The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

Maybe Fang Zhou is just a one-sided lover, and he himself doesn't even realize it.

But Qin Yun got a double degree in college, so it's only natural that she knows some common sense in psychology.

Qin Yun asked too bluntly, and the expression on her face clearly said "disbelief".

Plus Zhang Zhiyin also helped, pretending to be curious and asked: "There should be more than two, right?"

But she heard from Li Siming that there were several, and this guy was very lucky.

Fang Zhou smiled lightly, and lay on his back on the grass behind him, saying without any pressure: "Don't you know there is a joke that says this? No matter how many girls a boy has dated, he will tell you two."

"Because more makes him look like a scumbag, and less makes him look inexperienced."

This answer not only solved Qin Yun's difficulty, but also avoided embarrassment, it was perfect.

Qin Yun and Zhang Zhiyin smiled at each other, obviously not taking this answer seriously.

They all knew what Fang Zhou was like.

"If you put it that way, I will seem to be ignorant of etiquette if I ask more."

Qin Yun raised the corner of his mouth, took the half of the orange peeled by Zhang Zhiyin and ate it, and didn't say anything for a while.

The other half went into Zhang Zhiyin's mouth, leaving no slice for Fang Zhou.

He said with some dissatisfaction: "Why don't I have a share?"

We have been classmates for so many years, what's wrong with eating a slice of your orange? Besides, didn't you share the fruit with me before?

Zhang Zhiyin glanced at him, pointed at the remaining one and said, "Sensible gentleman, you should have peeled it for us to eat long ago, why open your mouth wide and wait for it to eat."

She always speaks like this, hitting the pain point directly and hitting the nail on the head.

Fang Zhou smiled without temper and teased, "Don't you know that the great writer Zhang is clever and skillful? Okay, okay, I will do it myself to have enough food and clothing."

The familiar tone between the two people made outsiders feel sour.

Only good friends who have known each other for many years can be so relaxed.

This is also why people basically need a long time to recover after being betrayed by their closest people.

Because they are not on guard, they will be hurt the most when they are backstabbed.

On the contrary, those who have been vigilant will have to double the difficulty of causing harm to the enemy, and they may not even be able to penetrate the enemy's armor.

Qin Yun chewed the orange in her mouth, feeling the sweet juice flowing into her esophagus bit by bit, and looked at the setting sun in the distance, and suddenly figured out something.

Ever since they met again in this love show, Fang Zhou has always been in a tense state when he is with her.

Whether he is awake or hypnotized, he has always been highly alert to himself in his heart.

Don't look at him smiling at others usually, when he meets me, the most serious words he said are "You are crazy".

In fact, in the whole love show, Fang Zhou is the one who is most on guard against.

If he didn't have a reason to participate in this show, Qin Yun believed that he would have quit the show the first time he saw me.

Although both parties knew the reason why Fang Zhou avoided her.

But Qin Yun recalled that the previous few times when she was alone with Fang Zhou, it seemed that they all ended in bad mood.

This is not okay. What if Fang Zhou ran away again after the love show ended?

Qin Yun felt that she had to change her approach, a way that would boil the frog in warm water without letting herself fall too far behind her rivals.

As for what this approach is, she still had to think about it carefully.

"The sun has set!"

With Zhang Zhiyin's exclamation, the remaining two turned their heads to watch the sunset.

The cameraman also pointed the camera at the sunset, allowing the audience in the live broadcast room to enjoy it together.

On the top of the mountains, a red sunset was falling down little by little, and the surrounding clouds were dyed light pink, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

I don't know if the sunset in the afternoon was too beautiful, so Zhang Zhiyin also dreamed of a red sun when she went to bed at night.

It's just that the color of the sun in the dream was a little too red, which confirmed the phrase 'the setting sun is like blood', which seemed to be an ominous sign.

She also dreamed that Fang Zhou was sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed up a small mountain in the park, and was also watching the sunset.

The person had light brown hair and a graceful figure. Just looking at the back of the person could make people's hearts flutter.

"How is it? Is the sunset today okay?"


The voice of the person speaking was lazy and casual. Zhang Zhiyin only felt that it sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was in her dream.

Fang Zhou's voice was immediately recognizable.

She heard Fang Zhou say, "I don't like watching the sunset, so you don't have to bring me here in the future."

The woman answered him seriously, "That won't work. You promised to watch it with me, so you have to keep your promise. After all, I also promised you to do my best to save your sister."

"How is my sister now?"

Fang Zhou looked up and asked her. His superior profile was even more charming under the sunset, especially his tall nose, which looked like a small mountain.

The woman lowered her head, and her equally excellent profile was outlined by the afterglow of the sunset, but Zhang Zhiyin still couldn't recognize who she was.

She only saw that the woman pecked Fang Zhou's nose affectionately, like a dragonfly touching the water, and then left quickly.

She squatted down, hugged Fang Zhou with her arms, leaned her head against his face, and whispered: "I'm in the hospital now, and the situation is good. I'm waiting for my mentor to come back and perform the operation myself."

Zhang Zhiyin was confused about the conversation between the two. She wanted to go to the front to see who the woman was and ask about the content of their conversation.

What happened to Fang Zhou's sister? Why did she need to have an operation? And Fang Zhou's own legs, why did he need to sit in a wheelchair?

But she seemed to be imprisoned by something and couldn't move at all.

Later, Zhang Zhiyin realized that she was just a tree in her dream.

Fang Zhou was leaning against her like that, not dodging or evading, but just urging the woman.

"Go back, I feel a little cold."

The woman laughed softly, raised her head and kissed Fang Zhou on the face, and then answered him slowly.

"Okay, then we'll come back tomorrow."

Fang Zhou asked her, "Are you so idle every day? Don't the hospital and school assign you tasks?"

The curly-haired woman pushed Fang Zhou back and smiled as she replied, "I'm not very idle either, but if I want to accompany you, I'm willing to take time out."

"So you still don't understand my thoughts? Don't be so cold to me, okay."

The woman's voice softened at the end.

Zhang Zhiyin tried to open her eyes wide, trying to see who she was.

But the first thing she saw was Fang Zhou's cold and indifferent eyes in her dream, like a plain with countless vicissitudes and snow, with no life in it, only a little candlelight swaying in the wind.

Zhang Zhiyin woke up from her dream, she was scared awake.

She had never seen Fang Zhou show such a look, except for the dream she hadn't had for a long time.

That dream of Fang Zhou's miserable death.

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