As soon as Xiao Kengkeng's voice fell, Sun Qing felt that he had something more in his pocket.

She secretly ran into the bathroom to see that it was an ID card whose name was Sun Xiaobai!

All kinds of ID numbers, home addresses, are extremely detailed.

"Does this work?"

Sun Qing muttered.

"The production of Xiaokengkeng must be a boutique, rest assured!"

Eh, you are so pitted, I really dare not rest assured~

Sun Qing thought so in his heart, but he still didn't have to complain on his mouth.

After all, now, with a different identity, it is much more convenient to have a new ID card.

Looking at his women's clothing photo on the ID card, Sun Qing's eyes were a little stunned.

So now, she's really a girl....

Even the sentimentality of girls is becoming more and more obvious.

For example, at this moment, Sun Qing is a little sad.

This is an emotion that she rarely had as a boy before.

"Sister Xiaobai, how did you go in for so long? Won't come to the great aunt again, will it? Tian

Xinxin, who was sitting in the living room playing games, was a little worried about Sun Qing.

She had been in for twenty minutes.

"No, it's coming out right away."

After Sun Qing came out, his face was slightly red.

Just now I heard Tian Xinxin mention her aunt, it was really a terrifying and novel experience!

So now as a girl, I have to go through it once a month... emmmmm!

"If you are not feeling well, tell me right away and I will take you to the doctor."

Tian Xinxin saw Sun Qing come out and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Really, I'm worried about her!


Sun Qing showed Tian Xinxin a sweet smile that only in front of her.

I don't know why, as soon as I see her, my heart can be happy.

[The host triggers the hidden side quest, in order to congratulate the host girl on the successful transformation of her identity, please go to class with makeup for three consecutive days starting tomorrow, the makeup needs to be accepted by the system to be effective, and the successful task will obtain a level 2 performance skill, and the failed task cup is directly upgraded to become two numbers larger. ] As

soon as Sun Qing heard the incomparably familiar voice of Xiao Kengkeng, he immediately couldn't laugh.

Make up yourself?

Uh, she doesn't want wow!

Every time she saw a girl smearing on her face, Sun Qing was particularly unaccustomed to it.

Although she has taken photos several times before, she has been put on makeup for others.

Especially when drawing eyeliner, her eyelids can't help but tremble, if she starts by herself, she will definitely not be able to get off.

She couldn't control all kinds of bottles, jars, brushes, cosmetics and whatnot, and she was afraid that she would turn into a flower on the spot.

If you can complete it with makeup casually, it's okay, but the small pit still has to be accepted and qualified!

Angry people, pit people!

This is at least a high-level mission!

However, looking at the punishment for failing the mission, Sun Qing felt even more ashamed.

She's great enough now....

Isn't D too much!

The cup is Zhao Cup, who has been pitted by a small pit and pit into a girl for so long, and Sun Qing also has a certain understanding.

If you go up two more levels, wouldn't it be F?

Scared to death of a person~

Sun Qing hurriedly Baidu.

When she saw the pictures that came out of the search, she was shocked!

If she is allowed to bear such a murder weapon, then she really does not want to live, woo-woo, so shy.

That's at least about the size of a watermelon.

At the current D level, Sun Qing will be shocked every time she looks in the mirror, if she reaches F, she is afraid to turn over for fear of sleeping, for fear of pressing.

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