The old man was very happy, but he was not lucky.

It is said that people are in trouble in their birth year. Fang Zhou thought that he had already passed his birth year. He was 25 years old this year, so why was his luck so bad?

First he met his ex-ex-girlfriend Chu Xinran, and then his ex-ex-girlfriend Han Xi.

Is this variety show in conflict with him?

It seems that the 500,000 yuan is not easy to earn.

Seeing the two people on the opposite side getting closer and closer, the photographer on the side has already turned the camera and put it in the faces of the three people, wanting to release the scene of a handsome man and a beautiful woman meeting.

Fang Zhou quickly squeezed a smile and controlled his expression, but stopped.

A man and a woman came forward. One was Dong Donghui, the president of Asia for the global fashion magazine DG.

The other was Han Xi, the CEO of the largest beauty company in China.

"Hello, I'm Dong Donghui."

The man in a suit and leather shoes stretched out his hand and shook hands with Fang Zhou.

Han Xi, who was standing by, did not speak, but also stretched out her hand.

There was no expression on her delicate face. Her narrow and long phoenix eyes passed lightly across Fang Zhou's face without any emotion.

There was no greeting, no courtesy, and no words, as if she had never seen him before.

The cold aura brought by her made the temperature around her drop by several degrees.

Fang Zhou controlled his inner embarrassment, smiled and held her hand.

Those hands were slender and slightly cold, and holding them in his hands made him dream back to more than a year ago.

Han Xi was not in good health and was busy with work all year round. Occasionally, her hands would be slightly cold after she was sick. At that time, Fang Zhou often held her hands to try to warm them up.

However, in just a year and a half, things have changed.

They shook hands politely as if they had never met before, and then quickly separated.

Fang Zhou took back his hand, stepped aside, and told them.

"There is a place to rest there."

Dong Donghui and Han Xi nodded slightly, and then went to Chu Xinran's side.

Both of them are the top leaders of the company, the kind who are dominating the business world. The two of them walked side by side, with full aura.

The barrage has begun to roll wildly.

"Ahhh! Sister's stinky face is so cool, I like it so much!"

"Oh my God, these two people standing together are too perfect, I have already imagined a whole domineering president novel in my mind!"

"I bet a bag of spicy noodles that these two people will be together in the end!"

"Hey, no, the previous guest hasn't even finished his appearance yet, and you're betting? It's too hasty, I think there will be more suitable CPs later!"

Fang Zhou kicked the sand under his feet, and his heart began to roar.

Who can tell him why a female CEO like Han Xi also came to participate in a dating show!

She is so rich, she only needs to wave her hand, and young handsome men will come to her?

Or is it that her beauty products are not selling well, and she needs the CEO to personally promote them?

It’s okay for ordinary people, but the problem is that Han Xi was also dumped by him!

He broke up with Han Xi just three months after being together.

He told Han Xi: "You are too cold, I like gentle people."

Han Xi’s female bestie found a bunch of bodyguards that night, blocked Fang Zhou in the alley and beat him up.

While beating him, she scolded him: "You are a scumbag! You like gentleness, right? I wish you will be withered and gentle for the rest of your life!"

In the end, Han Xi showed up in time, drove away the group of people, and sent Fang Zhou to the hospital.

Recalling that past, Fang Zhou suddenly felt a buzzing pain in his head again.

What is this? He met two ex-girlfriends in a row.

You are testing me with this, right? If you have the guts, make all the female guests my ex-girlfriends!

He rolled his eyes at the blue sky above.

"This is delicious."

Chu Xinran has already started sharing the snacks and fruits on the table with the two people.

Han Xi nodded gently, took the orange from her hand, and said thank you.

"Han Xi, your voice is so beautiful, like jade hitting each other."

Chu Xinran smiled brightly and praised Han Xi sincerely.

"Your makeup looks good today, too."

Han Xi praised politely.

Fang Zhou, who was standing in front of them, was already sweating profusely.

His two ex-girlfriends met, and they seemed to have a good relationship?

If they knew that the man in front of them was their common ex-boyfriend, would they complain about him together and try to mess with him?

If these two women said anything bad, after the show was broadcast live, Fang Zhou's

His reputation was basically ruined.

Although his reputation was useless to him.

Fang Zhou shook his head and tried to get rid of those messy thoughts.

Calm down, calm down, they don't know, and as long as I don't tell them, they won't know.

Just as they were chatting, three more guests came to the island.

Two men and one woman.

Fang Zhou subconsciously glanced at the woman's face and found that it was a strange face, and he was relieved immediately.

He said that people would not be so unlucky.

There are only a few female guests in a program. It is rare to have two ex-girlfriends at the same time, let alone five?

The three people who came up, the girl Tang Wan is a lawyer, with short hair and a sweet smile.

The two male guests, one is the well-known racing driver Qi Le, and the other is Sun Haotian, the owner of dozens of chain restaurants.

So far, a total of seven people have arrived, and another three will arrive soon.

As the most sociable person in the group, Sun Haotian poured a glass of juice, took the initiative to get to know everyone, and greeted them.

Even Fang Zhou, who was standing at the outermost edge, was infected by his enthusiasm, temporarily forgot the embarrassment, and relaxed a little.

Who cares, just deal with it.

Fang Zhou told himself this.

However, a few minutes later, when the remaining three guests came to the island, Fang Zhou could no longer laugh.

The two women who came down from the boat, one was a royal sister with long brown curly hair and a pair of frameless glasses, full of academic atmosphere.

The other one wore blue sunglasses, dyed her hair dazzling pink, and a luxurious brand made her fashionable.

Someone recognized the person behind and exclaimed.

"Are you the big star Qiao Sisi?"


It was the sound of the cup falling on the sand. Because the sand was soft, the cup did not break, but the orange juice inside flowed out.

Fang Zhou used the fallen cup to squat down quickly to avoid looking directly at the two people.


Why are there two more ex-girlfriends!

There are five female guests in the love show, and all four of his ex-girlfriends are here!

The key is that the sinister and sickly Qin Yun is here too!

She will tear him apart!

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