The moment the rock fell and smashed the car window, Qin Yun, who had been staring blankly out of the window, suddenly turned her head and subconsciously looked in the direction of Fang Zhou to see if he was okay.

Because the sound came from that direction.

But it was not Fang Zhou's row, but the row behind them.

When she first saw Chu Xinran holding Fang Zhou's arm, Qin Yun unconsciously narrowed her eyes slightly.

Her eyes stayed on Chu Xinran's hands holding Fang Zhou's arm, and she suddenly laughed.

It was really dazzling.

Fang Zhou, you have such a high tolerance for this ex-girlfriend that you can even hold her arm, why are you so repulsive to me?

Qin Yun felt really uncomfortable, and her hands on both sides shrank unconsciously.

Recalling yesterday, when Fang Zhou publicly chose Qiao Sisi, she felt uncomfortable as if she had eaten something dirty.

Why? Why can both of them do it, but she can't?

Qin Yun's mood was just like the rainy day outside, with heavy fog and heavy rain.

The driver at the front didn't know what the people in the car were thinking. He was concentrating on holding the steering wheel in his hand, not daring to relax at all.

He had been driving this road for more than ten years, and it was not that he had never encountered rainy days, but it was indeed the first time that a landslide occurred, and he was also panicked.

There were falling rocks in front, and large and small stones slid past the edge, and there was a feeling of winning at any time.

Fang Zhou sat in the back of the car, and he also had the illusion of crossing the bombing zone in the game, as if justice would be brought down from the sky in the next moment.

Everyone was on tenterhooks, and the nervous and fearful emotions spread, weaving into a heavy net that enveloped everyone.

Under heavy pressure, worry and anxiety could turn into a sharp knife at any time and pierce the net bag.

And now, it was just a barely maintained calm.

This calm was broken by another falling rock hitting the glass window.


The passengers in the car were not so lucky this time.

Qi Le was injured in the arm by the splashing glass fragments. Although it was not serious, the bright red blood flowed out, like a signal, igniting the emotions of many people.

"Stop! It's too dangerous! Don't drive forward!"

Someone stood up and shouted loudly, trying to get the driver to stop.

This sharp voice was like the first stone that broke the calm surface of the lake, revealing what should be under the lake.

"Yes! Stop the car, don't drive forward! It's too dangerous!"

"Wow, why is this road so long? Why haven't we reached the safe area yet?"

A little girl started crying because she was scared. Her unconcealed crying ignited everyone's emotions like a firecracker.

More and more people spoke up, saying not to go forward.

The director had no choice but to stop the driver.


He was also under a lot of pressure. If he had known, he would have waited for two days before leaving. He had to rush for one or two days, and he didn't know what was waiting ahead.

Fortunately, a doctor was assigned to bandage Qi Le.

"Open the door! I want to go out!"

Someone slapped the car door and asked the driver to open the door, as if he wanted to walk out.

Fang Zhou stood up, walked over quickly, and grabbed the man.

"Don't get out of the car. Falling rocks don't have eyes. If they hit your head, it's hard to say."

It's no wonder Fang Zhou said something unpleasant. There are too many accidents with rocks. At least they can be blocked by the car. If they get out of the car, they will be easily punished by heaven.

The man thought about it and felt that what he said made sense, so he withdrew his hand and sighed deeply.

"Then what should we do?"

Fang Zhou ran to the back and took a look. The mud and rocks caused by the landslide just now were already some distance away from them. Although there was still mud on the road, it would not kill them.

The yellow mud mixed with rain hit the roof of the car, like a baby animal anxious to drink milk, which made people panic.

Take another look at the rocks on the side, which were washed by rain, and rocks would slide down from time to time.

There were no trees on the whole mountain, and the top was so high that you couldn't see the top. It was impossible to predict when the danger would come!

Fang Zhou made a prompt decision and ran to the front to talk to the driver.

"Drive, master, pass this section at the fastest speed!"

His words just happened to be in line with the driver's

of my heart.

Based on my many years of experience, it is the most dangerous to stay here.

With Fang Zhou's words at the beginning, the driver stepped on the accelerator and the whole bus sped out.

Due to inertia, everyone leaned forward a lot, and those who did not wear seat belts directly hit the front seats.

Fortunately, the leather seats did not hurt much.

However, this behavior of driving out without discussion aroused the anger of everyone.

Especially Qi Le, who was still applying medicine, the alcohol cotton in the doctor's hand directly pierced into his flesh, and he gasped in pain.

"Hiss~ Fang Zhou, what are you doing!"

Qi Le was so angry that he spoke in dialect.

"That's right! Didn't we say to stop the car? Why did you suddenly drive out again? It's very dangerous!"

"Please, Marlo's life is also a life. If you go forward, what if you get hit again!"

The complaints and complaints of the crowd followed, and Fang Zhou, who was at the front, stood next to the driver to help him withstand the pressure.

He whispered to the driver: "Don't worry about them, just drive your way."

"Fang Zhou! Are you listening to us?"

"You are too domineering! Why should the driver listen to you? Damn it!"

Fang Zhou looked at the right mirror calmly, his eyes fixed on the mountain behind him, and turned a deaf ear to the accusations of the crowd.

Equality in critical moments is useless and will only hinder judgment.

If you discuss with them, most of them will probably choose to wait for rescue on the spot.

And it also wastes time.

It's better to be a bad guy and kill first and report later!

"That's right, can't you stop there and wait for the rain to stop before leaving? You have to rush to send..."

Before the word death was spoken, the man's voice was covered by a huge roar.

The deafening sound was circling in the valley, like a thunderbolt hitting people's hearts, making people's heartbeats accelerate.

Everyone looked out in panic, only to find that the mud and rocks on the side of the car suddenly increased!

Looking back, it turned out that a small pile of mountains had collapsed where they had just stopped, and it just hit the road!

It was just a matter of seconds!

Everyone looked pale and looked towards Fang Zhou, who had just saved them!

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