As Zhou An said these words, the fragments of the world in front of him shook more and more violently. They were like terrifying beasts, staring at Zhou An with ferocious eyes, trying to tear Zhou An apart. into pieces.

Zhou An didn't pay attention to them, but watched the gradual shrinkage of these world fragments with a calm look on his face.

As these world fragments shrink, each fragment then converges into a huge, vast world.

Zhou An could see that the world he was in and the world in his previous life were the only living things in these dead worlds.

He didn't care, but closed his eyes and flicked his fingers gently.

With the flick of his fingers, brilliant brilliance, like a rainbow of seven colors, was popped out from between his fingers and injected into the pure white shadow in mid-air.

The humanoid creature composed of white light exudes powerful power.

The originally vibrating fragments gradually changed under the extension of this force, and finally returned to calm.

"This is only a temporary suppression, but it's not a big problem."

Zhou An just used half of the world's corpses to finally calm the trembling world, suppressing the weirdness for a short time.

But as the white light humanoid said, this thing cannot be solved in a short while.

When all the worlds are connected together, something strange will eventually emerge that can overturn the whole world.

Zhou An is not in a hurry, because what he has to solve now is to prevent the whole world from going crazy.

In order to stop him from going crazy, temporary suppression can give Zhou An some breathing time.

Then, Zhou An looked at the white corpse in the sky, stretched out his palm, and patted its chest.

When the palm of the hand was slapped on the chest, the body of the humanoid creature with white light immediately exploded and turned into white light that filled the sky, as small as a grain of rice, blending into every fragment of the world.

The world that had been merged into one large piece began to appear under the light of the white light humanoid creature, and an extremely powerful and terrifying aura began to appear.

When these auras appear, they turn into bridges, covering the entire world.

The bridge connects the world that was destroyed by strangeness, the world where Zhou An lives, and the world of his previous life.

The three worlds are connected into a straight line.

At this time, Zhou An let out a sigh of relief and felt a little more relaxed.

He could feel that the aura of destruction seemed to be boiling inside, but it was finally suppressed to a limit.

Zhou An pondered for a moment, then thought for a moment, stretched out his hand and pointed at the world he was in: "Let me see if anyone is born today."

Following his pointing, the camera turned and then came to Eunuch Wei's position.

At this moment, Eunuch Wei and others are still waiting at that place.

A long time has passed in the immortal imperial city, but they will look here every day, hoping to get news of Zhou An's victory.

Not long ago, the strangeness receded and disappeared, and they also gained temporary safety.

But Zhou An has not returned yet, which casts a shadow over everyone's hearts.

Today, I waited again, but no one spoke.

Black Jade stood on the high city wall, looking at the sky blankly.

In the center of the Immortal Imperial City, the stone sculpture is still immersed in boundless loneliness, as if in a huge whirlpool from which it can never escape.

"How long has this been going on? Zhou An doesn't know if it's going well." The King of Far West stood beside him, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

No one here answered him, but they all knew in their hearts that Zhou An's hope was slim now.

After all, if he could come back, he would probably have come back long ago.

Eunuch Wei put his hands in his sleeves, shook his head and said: "The weirdness has receded, but our family always feels that these weirdnesses have never dissipated. Maybe Zhou An suppressed it briefly, but in the end the root cause was not solved."

"So we can't relax."

Although they may be temporarily stable now, they all know in their hearts that as long as the source of the weirdness does not dissipate, this stability will always be temporary.

Therefore, the people here are tightening the string in their hearts every moment.

Just when everyone watched for a while and prepared to disperse and finish their own business first, something unexpected suddenly appeared.

In the sky, a huge bridge appeared. This bridge was composed of pure white light, exuding a powerful and overlooking aura of all living beings.

The moment the bridge appeared, everyone present felt a huge pressure rushing towards them, as if they were not facing a bridge, but the entire sky was collapsing.

Then, it only took a moment for the bridge to fall from its appearance.

The other side of the bridge is connected to the endless void, as if there is an inexplicable terrifying existence at the end.

After this scene appeared, Eunuch Wei and others were immediately surprised.

When they were about to check and respond, they didn't expect that Black Jade, whose eyes had been dull all the time, suddenly made a move.

It didn't take long for Black Jade's eyes to change from dull to excited.

She suddenly pointed at the pure white bridge, turned around and said, "Zhou An's breath, that's Zhou An's breath, I finally feel it!"

When these words were spoken, everyone present was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, everyone focused their attention on the bridge made of white light.

When they threw it over, they immediately felt a familiar breath.

Just as Heiyu said, there was indeed Zhou An's breath there.

Eunuch Wei's eyes shone: "Has Zhou An succeeded?"

No one answered him, because everyone present had the same expression.

They were all waiting for Zhou An's arrival, but after waiting for a while, no figure appeared, but the bridge composed of pure white light disappeared in an instant.

This situation was a bit disappointing, but only Heiyu's face was still excited.

"As long as Zhou An's breath appears, it proves that Zhou An is still alive, which means that Zhou An is not in danger at present."

Heiyu cheered and jumped for joy, like a child, running around on the city wall, shouting loudly while running.

Eunuch Wei and others were relatively stable and did not show it.

But they also knew that it was very likely that Zhou An's time to come back was coming soon.

Just when everyone was thinking about it, a neatly dressed soldier suddenly came forward.

Before everyone could speak, the soldier bowed and said.

"My Lords, something seems to have happened in the city."

Eunuch Wei turned around and frowned, "What happened?"

The soldier quickly replied, "Today, many families gave birth to children with a strange aura, but the strange aura quickly merged with the child's soul and disappeared. The adults from the Suppression of Ghosts went to check and found nothing unusual."

As he spoke, a member of the Suppression of Ghosts came up behind the soldier, holding a newborn baby in his arms.

The general stood aside, then walked up slowly, carefully checked the baby's body, turned around and said: "There is indeed no abnormality, not even a strange breath, why do you say there is a strange breath?"

"Inside, it merged." The member of the Zhenguisi holding the child hurriedly said: "Sir, there was indeed a strange breath at the beginning, but it disappeared not long after, and it was not just this family. As long as the place where the child was born, the strange breath merged, but it soon dissipated, as if this strange breath was only attached to this child, and it would disappear completely in a short time."

This answer made the people present confused.

Even though they have reached this level now, they still can't understand such strange things.

Eunuch Wei thought about it and said: "Everything may be related to the bridge at the beginning."

In addition, no one can think of the reason.

After the bridge connecting the sky and the earth appeared, the children born became abnormal, and any normal person would connect it.

But no one knows what the specific function is.

This time, it is not only the world where Eunuch Wei and his friends are that is abnormal, even Zhou An's previous life is experiencing all of this.

It's just that there is no such mysterious ability in the previous life, and it is impossible to understand, just as a normal birth.

And these children have various abilities and talents after they are born.

These are all brought by those weird reincarnations.

They are brand new individuals, and also new lives.

Zhou An is in a chaotic space, looking at the place where the corpse of the white light humanoid creature disappeared, there is an empty space.

Then, he slowly stood up.

"After all, there is still a little bit missing."

At this time, all the weird worlds have been connected to those two worlds. They only need to wait for the birth of new life, and the weirdness will gradually decrease.

And the dead life will also turn into weirdness, waiting for the process of birth again.

For Zhou An, the weird world now is too big and too much, and the only two living worlds, even if they are born continuously every day, there is no way to achieve balance.

The weirdness will only increase, and after reaching a limit, the balance will be reversed again.

By then, weirdness will still appear.

Zhou An paced back and forth, thinking about the solution.

However, he seemed to be in a dilemma.

The speed of life is not as fast as the speed of death, and the number of deaths is more than the number of births. This balance is basically unsolvable.

Zhou An walked back and forth for a long time. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the weird worlds and raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe there is a new way."

He raised his hand and pressed lightly on that world.

Then, the skill of infinity was used by him.

Thousands of lights, accompanied by Zhou An's palm, were injected into the weird world.

After these lights fell, the next moment, the weird world that was originally full of death began to change gradually in an instant.

The breath of life is being born, but humans have not appeared, but all kinds of strange things have appeared.

These various creatures are increasing at a very fast speed and beginning to reproduce.

Just like what the white light humanoid creature said at the beginning, even in this world, it is impossible for people to be born in an instant. It takes a process after all.

But Zhou An thought that just because humans could not be born, it did not mean that the first creatures could not come.

All that was needed was a creature.

And the method of giving birth to a creature was extremely simple for Zhou An now, as long as it was not as complicated as a human being.

"Since we have this, we need a way to judge it."

When Zhou An waved his hand, the weirdness in the world where living beings were born was eliminated.

At the same time, he lightly tapped the world full of weirdness.

After a moment, all kinds of weird information were injected into his mind.

Zhou An raised his head, like a god examining the common people, analyzing all the information of each weirdness before his death.

This large amount of information is extremely simple for Zhou An now.

He just flashed his figure, and one Zhou An after another appeared beside him.

In the blink of an eye, it was spread all over the chaotic world.

"Legislation, establish the source, those who did evil in their past lives, after reincarnation, they will pay the price for it."

Zhou An closed his eyes.

His clones began to calculate all kinds of weird life experiences frantically.

Then, those weirdnesses with problems in their past lives were thrown into the strange creatures created by Zhou An in various worlds.

And those who did not do great evil in their past lives were able to go to the only two worlds with humans.

After such a period of resolution, Zhou An breathed a sigh of relief.

He controls the power of half of the world, and the other half of the world is also indirectly controlled by him because of the establishment of reincarnation.

But the series of operations just now still caused him a lot of losses.

Fortunately, this loss was filled in just a moment.

Zhou An was like an old monk sitting cross-legged in the air, silently looking at the huge picture in front of him.

Every corner was in his eyes.

Then, Zhou An shook his head: "We still need to deduce whether there will be new changes in the future."

Infinite skills were used by him again.

He extracted the deduction ability in all worlds and began to deduce the subsequent changes.

All kinds of possibilities were deduced by him, and the solution was also deduced by him.

This time was extremely long.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhou An finally stopped the deduction.

"It's OK."

"Now, it's basically completed, so the weirdness of this world finally has a vent, and the balance is finally achieved."

Zhou An thought to himself.

At least the world's birth, aging, sickness and death problems have been completely solved.

In the past, after people died, there was no more outlet for weirdness.

Now, there is one more outlet. For now, the real root cause has been completely eliminated.

Zhou An stood up and stretched his muscles: "Since a large number of the roots have been completely solved by me, then it's time to go back."

"They should miss me too." (End of this chapter)

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