The other students in the class were not surprised, after all, they were two girls, normal!

In addition, Zhao Ningfei only paid too much attention to Xiaobai, and glanced at it a few more times, and some people didn't notice it at all.

At noon, the bell for the end of the fourth class had just rang, and Sun Xiaobai's whole person couldn't help but become nervous.

Thinking that he would have to contact Zhao Ningfei alone later, the experience of the last time in the changing room of the swimming pool immediately came to mind.

This is really a difficult disease to deal with, although it looks a lot normal now, but it is also full of danger!

Sun Xiaobai was thinking about it in a trance, but he didn't expect to be struck on the shoulder suddenly!

It made her jump all at once!


Zhao Ningfei, who was standing behind Sun Xiaobai, was immediately amused.

So, is she so sensitive?

It's a little cute!

"Let's have lunch together."

Zhao Ningfei was holding two very delicate lunch boxes in her hand, and she didn't know where she got them, but she saw that they were meals made at home, maybe someone had specially sent them to her just now.

"I don't eat, I'll just go to the cafeteria."

Sun Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to escape.

But before she could take two steps, she was stopped by Zhao Ningfei!

Don't look at Zhao Ningfei looks a little loli, but when she has a cold face, she is still quite scary, and her height is similar to Xiaobai.

"Didn't you say okay, did you regret it?"

Zhao Ningfei said word by word, and then, she gently touched the hat of the down jacket on Xiaobai's body.

Looking at people and animals as if harmless, in fact, hehe, the sense of coercion is full!

Sun Xiaobai had to sit down.

She only has one thought now, that is, to quickly send away this little ancestor.

"That's good, I don't like disobedience."

Zhao Ningfei muttered in a low voice.

But this sentence was clearly heard by Sun Xiaobai!

I drip obediently, how do I feel that Zhao Ningfei is raising a pet?

Sure enough, being entangled in illness is an accident!

Oh Mita Buddha, great luck, bad luck dissipated....

Xiao Bai quickly meditated in his heart for a while, only then did he feel that the chill in his heart was dispelled for a while.

Seeing that Sun Xiaobai did not refuse anything again, Zhao Ningfei's face was much better.

I saw that she opened the exquisite lunch box, and the two dishes were the same.

Four dishes and one soup, very hearty, and steamed rice, you can tell at a glance that the ingredients of this meal are worth a lot!

At the moment, Xiaobai couldn't care about anything else, and only felt carried away by the food.

In fact, rubbing a meal is not bad, it should be a compensation for being frightened by illness!

"Eat, these dishes are your favorite dishes."

Zhao Ningfei seemed very gentle at the moment, and took the initiative to hand Sun Xiaobai a pair of chopsticks.

Sun Xiaobai was a little surprised, "How do you know that I love to eat these dishes?" Indeed

, all the dishes are her favorites, and although she is not too picky eater, there are some dishes that she does not eat, and some dishes that she feels very general and does not eat often.

Zhao Ningfei did not speak.

She began to eat, and her demeanor was very elegant, just like the two of them who looked crazy before.

However, this attribute of perversion has not changed at all.

Since the other party was unwilling to say, Sun Xiaobai did not continue to ask.

Smelling the fragrant food, she also began to eat happily.

Seeing Xiaobai eating so deliciously, Zhao Ningfei secretly glanced at her and showed a happy smile.

Everything seems to have not changed.

That's nice....

Zhao Ningfei didn't know what to think, and her eyes suddenly became sad.

Then, she quickly grilled the rice, and quickly returned to normal.

Sun Xiaobai only cared about dry rice, plus she subconsciously had a little disgust with Zhao Ningfei, so she didn't notice Zhao Ningfei's expression and eye changes at all.

After eating, Sun Xiaobai couldn't help but ask.

"Last time you pestered me so much in the swimming pool, and this time you pestered me again, what kind of purpose do you have?"

This sentence has been buried in her heart for a long time, and since Zhao Ningfei made an unreasonable request, Sun Xiaobai has always wanted to ask.

Zhao Ningfei didn't seem to want to answer, she deliberately turned to the book.

Sun Xiaobai directly "clicked" and closed Zhao Ningfei's book!

"You have to give me an explanation, or whatever you do, I won't care."

Xiaobai's expression was serious this time.

Because, the more she thinks about it, the more wrong it gets!

Zhao Ningfei must have investigated a lot of things about her, and she was terrified to think about it.

If the other party has no purpose, then Xiaobai really won't believe it at all.

Zhao Ningfei did not escape this time.

She said slowly, "I do have a purpose. "

Look, that's right, the fox is going to show its tail, right?

Xiaobai has already prepared the battle mode!

How to say, she was also a brave boy before, come on, she is ready to take the recruit!

"Actually, I just want to get close to you and be your friend."

Hearing Zhao Ningfei's answer, Sun Xiaobai's whole person was stunned.

Wouldn't it, wouldn't it?

To be friends, the behavior is so terrible?

It's just shivering!

"No, you're trying to lie to me!" Sun Xiaobai shouted in disbelief.

Zhao Ningfei began to explain, "Actually, I have some mental illness, and I will do strange things to you when I suddenly fell ill in the swimming pool last time, but later I found that it seems that it was because of that time that my condition has improved a lot, perhaps, it is affected by the mysterious magnetic field on your body..."

It sounds foggy, but if you tell her to lie, it's still like that!

"I am a member of the Zhao Group, so I must investigate you before becoming friends with you, so that I can rest assured. Although I really want to be friends with you out of selfish existence, my heart is sincere. I'm a bit paranoid, don't be afraid of me.

Zhao Ningfei said very sincerely, and her eyes did not have the terrible state before.

Xiao Bai nodded, "Okay, I believe you are okay for the time being..." "

Then we will be friends in the future?"

Zhao Ningfei suddenly stretched out her hand to Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai shook stiffly and nodded slightly.

In fact, thinking about it this way, Zhao Ningfei is also quite pitiful, people with mental illness will suffer a lot of pain, and the degree of discomfort is simply unimaginable.

As long as Zhao Ningfei is not a liar, then it doesn't hurt to help her.

However, Xiaobai will not let his guard down too much, after all, the heart of defense is indispensable, let alone face such a moody and somewhat dangerous girl.

Zhao Ningfei obviously did not expect that in such a short time, Xiaobai would easily accept himself.

She's so simple! However, it is also so pure and cute.

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