Tian Xinxin secretly looked back, heh, is Sister Xiaobai angry?

How can she swim so slowly, it is obviously not her level.

Oops, what if I just wanted to make a little joke, but now I make her angry?

Tian Xinxin simply swam very slowly, and as a result, the two reached the end point at almost the same time.

"Little white sister, I just wanted to tease you just now, I didn't mean to scare you and make you worry!"

As soon as they met, Tian Xinxin nervously took Sun Xiaobai's small hand.

Sun Xiaobai was a little confused.

Angry? Why should she be angry?

Just now, he deliberately let her, but Xinxin really swam too slowly, and it was okay to tie, so that no one lost or won.

Seeing that Sun Xiaobai stopped talking, Tian Xinxin was even more panicked at this moment.

"I really know it's wrong, and I won't dare next time~"

The coquettish tone is really irresistible.

Sun Xiaobai was about to say that it was okay, but he didn't expect that at this time, Tian Xinxin couldn't stand up steadily, and fell directly into Sun Xiaobai's arms!

Wow, the situation of the gods and horses?

It was as if it had burrowed into a large wad of cotton.

Sun Xiaobai blushed with shame, and Tian Xinxin also quickly stabilized his body and braked in time.

It must be that the swimming technique is too bad, I swam too hard just now, and my legs suddenly cramped, but fortunately nothing happened.

But this falling posture is too embarrassing....

Hetian Xinxin's original expectations seemed to be the opposite.

"Let's go, let's go, it's all swimming, it's so cold!"

Sun Xiaobai quickly pulled Tian Xinxin ashore to get rid of this embarrassing moment.

As soon as he landed, the countless eyes focused on Sun Xiaobai, and Tian Xinxin directly took the bath towel and draped it, blocking it tightly.

Now they go to change their clothes and leave, just took a million, how to spend it?

Sun Xiaobai felt good in her heart, she felt that she could add five eggs to eat pancake fruit in the future.

The system seizes and searches, sometimes the reward is not the discovery gold, such as the previous Lamborghini, although the value is high, but she does not want to take it and sell it casually, how troublesome!

This time, one million is a small pit with blood.

Although the process is a little humiliating, the reward is really Meidi very, Meidi

is very ~ This high-end swimming pool is an independent changing room, each equivalent to the size of a bedroom, and there is also a wardrobe, shower room and toilet, which is very convenient.

Sun Xiaobai walked into her changing room, but faintly felt that something was not right.

Strange, I made a lot of money from the small pit today, shouldn't I be very happy at this time?

Sun Xiaobai didn't care so much and was ready to take a shower first.

She was about to untie her neck, but she always felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's that this changing room feels strange!

"Fast moon, moon exchange."

Someone is secretly looking forward to it!

Sun Xiaobai stopped moving, she looked around the room seriously, and then stopped in front of the wardrobe.

She seemed to see that there were eyes inside!

Sun Xiaobai's boldness must be relatively big, she just has no emotional experience before, and her personality is introverted, but these have nothing to do with boldness.

If it were any other girl, they would run away in fear.

But Sun Xiaobai chose to open the wardrobe directly!


Cluck..." Hidden in the wardrobe was a girl about the same age as Sun Xiaobai.

She wears a double ponytail and looks like a cute little loli.

But from her demeanor and eyes, Sun Xiaobai saw a trace of unusual aura.

"What are you laughing at? Why hide here?

Sun Xiaobai asked her seriously!

The fascination in the eyes of the double ponytail girl became deeper.

Oh, she likes this type of cold outside and hot inside, looking soft and weak, but in fact like a flame, enthusiastic and powerful.

Just now by the pool, she saw Sun Xiaobai, who was like a strong swimmer, silently committing a fool next to her for a long time.

"Oni, Sarah hey yo~" The

girl with two ponytails actually pounced towards Sun Xiaobai like a hungry wolf.

"Don't come, don't come!"

Sun Xiaobai warned loudly! Then hurry back.

Unexpectedly, this girl with a double ponytail actually said that she liked her?

Ah, completely unacceptable psychologically.

The girl with two ponytails fell into the air, and she was not angry.

Instead, he said in a sweet tone, "Sister, it seems that this game is really getting more and more fun, I like the way you resist me, giggle." "

Sun Xiaobai's head is big.

So she met a pervert?

"I'm sorry, I don't know you and don't like you."

Sun Xiaobai wanted to make it clear with her, get rid of the entanglement as soon as possible, and invite her out.

But how could a girl with a double ponytail obey?

"Then what to do, I can't help but love you, sister, you are my destiny!"

The double ponytailed girl reached over and wanted to touch Sun Xiaobai's face.

Sun Xiaobai dodged in a panic!

I don't know why, usually when Tian Xinxin is joking, touching her face, she not only does not resist, but feels happy, but can be replaced by the double ponytail girl in front of her, only feel a chill!

"Don't be so shy, I see you didn't have fun with her just now? Don't worry, I will be more interesting and loving than her. The

double ponytailed girl's gaze was also a little wrong.

Fortunately, at this time, the bath towel that Sun Xiaobai draped on her body was still there, and she quickly covered it a little tighter.

"Can you go out? I think you misunderstood something. Sun

Xiaobai always felt that the girl in front of him was very sick.

She was panicking now.

If she was a boy, when she encountered this kind of perversion, she would directly disobey and beat her down.

But now... Sun Xiaobai's strength is small.

Maybe it's possible to be beaten back.

"Whatever, how can people misunderstand ~ sister ~ sister we are together, let's be each other's only." In fact, people are very good, you Kangkang, I promise not to regret it~"

The double ponytail girl began to walk in a windy posture, uh, uh, spicy eyes!

Sun Xiaobai really didn't look at it, she chose to turn her head and not look.

Who knows, the double ponytail girl's actions at the moment are even more excessive, seeing that Sun Xiaobai is not moved, she is actually ready to pull the strap around her neck!

Gan! I have a MMP that I don't know if to say or not!

Sun Xiaobai couldn't bear it anymore, and only felt that there was a fire burning in his mind.

She quickly rushed forward and stopped the two-ponytailed girl's behavior.

"Are you normal?"

The double ponytail girl did not listen to the persuasion, and even wanted to rely on pulling and pulling, as if the soft one was not good like the hard one, relying on violence to win, and even, she grabbed a mark on Sun Xiaobai's hand.

At this time, Sun Xiaobai only felt that the anger burned even more!

When she was a boy, she had never suffered such grievances, let alone been bothered by this perversion!

"Bang" punch, the double ponytail girl was directly beaten to the ground!

The following does not take up the word count.

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