The security guard was puzzled, "There were two young ladies just now, I don't know which one you are referring to?" "

Yellow clothes, the one dressed in ancient costume!"

Mrs. Ouyang was so excited that even her voice trembled.

The security guard quickly handed the invitation to Mrs. Ouyang, who couldn't wait to open it, her eyes locked on the three big characters "Sun Xiaobai".

It's a very unfamiliar name.

Mrs. Ouyang did not continue to speak, but just put the invitation in her pocket, and then entered the venue gracefully.

Hundreds of square meters of the venue is resplendent, crystal chandeliers are beautiful and romantic, all sofas are haute couture, 82-year-old Lafite, all kinds of world famous wines and no money boiled water like unlimited supply.

The ladies were almost all there, and they automatically divided into small groups and talked in pairs.

In addition to chatting, I still don't forget to look at other celebrities.

Girls have a heart for comparison, not to mention, this kind of special celebrity gathering.

Most of the people who can get invitations are from wealthy families, and they have received the best education since childhood, whether it is knowledge or art, they have developed in an all-round way.

If there is anything that can be seen at a glance, it is naturally beauty and temperament.

As soon as Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin entered the venue, all the celebrities present suddenly felt a sense of crisis!

Especially Fu Shutong, originally she was the best-looking one in the venue, but now, she was easily compared by these two.

Sun Xiaobai is like a fairy, and his otherworldly temperament is really not comparable to ordinary people!

Really angry people, where did this strange face come from?

Fu Shutong was so angry, she remembered that she had never seen such a number one person in a celebrity before?

I thought about making a big splash, but now I was crushed.

She absolutely couldn't bear this anger.

was angry, but suddenly heard someone next to him talking angrily, "Why is she here?" "

It was Zhang Jiaqian Zhang Meng who spoke.

Zhang Meng and Sun Xiaobai didn't know each other before, they only formed a feud in the past few days!

They studied guzheng at the same famous teacher training institution, Zhang Mengdu has been learning for a year and a half, and has reached the tenth level of guzheng, but two days ago, Zhang Meng overheard that the person in charge had the idea of letting Sun Xiaobai go to the competition.

That's a city-level guzheng competition, if Sun Xiaobai is powerful, forget it, but she is only about the level of about seven levels, why should she compete with herself?

If it weren't for Sun Xiaobai, the person who participated would definitely be himself!

Although this matter has not yet been finalized, Zhang Meng remembered and hated Sun Xiaobai because of this, and even peeked at her information and knew her appearance.

The road is narrow, and they actually met here.

"You know her?" Fu Shutong asked Zhang Meng.

The relationship between the two of them was not bad, Zhang Meng immediately chewed the root of his tongue, "Of course, that's green tea!" "

Both of them have a common nasty goal, you say a lot of things, you say a lot.

Sun Xiaobai must have been killed and could not have imagined that she, a former boy, would one day be said to be green tea? It's outrageous.

At this moment, it was only a minute before the banquet began.

Mrs. Ouyang sat in the middle of the judges' table, looking at Sun Xiaobai obsessively, her eyes a little moist.

"The banquet begins - please show your talents in the order in which the lots are drawn."

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin drew a relatively back number, so they sat and rested first.

The number plate drawn by Zhang Meng was in front of Sun Xiaobai, and she looked at Sun Xiaobai wearing ancient costumes, and suddenly had a plan... Not long after, he left the venue temporarily.

"Xinxin, you haven't asked what talent you want to perform?"

Sun Xiaobai has been practicing guzheng these days, and he is too busy.

"I'll just dance."

She has studied dance since she was a child, and her body softness and coordination are very powerful, and she is proficient in classical dance, ethnic dance, ballet, jazz dance and other dance types.

Can this also be casual?

Sun Xiaobai knew that Tian Xinxin's strength must be very strong.

Unlike her, learning a guzheng still depends on the system.

But fortunately, with the system, Sun Xiaobai can also be regarded as experiencing how cool the counterattack is.

The celebrities began their performances, singing, dancing, painting, playing, calligraphy, and talents.

Most of them were powerful, and only a few who were unqualified were invited out of the venue.

Unqualified performance is not bad, but too demanding.

In this society, competition has always been cruel, and competition exists everywhere, and the rich are no exception.

After Sun Xiaobai saw it, he sighed again and again, fortunately she has a small pit!

Although it is a little pitted, but sometimes, it is really powerful.

Now that she has a level 5 guzheng skill, she can sit back and relax.

Beauty parties are a bit similar to drafts, but they are more advanced, not entertaining, and completely voluntary.

If you can pass, in the next year, you can participate in various gatherings held by Mrs. Ouyang, meet better circles, and expand your social and network.

In the second year, I re-participated in the beauty party, if it was brushed down because of talent garbage, sorry, then in the second year, I will no longer be eligible to participate in Mrs. Ouyang's party.

There are so many celebrities who came today, a performance of five or six minutes, ten is an hour, Sun Xiaobai is really a little sleepy waiting.

However, her current personality is a celebrity!

How can you do something as inelegant as dozing off in public?

Sun Xiaobai forcibly endured sleepiness and sat upright, just like a pavilion and a jade hibiscus.


Suddenly, a cup of dark coffee spilled onto Sun Xiaobai's skirt.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Fu Shutong quickly apologized to Sun Xiaobai, but there was a faint smile under his eyes.

"What's going on with you? Don't know how to be careful?

Tian Xinxin couldn't help but explode.

The dress she carefully prepared for Xiaobai's sister was so soiled by others?

Moreover, I don't know if the other party did it on purpose.

She knew Fu Shutong, but she was not familiar with her.

This is a girl who likes to be competitive and likes to steal the limelight every time.

Obviously the venue is so big, but why did she go here?

Still having such a cup of coffee in hand?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Fu Shutong was reprimanded by Tian Xinxin, and she was secretly unhappy in her heart, but for the sake of the big plan, she could only endure it temporarily, and quickly left here with a coffee cup.

Tian Xinxin wiped Sun Xiaobai's skirt distressedly, and she didn't say what she guessed just now.

Because I don't want to make the simple little white sister feel bad, not to mention that it is difficult to find evidence.

But she won't let Little White Sister eat this dumb loss....

"I can't wipe it clean, or I'll change my skirt for you?"

As Tian Xinxin was speaking, he suddenly saw Zhang Meng wearing a yellow ancient costume and walking in gracefully with lotus steps!

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