The waves hit the coast one after another. The blue sea should have been beautiful, but at this moment, because of the two women falling into the water, it became the bloody mouth of a giant beast.

The green and light yellow figures floated up and down like two balloons, and seemed to be completely swallowed at any time.

Chu Xinran and Qiao Sisi fell into the water, which caught Fang Zhou and the program team off guard.

The moment he heard the sound, Fang Zhou immediately put down the fishing rod in his hand, ran to the place where the two fell into the water at the fastest speed, and dived in!

The two photographers also hurriedly put down the camera and ran over.

The one who could swim among them also jumped into the water to save people, and the remaining one stayed on the shore to support.

This accident caused the live broadcast room to explode with comments. The audience who were originally discussing the beauty of the two people instantly began to care about their lives.

"Fuck! They fell into the water! Save them quickly!!"

"Sisi! Help, this is too dangerous. Didn't the program team survey the terrain in advance and mark the dangerous places not to go!"

"OMG! This is too sudden. How did two people fall into the water? I hope they can swim!"

Cold, this is the first feeling Fang Zhou had when he entered the water.

Even though it is early summer now, the temperature in the water is still icy. If you are not used to winter swimming, you will probably be frozen to the point of stiffness at the first time.

The sea water around you is like a man-eating beast, slapping you wave after wave.

The difficulty of rescue in the sea water is much more difficult than that in ordinary waters, and it is full of too many uncertainties.

He finally swam out two or three meters and finally touched Chu Xinran's clothes. He wanted to hold her, but suddenly a big wave came and directly separated the two.

The sea water kept hitting his face. In Fang Zhou's blurred vision, he could hardly see anything.

He reached out to cover his face and finally saw Qiao Sisi's position. He simply swam behind her and passed his hand in front of her, preparing to take her ashore first.

However, Qiao Sisi suddenly slipped out of his hand like a slippery fish and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Fang Zhou had no time to think and quickly dived into the water to find her.

Qiao Sisi's green clothes were also very obvious underwater. He swam over and caught her.

At this time, Qiao Sisi's face had turned red, as if she was lacking oxygen, her facial features were wrinkled together, and a mask of pain appeared.

Fang Zhou's heart sank, and he leaned over to pull her out of the water.

However, Qiao Sisi reacted faster than him, grabbed Fang Zhou's neck, and took him to fall deeper.

No! Let go! We will die here, Qiao Sisi!

Fang Zhou shouted in his heart, trying to break free from Qiao Sisi's hand.

However, drowning people have a common characteristic, that is, the more critical the moment, the more they want to grab everything around them.

The instinct of survival forces their bodies to react faster than their brains.

They don't know what they have grabbed, they only know that they can survive by grabbing this life-saving straw!

This is also the reason why Fang Zhou swam past Qiao Sisi just now, because they rarely pay attention to what is behind them.

The more anxious Fang Zhou was to break free, the tighter Qiao Sisi held on, and the faster they fell.

What the anxious Fang Zhou didn't know was that Qiao Sisi, who he wanted to save, was struggling in his heart.

A voice said: "Take him to hell with you. Who made him dump you? The pain of the past few years was caused by him. As long as you kill him, you will never suffer again."

"You think that as long as you stand at the top of the entertainment industry, you can be with him openly again, but what is the truth? He didn't wait for you at all."

"He changes women faster than you change endorsements. Why do you still miss him? Such a man deserves to die."

When Qiao Sisi met Fang Zhou, she was just a little transparent in the entertainment industry, a 10086-line artist outside the 18th line.

At that time, she still retained the innocence of a girl, with a straightforward and likable personality. She also liked to play games. She was a real Internet addict.

She met Fang Zhou in a certain competitive game and was surprised by his skills.

Because Qiao Sisi's skills were better than all the girls Fang Zhou knew!

Fang Zhou shamelessly asked for her personal contact information, and the two of them made appointments to play games every now and then.

Driven by the dopamine produced by the game, Ark soon fell in love with

He fell in love with Qiao Sisi.

He found an opportunity to confess his love, and his voice was trembling when he confessed.

At that time, neither of them had ever been in a relationship. Facing this immature love, Qiao Sisi hesitated for a while and agreed.

The two spent a sweet time in online love, and later Fang Zhou thought about meeting her.

Qiao Sisi's first reaction was that she might not be worthy of his expectations, and she was afraid that she was not what Fang Zhou imagined.

But at that time, the young man's calm and firm voice comforted her.

He said: "I like your soul, not your appearance. If you think I am unreliable, you can keep talking like this until you believe me."

In this way, the two met, and unexpectedly, they both liked each other.

It's just a pity that the ending of the story later fell into a cliché...

Looking at the young man struggling, the darkness in Qiao Sisi's heart was growing wildly.

Otherwise, let's stay here together...

Another voice said: "Give him another chance. As long as he chooses himself again, the past will not be pursued."

"Qiao Sisi, are you really willing to let his soul stay in this cold sea forever?"

"Let him go, and let yourself go."

These two voices appeared alternately in Qiao Sisi's mind, and the light in her eyes flickered.

Finally, when Fang Zhou was about to struggle, Qiao Sisi opened her eyes again.

Her hand was still on the back of Fang Zhou's neck, and her legs swung like fish, and soon she was close to Fang Zhou's body.

Under Fang Zhou's incredible gaze, Qiao Sisi raised her head and pressed her soft mouth against Fang Zhou.

The long-lost warmth wrapped herself again, and Qiao Sisi's body couldn't help but tremble with excitement, and the hand on Fang Zhou's neck fell off.

At that moment, she seemed to hear a sigh from the depths of her soul.

"I miss this feeling so much..."

The oxygen was transferred in this kiss, and Fang Zhou's brain, which was confused by lack of oxygen, finally woke up again.

The softness on the mouth, along with the sea water, invaded Fang Zhou's touch.

He suddenly widened his eyes, pushed Qiao Sisi away, and swam hard.

Qiao Sisi actually knew how to swim! This crazy woman!

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