The matter seemed simple, just about whether Fang Zhou liked Han Xi or not. The two sides were originally debating in a friendly manner, but suddenly gifts started flying.

Neither side was convinced by the other, and gifts were given one after another, so that the live broadcast room became dazzling.

Special effects were flying all over the sky, and Fang Zhou's face was completely unclear due to the pile of gifts.

Coupled with the barrage of comments from other viewers in the live broadcast room, the comments were flying.

Fang Zhou was sent to the top of the hot list again in just three minutes.

Countless viewers poured into the live broadcast room again.

The new viewers didn't know why and just kept brushing "Wow", while the old viewers cheered one after another.

"What's going on? The first and second place on the list seem to have emptied their family's savings to give gifts?"

"I also think that my grandparents' pensions are about to be used up."

"Woo woo woo, is this the world of rich people? It's so wonderful!"

Fang Zhou has been live streaming for four or five years, and has never seen such a scene.

Before, it was either a big sponsor who gave gifts himself, or some power leveling bosses who gave gifts. How could there be two sponsors fighting in the live broadcast room?

Seeing that the total amount of gifts given by the two was almost half a million, AK could not suppress the corners of Fang Zhou's mouth.

If there were emoticons, Fang Zhou would definitely send one: Don't fight anymore.

"Ahem, that, stop for a moment."

Finally, Fang Zhou spoke.

After all, it's not good to be too obvious, it's easy to get scolded.

He originally wanted to explain what happened during the day, but in the end, neither of them paid attention to him, and they kept giving gifts, and they would say something from time to time.

"You just don't like Han Xi, right?"

"You just like Han Xi, right?"

Fang Zhou blinked his eyes and suddenly realized that it seemed that admitting or denying at this time would offend one party.

So he wisely shut up, silently opened a game, and stopped watching the live broadcast room.

Let them brush if they want, anyway, the beneficiary is him.

Bastards who don't take money are paid.

When Fang Zhou finished a game, it was already past 12 o'clock, and it was time to go off the air.

Glancing at the live broadcast room, the first and second on the list had left the live broadcast room at some point, but the audience was enthusiastic and were still discussing the fight between the two just now.

"Hey, who are the first and second on the list? They are so rich!"

"It feels like one of them is a CP fan of Han Xi and Fang Zhou, and the other is a toxic fan of Fang Zhou. It's full of gunpowder."

"I finally opened my eyes today. The special effects on the full screen lasted for nearly half an hour. Do you understand?"

Fang Zhou felt relieved and left. Otherwise, after being forced to answer, he would have to coax another one. It was too troublesome.

This also illustrates one thing from the side, that is, it is not enough to rely on the sponsor to maintain the popularity. Only relying on the game fans and true fans accumulated by oneself is the long-term solution.

Fang Zhou began to think about how to turn the tables with the popularity of the love variety show.

Although the four ex-girlfriends he met here did bring a lot of trouble.

However, this is both an opportunity and a challenge. As long as he grasps it, he may be able to become popular in the live broadcast industry.

Fang Zhou lay on the bed and began to think about his future.

As he thought about it, the scene of holding Han Xi today suddenly flashed in his mind.

She was usually as cold as a flower on the mountain, but she just leaned on him, without the coldness of the past, nor the domineering and overbearing, just like every little girl who was in love and relied on her boyfriend.

He couldn't help but think of his first encounter with Han Xi.

At that time, he had just graduated from college and was sending resumes everywhere to find internships. It was really hard to find art jobs, and he was overwhelmed.

He almost thought that he was born with a holy body of cattle and horses, and he could only live by being a cattle and horses. (Although it is almost the same now)

Finally found a company that was not bad, and rushed to the interview.

The interview process went smoothly, but when he took the elevator downstairs after the interview, he was trapped in the elevator.

And there happened to be only him and Han Xi in the elevator, and no one spoke at first.

There was no signal on the mobile phone, Fang Zhou pressed the emergency alarm of the elevator in time, waiting for rescue, and also spoke to comfort Han Xi.

"It will probably be fine in a while."

However, this kind reminder did not receive any response.

The elevator was pitch black due to the power outage. Fang Zhou used the light from his cell phone to

Found that Han Xi was not in the right state.

She curled up in a corner alone, covering her head with both hands, shivering all over, and the bag she was holding in her hand fell to the side, and she knew nothing.

"Hey? What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Fang Zhou was also shocked by her state. At first glance, he thought it was an epileptic seizure, and hurried forward to check the situation.

The woman was shaking all over, and her hands covering her head were very strong. With the help of the mobile phone light, Fang Zhou could see the blue veins on her hands.

Fearing that something would happen to her, Fang Zhou said "I'm sorry", and then took her hand to check the situation.

The woman raised her head, revealing a pair of clear eyes, with fear and panic in them, and more of being at a loss.

"Don't, don't touch me!"

She was breathing rapidly, with a bit of chest tightness and shortness of breath, her forehead was full of sweat, and her body was shaking badly, which made people want to protect her at a glance.

Fang Zhou finally understood what was wrong with her, claustrophobia.

This is a kind of anxiety disorder about closed spaces, and panic symptoms caused by fear of unknown dangers in these places.

Fang Zhou made a prompt decision and turned his phone upside down on the ground, allowing the light to refract onto the ceiling and illuminate the elevator.

Then he put one hand on Han Xi's back and patted her lightly, and put the other hand next to Han Xi's hand, asking her to hold it tightly to give her a sense of security.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm with you."

"Look, it's not dark here at all, don't be afraid."

Although what Fang Zhou did did not completely eliminate Han Xi's fear, slowly, Han Xi's breathing became less rapid, and she no longer had that feeling of dying.

Although her body was still shaking, the hands holding Fang Zhou were no longer overly strong.

Han Xi's eyes gradually became focused, and she no longer stared at one place motionlessly.

The two of them kept snuggling together until the elevator was powered on again and the door was opened.

When leaving, Han Xi finally said the first sentence after meeting Fang Zhou.

"What's your name?"

After Fang Zhou told her the truth, the woman nodded gently and left his sight.

Originally, he didn't take it seriously, just doing it as a routine favor.

Until a week later, Fang Zhou passed the interview and went to work in the company. At the meeting, he saw the woman sitting in the front row. The name on her desk read "CEO-Han Xi."

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