It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 338: Aftermath and Mr. Yang's attitude

Outside the capital of the Barbarian Kingdom, this empty and chaotic open space is full of ashes and broken walls, which makes people feel shocked.

Number One's giant palm came down and wiped out all the soldiers of the Barbarian Kingdom, and Zhou An's two swords killed the Barbarian Emperor and Master Cao Xiu.

This place has long been empty.

It was quiet around and no one spoke, but there was a trace of emotion in the eyes of many peak masters of the Ascension Realm.

At the beginning, the four countries gradually balanced from the era of war. I don’t know how many days and months have passed, and no one can do anything to anyone.

But now, only the Great Chu Kingdom and the Great Yue Kingdom are left among these countries.

And it has only been a short time since their destruction. For people in the industry with a long life, it is just a flick of a finger.

No one thought that it would be solved so quickly.

Eunuch Wei focused his eyes on Zhou An, with a complicated look on his face.

Not only him, but also other top masters of the Ascension Realm cast their eyes on Zhou An.

There was a trace of emotion and excitement in their eyes.

These top masters of the Ascension Realm also understood that the fall of the Barbarian Kingdom and the Great Qi Kingdom had an indelible relationship with the tall young man in front of them.

Since this young man rose in Anding County, moved up step by step, and finally reached his current position, the fall of the Barbarian Kingdom seemed to have become a foregone conclusion, and no one could rewrite it.

And all this was because of Zhou An.

Zhou An was watched by everyone, and then touched his chin: "Could it be that I looked handsome when I drew my sword just now? Are you all impressed by my handsomeness?"

Originally a very serious occasion, because of Zhou An's words, it immediately became less serious.

Everyone shook their heads and suddenly had a strange idea.

This guy is still young, that is real youth.

Unlike them, on the surface, their faces have not changed, but everyone is an antique.

Such a young man has actually surpassed them.

At this moment, the feelings of those suppressed Tianjiao were completely understood by everyone.

Question Tianjiao, understand Tianjiao, become Tianjiao.

Eunuch Wei waved his sleeves, and then put his hands in his sleeves: "Everyone, although the matter of the Barbarian Kingdom has been resolved, there are still many things that need to be dealt with, so everyone should work harder to solve these things that need to be dealt with."

"After all, these things are more important than killing the emperor of the Barbarian Kingdom."

The head of a country and the peak Tiantian realm masters have been killed, which has actually solved most of the problems, but the follow-up must be dealt with, otherwise the world will still be in chaos.

Everyone nodded, and then they carried out the scene before in the Great Qi Kingdom, that is, dividing the territory.

As usual, these peak Tiantian realm masters who are admired by the people in the world are bargaining with each other at this moment, just like buying vegetables in the vegetable market.

Even if it is a small piece of land, it will be fought for a long time, and even start to quarrel, with a tendency to fight.

Of course, Zhou An knew that they would not fight.

After all, everyone had experienced a life-and-death battle. If it weren't for the two countries, they would have probably set up a table and had a big drink at this moment.

Zhou An didn't feel anything about the division of territory. He was thinking about what Old Yang said not long ago.

Old Yang told him to go to the spiritual space after he finished dealing with the things here.

Zhou An felt that there must be something important here, otherwise he wouldn't be asked to go there.

Thinking of this, Zhou An touched his chin and interrupted the quarrel.

"Seniors, I have something to do."

Everyone turned their eyes to him, not understanding what Zhou An meant.

The King of Far West frowned, his expression slightly subtle.

He felt that when everyone quarreled just now, they were evenly matched.

But once Zhou An was added, they might be at a disadvantage.

At that time, I don't know how much less territory will be divided.

After all, although Zhou An was a guest of the Great Yue Kingdom, he was a member of the Great Chu Kingdom and would definitely help the Great Chu Kingdom.

Who would have thought that Zhou An was not interested in these things, but expressed his thoughts.

"Everyone, you divide it here first, I have to go to the spiritual space, and Elder Yang wants me to do something."

Who Elder Yang is, there is no doubt, everyone knows.

He is the emperor of the entire Great Domain Dynasty.

Everyone heard what Elder Yang said just now, so they didn't let Zhou An stay here for long, and all nodded and agreed.

The King of Far West also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Zhou An doesn't join this quarrel, they won't lose much when they divide it later.

Zhou An didn't say anything, took the black jade, immediately opened up a passage to the spiritual space, walked into it, and soon disappeared on this open space.

On the open space, Eunuch Wei and others saw Zhou An leaving, and began to argue about the division of territory again.

Zhou An didn't care about these things. At this moment, he had already passed through the passage of the spiritual space and came to the spiritual space.

As soon as he arrived, Zhou An found that his eyes flashed, and then he was already in the black palace.

In the black palace, the reliefs from ancient times reveal an atmosphere of heroism and sadness.

Each relief represents the death of an ancient sage, so even standing here, you can feel the brutal war and the scene where these sages died generously.

Mr. Yang and Lu Yi were already standing outside the black palace, waiting patiently.

In front of them, there was a table with four stools around it.

Zhou An walked over with Black Jade and sat down casually without any courtesy. There was no food on it and it was completely empty.

Nowadays, when everyone is talking about things, they naturally don’t care about these things.

After Zhou An sat down, Yang Lao and Lu Yi also sat on the stools.

Afterwards, Mr. Yang slowly spoke and told in detail about his encounter with the poster in another world, including what the poster was doing and what he was thinking.

After Zhou An heard this, he was stunned on the spot, looked at Mr. Yang in surprise, and said in an incredible tone: "Old Yang, are you going to be the common emperor of many worlds?"

To say that the emperor's profession is particularly outrageous.

If you are an ordinary person with no strength, as long as you have a strong country in this industry, you can inherit the national destiny and become a top master in an instant.

Of course, there will be a lack of combat experience, there is no doubt about it.

But it is also the quickest job.

Zhou An also understood what Mr. Yang meant just now.

Mr. Yang just wants to unite people from other worlds, let them respect him as the master, and then let his career as emperor continue to spread, and ultimately improve his own strength.

And those who stayed in the other world were the defenders that Zhou An learned about.

They will not covet other people's world, nor do they want to coexist with others. They will cling to their own world, do the most difficult things, and become a ray of light in the dark world.

Zhou An actually didn't know how to express Mr. Yang's idea.

It can be done, but it's difficult.

Even if the landlord is there, it is quite troublesome.

After all, the secret hand left by the poster in each world is not to be a leader, but to be a transmitter of information.

When the poster turns into a weird person, he can know the weird movements, and when he turns into a human, he can also tell all these movements.

Therefore, if the poster is allowed to be the matchmaker, those who stick to the world may not necessarily agree. After all, if they really want to agree, they will not become sticklers, but will have long since become predators or symbioses.

After seeing Zhou An's expression, Mr. Yang also knew what Zhou An was thinking and said, "Actually, when I tell you this, I'm just telling you my thoughts. I'm not asking you to make decisions."

Zhou An nodded and asked, "Senior, you just said you wanted me to come in and talk about something important. What exactly was it?"

Since I just said it wasn't this, there must be other things.

Zhou An was also curious about what the problem was.

When Zhou An asked this question, Mr. Yang finally gave the answer.

"When I do this, I may concentrate on it in the future, so I may not have time to care about the world."

"After all, when Lu Yi and I enter other worlds, we will be invaded by pollution. After being invaded, when we return to this world, we must use all our strength to smooth out the weird aura and restore it to a state of balance."

"During this process, I and Lu Yi cannot take action, otherwise the balance will be destroyed and we may lose consciousness."

Zhou An heard this and touched his chin: "That's true. The half-human and half-weird auras of the two seniors are very balanced. If they are destroyed, it will bring disaster."

"So while we are recovering, I hope you can keep an eye on the world for us."

Lu Yi added: "After all, in a situation like today, if you come to us when we are balancing the strange aura, we may not be able to take action."

Zhou An frowned: "Is it just that?"

He felt that if it was just a warning, it would be impossible for him to come here. He should have made it clear at that time.

As Zhou An asked this question, Mr. Yang and Lu Yi looked at each other. Then, Mr. Yang said the key point of calling Zhou An in this time.

"I feel that blind defense will always have flaws. It is better to take the initiative to pursue victory and solve everything."

Zhou An's frown deepened.

He listened to what these two people meant, which was to take the initiative to conquer other different worlds.

But if that's the case, let's not mention whether they are plunderers or not. How they get there is a big problem.

After all, their world has not been completely polluted, and they do not have the method or ability to leave, nor can they find a specific entrance or exit.

If even this problem cannot be solved, it will be impossible to turn defense into active attack.

Mr. Yang shook his head and said: "I know what you are thinking. I am not asking you to be predators. After all, what these guys do is extremely contemptible to me."

"What's more, we haven't reached that stage yet. If everyone becomes a predator, wouldn't this world be completely empty?"

After these words were spoken, Zhou An became even more confused.

Instead of being a predator, why not be a symbiont?

In Zhou An's opinion, apart from predators and symbionts, defenders are even more unlikely. After all, their world is not yet in need of persistence.

Mr. Yang shook his head again and said, "We have to deal with those predators and take the initiative so that we can live a stable life."

Against predators?

After Zhou An heard this sentence, he thought for a moment and finally figured out what Mr. Yang meant.

This means that when facing the predators who attack them, it is better to fight back directly instead of blindly defending.

Calculating it this way, if it can be planned well, it may really be possible.

But for now, there is still one most important question.

Zhou An said: "How should we find them?"

Mr. Yang said slowly: "At present, I have no way, but the poster may have a way, so I will go to the poster again immediately, not only to solve my matter, but also to solve the matter I just told you. "

"And I asked you to come in because I want to tell you these things and let you tell the current emperors to prepare them. If you want to protect the world and even deal with the weird, this step should be necessary. Gotta do it.”

At this point, everything has been explained.

Zhou An also had a general understanding of the specific situation.

He thought about it carefully, then nodded in agreement.

Luyi stepped forward, but ignored Zhou An. Instead, he looked at the black jade beside him and looked at it carefully, with a look of approval on his face.

"Yes, the fusion of the Eight Special Skills is progressing very well. You should be close to reaching the Heaven Realm soon."

Black Jade has been staying next to Zhou An. After hearing Lu Yi's words, he timidly hid behind Zhou An. He only stuck his head out, put it on Zhou An's shoulder, and pressed his chin against Zhou An.

She just hummed softly and didn't want to say anything more.

Black Jade is also half-human and half-weird, so she can feel the terrifying aura on Lu Yi's body, as well as abilities that are very similar to hers.

Originally, the Eight Special Skills were born out of the Miscellaneous Skills, and the Miscellaneous Skills were organized and created by Green Clothes, so there is indeed a connection between them.

Luyi still had a look of regret on his face: "It would be a pity if you don't become the master of the miscellaneous sect."

When Zhou An heard this, he frowned and protected Black Jade behind him: "Senior, this is really not okay."

Lu Yi sighed: "I'm just saying that you really protect her, forget it, just don't do it right."

Zhou An did not dwell on this topic any longer, and said with his hands over his hands: "Now that the two seniors have finished talking, I will take my leave first."

After experiencing this incident, in fact, everything is not over yet. More terrifying people from another world have appeared, and the ultimate root cause is strange. Therefore, Zhou An feels that although he has the strength to reach the peak of heaven, he still has to Lift upward.

What's more, not long ago, the pure white figure once said that he has an ultimate enemy, and that is Weird, who has the same golden finger as him.

As long as every choice he makes, the part he doesn't choose will fall on Weirdness.

This is his ultimate enemy.

Therefore, improving strength is the most important thing.

Yang and Lao both nodded and agreed.

They didn't leave Zhou An behind and let Zhou An leave alone.

Zhou An stayed in the psychic space for a while, and after gaining double proficiency, he left the psychic space and returned to the outside world.

After he came back, everyone had already divided the territory.

When Eunuch Wei saw Zhou An coming back, he came forward and asked what happened inside.

Zhou An did not hesitate and explained everything that happened.

Everyone present listened to it and then fell into deep thought.

After a while, the King of Far West spoke slowly.

"I think this method is feasible. After all, neither I nor everyone here is the defensive type. Everyone is more accustomed to taking the initiative."

"In that case, our family will report this matter to His Majesty, and Your Majesty, please report it to Emperor Yunqi."

Eunuch Wei said: "As for the aftermath, it will naturally have to be carried out simultaneously."

Everyone nodded and agreed.

Zhou An didn't stay, these things had nothing to do with him, he had to find a place to practice his skills quickly.

For now, proficiency is what matters.

These peak-level masters stayed to deal with the aftermath, while Zhou An directly found a place to start with Black Jade, gaining proficiency in the armor-breaking and evil-suppressing sword.

Time gradually passed away, and in the blink of an eye, a long time passed.

During this period of time, it can be said that a huge stone was thrown into the deep lake, causing an uproar.

First of all, it was the collapse of the Barbarian Kingdom. The entire world was disrupted by this incident, and it took a long time to regain peace.

Then, the legend about Zhou An gradually spread in the world.

With the realm of ultimate enlightenment, being able to kill the peak and ascend to the heavenly realm is a great achievement.

Although everyone understands that it is a very simple matter for Zhou An to fight against adversity.

But when they heard that they could kill people at the peak and reach the heavenly realm, especially those of the younger generation, they all felt the hairs on their backs stand up at this moment.

They all kept silent when they remembered what they had done to offend Zhou An.

After all, Zhou An today can destroy a powerful force with just a single move.

And as this matter gradually fermented, the legends about Zhou An became more and more outrageous.

Some people say that Zhou An rose from Anding County and sang all the way because of Zhou An's aunt.

Zhou An's aunt cultivated Zhou An's strength, and in order to make Zhou An's strength change qualitatively, she even sacrificed her life and became Zhou An's dead soul.

Although this statement is not very scientific and has no basis, it is becoming more and more outrageous.

Some people even say that Zhou An's aunt is an existence that has surpassed the peak of the heavenly realm, and has poured all her life's learning into Zhou An. As long as Zhou An practices, he can break through without bottlenecks.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou An's aunt lost her life.

Anyway, many versions of the story about his aunt have been circulated in the world, and it is becoming more and more confusing.

In this regard, Zhou An himself said that after hearing the news, his aunt can indeed rest in peace in the underground, after all, this is also a matter of honor for the ancestors.

As for the subsequent events of the Barbarian Kingdom, Eunuch Wei and King Yuanxi and others cooperated with the influx of a large number of talents, and gradually calmed down.

The entire Barbarian Kingdom gradually returned to normal.

Nowadays, both the territory of the Great Qi Kingdom and the territory of the Barbarian Kingdom have been divided.

The whole world is divided into two parts by the Great Chu Kingdom and the Great Yue Kingdom.

In theory, such a dual confrontation situation is not very stable.

After all, there can be no two tigers in one mountain, and no one can sleep peacefully beside the bed.

But now, after having a common enemy, the two countries have entered a honeymoon period of glue, and they exchange what they have with each other.

In this regard, many people in the world understand that the common enemy has made the world peaceful.

And during this period of time, the most incomprehensible thing for everyone is Zhou An's low-key.

If a young person, with such an achievement, will definitely come out to show off, even if it is a little low-key, it will often appear.

After all, whether it is young people or those older generations, if they can achieve such an achievement, they will show it off, which is a very normal thing.

Even if Zhou An showed off, no one would think there was anything wrong with it, because those who thought it was not good had already become the dead souls under Zhou An's knife.

But since that incident, Zhou An almost never went out of the house built for him by Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

Even if he had a bite of food, it was delivered by people from Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

They didn't understand what Zhou An was doing, but no one cared, no one asked, just guessed for no reason.

Only Zhou An himself knew that he had fallen into a very obsessed state during this period.

He was madly working on his proficiency and constantly improving his strength.

After this period of crazy work, his two skills were upgraded to level thirteen.

In front of him, a puff of smoke appeared, and the latest two level thirteen skills appeared in front of him.

[Armor-breaking Evil-suppressing Knife (Extermination of Evils) lv.13 (Speed ​​+78, Accuracy +78, Sharpness +78, Defense Breaking +78, Extermination of Evils +78): 1/240000]

[World in the Pot (Extermination of Evils) lv.13 (Strength +78, Destruction +78, Seal +78, Refining +78, Extermination of Evils +78): 1/240000]

[Storage Proficiency 0/220000]

After each skill is upgraded by one level, there is a six-point proficiency bonus. After he upgraded the Armor-breaking Evil-suppressing Knife to level 13, he immediately used the storage proficiency to upgrade the level of World in the Pot.

Now, the improvement of the two skills has made Zhou An's strength one point further.

His current strength is the Absolute Enlightenment Realm, and the next realm is the Ascension Realm.

Zhou An also discussed some specific contents of the Ascension Realm with Eunuch Wei in detail, and Eunuch Wei also had some questions about the Ascension Realm, and he answered them all one by one for Zhou An.

Zhou An finally understood why there was the name "Tiantian Realm". (End of this chapter)

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