In a space full of fog.

At this time, a large group of terrifying figures with a sense of time were swaying in the fog.

Jin Rumei is one of the terrifying figures, sitting cross-legged in a fog.

She was wearing plain clothes and had a clear complexion. If it weren't for the profound sense of age on her body, one would not be able to tell her true age and would think she was just a young girl.

But if you look carefully, you will find that there is a sense of fatigue that has passed through the years between her eyebrows.

"Now, there is finally hope of getting out, but what's the use of going out?"

Jin Rumei looked at the mist in the distance, especially the powerful and terrifying figures in the mist, and couldn't help but shrink down to make herself less conspicuous.

She is a master of the Ascending Heaven Realm, but she is the weakest one among all the masters of the Ascending Heaven Realm.

There is no other reason than Jin Rumei's own profession, which makes her combat effectiveness the weakest.

And the reason why she can survive to this day is just because she is forbearing enough.

She won't fight for the treasures of heaven and earth.

When she fights with others, she takes the initiative to admit defeat.

Even facing some juniors, Jin Rumei kept a low profile.

Otherwise, Jin Rumei would have turned into a handful of loess during the long War of the Hundred Kingdoms.

"It's a good thing to be alive."

This sentence is the principle that Jin Rumei has practiced her whole life, and it is precisely because of this that she survived.

She even saw many top geniuses turn into ashes all over the sky in that battle.

Does she want to fight?

There is no need to ask this question, Jin Rumei will answer it quickly - she thought.

But she had no choice, because due to the limitations of her profession, she was not qualified to fight.

Because Jin Rumei is a goddess.

This profession is the most uncomfortable one.

It's useless to say that the Goddess is useless. At some point, it is of some use.

But to say it is useful, if you think about it carefully, its uses are limited.

Asking Jin Rumei to fight with a goddess, Jin Rumei felt a little embarrassed.

"If you can get out, find a place as soon as possible and continue to stay."

Jin Rumei thought in her heart: "I won't fight with you. I will wait until my life is over."

"If I can make a breakthrough and extend my life span, I will continue to live. If not, I will die quietly."

With such a mood, Jin Rumei began to wait patiently and continued to practice with her eyes closed.

Even a wealthy man can go out. Jin Rumei feels that with her level of forbearance, even if she goes out, she can live peacefully in the outside world until she grows old and dies.

The Qi in her body surged in waves, and Jin Rumei was preparing to enter a state of cultivation.

But at this moment, something abnormal suddenly appeared.

In front of Jin Rumei, a thin crack suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

This situation had never happened before. Jin Rumei immediately recovered from her training and stared at the things in the cracks with vigilant eyes.

A moment later, Jin Rumei saw something that she had been extremely scared of in her entire life.

A fishhook suddenly emerged from the crack, and then, with lightning speed, it hooked onto his clothes.

Jin Rumei was immediately shocked, but did not choose to speak out.

She thought of something, something about the money gentleman.

"The money gentleman, could it be that he was fished out by this fishhook?"

As soon as this idea came up, Jin Rumei immediately felt that this was very possible.

"If this is the case, can I get out?"

A decision suddenly appeared in Jin Rumei's heart.

Now, she had two choices before her.

One is to follow this fishhook and return to the outside world.

Second, immediately call the shadows around you and ask the ancient beings around you to help you.

Two choices were placed in front of Jin Rumei, and the fishhook had already begun to use its strength.

The strength is so strong that even Jin Rumei feels a little scary.

At the moment, time is urgent, but in the blink of an eye, Jin Rumei has already made her choice.

After careful consideration, she chose the first one!

There is no other reason, because in Jin Rumei's view, there may be a glimmer of hope.

Choose the second option and go out with everyone. Let’s not talk about anything else. Whether we can go out is still unknown.

Even if you can get out, if you get out, you have to stand in line immediately. You can't run away.

Choose the first one for more chances.

Maybe the outside world is dangerous, but I am not a money man.

As long as you keep a low profile and be patient, there may not be a glimmer of hope.

Taking the two points together, Jin Rumei felt that it would be better for her to choose the first one.

Thinking of this, Jin Rumei was already caught by the fishhook and hooked into the crack.

Soon, Jin Rumei's figure disappeared into the mist.

outside world.

In a huge room.

At this time, Zhou An dragged the fishing rod hard, and not long after, he saw a pale hand appearing from the crack.

In just a few short breaths, a beautiful-looking woman in plain clothes appeared from the crack.

When this woman appeared, the momentum of those present instantly reached its peak.

Jin Rumei was completely confused.

She never expected that when she emerged from the crack, she was ready to absorb the fresh air around her, but before she could do so, she felt the horror around her.

"All of them are... peak ascending to heaven, and this murderous aura is too terrifying."

This scene made Jin Rumei shrink her neck immediately. If there was soil at the scene, she would not even mind getting into it.

Zhou An narrowed his eyes and said, "This woman doesn't seem to be as arrogant as the gentleman with money, and she is even very cowardly."

Everyone present was a top master, and of course they could feel Jin Rumei's state.

Jin Rumei reacted quickly and was very cowardly. She knew that if the other party didn't take action, she would have a chance to survive, so she quickly spoke.

"I am from the War of Hundred Nations, but I am not warlike. I just want to live well. Everyone... let me go."

Humility was evident in her tone.

This is a person who wants to survive, and he uses his greatest efforts to fight for a chance to survive.

Zhou An said with a smile: "What's your name, what's your profession, what's the situation in your location, tell us the truth."

"Don't worry, we are all decent people, we won't do anything casually."

Distinguished people?

When these three words came out, everyone, led by Eunuch Wei, turned their eyes to one side with a smile on their lips.

If Zhou An can be called a decent person, I'm afraid he has redefined the word decent.

But everyone present did not say these things, but cooperated with Zhou An and nodded affirmatively.

Jin Rumei shuddered and immediately explained her situation in detail.

"My name is Jin Rumei, and my profession is a witch..."


When these two words came out, everyone present raised their eyebrows.

There is a saying that goes, "You search for him thousands of times in the crowd, but he is in the dim light."

Everyone was trying hard to find a witch, but unexpectedly, Zhou An directly fished her out today, which was outrageous.

Jin Rumei felt the gazes from all around, and just paused for a moment before continuing, "There are many masters in our hiding place, many ordinary Ascension Realm masters, and a total of fifteen peak Ascension Realm masters."

"I really don't know about the others. I just want to stay alive. I dare not understand. I'm afraid that they will kill me to silence me after they come out."

"Believe me, I didn't hide anything. Please let me go."

Zhou An touched his chin after hearing this.

According to Jin Rumei, there are many ordinary Ascension Realm masters, but the specific data is unknown. After all, Jin Rumei wants to stay alive.

As for the peak Ascension Realm masters, there are as many as fifteen.

This number is a bit scary.

At present, in addition to the emperor, there are four peak Ascension Realm masters in the Great Chu Kingdom.

In addition to the emperor, there are three in the Great Yue Kingdom.

One emperor is equal to two, so add four more.

Together, there are only eleven masters in the peak Ascension Realm.

The other side has fifteen. Don't look at the difference of only four, but this is the peak Ascension Realm.

Every gap is a huge distance.

The people at the scene also showed a solemn look on their faces.

It's not just the problem of the peak Ascension Realm. If there are too many ordinary Ascension Realm, it will also affect the overall situation.

"Everyone, we think that we should solve the problem of this woman first."

Eunuch Wei said: "After all, the business of witch is useful to us."

The national teacher nodded, took two steps forward, and said: "If someone closes his soul and avoids terrible memories, do you have a way?"

"Don't worry, we don't mean to hurt you, we just want you to help us. After we help you, we will naturally give you a stable environment and live the life you want."

Jin Rumei nodded immediately after hearing this: "Yes, I can, this is my old business."

"However, if I want to invite this kind of self-enclosed person, I'm afraid it will take some time."

The national teacher continued to ask: "How long will it take?"

Jin Rumei smiled bitterly: "I have to see the person, I can't guarantee this."

For Jin Rumei, she is not qualified to bargain now.

A person who is good at forbearance knows what's going on. She knows that she needs to cooperate. After cooperating well, she will naturally have a chance to survive.

Next to her, the prime minister nodded and said, "In this case, arrange a peak Ascension Realm and bring him back to the Great Chu State."

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Since it takes time, start early. Being able to crack the secret of the person from another world will be of great help to them.

"Wait, is there anything missing in the place where you are?"

Zhou An asked, "Don't miss anything. If you find it later, no one will be able to save face."

As soon as these words came out, Jin Rumei shuddered.

To be honest, she was really confused.

The young man in front of her was obviously only in the All Saint Realm, not even the Absolute Enlightenment Realm.

But there was a strong and terrifying pressure. She, an ordinary Ascension Realm, felt a little scared in front of him.

But she didn't dare to think about it carefully. She thought about it carefully in her mind, and then thought of something.

"Oh, something happened in the space recently. A small hole was drilled open by someone from the outside world."

Jin Rumei said quickly: "In the past few days, the fifteen supreme beings have studied for a long time and finally found the source of the breath left there."

"Drilled open?"

Zhou An frowned and asked: "What breath?"

Jin Rumei shrank her neck and said, "It seems like... the aura of the emperor, the destiny of the country."

"National destiny?"

After hearing these two words, the first person to react was the Director-General.

The chief general sneered: "It seems that he is undoubtedly the emperor of the barbarian country."

The people present were all smart people, and they were all at the top of their game. Of course, they were able to tell the difference within a short period of time.

There are only three emperors in this world now.

First of all, Emperor Xingwu and Emperor Yunqi must be ruled out in this matter.

Apart from these two, there is only one person left, and that is the Emperor of the Man Kingdom.

"Speaking of which, the situation is not good."

After Zhou An thought for a moment, he said: "If this is the case, if the Emperor of the Barbarian Kingdom has the ability to open the door, we will be at a disadvantage when the time comes."

If it is assumed that the emperor of the Barbarian Kingdom has the ability to open the door and release the group of people, then the subsequent troubles will probably be even greater than those of the previous Da Qi Kingdom.

"Based on my understanding of the emperor of the barbarian kingdom."

Eunuch Wei pondered for a moment and said: "If it is not a desperate situation, he does not want to open it. Therefore, the current affairs against the barbarian country will be postponed."

The fact is that if the emperor of the barbarian kingdom has the ability to open it, he must make the safest choice after considering whether he can cope with it.

Zhou An touched his chin and said, "The money gentleman must be from your side as well."

Jin Rumei nodded quickly: "Yes, he died outside."

Zhou An raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you know that he is dead?"

Jin Rumei continued to nod: "Yes, because we all have left a trace of soul inside. If we die, the soul will be extinguished, and then... we will feel it inside."

Zhou An exclaimed: "That's it."

After saying this, Zhou An walked back and forth for a while, then suddenly thought of a way and raised his head.

"Everyone, maybe... I have a solution."

After these words were spoken, everyone present turned their gazes over.

They were all waiting for Zhou An to continue talking.

After Zhou An organized his language, he said slowly: "What if I start fishing and fish them out one by one. After fishing them out, instead of killing them, I just destroy them and lock them up."

When Eunuch Wei heard this, he frowned: "This seems feasible."

Zhou An smiled and said: "Of course it is possible. If there are residual souls on the other side, we will not kill them. The remaining souls will not be destroyed, and the other side will not find out. At that time, when the Emperor of the Man Kingdom opens the door, he will see an empty space. , I’m afraid I’ll be very happy.”

Just imagine, at that time, the emperor of the barbarian kingdom was planning to die, so he gritted his teeth and opened the door. In the end, he found that the door was empty, and he was afraid that his teeth would be broken immediately.

Zhou An wanted to see that scene.

Eunuch Wei and everyone looked at each other, made eye contact with each other for a while, and nodded in agreement.

This is a good method. Currently, if we want to break the situation, this method is definitely needed.

"That's still the old way."

The Prime Minister stroked his beard with his hand: "We are here to protect the law and can capture it perfectly, but at this time, I'm afraid we can't do it too often."

If the time is too frequent and a few are caught a day, the other party will be suspicious even if no one dies.

Jin Rumei felt cold all over as she listened to the conversation between several people.

Is this something a human can do?

This group of people is so insidious.

Fish one by one and waste them one by one.

They were even considerate enough to catch someone every once in a while.

It's simply weirder than weird.

Jin Rumei said weakly: "Actually, there is still a way. If we can catch the key, I'm afraid it can be solved at once."

"We left a key outside. If we can catch the key, we won't be able to open the door on the other side."

Zhou An heard this and shook his head: "No, if the Emperor of the Barbarian Kingdom really has the key, I'm afraid he keeps it with him. If I go to catch the key, he will definitely find it and alert the snake."

Nowadays, looking for stability, this is the most stable way.

"Then we'll catch another one tomorrow."

Zhou An narrowed his eyes and said, "Today, first send this woman to the Great Chu Kingdom."

"The King of Far West has been very busy recently, so let him be."

Eunuch Wei smiled and said: "In this way, even if a big thing is solved, he will be happy."

That visitor from another world is related to the whole world. No one will do anything else, but he can let the King of the Far West send him off.

Everyone nodded, and after chatting about this plan for a while, Zhou An left.

Since he would fish again tomorrow and he had nothing to do, he would go back and continue the liver-gan-shadow stabbing.

After reaching the ninth level of Shadow Stab, think again about whether you should develop new skills or continue to upgrade old skills.

After leaving this room, Zhou An did not stay, and soon returned to his home with the black jade.

When he was at Eunuch Wei's place, Heiyu had always been very well-behaved.

But when I got home, I was very familiar with it. I dragged my chair out of Zhou An's pink purse and ran to the corner to play alone, looking like I was well-supported.

Zhou An also had no ink marks, so he was ready to continue his liver proficiency.

But before he started to eat, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Zhou An narrowed his eyes, looked back and forth, and then circulated the Qi in his body.

The next moment, the Eye of Chaos was displayed by Zhou An.

In front of him, many tiny traces appeared in the places around him where there was no movement.

These traces were very faint. If there were people in the industry without detection means here, they would not be able to find them at all.

Fortunately, Zhou An was not an ordinary person. Under the gaze of the Eye of Chaos, he found that many places here had traces of people coming.

"Who is it again?"

After a careful look, Zhou An wanted to follow these traces to find the other party's traces.

But unfortunately, the other party was very cautious. He only left indelible traces in the room, and other places were clean and tidy, without any traces.

"Calculate it." Zhou An did not retract the Eye of Chaos, and also used the Heavenly Calculation.

Since there were uninvited guests, Zhou An would of course choose to take the initiative.

Then, a round of golden gossips as dazzling as the sun appeared in front of Zhou An.

Zhou An began to use the Heavenly Calculation and began to calculate based on this incident.

After a while, Zhou An put away the Heavenly Calculation with a serious face.

"I didn't expect it."

Based on these traces, Zhou An did not expect the other party's situation.

There may be two reasons. One is that the other party is very powerful, and the other is that the other party has the ability to hide himself.

No matter which point, it should not be underestimated.

Zhou An touched his chin and said to himself: "You'd better not show up here for the second time."

He is a very stable person, so stable that he will feel comfortable only after he has chopped all the threats into the appearance of his aunt.

If the other party dares to come a second time, Zhou An will definitely comb the other party from beginning to end, and then follow this line to catch the other party's nest and cut all enemies into fifty-six pieces.

With this mood, Zhou An feels that it is most important to improve his proficiency first.

He didn't care about other things and continued to improve.

After a while, Zhou An was the only one in the room who disappeared in the shadow for a while and suddenly appeared to attack.

The proficiency of Shadow Thorn is gradually increasing.


Zhou An is working hard on his proficiency.

On the other side, in a very secret place, several men and women in different clothes were sitting together and chatting.

"The situation changed too quickly, and we couldn't control it. The Great Qi Kingdom was destroyed just like that."

One of the young men in purple sighed: "I didn't expect that all this happened so quickly, and we didn't even react."

When the man spoke, another woman in yellow snorted coldly.

"What if you find out? Will you still interfere?"

The man in purple was choked, and then smiled bitterly: "That won't happen. Anyway, the harder they fight, the better it is for us."

He knew that there was no need to continue this topic, so he changed the topic.

"You went to Zhou An's residence, how did you feel?"

The woman in yellow shook her head and said: "From his residence, it is impossible to infer his past and present life. Behind him, there is endless fog and it is impossible to see."

"However, this person's reputation in the world does not seem to be good."

The man in purple shook his head and said: "This is not a problem. Every genius is not understood by others. Let's observe for a while."

"In addition, there are many young people who can also be observed, such as Yuhang and Ye Shuang. The progress of these two people is also very fast."

The woman in yellow nodded, then thought of something and said: "They are Zhou An's best friends, so we need to be careful with them."

The purple-clothed man shrugged: "Of course, now is not the time for us to take action anyway. We should trick them first, and then take action to wipe out these living forces."

The yellow-clothed woman nodded and said: "We need to speed up. We finally found such a good world, and we can let our world survive for a while."

"After all, the cracks in the sky have been blocked, and there is a spiritual space underneath. All of this exists simply for us."

"Wait, wait until the right time, and snatch it away!" (End of this chapter)

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