Sun Qing twisted and twisted, and actually got up a little.

Well, it seems to be a girl or something, and it's okay....

No, no, no!

When he realized that he had such a ridiculous idea, Sun Qing didn't dare to look directly at himself!

What the heck?

Did the system cheat him?

He doesn't want to be a girl, kill or be a girl, do the task well, and then restore his male body, this is the right thing.

Sun Qing's dancing is so beautiful, not only the employees with cold honey can watch it intently, but even the boys on the next street also smell the wind!

"Come and see, there is a pure beauty with a super good body dancing in the honey cold shop!"

Looking at the boys rushing up, Sun Qing was a little caught off guard.

Fortunately, there were no acquaintances among them.

If he had been in the past, he would have followed the coaxing of his roommates and ran over to watch a lively onlooker, but he didn't expect that now he became the one who was watching.

It's a sense of being out of the ordinary.

After about two or three minutes of jumping, Sun Qing finally stopped.

"Beauty, wipe your sweat with a tissue!"

A boy next to him very politely handed Sun Qing a tissue.

"Thank you."

Sun Qing was a little flattered, if the gender was reversed, his identity as a boy in the past was very unwelcome.

The girls all hated him for his short stature and lack of manhood, and they wouldn't even look at him more, let alone give such an intimate tissue.

"The beauty dances beautifully, what drink would you like?"

The waiter's attitude towards Sun Qing is very good!

One is because he is now a big beauty, just looking at it is pleasing to the eye, and the other is because his dancing just now inadvertently led to a wave, and now the business of honey cold is even more popular, and the queue is endless!

Sun Qing just wanted to flee this place quickly...

Just now, he danced in public in women's clothes, which was really embarrassing!

Is it too late to escape this planet?

"A signature sundae."

Sun Qing ordered a drink at random, and when the waiter brought him the finished drink, he finally completed the task!

[Host: Congratulations on completing your first mission! ] Hearing

the sound of the small pit, Sun Qing was so angry that he didn't fight anywhere.

If it weren't for this pit for him, he wouldn't have become a girl, woo-woo~

Sun Qing quickly opened the umbrella, put on his coat, and quietly fled the crowd.


Why do you always feel a fiery gaze behind you?

Sun Qing looked back and was stunned!

He quickly lowered his umbrella, afraid that the other party would find out.

It turned out that the person who appeared turned out to be his crush's boyfriend Qian Yixuan!

I really didn't expect that meeting a love rival would be in such an unbearable way.

However, this is not much.

What's more deadly is yet to come!

Sun Qing heard that Qian Yixuan was talking to several of his brothers, and the content of the conversation was simply shocking!

"Do you know the beautiful woman dancing in the cold of honey?"

"Hey, bro, you're not going to be interested in her, are you? You are all beautiful women like Arita Shinshin.

Qian Yixuan smiled and did not express his position, but he asked a question.

"Do you think, who is more beautiful between her and Tian Xinxin?"

"That must be her!"

Several men could talk vigorously, but they never imagined that Sun Qing was also a man before.

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