The show was a big success, but the show was a big success.

In the next two days, the program team also arranged two days of group activities as usual, and everyone cooperated well, but with the change of Qiao Sisi's work, she became the first person to leave the island.

Then Dong Donghui's company also had an important meeting, which required him to attend, and he left the island without stopping.

Without two guests in a show, many games could not go on.

In addition, with Qiao Sisi's fan base and influence there, sponsors asked to end the island part in advance.

Under no choice, on the tenth day, the program team finally announced that the island part was about to end.

The next day, they could pack their luggage and go home. After three days of rest, they continued to the next destination.

This kind of live broadcast love variety show was originally for fans to watch while eating. Because of the long live broadcast time, it was once regarded as a companion by many office workers.

You must not rest for too long in the middle, otherwise similar programs will soon catch up.

"Today, we will officially announce the favorability text messages for everyone on the first and fifth days of coming to the island. Please be prepared."

The director appeared with an electronic display screen and smiled at everyone in the living room.

The guests were a little surprised. Is it announced now?

Wouldn't it be the risk of seeing all the text messages you sent and received?

However, the director team did say it in advance, and everyone was mentally prepared, although not much.

Although Fang Zhou himself did not send text messages, the problem is that he received a lot of them.

This strange sense of ritual always makes people hallucinate their school days, when the teacher publicly read their essays in class.

What's the damn shame?

He glanced around and found that among all the guests, Qin Yun was probably the calmest.

The charming lady leaned on the sofa with curly hair, her tassel skirt outlined her perfect body curve, like a Greek goddess.

Qin Yun seemed to notice Fang Zhou's sight, raised her eyes and smiled at him, at that moment, she was more gentle than the spring breeze.

Unfortunately, Fang Zhou had seen the horror of this woman long ago, and would not be easily fooled by her.

He turned his head back as if nothing had happened and looked at the electronic screen brought by the director.

It was turned on, and a PP was displayed directly, with various contents sent by everyone.

It was specially made into a message note mode, which looked quite romantic at first glance.

Except for the greasy sentence "Miss you at night".

Although the audience in the live broadcast room had seen the content of the text message long ago, when they saw the PPT again, they were still boiling, and some even started to be gambling dogs.

"Come on, let's make a bet. I'm betting on my brother's romantic luck for the next ten years. Chu Xinran sent text messages to Fang Zhou twice!"

"Tsk, a gambler won't get a house. I'm betting on Han Xi!"

"Add me. I think Qi Le should have sent a text message to Sisi. The CEO duo should have interacted with each other!"

"————The progress bar is halfway through, let's make a bet————"

The director smiled at the guests and said, "In order to protect the privacy of the guests, the text messages sent by everyone will not be claimed."

"Next, let's take a look at the first day's favorability text message reception!"

As he said that, he lightly tapped the page-turning pen in his hand, and the content on the screen switched to the next one.

'Fang Zhou: Sent 0 text messages, received 2 text messages in total. '

'Sun Haotian: Sent 1 text message, received 0 text messages in total. '

'Dong Donghui: Sent 1 text message, received 0 text messages in total. ’

‘Qi Le: sent 1 text message, received 0 text messages in total. ’

‘Liu Hao: sent 0 text messages, received 1 text message in total. ’

‘Chu Xinran: sent 1 text message, received 1 text message in total. ’

‘Qin Yun: sent 0 text messages, received 0 text messages in total. ’

‘Han Xi: sent 1 text message, received 1 text message in total. ’

‘Qiao Sisi: sent 0 text messages, received 1 text message in total. ’

‘Tang Wan: sent 1 text message, received 0 text messages in total. ’

This set of data flashed by, and the director turned to the next page, which was the arrow pointing to the sent and received text messages.

When Fang Zhou saw the result for the first time, his eyebrows jumped, and it was almost the same as he guessed.

"I don't look at the moon, and I don't say I miss you. In this way, the moon and you are kept in the dark." This was sent by Han Xi.

"In the choice of you

, I choose you. "This is from Chu Xinran.

Although the contents of the text messages are different, one is reserved and the other is passionate, the things they express are similar.

The moment the results were made public, the expressions of the guests became much more complicated.

There were also many different things in the eyes when they looked at each other.

The male guests all looked at Fang Zhou with sour eyes, and they felt the same.

There was no way. On the first day on the island, everyone could only look at the face. It was not unfair to lose to Fang Zhou. The only thing to blame was that they did not have a face that was so handsome that it was horrible.

They looked at each other and remembered a sentence in their minds: Lemons on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree.

The expressions of the female guests were also different. Han Xi looked up at Chu Xinran and was not surprised that she sent a text message to Fang Zhou.

On the contrary, Chu Xinran's expression was a little aggrieved.

What? It turns out that Han Xi also likes Fang Zhou, starting from the first day on the island.

Damn! Although Han Xi is a very good person, I will never Give Fang Zhou to her!

The barrage was also in uproar. Those who guessed correctly started to celebrate, and those who didn't guess correctly sighed.

However, the director did not give them a chance to react, and soon revealed the data for the fifth day.

On the first line of words, Fang Zhou's name was particularly eye-catching.

Because he was the only male guest in the audience who received text messages, and there were three of them!

Everyone looked at Fang Zhou, either surprised, envious or disdainful.

Fang Zhou also became the center of attention in the audience.

On the surface, he looked very calm, but in fact, he had already started to wail in his heart.

Don't mess with me, sisters!

We have already broken up, why are you still texting me!

Can you leave me a way out?

Without the director team announcing it, he could guess who sent the text messages on the fifth day.

But he didn't expect that he would become the focus, and his heart was mixed.

Compared with the calmness of the guests, the audience was already boiling, and began to be gambling dogs again.

"Come on, buy and leave! See who sent the text message! ”

The director is also good at making trouble. Just when the audience can't wait to see who it is.

The middle-aged Mediterranean man smiled at the camera.

"We will reveal the answer at the beginning of the second episode. Please look forward to it."

"Then the first episode of our 100% love ends here. See you next time, audience friends!"

The director's control of the program progress is no less than the writing ability of some online writers, which makes people unable to stop.

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