Sun Qing was

excited when she heard

it! Hanfu or something, it should look good, right? Will it look like a little fairy when she wears it?

No, something is wrong!

She should be happy that maybe she can do side quests again to win big rewards, instead of being happy to wear women's clothes!

Before Hanfu club activities, Sun Qing has to deal with one thing first.

"That... Roommates, I really can't stay, my relatives have come to Beicheng and want to receive it. I can't go with you on the weekend, it's a pity, let's get together next time there is an event!" In

order to be able to appear in women's clothing, Sun Qing could only temporarily disappoint her roommates.

Sun Qing, why are you so unlucky?"

Xu Zhifan immediately said, "There will always be some emergencies, it's okay, although we don't live in the same dormitory anymore, there will be opportunities to engage in activities together in the future." "

Since Sun Qing's drunkenness, Xu Zhifan has been a little suspicious of Sun Qing's identity, could he be a woman?

Therefore, unconsciously, Xu Zhifan paid more and more attention to Sun Qing.

It's just that Xu Zhifan doesn't know that Sun Qing is the pure lust beauty he secretly loves!

Sun Qing gave people a completely different feeling when wearing men's clothing and women's clothing, so for the time being, no one would suspect that they were the same person.

It's just that it won't be necessary in the future, hehe~

After explaining the situation clearly with his roommates, Sun Qing quickly drove a red Lamborghini to the pedestrian street in the center of the north city to buy clothes.

In order to participate in the event, she had to buy a dress for herself first

! Sun Qing didn't dare to find a small pit to support clothing, otherwise she didn't know what kind of strange clothes would appear, she couldn't afford to lose this person!

After coming to the pedestrian street, Sun Qing immediately walked into a shop specializing in selling Hanfu.

"Welcome, what kind of style do beautiful women need to buy, what color do they like?"

the shopping guide sister was quite enthusiastic.

Sun Qing, who didn't know much about women's clothing, scratched her head.

"I'm going to participate in Hanfu club activities, I don't know which one is more suitable?" "

Then we must recommend our treasure of the town store!" The

shopping guide took Sun Qing to a pink Hanfu, "This is a style of the Tang Dynasty, very good-looking, the overall design is quite gorgeous, every little detail is perfect, you see the embroidery on it... It can definitely amaze everyone in the club activities!" Sun

Qing didn't understand this, but the Hanfu in front of him did have a feeling of fairy air!

"Can you try it on

?" "Of course, I'll help you take off your clothes, what size do you wear?"

I don't quite know. The

shopping guide sister glanced at Sun Qing's proud upper circumference, "Then get you a size M one." "

Although Sun Qing is very thin, but... Soon

, Sun Qing, who had changed into a Han dress, walked out.

At this moment, the entire Hanfu store seemed to suddenly stand still in time and space!

All the customers and employees in the store looked at Sun Qing blankly....

Sun Qing, who changed into a period costume, has a classical beauty temperament, and her big watery eyes seem to be able to speak, which is simply an ancient princess reappearing in the world.

The pink color looks very delicate, and there is a hint of playfulness.

It's just that...... Sun

Qing looked at himself in the mirror and instantly found the clue!

Why is Hanfu actually low-cut?

This neckline is also too low, right?" Sun

Qing asked the shopping guide in embarrassment, wondering if there was any remedy.

The shopping guide smiled, "It's not low, the Tang Dynasty is such a style, this is a style of chest-length skirt, plus you are very plump, so the effect looks better." Sun

Qing's forehead suddenly appeared three black lines!

She suddenly remembered a movie with golden armor...

Alas, it's a mistake! Isn't

this outfit similar to the woman in that movie?

While the small pit with bad taste has not yet been found, quickly change it.

"Are there any other styles in your store? Except for the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, any dynasty!" "

Don't you consider this set on your body?

Before Sun Qing answered, the familiar voice of Xiaokengkeng sounded again!

[The host triggers the hidden side quest, please buy this set of Tang Dynasty Hanfu, the treasure of the town store, the success of the mission can not only get the fund for this purchase of Hanfu, but also give an additional reward of 10,000 yuan, and if the mission fails, you will not be able to buy any Hanfu. ]

Sun Qing:

Well, you're a little pit, you just want to play with me, right?


the small pit rewarded Sun Qing with a Lamborghini, the cash has always been searched, not at all like written in the novel, the opening reward is 100 million, and you are not allowed to go home after spending endlessly.


"Okay, deal!" Sun

Qing quickly stopped the shopping guide, "Yes, this set is indeed very beautiful, how much is it?"


this price, Sun Qing was shocked,

is ancient costume so expensive?

"Okay, I bought it. "

[Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest and successfully obtaining a 2,800 yuan Hanfu purchase fund and a 10,000 yuan reward!]

Sun Qing received the arrival information of the bank card, and immediately felt that he was a rich man.

In the future, she will have to get more cash from the small pit. (Xiaokeng OS : Hehe, the host was successfully brainwashed by me, who pits who is not necessarily ~)

She is not greedy, there is a hundred thousand, almost!

Sun Qing, who bought Hanfu, immediately ran to date Tian Xinxin, ah no, the party went.

Their relationship is getting better and better, and they get together almost every day.

Tomorrow is the weekend Hanfu club activities, Sun Qing's mood was originally a little nervous, but after seeing Tian Xinxin, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

"Xinxin, tomorrow I want to participate in the Hanfu club activities, can you accompany me?" Sun

Qing was used to Tian Xinxin accompanying him.

Maybe with Tian Xinxin's presence, her state will be better.


Xinxin immediately agreed, "Of course, as long as you open your mouth to say the request, I will definitely agree." "

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