Fighting with Xiaokeng many times, Sun Qing became smarter the more he learned.

She thought of something, and immediately smiled, "If you don't go to a women's clothing store, I can visit a treasure store!"


With the rhetorical question of the yin and yang of the small pit, a new side quest will be issued immediately!

[Host triggers hidden side quests, please visit the women's clothing store with Tian Xinxin within two days, and successfully buy a set of women's clothing for yourself. ] Successful mission will get a thousand yuan women's clothing purchase fund, mission failure, miniskirt firmly welded to death, wear miniskirt every day for the next week.

Sun Qing: ......

I have an MMP, I don't know if I should say it or not!

If she wore a miniskirt every day, how would she go to class, how would she go to school?

Sun Qing can see through it, this system is playing her, and it is playing her to death!

Sun Qing, who has repeatedly resisted ineffectively, has learned to go against the grain.

This time, she did not complain and silently accepted the side quest.

After pulling the skin with the small pit for so long, the business has not yet begun to be done.

Sun Qing immediately looked for a house, she wanted to rent a one-bedroom and a living room, the kind with a better environment.

There are many communities near the college, and the price is not expensive, basically starting from three months, paying three or five thousand yuan.

Sun Qing walked through the back streets and came to the Yong'an Community.

Many landlords here will directly post the rental information on the public notice board of the community, so it is very convenient to rent a house, and there is no need to pay an agency fee.

Sun Qing contacted several people, and after viewing and comparing the houses, he finally finalized a good one, with a rent of 1200 yuan a month, just right, there is still 200 yuan left after paying the rent.

Gee, it seems that the small pit really calculated in advance, right?

"Little girl, you look so beautiful, you should pay attention to safety when living alone, remember to lock the door when you go out, and remember to close the unit door downstairs."

The landlord is a warm aunt who kindly reminded Sun Qing.

Such a beautiful little girl, I really like it from the bottom of my heart!

Sun Qing quickly nodded, "Okay, thank you Auntie for your concern, I will pay attention." "

The reason why I came out in women's clothes to find a house was also to find a more suitable place for girls to live.

After all...... Alas, this is not what it used to be!

After signing the contract, the landlord's aunt actually sent Sun Qing a lot of daily necessities, what laundry detergent, paper drawer, and dish soap, which made her a little embarrassed.

Is this the benefit of being beautiful?

If she were a man, she would definitely be nagged by the landlord's aunt to make her pay attention to the hygiene of the house, right? There will be no such care.

It's really good to be a girl.


Sun Qing quickly knocked on his head! How could she have such horrible thoughts?

After renting the house, it is time to say goodbye to your roommate.

Thinking of the roommates who want to leave the day and night, Sun Qing is very reluctant, but in order to keep his identity, he can only temporarily separate...

Inside the boys' dormitory.

"That... I have something I want to tell you," Sun Qingzhi still opened his mouth to tell the truth for most of the day, "I rented a house outside the school and moved out tomorrow.

"Why so suddenly?" Duan Hangyuan was stunned, and Xu Zhifan and Wen Bo were also surprised.

Sun Qing said the excuse he had thought of a long time ago, "I am going to find a part-time job to exercise myself, and it is more convenient to live outside."

"Since you decided, then we support you." Have a meal together tonight, drink some small bar, and say goodbye! "

Listen to drinking? The little pit immediately came strong!

Engage in things, engage in things!

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