It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 331 The Origin of the Golden Finger, Entering into Absolute Enlightenment

Silver liquid, like raindrops, fell towards Yuhang at a rapid speed.

Each drop of silver liquid looked as small as a needle, but each drop of silver liquid gave people a feeling as heavy as a mountain.

When these silver liquids, like raindrops, rushed towards Yuhang, Yuhang widened his eyes and his pupils shrank rapidly.

At this moment, Yuhang thought of many things, and his mind turned like lightning.

First of all, it seemed that the target of this group of people was not himself, but his good brother Zhou An.

Yuhang understood the reason for his bad luck in just a moment.

The other party used himself to threaten Zhou An.

Now Zhou An can be said to be untouchable in that city.

But if he tied himself up, it would be very likely that Zhou An would be tricked out.

In just a moment, Yuhang's eyes were filled with dense bloodshot.

The Qi in his body flowed at a very fast speed.

The next moment, lines of words appeared on Yuhang, who was tied up.

After the words appeared, they gradually combined with Yuhang as the center.

Finally, the dense words combined into a word "kill".


When the word "kill" took shape, the terrifying murderous aura spread in this space.

The terrifying silver liquid that attacked, under the invasion of the word "kill", actually began to evaporate gradually.

After evaporation, the silver liquid gradually condensed into another word - "Zhen" under the effect of the word "kill".

The word "Zhen" appeared and immediately fell apart, turning into countless tiny "Zhen" characters, flying towards the group of ordinary Ascension Realm powerhouses.

The silver word "Zhen", combined with Yuhang's "Kill", the two complemented each other and became surprisingly powerful.

These words fell on the group of ordinary Ascension Realm powerhouses, but they were like a drop in the ocean, and had no effect at all.

Yuhang's forehead was covered with sweat.

He inherited the talent of the world's number one scholar in ancient times, and in a short time, he had entered the All Saints.

With his talent, coupled with his own efforts and understanding, it can be said that even an ordinary Juewu realm will flee in panic under his big move.

But... the lowest one on the opposite side is all in the Tiantian realm.

Yuhang used his big move, and at this moment, the Qi in his body was empty and could no longer be used.

The ordinary Tiantian realm strongman who led the tone was indifferent, like a machine: "Good strength, good talent, but a pity."

As the voice fell, the silver liquid emerged again.

The silver liquid like raindrops shot towards Yuhang again.

Yuhang took a deep breath: "You want to use me to deal with Lao Zhou, dream on!"

After saying this, Yuhang prepared to kill himself.

In this world, he is like Lao Zhou, without a father or a mother.

From childhood to adulthood, he only has Lao Zhou as a friend. If someone wants to use him to deal with Lao Zhou, it is better for him to die.

However, just when Yuhang was about to kill himself, the ordinary Ascension Realm strongman who was in the lead reacted faster and had come to Yuhang's side, attacking him continuously.

"What a moving act, it's really touching."

The ordinary Ascension Realm strongman said indifferently: "People become cowardly because of their emotions. Only machines can make people abandon their emotions and become the strongest."

"You can't die yet, because we are looking forward to the time when Zhou An is destroyed both physically and mentally."

As soon as these words came out, Yuhang felt powerless all over.

Not to mention killing himself, even if he wanted to move, it was impossible.

At this time, the silver liquid finally fell on Yuhang's body.

Yuhang felt a piercing pain. This silver liquid, like a thin needle, penetrated into his body through the skin.

As the piercing pain emerged, he felt his brain gradually becoming dizzy.


The ordinary Ascension Realm expert in the lead frowned: "There is a very strong thing surrounding his mind, which cannot be destroyed, and can only be temporarily compressed."

"I understand. This is a characteristic of this era, which seems to be called talent."

"No matter what, it's okay to suppress it. After all, you are our most important means to deal with Zhou An."

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Hang looked up with a blank face, and then he turned into the original appearance, as if he had not suffered any damage.

The ordinary Ascension Realm expert in the lead did not speak again, but returned to his previous position, looked up at the sky, and waited patiently.

After about an incense stick of time, a figure led a black-clothed woman full of taboo beauty and fell from the sky.

Zhou An was full of murderous aura, like a terrifying killing god from hell, holding a black long knife in his right hand, with cold eyes.

He saw Yu Hang, who was shrinking in a corner, and seemed to be in a coma, but it seemed that he was fine.

"You, are the ones who want to kill me?"

Zhou An looked at the hundreds of ordinary masters of the Ascension Realm, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It seems not enough."

The ordinary Ascension Realm strongman in the lead slowly said: "Zhou An, we can give you a chance, join us, and you will be worry-free."

Before he finished speaking, the next moment, Zhou An's long sword, like a meteor, stabbed straight at him, bringing a terrifying whistling sound.

Zhou An's face was indifferent: "I don't like nonsense when I kill people."

The dark blue blade light bloomed on the long sword, rising into the air like a giant python, winding up, and then swooping down.

What jumped on the tip of the blade was the arrival of death and the end of everything.

Facing Zhou An's terrifying attack, hundreds of ordinary Tiantian Realm masters reacted in an instant.

A burst of silver light appeared on their bodies, and they turned into silver bodies in an instant, with terrifying power on their bodies.

When Zhou An saw the silver body, he immediately thought of Zhang Ze who was killed that day, and sneered: "So that's it, they are visitors from another world."

He said that this group of people, how could they be people from the Barbarian Country, it turned out that they were all people from another world.

If you say that, everything is easy to explain.

When Zhou An was thinking about this, the dark blue blade light finally slashed on the silver body.

The next moment, the silver body was cut in half by Zhou An.

But before Zhou An's bombardment continued to fall, wires and machinery immediately appeared on these silver bodies.

They began to swell, as if a huge terrifying energy filled their bodies.

"Self-explosion again?"

Zhou An narrowed his eyes and said with a hint of amusement: "It seems that you have been planning to end it directly from the beginning."

Hundreds of ordinary masters of the Ascension Realm self-exploded in the way of the other world, and the residual power generated will be extremely terrifying.

Even Zhou An would probably be a little threatened.

Of course, the top priority is not this.

Zhou An's figure flashed and he was already beside Yu Hang.

Then, Zhou An raised his foot, hooked Yu Hang's waist and abdomen, and lifted him up with force.

Yu Hang was like a meteor, and disappeared in the sky in an instant.

"With the strength of the full saint realm, it's no big deal to fall."

Zhou An turned his head, pressed Hei Yu's head, and pressed Hei Yu into the shadow in Hei Yu's stubborn eyes.

Just after doing this action, a deafening explosion sounded behind him.


The roar and explosion, like the terrifying power of heaven, enveloped this huge open space and everything in sight.

At this time, smoke and dust filled the sky. In the smoke and dust, countless tiny silver liquids, densely packed like a curtain covering the sky, enveloped Zhou An.

From the outside, the silver liquid could not see the scene inside.

But then, in the smoke and dust, like a touch of aurora in the dark night, a layer of light gold emerged.

The gold had just appeared, at first only the size of a grain of rice, but after a few breaths, it was as scorching as the sun.

When the golden light broke through the smoke and dust, Zhou An's figure gradually emerged, like a Buddha standing in the troubled world.

Zhou An walked out of the smoke and dust, without a trace of dust on his body: "You broke five layers of my golden light, I still have nineteen layers, but that's it."

The surroundings were in a mess, and there was nothing else besides it.

The countless ruins were shocking, and people felt cold all over when they looked at them.

If any ordinary master of the Ascending Heaven Realm were here, he would probably turn into a pile of rotten meat in an instant, but Zhou An, who was in the Full Saint Realm, seemed to be fine.

In the shadow, Hei Yu came out and hugged Zhou An's arm.

Zhou An didn't say anything, but seized the time and took Hei Yu to the sky, rushing towards Yu Hang's location.


Naturally, there was nothing wrong along the way.

Not long after, Zhou An found Yu Hang's landing point and fell from the sky.

At this time, Yu Hang had fallen into a coma and lay motionless on the ground.

After Zhou An landed beside Yu Hang, he stretched out his hand to press Yu Hang's forehead, and was ready to use his skills to check Yu Hang's condition.

But the next moment, a sudden change occurred.

A layer of silver light suddenly enveloped Yu Hang's whole body.

The surface of Yu Hang's body was covered with a layer of silver frost.

And Yu Hang's expression became as cold and indifferent as a machine.

A voice came from Yuhang's mouth: "Zhou An, I didn't expect you to be alive in that situation."

No one answered him, only a murderous aura that kept echoing in this dense forest.

Zhou An's voice was like a demon from hell, revealing a fierceness: "Did you kill Yuhang?"

At this time, if someone was here, they would definitely find that Zhou An, who had never changed his eyes, was full of madness at this time.

The two walked all the way like brothers.

Even in the most dangerous time, Yuhang thought about not implicate Zhou An.

At this time, if Yuhang got into trouble, Zhou An's madness would make people all over the world afraid.

The silver body didn't know why, but suddenly felt his eyebrows beating wildly.

Obviously, he was just a person in the full saint realm, but he, a peak ascending heaven realm, felt numb all over, as if he had offended some extraordinary person.

However, this idea only came into being for a moment, and was suppressed by the silver body.

"My name is No. 2."

No. 2 said coldly: "You killed our partner in our world, so there must be only one way to die. What's wrong with killing a friend of yours?"

The madness in Zhou An's eyes was gradually deepening: "In other words, did you really kill Yuhang?"

The feeling of uneasiness in No. 2's heart was gradually deepening.

He didn't kill him because Yuhang's talent protected Yuhang's consciousness and soul.

But now, he can't say it because he needs enough stimulation.

No. 2 said slowly: "So what, not only Yu Hang, but also you will die."

After the words fell, No. 2 suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed towards Zhou An.

The silver light enveloped Zhou An.

Zhou An's indestructible golden body, with twenty-four layers of golden light, was shattered inch by inch.

This is No. 2’s real killer move.

He has already absorbed a lot of memories and knows about talent.

His arrival was a sure-kill blow for a peak-level master. Only Yu Hang, who possesses unparalleled talent, could completely achieve it.

Therefore, this blow will definitely kill Zhou An.

The attack was approaching, and the madness in Zhou An's eyes kept piling up.

Zhou An only felt that his consciousness seemed to be gradually sinking into a sea of ​​death.

Instead, time around him seemed to slow down, or even pause.

A pure white garden and pure white figures appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

The pure white figure waved his hand gently, and the next moment, Zhou An's crazy consciousness was diminishing rapidly.

Zhou An turned around and found that he was sitting opposite the pure white figure.

"Who are you?"

This time, Zhou An seemed to have forgotten everything, and there was only one thought left in his mind, and that was to ask.

Asking for the identity of the pure white figure and all his secrets.

After asking this question, the pure white figure spoke in a rare move.

"Your talent."


Zhou An's face was full of confusion: "Am I not a cheater? How come I still have talent?"

This sentence was actually what Zhou An was thinking about.

But when he thought of this sentence, the pure white figure actually answered.

"It's a talent."

The pure white figure stood up slowly: "Let me ask you, if your previous world was attacked by a strange invasion, could you stop it?"

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, then fell into silence.

After a moment of silence, he shook his head.

No words needed, just a shake of the head.

In the previous life, there was no fantasy power, not even the kind of power that combines mechanics and fantasy.

If it were a strange invasion, I'm afraid it would be impossible to resist it.

Zhou An raised his head and said, "So, who are you?"

"Who am I? I am an existence formed by the gathering of the remaining powers of the destroyed world."

The pure white figure shook his hand: "Don't you think the trick you played is outrageous? You can learn anything and know everything."

Zhou An thought for a while.

He felt that it shouldn't be described as outrageous.

To be precise, it is extremely outrageous, a big departure.

When the pure white figure said this, Zhou An suddenly had an idea.

"Wait a minute, you mean that the remaining power of all the destroyed worlds is the reason why I have the ability?"

Zhou Andao: "My abilities can be developed as long as they were possessed by those in the destroyed world?"

The pure white figure nodded and said: "Yes, that's it."

Zhou An pondered: "Why did you choose me?"

His previous life was ordinary, and he couldn't understand why he was chosen.

The pure white figure said helplessly: "There are so many reasons in this world. If you are chosen, you are chosen."

Zhou An touched his chin and said, "In other words, everything is a coincidence?"

The pure white figure nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

"What's going on in this weird and polluted world?"

Zhou An continued to ask.

Now that you're here, let's clear up all your doubts.

Unexpectedly, after these words were asked, the pure white figure shook his head: "Do you think that I, with the ability gathered from the destruction of the world, can know this? If I knew, I'm afraid it would have been solved long ago."

Zhou An thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

If he had known it, he would not have traveled through time.

"Why did you show up again?"

"If you don't show up, you're really dead."

The pure white figure said helplessly: "Besides, your strength is progressing too slowly. I plan to give you one last gift. After giving it away, I will disappear completely."


Zhou An was slightly startled.

Before he could speak, the pure white figure continued.

"It means disappearing. I have no emotions or gender, and I am the remnant of power, so I cannot last forever."

"My existence is only for you."

"Before I disappear, I will give you a great gift, but I will also tell you about a great enemy."

A great gift, a great enemy.

The two were so big that Zhou An was a little unable to react.

The pure white figure continued: "Just listen."

"I will give you a good fortune and let you reach ultimate enlightenment."

"These are not for nothing. In fact, I got them after your liver came out."

"Is this a great gift?"

When Zhou An thought about it, it seemed true.

If you really want to reach the state of ultimate enlightenment, you need all skills to be level 12.

But it takes a long time to reach level 12 with all skills.

This gift is more than just a gift.

Zhou An calmed down and asked: "So... where is the huge enemy?"

"Are you referring to the weirdness in the cracks?"

The pure white figure shook his head and nodded again: "It's weird, but it's not in the cracks."

"Do you still remember that every time you undergo a qualitative change, you will face a choice?"

Zhou An nodded and said: "I remember, I will always choose the most suitable one."

The pure white figure said: "It is the most suitable for you, but think about it, where did the items you didn't choose go?"

Zhou An fell into deep thought, rubbing his chin with his hands.

He was also thinking about where the part he didn't choose went.

At this time, the pure white figure didn't keep him in suspense and continued to speak.

"The parts you didn't choose were all obtained by an extremely powerful weird."

Zhou An looked up suddenly: "Why?"

The pure white figure said helplessly: "In this world, there is yin and yang. The residual power condenses into proficiency, but it also has a price. Yin alone cannot produce, and yang alone cannot grow. This is the fact, there is no reason."

Zhou An only felt that his scalp was numb.

Only he knew how outrageous his cheat was.

Now tell him that someone has obtained all the skills he doesn't want, isn't that outrageous?

The pure white figure stared at Zhou An and asked: "Are you scared?"

Zhou An shook his head: "I'm not afraid, he is still not as strong as me."

The skills he doesn't want are skills without attribute superposition.

The other party is at best a little more fancy, not a change in quality.

The pure white figure smiled and said, "That's good."

Having talked about this, we have talked about everything that should be talked about.

However, Zhou An still has a question to ask.

"What did you mean by the countercurrent when we first met?"

The pure white figure thought for a while and said, "Don't you think that every world is polluted, just like fate, it is a river that does not turn back?"

"And you, my friend, you are the real hero."

"You will eventually be like a fish swimming upstream, successfully finding the source of everything, and finding the real secret about weirdness that no one knows."

Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly: "Don't feed me chicken soup, I can't eat it."

The pure white figure said helplessly: "Sure enough, your previous life has a great influence on you."

Zhou An spread his hands and said, "No more talking, just give me the gift first."

He was not polite, because there were still dangers waiting for him in the outside world.

When Zhou An thought of this, his heart sank.

Yuhang died, so Zhou An had one less concern in this world.

"Yuhang is not dead."

The pure white figure said lightly: "His talent protected him."

Zhou An was slightly stunned, and then he was happy: "Really?"

The pure white figure nodded, indicating that it was true: "Okay, no more nonsense, I'll give you the gift, and I'm relieved."

In this pure white garden, as the pure white figure finished speaking, the next moment, the pure white flowers suddenly trembled slightly.

Each pure white flower soared into the air in front of Zhou An.

As these pure white flowers soared into the air, Zhou An found that the pure white figure disappeared.

Before the pure white figure disappeared, he left a sentence.

"Pollution is like a river, you are a countercurrent."

After this sentence was said, in front of Zhou An, pure white flowers fell on Zhou An crazily.

The next moment, in front of Zhou An, the proficiency began to rise crazily.

This crazy rise is not one by one, but every one is rising.

It's crazy, and even the liver emperor feels liver pain when seeing it.

At the same time, one after another, options for qualitative change, appeared in front of Zhou An like a storm.

Zhou An felt that he had never been so rich in his life.

He held his breath and concentrated, and began to choose according to his own ideas.

At the same time, Zhou An's momentum was constantly rising.

The soul and Qi began to blend crazily.

Ordinary full saint... peak full saint... half-step absolute enlightenment... absolute enlightenment!

When Zhou An's soul was completely integrated, the next moment, he broke through the last obstacle and finally reached the absolute enlightenment realm.

Of course, the improvement of strength and the growth of realm are important, but these are not the most important.

The most important thing is that those skills have all changed their appearance.

In front of Zhou An, the attribute panel finally ushered in a qualitative change.

A puff of smoke appeared, and when the smoke gradually condensed into words, Zhou An looked at these attribute panels, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"As expected of a game I made, this name is really bad."

(Whether it's fast or not, the point is not to drag it out. For the sake of entering absolute enlightenment in one chapter, please give me some monthly tickets, brother) (End of this chapter)

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