Tian Xinxin stretched out his hand and fished the sleeping Sun Qing into his arms.

Well, her body is so fragrant, a little milky.

It seems that hugging her, she has the feeling of the whole world, so warm!

The corners of Tian Xinxin's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Her hand continued to go up, and the little claw claw scratched slightly, it turned out to be better than the imaginary touch, heehee, finally got her wish.

And at this moment, Sun Qing didn't know anything about her various encounters, let alone that the goddess was already sticking to her like an octopus, as if she was the best doll to hold and sleep in.

The next morning.

A warm ray of sunlight comes in through the window.

Two equally young and beautiful girls on the bed are happily closing their eyes and hugging each other, which is simply the most beautiful picture in the world.

They all have attractive beauty, attractive bodies and long white legs, and the perfect combination is just that.

Sun Qing woke up slowly, she opened her eyes, and only felt as if she was lying in a particularly warm embrace.

After seeing the situation in front of her, Sun Qing almost wanted to scream!

Why is the goddess in her arms

? So what did she do to the goddess last night?

Sun Qing suddenly remembered that she was also a girl now, and she couldn't do anything anymore.

Thinking of this, Sun Qing suddenly rejoiced.

Although Sun Qing likes Tian Xinxin very much, her liking has always been silently placed in her heart, there is no other bold idea, and she doesn't want to hurt her beloved.

"Hmm..." Tian

Xinxin also woke up, she snorted softly, and felt a little sleepy-eyed.

Despite its face, it is still beautiful to the extreme.

The white and tender skin was smooth and flawless, the eyes were pure and confused, and the lips were slightly pursed, who would not feel pity when they saw it?

Sun Qing looked at her stupidly, forgetting her words.

At this moment, she only hopes that time can stop and retain the beauty of this time.

Tian Xinxin saw Sun Qing's appearance and immediately laughed.

The most touching thing about her is the smile, sweet and healing.

Even if there are many bad things, as long as you see Tian Xinxin's smile, you can temporarily forget all your troubles.

Tian Xinxin blinked, and his eyes showed a cunning look again.

She slowly approached Sun Qing, getting closer and closer...

Sun Qing's brain suddenly went blank.

She completely lost the ability to think, and her body became stiff and couldn't move at all.

A warm breath came.

Tian Xinxin pressed Sun Qing's forehead, and then gently touched her nose with his own nose.

Well, it's really an intimate feeling wow

~ "Little white sister, why are you so cute and cute~"

Tian Xinxin's face still has that sweet smile on her face.

Sun Qing's eyes widened when she heard this word.

She has never heard anyone describe her like that, so, is she really stupid and

cute? "Heehee, I'm praising you for being cute, I especially want to have a cute sister, and now I finally realize this wish, so happy feeling!"

Tian Xinxin unabashedly expressed her inner joy.

Sun Qing couldn't help but laugh along with her.

This should be the happiest day since I entered college!"

Sun Qing was a little excited to the point of incoherence.

She had countless beautiful dreams, and every time she hoped to be closer to the goddess, even if she could speak, but she didn't expect that now she not only fulfilled her wish, but also became such a good friend with the goddess.

Receiving Sun Qing's response, Tian Xinxin smiled even more.

"Sister Xiaobai, in the future, you will be my best and best girlfriend, and we will be happier than today!"

Tian Xinxin has a hearty personality and is very moral.

She identified Sun Qing at this moment and decided that she must be doubly good to her in the future!

Although Sun Qing was still a little unfamiliar with the word girlfriend, she also said seriously, "Xinxin, you are also my best girlfriend!

Sister said, sister covers you, don't let anyone bully you!" Sun

Qing heard that Tian Xinxin was so good to herself, and she felt a little unrequited.

At this moment, Sun Qing also silently made a decision in her heart

! Although she has just become a girl for a long time, and her strength is worth very little, she will definitely strive to strengthen herself, strong enough to protect her beloved and let the goddess not suffer any harm!

After washing, Sun Qing and Tian Xinxin held hands and returned to the academy.

At this time, beside the tree-lined path of the college.

A few boys crouched behind the grass, sneaky.

"Brother Qian, look, that dancing beauty is coming!"

Liu Mingming, Qian Yixuan's little henchman, quickly shouted in a low voice.

Qian Yixuan couldn't wait to look over.

Sun Qing walked on the path, wearing a miniskirt, she was full of youth, her legs were long and straight, it was simply the most beautiful scenery on campus.

Liu Ming secretly swallowed his saliva.

He can look at this leg for a year alone

, not to mention Sun Qing's super devil S figure, and the beauty of angels....

How can a girl be so perfect

? Is it the time of reincarnation? Filled VIP?

Qian Yixuan also looks straight at it, salivating at the feeling.

He instructed a few younger brothers, "Are you all ready, come according to our previous plan..."


since he learned that Tian Xinxin knew Sun Qing, he had been planning to talk to Sun Qing and capture the hearts of beautiful women?

Seeing that the two of them were separated, Qian Yixuan hurriedly let the little brothers take action!

Sun Qing was walking and suddenly had a hint of foreboding.

As if something was going to happen....

At this moment, a boy holding a pile of books ran over in a panic, he bumped into Sun Qing, and the books fell to the ground.

"What's going on with you? deliberately blocking my way, huh?" the

man was fierce and spoke in a rather bad tone.

Sun Qing was stunned.

This was the first time she had encountered such a situation since she became a girl.

Seeing that Sun Qing did not speak, the boy became even more arrogant!

He pointed to the pile of books on the ground and threatened, "You still don't help me pick up books?

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