Emperor of Da Qi.

In that era, Yueming was not only stunningly talented but also stunningly beautiful in appearance.

After meeting Eunuch Wei, the two fell in love one after another.

It was a very long and interesting time. When Eunuch Wei mentioned it, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

But later, something happened and the two never communicated again.

The Dafeng Kingdom is rampant and brutal.

Eunuch Wei held the long sword in his hand and joined the resistance camp.

It is precisely because of this that after a fierce battle, Eunuch Wei lost the most precious thing in a man.

From then on, although he resumed his career as an eunuch, he never saw Yueming again.

As for the reason, Zhou An knew it very well, but did not say it clearly.

"I don't care if you are a complete person. How can the relationship between us be measured?" Yue Ming took two steps forward and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Eunuch Wei.

"Everyone is living a good life, which is good enough." Eunuch Wei shook his head.

Yue Ming sighed, did not mention it again, and changed the topic: "I said at the beginning that you had three opportunities to come to me, but you never used them, but you came to see me today. I thought you were going to get back together with me. Well, that doesn’t seem to be the case now, so what’s the matter with you?”

Eunuch Wei turned his head, looked in the direction of Zhou An, and said, "I'm here for this kid. If he doesn't solve some problems, he may fall into eternal disaster."

Zhou An was eating melon. After hearing this, he subconsciously pointed at himself: "Me?"

He was also addicted to the story of Eunuch Wei and Yue Ming. Although as an outsider, it was difficult to persuade him, he was always a little emotional.

At this time, he was a little surprised when he was mentioned suddenly.

Eunuch Wei nodded and said: "Our family knows about your experience in Da Qi, and we also know about the things in Linglong Painting. A vertical leader will not be so direct and let the so-called clone carry the power of the original body to kill." you."

Zhou An said strangely: "Then what's the follow-up?"

In fact, the more Zhou An thinks about it now, the more he feels something is wrong.

The indulgent leader has suffered a lot from himself and cannot be reckless again.

Now it seems there is a backup plan.

It's true if you think about it carefully. After the scheming group appeared, the leader gave up very quickly. Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

As a master of the same level, it would be a bit childish to just give up the resistance if he had to fight for it anyway.

Eunuch Wei raised his hand, pointed at Zhou An's chest, and said calmly: "He planted a seed in your heart, just to cause even greater consequences without killing you." Trouble."

Planted a seed?

Zhou An frowned, feeling even stranger.

He had never heard of this.

However, since Eunuch Wei had already started talking, he would continue talking, and Zhou An waited patiently.

Sure enough, after he waited for a while, Eunuch Wei told all the subsequent events.

"Your strength has improved very quickly. You are perfect in every aspect, but there is only one thing missing."

"What?" Zhou An asked.

Eunuch Wei said slowly: "There seems to be a gap in your heart. This gap makes you seem to be separated from the world."

"Our family always feels that you have a sense of alienation from everyone in the world. Except for Yu Hang, Ye Shuang and Heiyu, there is always a sense of alienation. Our family doesn't know what it means, and we don't know what it means. I don’t know why, but it’s going to be a stumbling block for you.”

"Zamen has the ability to make a person depressed and doomed through mental flaws. This time, our family is going to solve your problem."

Having said this, Eunuch Wei turned his head, looked at Yueming, and continued this topic.

"Yue Ming's formation can bridge the gaps deep in your heart, allowing you to see your problems clearly, defeat your inner demons, and change from now on. No one can defeat you."

"My estrangement? My sense of alienation?" Zhou An fell into deep thought.

He still couldn't figure out why his heart was defective.

In his communication with Eunuch Wei and others, he felt that there was nothing too unusual, but when Eunuch Wei said that he felt it, it was really a bit reliable.

If there is such a big flaw and it is exploited by others, it will cause a terrible blow to yourself and you will regret it.

Next to him, Black Jade held Zhou An's hand tightly, attracting Zhou An's attention.

Zhou An turned his head and saw Black Jade pointing at his heart and tapping it gently.

"Indeed." Black Jade said stupidly.

Zhou An frowned.

Even Black Jade said this, and he felt that there was something wrong with him.

Fortunately, this trip may be able to solve this problem.

Thinking about this, Zhou An looked at Yueming, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much, senior."

Yueming shook her head: "You don't have to thank me. I just promised this old guy, so now I just fulfill one promise. The old guy is very good to you. I only promised him three promises in my life, and he has used one now." ”

Zhou An expressed his understanding and said thank you to Eunuch Wei.

After getting used to it, you still need to have the necessary etiquette.

"That's right." Eunuch Wei suddenly thought of something and said: "This kid has many secrets, but he won't let others know, so we don't want you to go and see him, and we won't go see him either."

Yue Ming glanced at Eunuch Wei: "I naturally know this. After entering the formation that tempers the mind, everything communicated only appears in his heart, and even I can't see it."

Eunuch Wei then expressed his relief, turned to look at Zhou An, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Zhou An nodded, indicating that he was ready.

Since it needs to be solved, solve it quickly, otherwise it will be a big trouble in the future.

Everything that needs to be said has been said, now is the time to get down to business.

Yue Ming turned around and walked out of the door on crutches: "Come with me."

She led the way, while Eunuch Wei and Zhou An followed behind.

It didn't take long for them to bypass those terrifying formations and finally arrive at a cave.

Yue Ming pointed to the cave entrance in front and said slowly: "There are many formations for the state of mind, but I created a formation of my own, called the Hundred Formation Heart Refining. In it, there will be hundreds of formations combined to refine the mind. Your state of mind will make you fall into fantasy, allowing you to defeat yourself in the illusion, and it is also the most difficult. No one can help you, and I can't help you, because I can't even see what your state of mind is. "

"Senior, what do I need to do?" Zhou An asked.

Yue Ming explained: "You only need to enter the cave and sit cross-legged in the center of the cave, then you can communicate with hundreds of formations to refine your heart, and what is inside is the defect in your heart."

"There are many flaws, regret, incomprehension, confusion, anger, sadness, it depends on which one you are. If you want to overcome it, you have your own way, I don't know."

Zhou An touched his chin and thought to himself that he couldn't understand what his method was.

But once you get in, that's it.

Thinking of this, Zhou An stopped talking, hugged his fists towards Eunuch Wei and Yue Ming, and said, "That's it, I'll go in."

Eunuch Wei nodded and said nothing more.

Zhou An let Black Jade enter the shadow and stepped into the cave entrance alone.

The cave is very rugged and there is no light. It is difficult to see in the darkness.

But fortunately, Zhou An was very capable and had the Eye of Chaos. Everything around him seemed to have no obstacles in his eyes.

And he also saw clearly the situation inside through the Eye of Chaos.

On the wall inside, there are formations carved one after another. Each formation is connected to each other and is so densely packed that it makes people feel frightened.

The formations are so superb and the skills are so ingenious that even Zhou An today is far behind.

After all, this is the number one formation mage in the world.

After admiring it for a while, Zhou An continued walking forward as if taking a leisurely stroll.

After a while, they came to a clearing.

The space inside is huge, with all kinds of strange symbols painted on the ground, and in the middle is a light yellow futon.

The futon is the Hundred Formation Heart Refining Formation Eye. You only need to sit on it to activate it and make up for the imperfections in your own state of mind.

Zhou An didn't waste time. He walked directly in and sat down on the light yellow futon.

"I don't know what my state of mind is." Zhou An thought to himself.

When he slowly sat on it, the abnormality finally appeared.

The hundreds of Heart Refining Formations around them started shaking violently, transmitting streams of strange energy.

From the outside, Zhou An still maintained his posture of sitting cross-legged, eyes closed and meditating.

But only Zhou An himself knew that his soul seemed to have drifted halfway.

The surrounding scenery has also undergone inexplicable changes.

He was no longer in a cave, but in a familiar place.

Anding County.

That old little house still looked familiar as before.

This made Zhou An feel a little dazed.

"It seems like I haven't been back for a long time."

He really hasn't been back since he left Anding County. Now that he sees it, he feels a little nostalgic.

At this moment, Zhou An heard a rustling sound coming from behind.

He turned around and saw a familiar scene.

The chubby body, the mean face, and the vicious eyes.

Auntie stood at the door with a bright sharp knife in her hand.

The corners of Zhou An's mouth rose slightly, and then he raised his right hand.

The gold ring squirmed, and a long black knife appeared in his hand.

This is his state of mind and the flaw in his heart, so he only needs to think about it, and the long knife will come out.

"Is it you, Aunt, that is the flaw in my heart?"

Zhou An brushed his hand from the blade of the long knife, and when it reached the end of the blade, the black long knife trembled slightly.

Zhou An took a step forward: "If it is really aunt, then just kill her again."

The long knife was swung out with unparalleled power towards the aunt in front.

He originally thought that his aunt was in the state of mind this time.

Unexpectedly, when he swung the sword, everything around him changed again.

The chubby aunt was shattered into pieces, and the familiar room disappeared.

Everything seemed to be covered with a layer of mosaic and became blurred.

Zhou An put away the knife and frowned. After looking around, he found that the blurry scenery around him was becoming clearer.

When he reappeared, even Zhou An's eyes widened and his pupils shrank when he saw the surrounding scenery.

"How could it be here?" (End of Chapter)

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