On the majestic and towering city wall, at this moment, the figure of Emperor Fengteng is standing on it.

When everyone turned their attention, they saw the figure on the city wall, and they were all stunned on the spot.

The figure of Emperor Fengteng no longer exudes the unique domineering power of the royal family. On the contrary, it exudes a cold and terrifying feeling.

Although the head of the manipulative leader was composed of divine souls, when it was floating on Emperor Fengteng's left shoulder, the other end was connected to Emperor Fengteng's chest.

There was a cold and lonely feeling in the eyes of the head, as if he had been imprisoned in a cage for endless years and finally saw the light of day.

Eunuch Wei only took a few glances, and his initial thoughts were completely overturned by him in an instant: "You are not a manipulative leader!"

At the beginning, Eunuch Wei thought that the other party was a bit like a manipulative leader. After all, there was no difference in appearance or anything else from him.

But after taking a few more glances, Eunuch Wei completely overturned his idea.

This is not a vertical leader. Although he looks like a vertical leader, he is indeed not a vertical leader.

This head, which looks exactly like the vertical leader, has a unique temperament that the vertical leader does not have - a sense of age.

It was as if something that existed in ancient times was suddenly brought in front of everyone. The feeling of time that hit their faces was like a mountain peak, making everyone breathless and unable to resist at all.

"This is an old thing that has existed for eternity."

Eunuch Wei reacted and said loudly: "Everyone, be careful!"

After saying this, everyone nodded.

At this time, Yin Yue and others were exhausted.

Even if there is a national movement to strengthen, they will only have four people after all.

Everyone here is a master of the same level as them, how can they last for how long?

Yin Yue turned his head and looked at the strange-looking Emperor Feng Teng, his eyes sparkling with light: "Your Majesty is out, he is saved!"

The other three people also showed the same expression.

They knew in their hearts that this battle itself was unfavorable, but at this moment Emperor Feng Teng walked out of it, which proved that Emperor Feng Teng had already had an idea.

"I finally understand who you are."

Emperor Fengteng turned his head and looked directly at the head behind him, with a hint of joy in his eyes: "With you by my side, I will definitely be able to unify the world. At that time, I will descend on everything with countless power and destroy all weird things. , achieve immortality!”

On Emperor Fengteng's shoulder, the Divine Soul Head seemed to understand, nodding coldly and making a heart-stopping sound.

"Your goal should ultimately be within the cracks, not the so-called unification of the world. Eliminating the weirdness is the unparalleled achievement of ruling the world."

"It is said that the emperor's profession is the unexplained fifth profession."

"But I think that this fifth profession belongs to the miscellaneous sect."

"At the beginning, the three sects stopped me, threatened me, and destroyed me. From now on, there will only be one miscellaneous sect!"

"Weird, I will destroy it. I will also destroy the three major categories!"

After these words were spoken, everyone present showed a solemn look in their eyes.

This person's tone is very different from the tone of the manipulative leader.

Although the pervert leaders are all evil, they never talk about eliminating weird things, because in their pervert hearts, they always only want to do whatever they want.

But the soul head in front of him wanted to destroy all the weird things. This was very different.

What's more, it also requires the elimination of the other three categories.

Before anyone could speak, Emperor Feng Teng said in a cold tone: "I will work with you to eliminate the three major categories, and finally eliminate the weird. Xiao Heyun, now, let me see your strength."

Xiao Heyun!

When these three words appeared, everyone present reacted instantly. Even the peak Celestial Realm masters present had a hint of shock in their eyes at this moment.

These three words are too old, so far back that it is difficult to trace them back.

But no matter how long ago, these three words have left an indelible impression in everyone's heart.

Because these three words represent enough weight.

The founder of the Eight Special Skills is Xiao Heyun. Could it be that the man who once made three categories of people feel fear is this divine head?

When this idea appeared, everyone looked at each other and felt that everything in front of them was too outrageous.

Xiao Heyun seemed to be aware of everyone's eyes, and turned his gaze to these people with a sneer on his lips: "You guys are really powerful. I never thought that so many amazing and talented people would appear after me."

"As you can imagine, I am Xiao Heyun, the founder of Eight Special Skills. At the beginning, their three major categories forced me to give up my own ideals. I thought I would die, but I did not die."

"I didn't expect that with the connection of the eight unique skills, I would eventually return to the people called vertical leaders. Generation after generation, from birth to death, I followed them from birth to death, and finally in this generation, Under my intentional guidance, he did these things and I successfully solved my worries.”

"I have gained symbiosis from the profession of emperor."

Speaking of this, Xiao Heyun suddenly stretched his neck and glanced across the barrier formed by the national destiny, as if he saw something.

"It's a pity that the junior lost. He didn't get his body and was already destroyed."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as I'm still alive."

"Do you guys know that there are two keys to the fusion of the eight unique skills? One is to be half human and half weird, and the other is to rely on the endless national destiny and the symbiosis of the emperor's body."

"And the emperor's body is the fusion point of the eight unique skills, for example now."

After saying this, Emperor Feng Teng's body suddenly twisted.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Heyun's soul covered half of Emperor Fengteng's body.

At this moment, Emperor Feng Teng looked extremely strange. Half of him looked like him, and the other half looked like Xiao Heyun.

And that momentum has already surpassed the peak of ascending to the sky.

This is not the kind of manipulative leader who only takes half a step, this is a full step!

Eunuch Wei showed a solemn look in his eyes: "Senior, although the four major categories had their differences back then, you ultimately pursued your dreams for the sake of the people. Why do you want to help others do evil now?"

Several other people heard this and nodded at the same time, expressing deep agreement.

Back then, Xiao Heyun, even if he went to extremes, ultimately wanted to explore the cracks in order to eliminate the weirdness. In the end, he was stopped by people from the other three categories, and finally fell into death.

But it is undeniable that Xiao Heyun's heart has not changed from beginning to end.

Xiao Heyun laughed loudly: "My ideals have never been extinguished. In the future, I will also eliminate those weirdnesses and make the world peaceful. However, before I eliminate those weirdnesses, I must eliminate all three categories. One Don’t even think about living!”

"The things they did to me back then were just because they had different ideas and they wanted to kill me."

"At that time, I still believed in them, but after these long years, I realized that if the three categories do not have a unified leader, the weirdness will never be eliminated."

"Since we can't dominate the three major categories, we can eliminate the three major categories and leave only one miscellaneous category."

Xiao Heyun raised his left hand, and that half of his body performed eight stunts.

And among these eight stunts, they are linked together by the national destiny, and they are cleverly integrated together.

Emperor Fengteng pointed at Eunuch Wei and others and said, "Come on, I will work with you to realize your dream, and at the same time, I will realize my dream."

"Okay, let's start with the most recent ones."

A smile appeared in Xiao Heyun's eyes.

At this time, Emperor Feng Teng's expression suddenly froze.

He looked at the eight stunts led by the National Games, shining brightly.

Among these rays of light, those who screamed were not Eunuch Wei and others, but Yin Yue and other four top masters of the Qi Kingdom.

In this light, while Yin Yue and others screamed, their bodies were gradually melting, their flesh and blood separated, leaving only a piece of withered bones.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Yue and the other three masters of the peak ascension realm were reduced to ashes on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Emperor Feng Teng wanted to stop him, but Xiao Heyun held his hand down.

"I said that we need to eliminate the three major categories. They are also the three major categories. Let's start with them. Do you have any objections?"

There was an extremely cold tone in Xiao Heyun's tone, as if he was the real leader.

Emperor Feng Teng's right hand shook slightly, and then he confronted Xiao Heyun in the same cold tone: "I am the emperor. You now have the eight unique skills after fusion. It is also because of my national destiny. If the emperor is not good, what can you do? how?"

"I have no objection to the men you killed, but from now on, I must take the lead, otherwise we will all die together."

After these words were spoken, the two faced each other, as if water and fire were incompatible with each other.

Eunuch Wei took a step forward and winked at the people around him.

The people here are all fought between blood and fire, and each has their own ideas and strengths.

Each of them is as rich as the ocean in terms of combat prowess and experience.

They all also saw that at this moment, Emperor Feng Teng and Xiao Heyun seemed to have some differences.

It is precisely because of these differences that a rebound seems possible.

Thinking of this, Mr. Wei said openly.

"Emperor Fengteng, you are an emperor after all. Do you feel comfortable being controlled like this?"

"Our family thinks it's better to take action first and deal with Xiao Heyun, and then settle the matter between us."

After these words were spoken, Emperor Feng Teng and Xiao Heyun, who were confronting each other, both turned their attention to Eunuch Wei.

This feeling is very strange, because they seem to be one person, but one person dominates half of them, giving people a strong sense of contrast.

These two people have been alive for who knows how long. How could they be instigated by just one word?

After Eunuch Wei said these words, Emperor Feng Teng and Xiao Heyun seemed to have reached some kind of consensus.

"We will discuss these matters later. After killing them, the two of us will discuss how to take charge." Emperor Feng Teng said.

Xiao Heyun nodded and agreed.

The feeling of estrangement disappeared, and the eight stunts connected by the national destiny were constantly swaying in the sky.

The residual power of terror is gradually spreading.

Eunuch Wei sighed.

He also knew that it was impossible for two people to have any discord, but now it seemed that they could only fight.

At this moment, a solemn atmosphere continued to spread within the palace.

The King of Far West took the lead and roared: "Everyone, get out of the barrier!"

His voice spread through Qi, and soon began to spread with him as the center.

At this moment, the masters who entered the barrier have also ended their battles.

When he heard the voice of the King of the Far West, these masters did not speak, resolutely followed the orders, turned around and left the barrier.

As these people left the barrier, only Emperor Feng Teng and Xiao Heyun were left in the palace, as well as the top masters of the Heavenly Climbing Realm from the Great Chu and Dayue Kingdoms.

The moment these people left, Emperor Feng Teng and Xiao Heyun launched an attack.

Eight kinds of unique skills, brilliant light, shrouded the world.

At the beginning, Yin Yue and others were burned into a pile of ashes by the light.

This shows how terrifying the light of the eight unique skills is.

The national master took the first step and stepped forward.

Then, yellow talisman papers appeared on the body of the Imperial Master.

After the talisman appeared, it hovered in mid-air, forming a talisman barrier connecting the sky and the earth, blocking eight kinds of extinct light.

When Xiao Heyun saw this, a cold look appeared on his face: "Your ability reminds me of the Taoist leader back then. He also used talismans."

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the eight special skills burst out with a brilliant attack, landing on the huge talisman barrier.

A big hole was immediately burned out of the talisman barrier.

The Imperial Master narrowed his eyes slightly, and the floating dust in his hand suddenly grew longer, filling up the big hole that was burned out.

At the moment when the two of them were fighting, several other people also took action one after another.

Eunuch Wei was the first to take action.

The huge Yin Qi condensed into a huge palm and attacked the two Emperor Feng Teng.

The King of Far West followed behind and waved a pair of iron fists one after another. The huge fist marks seemed to be able to destroy the world.

The ice and fire spear in the hands of the general secretary danced like a tiger.

The power of ice and fire spread along with the gun body, forming a giant dragon composed of ice and fire in the sky.

The prime minister was holding a writing brush and writing a simple word "kill" in the air.

But when the word "kill" appeared, the whole world took on a chilling tone.

Over in Dai Viet Kingdom, Abbot Kong Chen clasped his hands together, and the sound of the Buddha rose over him, over and over again, as if the Buddha was sitting high in the clouds and singing, which made people fascinated.

The Buddha's voice carries the flavor of saving all sentient beings and isolates everything around it.

The Sword Master of Dai Viet Kingdom, who had never appeared before, inserted his long sword into the ground.

A series of sword energy rose from the ground, penetrated the bluestone slab on the ground, and attacked from bottom to top.

Seeing this, Xiao Heyun sneered and said: "Awesome, seven peak heaven-reaching people surround me and kill me. It's more exciting than before, but it's not enough!"

The eight stunts gradually merged under his control.

Emperor Feng Teng's eyes widened, and the terrifying national destiny emerged on him, pouring into the eight unique skills of the fusion.

At this moment, the eight unique skills gradually expanded and turned into a huge sphere, showing colorful light.

This sphere covered the entire imperial palace of Da Qi.

The attacks from Eunuch Wei and others also arrived at this time, but they did not fall on Emperor Feng Teng and Xiao Heyun. Instead, they were sucked into the huge sphere.

After inhaling it, this huge sphere became even larger.

Emperor Feng Teng laughed loudly: "It is indeed the eight unique skills that made the three categories feared at the beginning. After fusion, they have unparalleled advantages in all aspects. Your attacks can't even break the defense, so how can you win?"

As the words fell, cracks suddenly appeared in the huge sphere.

Inside the crack, light shines from it. Even the sun is not so dazzling.

And as the light shines, the terrifying attack falls.

The sky suddenly turned into a rainbow of colors.

Every color is a powerful attack.


Eunuch Wei shouted, and the Yin energy swept through him like a dragon.

Every master who reached the peak of the Heaven Realm pushed his Qi to the limit and used his own defense methods.

At this time, the colorful rays of light also fell down, and the peak Climbing Realm masters present all retreated and spit out a mouthful of blood.

With just this one move, victory or defeat will be decided.

That huge giant ball did not fall.

If it falls, I'm afraid that I have already lost at this moment.

"I feel that everyone will stay here today." King Yuanxi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

The general secretary held the ice fire gun in his hand, his eyes were solemn, and then he glanced at the ashes on the ground: "It's a pity that I didn't kill Yin Yue with my own hands, but it's almost the same. I can stop him as long as I can."

The current situation has exceeded their expectations.

In fact, there is no absolute certainty in this world.

Now, it can be considered a huge loss.

They are probably all folded there now.

"Go out and tell the others to evacuate immediately." Eunuch Wei glanced at the prime minister and said.

The Prime Minister frowned: "Why me? Get out and let them go."

Eunuch Wei said helplessly: "Now, this matter has changed. Someone has to cooperate with Your Majesty to solve the follow-up matters. You are the most suitable. After all, you are a scholar."

King Yuanxi also looked at Master Kongchen and said: "Master Kongchen, you go too, both of you leave, leave the rest to us, we can delay you for as long as we can."

Abbot Kongchen and Cheng looked at each other, and then both shook their heads.

"It's impossible to leave." The Prime Minister said calmly: "Everyone was killed from that era. No one is bloody. This old guy doesn't even have a face. If he does these things, I will inform you at most."

With that said, the Prime Minister wrote a word in his hand and sent it directly.

Following the Prime Minister's approach, Abbot Kongchen also shook his head.

"I have saved all sentient beings in my life. Now I have lived enough. I want to see if I can bite off a piece of this guy's flesh before I die."

While several people were communicating, Emperor Feng Teng and Xiao Heyun remained silent, just watching everything with cold eyes.

Emperor Fengteng felt a sense of joy in his heart.

"You two countries came to encircle me and plot against me. Now, I am being plotted against. It's really a pleasure!"

Not only him, but also Xiao Heyun also had a sense of revenge in his eyes.

At the beginning, he was surrounded and suppressed by the three major categories. Although he is not the leader of those three major categories now, looking at similar people, he always feels like going back to the past.

"It seems that these people have finished their performance." Xiao Heyun said lightly: "In that case, let's kill all of you."

In the sky, the huge sphere was slowly pressing down at this moment.

If it falls, everything in this space, including the entire capital of Da Qi, will be destroyed, and the residual power will spread, and it may be destroyed even further.

Emperor Feng Teng and Xiao Heyun were like hunters, playing with their prey.

They knew that these people couldn't escape, so they controlled the speed of the ball to fall even slower.

Eunuch Wei and others all mobilized their Qi to prepare to resist this attack.

They were in a desperate situation, and the fighting outside finally stopped.

There are horrific wrecks everywhere, mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

In this battle, there were injuries on both sides.

Even if there were Da Chu and Da Qi, both countries had suffered heavy losses.

Zhou An inserted the long black knife into the ground. The blade of the black long knife was already covered with a thin layer of blood.

His left hand still held the black iron pot, unchanged at all.

However, Zhou An felt a little numb because even he didn't know how many people he had killed.

But fortunately it's all over.

Zhou An turned his head, looked at everyone, and said, "Take some repairs."

Everyone nodded and each found a place to repair.

Zhou An didn't rest, looked at the barrier behind him, and fell into deep thought.

Logically speaking, the current situation should be over.

After all, there is no problem for the two countries' top masters to encircle and suppress the Qi Kingdom with nine out of ten.

But now it has taken so long.

Doubts arose in Zhou An's heart. It was not just Zhou An who had such doubts, but also many people in the industry.

But they didn't say it.

Zhou An walked back and forth, then approached the barrier.

He didn't want to pry, but he wanted to get closer and see if he could hear something.

But just as he was about to approach, a large number of people rushed out from inside.

Zhou An was confused, these people were all those who entered the barrier not long ago.

He was about to ask, but before he could ask, a piece of text appeared in mid-air through the barrier.

The eyes of everyone present were attracted by this text.

They all raised their heads and read the words above carefully.

The further you read, the more solemn everyone's expression becomes.

Zhou An also raised his head, and after reading the words in the sky, he fell into silence for a long time.

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