The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of stars.

When Fang Zhou and Chu Xinran came to the beach to wait for the sunrise, someone in the villa was awakened by a nightmare.

"No! Fang Zhou!"

The woman opened her eyes suddenly, and what she saw was the pure white ceiling, not the tragic corpse in the dream just now, and she was relieved immediately.

She breathed in the air in big gulps, felt the crazy beating heart in her chest, and broke out in cold sweat on her back. The pajamas stuck to her body and were very uncomfortable.

Zhang Zhiyin got up, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then returned to the room.

She took out the notebook and paper in her backpack, turned on the desk lamp, sat by the window and started writing and drawing.

"Eyes", "Hands", "Feet", "Jumping off a Building"

Four key words were written on the paper by her.

Zhang Zhiyin fell into thought as she poked the pen tip on the paper.

This was the first week she had nightmares in a row.

Ever since she accidentally saw the show called "Love 100%" on her mobile phone that day and saw Fang Zhou's face in it, she has been having nightmares.

From the first scene of Fang Zhou's hand being chopped off, to his leg tendons being cut, to a pair of bloody eyes being dug out alive.

And today, she dreamed of Fang Zhou jumping from a high place and never to live again.

Zhang Zhiyin went to a psychologist for intervention and hypnosis, but the effect was not good. She still dreamed of those things that night.

At that time, she was still abroad and was struggling for inspiration for her next work, but such a thing happened unexpectedly.

She thought it was telepathy, and Fang Zhou might really have had an accident.

But the live broadcast of the program on the mobile phone every day clearly told her that Fang Zhou was fine.

Zhang Zhiyin was entangled for a long time, not knowing what went wrong. She didn't dare to sleep all night, for fear that she would dream of those terrible scenes.

But people can't stay awake all the time, because the mental pressure is too great, and they will wake up soon after taking a nap during the day.

The psychologist believes that the person who tied the bell should be the one to untie it, and suggested that she find the person she dreamed of to understand the situation in depth.

"Perhaps it was because the obsession in youth was too deep, which led to you suddenly seeing the other person's face many years later, and those obsessions came to the fore."

But Zhang Zhiyin thought that it was a bit too outrageous to run back to China to find Fang Zhou for a dream.

She hadn't contacted him and Li Siming for these years. Now she suddenly went to find him. Would he ignore her?

These hesitant thoughts disappeared after Zhang Zhiyin saw Fang Zhou in the program, almost drowned and poisoned by eating poisonous mushrooms.

He is really in danger.

I must return to China as soon as possible to see him to feel relieved.

So Zhang Zhiyin asked her friends for the contact information of the director of this love variety show, and said frankly that she wanted to bring money to join the group.

After she won the award and became famous in recent years, she rarely accepted public interviews or invitations to variety shows.

Now that she took the initiative to ask, the director would definitely not refuse her who brought her own traffic and topics.

Zhang Zhiyin returned to China overnight, and then followed the ship that picked up the fans to visit the set, and came to the island together, and successfully met Fang Zhou.

She thought that she could pretend to talk to him as if nothing had happened, just like when she was a teenager.

But when she really saw him chatting with other girls, she couldn't help but scare the little fan away with the identity of a fake ex-girlfriend.

When she saw Fang Zhou, Zhang Zhiyin remembered the unhappy dinner and her unrequited love.

The grievance and anger in her heart made her unable to help but speak ill of Fang Zhou. It seemed that only sarcasm could vent her anger.

However, Fang Zhou did nothing wrong.

On the contrary, the more I looked at his face, the more I recalled my past secret crush on him.

The love and cautiousness hidden in my heart once again emerged, prompting Zhang Zhiyin to tell him those words.

"If I don't go abroad, can we be together later?"

When Fang Zhou said it was impossible, her heart fell to the bottom again, but this time she covered it up well.

She pretended to be indifferent and warned him to be careful in selecting objects, and her eyes were red when he bowed his head to show weakness.

Sadness and sorrow were like a flood that ruthlessly drowned her.

At that time, Zhang Zhiyin looked at the living Fang Zhou and thought of the tragic him in her dream. The contrast between the two brought her a stronger shock.

Fang Zhou's words "I know" almost made Zhang Zhiyin tell her dreams.

You don't know

You don't know anything.

You don't know that I dreamed that you were killed by a woman, and it was your ex-girlfriend.

Although I didn't see the woman's face clearly in the dream, Zhang Zhiyin heard what the woman said when she attacked Fang Zhou.

"Didn't I warn you not to run around? Stay by my side and don't go anywhere."

"If you don't listen, I can only cut your tendons."

"Don't be afraid, you can't run away anymore in the future. I will treat you well. I love you the most in the world."

Even in the hot summer, Zhang Zhiyin, as a bystander, would feel creepy when recalling these words.

What kind of yandere with overwhelming control and possessiveness is this?

She knew that some writers would have such characters, and there are a few real yanderes in reality.

But it would be a pity if Fang Zhou died in the hands of such people.

But these words and dreams are too outrageous to say like this.

Not to mention Fang Zhou would not believe it, even myself a month ago would not believe it.

I thought that seeing Fang Zhou in person would stop those nightmares, it seems that things are not that simple.

Zhang Zhiyin could only suppress the matter in her heart and wait for the development of this love show.

If there is indeed such a dangerous person around Fang Zhou, then she has to remind Fang Zhou.

Or, she has to take some measures to protect Fang Zhou.

It is said that dreams are the opposite. This time, Zhang Zhiyin sincerely hopes that what everyone said is true.

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhiyin could not remember who the woman in the dream was.

She threw down the pen in a bit of annoyance, and tore off the paper she had just written, tore it into pieces bit by bit, and threw it into the trash can.

Anyway, I can't sleep, so I might as well not sleep.

Zhang Zhiyin stood up and walked to the window to see the scenery outside.

The sky was already bright, and the sea in the distance was faintly glowing. A hint of gold appeared from the distant skyline, and the sky suddenly became bright and dazzling.

At that moment, an orange sun slowly poked its head out, the sky was dyed red, and the morning glow was also covered with gorgeous clothes.

The sea surface was sparkling, the waves gently hit the coast, and the sunlight reflected on it was beautiful.

A new day has begun.

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