The rain in the mountains always comes suddenly, so casually and unexpectedly.

It rained from dusk to the next morning. When everyone set out, the sky was still gray, as if the rain of the whole year had to fall.

The director team looked at the weather forecast with concern and solicited everyone's opinions.

"Yesterday, the local meteorological bureau reported that this was the heaviest rain in XX area in recent years. If we really can't do it, should we wait two days before leaving?"

Sun Haotian impatiently tapped his mobile phone and raised the screen to show everyone.

"Director, it seems that the rainy season has just begun. If we don't leave now, I'm afraid we will have to wait for ten days or half a month, not just one or two days."

His time is precious, and there are important things waiting for him when he returns.

"My father is in the hospital, and I'm in a hurry to go back to see him."

"Don't wait, leave today, or I'll lose my job if you delay any longer."

Everyone echoed one after another, and soon came to a conclusion.

The director team finally decided to leave today, but they had never let go of their frowns.

He could only instruct all departments to do a good job of safety warning to prevent any sudden accidents.

The sound of the falling rain hitting the glass window actually had a strange power, which seemed to soothe all people's thoughts and let everyone fall asleep smoothly.

Fang Zhou, who had slept enough, closed his eyes again in the bumpy and rainy journey.

Everyone was sitting on the bus arranged by the program team at this moment, and the person next to him was Liu Hao.

Liu Hao slept even more soundly than him, snoring again and again.

Fang Zhou couldn't ignore the deafening snoring next to his ears, and opened his eyes in a flash. He raised his hand and was about to pat Liu Hao's shoulder and pull him up to chat.

If I don't sleep, you can't sleep either.

But suddenly, he felt a sticky gaze on him, as if it came from behind.

He turned his head and saw that it was Chu Xinran.

She was not sleeping, but staring at him with a pair of wet eyes.

When she saw Fang Zhou looking back, the expression on her face quickly turned into resentment, with a hint of grievance, as if she was accusing him of not sitting with her.

When he first got on the bus, Fang Zhou was indeed looking for a seat, and Chu Xinran also looked at him with eager eyes, just short of saying "you sit next to me".

However, Fang Zhou still sat down next to Liu Hao and didn't go in.

I didn't expect that she was still obsessed with this matter.

Fang Zhou simply retracted his gaze and wanted to talk to Liu Hao.

But when his eyes inadvertently glanced at the environment outside the window, he suddenly felt less relaxed.

A rushing river was just beside him. The turbulent river water was like a flood beast, opening its bloody mouth, waiting for food to be automatically fed.

Fang Zhou opened the curtains on his side and looked out.

He found that there were still endless mountains here, but these mountains were no longer green mountains full of vegetation, but bare stone mountains.

Occasionally, there were falling rocks, which looked very dangerous.

Although Fang Zhou had lived in the countryside since he was a child, his hometown was also a plain area. Where had he seen such a scene?

The first reaction was that something was wrong and it seemed a bit dangerous.

He unbuckled his seat belt, crossed the seat with difficulty, and came to the side of the driver's seat.

The rain was still pouring down outside the window, and the wipers had to move from time to time, otherwise the driver's vision would be blocked.

"How long will it take to get to the city?"

They were taking a bus directly to the city, so they didn't have to change buses in the middle, but it would take a long time.

"There's still an hour and a half."

The driver was very optimistic, answering Fang Zhou's questions with a smile.

"This road looks very dangerous, drive carefully."

Fang Zhou wanted to remind the driver to pay attention to safety.

The driver smiled and said, "Don't worry! I've been driving this road for more than ten years, and nothing has ever happened. I'm an old driver and I'm familiar with it!"

Fang Zhou was not worried about the quality of the driver, but this road looked too dangerous, with falling rocks, rivers, and rain.

But now there was no other way, so he could only take it one step at a time.

Fang Zhou returned to his seat, but found that someone else had changed beside him.

Liu Hao, who was originally sitting next to him, had already sat in Chu Xinran's seat.

He looked at me innocently, as if to say, "Brother

, I'll help you here."

Fang Zhou felt a slight pain in his head, not knowing whether it was because of the long ride or something else.

At this point, he couldn't chase Chu Xinran away, so he could only pass Chu Xinran and sit back in his seat.

Her black Mary Jane shoes were washed by the rain and looked small and cute.

Chu Xinran blinked and asked him softly: "Why did you choose Sisi yesterday? "

She was still worried about this matter and wanted a thorough answer.

Fang Zhou felt a little irritated, worried about the road conditions and annoyed by the incident yesterday.

Chu Xinran was not the first person to ask him. Qin Yun, Han Xi, and even Zhang Zhiyin had asked him directly or indirectly whether Qiao Sisi was the one he liked.

Fang Zhou was a person who was afraid of trouble. He didn't want to use Qiao Sisi as a shield, so he could only answer sincerely.

"She helped me."

"What help? "

Chu Xinran kept asking.

There were too many things to explain, and Fang Zhou was afraid that she couldn't bear it.

So he shook his head and whispered, "It's not convenient to say."

Then he closed his eyes and stopped talking to her.

The girl who was ignored pouted and felt a little wronged.

She couldn't help but stretch out her hand, hugged one of Fang Zhou's arms, and then leaned her head on it.

"I'm sleepy, let me sleep for a while. "

Fang Zhou wanted to break free from her, but the space was narrow and any big movement would attract the attention of the people in the back row.

Qiao Sisi and Han Xi were sitting in the back row.

He had to give up.

He couldn't sleep, so he simply opened his eyes and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Yellow mud mixed with rainwater flowed on the road.

The turbid river water was countless times more turbulent than these, and it looked very dangerous.

No, why does the mud seem to be getting bigger and bigger?

Fang Zhou stood up suddenly, and Chu Xinran, who was about to fall asleep, was also awakened.

"What's wrong?"

She asked with some anger.


Fang Zhou shouted, trying to wake up everyone in the car.

"There is a landslide behind our car! "

Fang Zhou's words were like a thunderclap, shocking everyone.

Outside the rear window, yellow mud mixed with rocks from the mountain rolled down, as if a strange beast was chasing the car, as if it was going to devour it!

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