Sun Qing was shocked!

I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't say it.

After ordering, a large pot of hot Korean food was served.

Sun Qing originally wanted to serve vegetables to the goddess, but he didn't expect that the goddess's hand speed was faster than herself!

After a while, Tian Xinxin handed a full bowl to Sun Qing.

"Xiaobai, it's still a little hot, be careful."

"You're too thin, eat more!"

Listening to the gentle words of the goddess, Sun Qing was like a spring breeze, "Okay, thank you, you can eat too!"

Sun Qing quickly clipped a piece of chicken to Tian Xinxin.

Tian Xinxin pointed to his mouth with a smile.


Is it to let yourself feed her....

Excited heart, trembling hands!

Sun Qing grabbed the piece of chicken and handed it to Tian Xinxin's mouth.

Tian Xinxin ate it happily, full of happiness!

"It's delicious, you eat it too!"

Tian Xinxin clipped and also clipped a piece of chicken to feed Sun Qing.

Sun Qing was dumbfounded, and actually took his own bowl.

It is really too shy to be fed by the goddess, or put it in a bowl, she will come by herself.

Unexpectedly, Tian Xinxin didn't care so much!

"Ah, open your mouth, I'll feed you too."

Listening to the sweet voice of the goddess, Sun Qing's heart was suspicious, and she subconsciously opened her red lips slightly.

A piece of chicken was fed in like this, and it was simply fragrant.

Wow, this is the best chicken she's had since she was born, not one!

Just as he was reminiscing, Tian Xinxin suddenly came over!

Sun Qing was a little confused, looking at the enlarged face of the goddess, she subconsciously leaned back.

No way?

Did Tian Xinxin want to...

Sun Qing was a little nervous and a little shy.

She hadn't experienced it and didn't yet know what kissing really felt like.

Compared with Xu Zhifan's blood basin, Tian Xinxin's cherry small mouth looks delicate, and it is also moist, revealing an alluring luster.

Sun Qing grabbed her little skirt and was so nervous that she wanted to spit bubbles~

Because she was too nervous, she subconsciously closed her eyes.

Then, something soft touched his lips.

It's soft, but it doesn't feel right?

It's like... Paper towel?

Tian Xinxin was wiping his mouth for Sun Qing, and while wiping it, he thought to pieces, "Oh, how like a child, eating all over his mouth."

Sun Qing then realized that he had misunderstood something!

She opened her eyes in shame, her face turned red, and she couldn't help herself.

Tian Xinxin asked with concern, "Did your eyes be uncomfortable just now, why did you close your eyes?"

After speaking, Tian Xinxin seemed to want to help Sun Qing take a look.

Sun Qing quickly refused, "It's okay, it's okay, it's already fine." "

With such close contact with the goddess, her little heart is really plopping and beating!

"Why is your face red too?"

Tian Xinxin seemed to have discovered something interesting, and she stretched out her hand and touched Sun Qing's cheek.

Wow, good Q bomb!

Sun Qing didn't know how to explain, she

was at a loss.... "Hee-hee, Xiaobai, why are you shy with girls?"

Tian Xinxin found that Sun Qing was now not only blushing, but even her ears and neck were red!

She playfully tugged at Sun Qing's little red ears.

Unexpectedly, Sun Qing bounced up from the chair as if he had been shocked by electricity!

Tian Xinxin was startled at first, and when she reacted, she laughed.

"Xiaobai, you are too cute!"

I haven't seen anyone so sensitive to ear pulling.

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