"Why don't you leave yet?"

Sun Qing looked at the zombie angrily, her tone was cold!

Originally, she didn't want to be so fierce, but who made this zombie so terrible, what if it scared Tian Xinxin?

Sun Qing was relieved at this, and she let go of Tian Xinxin.

"Okay, it's okay, there's a scary thing passing by just now. Sun Qing explained.


Tian Xinxin snapped her fingers, suddenly feeling that it didn't matter if there were more scary things.

Well, I really like the warm embrace of Xiaobai's sister just now!

Now I can't hold it, and I have a little regret.

They continued walking, and by this time, they had already walked more than half the distance.

Tian Xinxin tightly pinched the corners of Sun Qing's clothes, and his spirit maintained a high degree of tension.

Although I am very scared, I still want to play, what is this psychology of pursuing excitement?

I saw a face with blurred flesh and blood and a knife suddenly coming out of the ceiling, and those terrifying eyes stared at Tian Xinxin so directly!


Qing was completely flustered, and seeing Tian Xinxin crying, she was a little confused.

Tian Xinxin stood in place, not daring to move.

This face is really terrifying! much scarier than that ghost movie....

Sun Qing punched him directly!

"Bang!" The

actor who played the hacking ghost was beaten so that his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

"Ah, don't, don't fight, I'm a real person!" The

actor actually had a nosebleed.

He quickly walked out of the secret passage, then removed the fake knife and wiped his face.

It's just that the special effects makeup on the face is too realistic, so wiped with your hands, you can't wipe it off.

Tian Xinxin was still a little scared and was hiding behind Sun Qing.

"What's wrong with you customer, come up and hit someone, I'm all injured!" the

actor cursed, obviously upset.

When the owner of the haunted house heard the movement, he immediately rushed in.

He saw that the actor had a nosebleed, so he quickly said to Sun Qing, "Oh, this customer, didn't I remind me on the billboard, if you encounter something terrible, don't do it, because it is likely to be played by our live actors..." Fortunately

, the actor was not injured, but just had a nosebleed.

Sun Qing felt very sorry, she said, "I'm sorry, my friend was scared just now, and I started in a panic. Because

that face came out of the ceiling, Sun Qing thought it was made of props, and subconsciously punched, originally thinking that the props would retract, but unexpectedly, it was a real person.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, she did it all for me, handsome man, how much do you need for medical expenses, I will compensate you."

Tian Xinxin also hurriedly admitted his mistake.

"Hmph, the medical fee is not the point, the point is that Lao Tzu is not happy! Boss, I won't do this work!" The

actor was angry, put down the prop knife in his hand and walked out.

The boss was in a hurry, "Don't go, at least finish this performance..." Sun

Qing and Tian Xinxin looked at each other.

It's so embarrassing, I didn't expect to come to play haunted house, and I actually broke into trouble.

The owner was obviously a little annoyed.

He glared angrily at the two beauties in front of him, "Let's talk about it, how to solve this matter? The actor just now came to do part-time, and now he refuses to do it, but my business today has to continue, or else, you two whoever comes up to the top." "


Just now, the actor played the terrifying appearance of a hacked ghost, just thinking about it, Tian Xinxin felt trembling.

If she is allowed to stay here for a few more hours, I am afraid that it will not be enough to borrow ten of her guts!

"I'll do it. "

A moment later.

Sun Qing dressed up as a hacking ghost, and there was a bloody machete stuck to her head!

Tian Xinxin covered her eyes in fear, and only dared to look at her through the slits in her eyes.

But thinking that the person in front of you is Xiaobai's sister, I won't be so scared.

Tian Xinxin cheered Sun Qing on, "Little white sister, I have to temporarily wronged you for a while, it's now more than seven o'clock in the evening, it's open until ten o'clock, come on, it's only more than two hours, stay up and over, when it's over, I'll take you to eat delicious!"

Sun Qing showed a smile, but now she wore special effects makeup, and she couldn't see the smile.

Soon, Sun Qing came to the special passage.

The ceiling here is specially decorated and designed to accommodate a person to hide inside, and can smoothly show his head to scare customers who enter the haunted house.

I really didn't expect that she, who was a customer just now, has now become a haunted house actor... Tian

Xinxin is really a little timid and dare not stay in the haunted house all the time, so at this moment she and the boss stayed at the cash register and waited.

Soon, the haunted house was back in business.

Because this haunted house is in the city center, business is very booming.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen people walked in at once.

Sun Qing's task is very simple, wait for someone to come to her side, stick out their head, basically don't need to do anything, just rush at her terrifying appearance, timid people will naturally be scared.

I stayed up like this for two hours, and I saw that I was about to be relieved, but I didn't expect it....

[Host triggers hidden side quests, please use your most superb acting skills to scare the man in the plaid shirt, successful missions will gain level 1 acting skills, failure of the mission will fall directly from the ceiling, fracture and lie in the hospital for a month. ] Oh

, sure enough, if the small pit does not appear at this time, it is really hell!

Fracture lying for a month

? This is too ruthless, right?

No way, Sun Qing had to resist the risk of being beaten, grinning at the man in the plaid shirt, and deliberately made a terrifying sound....

Hehe, in fact, she was panicked in her heart.

Because this man seems to have come in more than alone, and there are several friends around.

After all, it is possible for people to do anything irrational in a state of panic.

Unexpectedly, the man stopped, and then looked at Sun Qing a few more times.

Although the lights of the haunted house are dim, you can still vaguely see the faces of the other party.

He whispered to his friends around him, "This haunted house actor has a good performance, isn't Director Tan's movie lacking the role of a male ghost?"

But she's a woman now....

Forget it, because of the special effects makeup, no matter how much you show your head, you can't see whether it's a man or a woman.

They're talking about making movies?

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