Next, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin went to Mr. Vinson's office together to sign the contract.

Peach is also very knowledgeable, knowing that signing a contract is a relatively secret matter, and some agreed terms will be involved, so she leaves first.

"What's going on with you? It's so old for half a day to come back! Because

as soon as Peaches left, there was no one around to serve Zhou Qiansi, and now at this moment, she is shooting posters in the company's studio, intending to take advantage of the popularity of Little Rose to make the audience remember her unique beauty.

Although the staff in the studio can also be used by Zhou Qiansi, it is not very easy to use after all.

Zhou Qiansi saw that Peaches had returned, and she began to get angry on the spot.

Anyway, the people at the scene are all the staff of the company, and they have signed a confidentiality agreement with the company, and if they talk indiscriminately in breach of contract, they will have to pay high liquidated damages if they are found out, so in front of their own people, Zhou Qiansi is not shy away.

The people around saw Zhou Qiansi angry with the assistant, and they had already seen it strangely.

Peach quickly apologized, "Something happened when I went out just now, and it did delay a lot of time, I'm sorry, Sister Qian." "

Okay, okay, I won't care about it this time, I'll talk about it later."

When Zhou Qiansi heard Peach say this, she thought that she must have discovered something.

At this moment, Zhou Qiansi's bad mood immediately dissipated, but in front of everyone, it was not convenient for her to understand further.

When it was time to touch up her makeup, Zhou Qiansi couldn't wait to walk into the dressing room, and then all the staff were dispersed, leaving only her and Peach in the room.

"Say, what exactly did you find?"

Zhou Qiansi was rejected by Vincent, she has always been worried about it, and she is always unwilling.

Peach told Zhou Qiansi about her discovery, "Sister Qian, those two draft champions did not sign with Mr. Vinson, they just signed a cooperation agreement. "

Cooperation agreement?"

Zhou Qiansi's face was beaming, and she was tired when she heard it.

I originally thought that Mr. Vinson valued these two girls, but now it seems that he didn't even sign the contract, and he didn't value it much!

"Have you inquired clearly, why didn't you sign a contract?"

Zhou Qiansi is looking forward to hearing the answer she wants from Peaches' mouth.

Her personality is quite arrogant, and what she can't get, she doesn't want others to get!

Peach's eyes flickered a little, but she quickly covered the past.

"I don't know the specific reason, and they certainly won't say this kind of thing casually, but according to my observations, it may be Mr. Vinson's unilateral meaning."

Peach did not choose to tell Zhou Qiansi the truth, but made it up.

Remembering that Vinson and the two newcomer girls were so friendly and sincere, Peach really couldn't bear to secretly do these things against them.

"Hmph, I knew so. This Vincent, his vision was simply high in the sky before, but now it's just that, it must be because he hasn't signed an artist in recent years, and the face of the gold medal agent can't hang up, hahaha..." Zhou

Qiansi let out a burst of rampant laughter.

Peach saw that Zhou Qiansi believed it, and immediately agreed, "That's natural, Sister Qian, you are so good, he didn't sign you before, it's that he has no vision."

"Okay, this thing is doing well, but don't be polite to see those two newcomers in the future."

"I see."

Seeing that Peach was really a useful tool person, Zhou Qiansi was satisfied, she opened the dressing room and asked Peach to call the staff in.

Sun Xiaobai, who left Xingcan Entertainment Company after signing the contract, suddenly remembered that she hadn't even started her task yet!


"Xinxin, I recently brushed a certain blog, and I saw that there is a little rose that is very popular, and it is also Xingcan Entertainment."

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin chatted idly, hoping that she could provide some information.

"Oh, isn't that Zhou Qiansi, Peach is working as an assistant to her!"

At first, Tian Xinxin was more hostile to Peaches, because she hated everyone who wanted to get close to Xiaobai's sister, but after some conversation, Tian Xinxin probably understood that Peaches was just for her own work, and there was no other meaning.

In the process of this conversation, Tian Xinxin also found out a lot of information about peaches.

Sun Xiaobai's face was beaming, so it was!

Wouldn't it be convenient to find Zhou Qiansi?

But how to slap in the face?

Generally speaking, the person who the system teaches the lesson is definitely not a good person, but the system is a small pit, which is not necessarily.

Sun Xiaobai hasn't thought of a way yet, it's really not okay, so she pretends to find Peaches, and then meets Zhou Qiansi by the way, and then implements her own plan to hit the face.

But how should you hit you in the face?

Did Zhou Qiansi really do something bad, or was she too arrogant?

All this will not be known until after meeting Zhou Qiansi.

Hey, I really regret not looking for Peach for a contact information!

"Little white sister, why do you care so much about Peaches? You have always been out of your mind when it comes to her, should you really know each other before? Tian

Xinxin's heart flashed a sense of crisis!

She doesn't want to do this, but she can't control her cranky thoughts, help, is this a disease? Is there still salvation!

"No, no, I haven't been in the entertainment industry before, so I'm quite curious about a lot of things, no, Peach is the first actor assistant I know."

Sun Xiaobai quickly explained, I don't know why, she felt that Xinxinzi was a little unhappy, was it her delusion?

"Indeed, I also think it's quite novel, are we really going to take on the show and commercials together?"

"Don't you like it?" Sun Xiaobai asked Tian Xinxin cautiously.

Xiaobai's heart clearly knew that Xinxin had always been just to accompany him.

"I don't like it, in fact, I think it's quite interesting, little white sister, as long as I am with you, no matter what I do, I will be very happy!"

Tian Xinxin smiled like a flower, and Xiao Bai was intoxicated when he saw it.

Wow, this is so beautiful, it's like a confession.

"Okay, we'll discuss it then."

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, who are about to return to school, could not have imagined that now the school has fried the pan!

"Xiaobai Xiaobai, rejoice!"

As soon as I got out of the car, I was frightened by this shout.

It's just an exaggeration! Is it a big day today, and what big people have come to school? Unexpectedly, everyone's focus was on them!

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin both widened their eyes and looked at the dense crowd at the school gate...

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