The hospital corridor was filled with the smell of disinfectant, which irritated people's nasal cavity.

Someone stepped across the smooth floor, walked into the office of the Department of Nephrology, and greeted the doctor inside.

"Doctor Du."

The middle-aged doctor in a white coat looked up and smiled the moment he saw Fang Zhou.

"Fang Zhou, you are here, sit down!"

This Doctor Du is Fang Zhou's sister's attending physician, and is also very famous in China. About half a year ago, Fang Zhou brought his sister from his hometown to the capital just for Doctor Du's reputation.

Fang Zhou nodded, sat on the chair, and asked in a deep voice: "How is my sister's condition recently?"

Calculating the time, it has been ten days since he last came to the hospital.

At that time, he was sure that he could get paid by participating in the program to get 500,000 yuan, and he was ecstatic to ask Dr. Du to find a matching kidney source.

Dr. Du opened his work record book and found the page of Fang Wenjing to show him.

"The recent dialysis has been pretty good, and there are basically no adverse reactions."

Fang Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and then asked: "Is there any news about the kidney source that matches my sister?"

Dr. Du shook his head and told the truth.

"We haven't found a kidney source suitable for your sister yet, so we can only wait."

"But your sister's condition is relatively stable at present, so there is no need to worry too much."

Fang Zhou was a little disappointed, but it was also expected.

"I'll trouble you to continue to keep an eye on it for me. I'm busy with work during this period. If there are any changes, please call me."

Dr. Du nodded and said in a deep voice: "This is what I should do."

The two talked about Fang Wenjing's condition for a while, and other patients came in.

Doctor Du said to Fang Zhou:

"Your sister should have almost finished dialysis now, you can wait a little."

Fang Zhou followed his instructions and came to the ward where his sister was doing dialysis. There was a window on the door, so he could see what was going on inside.

He saw his sister Fang Wenjing lying obediently on the bed, with two tubes inserted into her right arm, and red blood flowing in them.

This is hemodialysis.

A tube drains blood from the patient's body, sends it to the machine to remove excess toxins and water, and then sends it back to the body through another tube.

This seemingly simple process, many patients have to go through it thousands of times until they die.

The pain of blood draws and needles in the process has turned many people from fear to numbness, and even PTSD in the end. They would rather die directly than experience this pain.

There are also a few lucky ones who don't need lifelong dialysis after a kidney transplant, but they still have to continue treatment.

My sister was originally thin, and after she was diagnosed with the disease, she often had a poor appetite, or vomited after eating. Now she looks even thinner.

A small ball, lying quietly on the bed, not crying or making a fuss even without relatives by her side.

Fang Zhou's eyes suddenly turned red, and he felt so bitter in his heart that he turned his head away quickly, not wanting to watch any more.

Men don't shed tears easily, but they just haven't reached the point of being sad.

If possible, he would rather suffer this pain himself than let his young sister bear it.

She is still so young, and there are so many beautiful things in this world, but she hasn't seen them yet, and she will be trapped in this small world of the hospital.

A bird in a cage at least has a chance to flap its wings, but my sister... will never have another chance if she doesn't get a kidney.

At this moment, the tall man felt extremely insignificant. Under the teasing of fate, people seemed to have no choice but to accept its arrangements.

But Fang Zhou quickly cheered up again.

It doesn't matter, don't we have money now? Just wait for the kidney source, and my sister can get a new life.

What a shitty fate, Fang Zhou doesn't believe it, he wants to break this damn fate.

"Eh? Boss Fang, you're back?"

A middle-aged woman's voice sounded behind him, with doubt and curiosity.

She was the aunt he hired to take care of his sister, responsible for cooking and cleaning at home, and picking up his sister to the hospital.

Fang Zhou paid her 10,000 yuan a month, and she usually called him Boss Fang Zhou.

He calmed down, turned around quickly, and smiled at the middle-aged woman.

"Hello, Aunt Wei, I'm back today. I didn't see you at home, so I came to the hospital."

This Aunt Wei was the one Fang Zhou chose after selecting several people.

After a week of investigation, he found that she was careful and responsible, and gentle to his sister.

She even took the initiative to report his sister's itinerary, and every day

Eating conditions and symptoms of illness.

That’s why Fang Zhou felt relieved to leave for ten days or half a month.

He didn’t mind being kinder to Aunt Wei.

People are made of flesh and blood, and they can see things hidden in the details.

Aunt Wei smiled innocently and planned what to cook tonight.

“Then I’ll go to the market to buy two more vegetables and fry a fish!”

Fang Zhou smiled and nodded, with a gentle attitude: “It’s all right, just do it as you see fit.”

“Hey, the boss is back, Wen Jing must be very happy! Maybe she can eat a few more bites of rice later!”

The smile on Aunt Wei’s face was quite contagious, and Fang Zhou smiled unconsciously.

“I hope she eats more.”

The two chatted happily, and time passed. Fang Wenjing’s treatment came to an end and she rested on the bed.

After getting the nurse’s permission, Fang Zhou and Aunt Wei both entered the ward.

Fang Wenjing was resting with her eyes closed. When she heard footsteps, she thought it was Aunt Wei alone. She opened her eyes with great effort and called out. "Aunt Wei..."

Then she saw Fang Zhou standing quietly in the room, looking at her.

"Brother! You're back!"

Fang Wenjing opened her eyes wide and looked at Fang Zhou in disbelief.

"Didn't you say you would come back tomorrow when you called just now?"

The girl's eyes were bright. Even though she was sick, she didn't become depressed. Instead, she was cheerful and lively.

Fang Zhou blinked at her and said softly, "I was just teasing you to give you a surprise!"

"How is it, are you happy?"

Fang Wenjing laughed and tried to sit up from the bed, but was held down by Fang Zhou.

"Don't move. You just finished dialysis. Lie down for a while."

Fang Wenjing nodded obediently, staring at Fang Zhou, grinning, and asked playfully: "Did you bring my sister-in-law back to me?"

She looked at Fang Zhou at a young age, but she was very clever. Since Fang Zhou turned 25, she began to urge him to get married, playing the role of a parent in a traditional family.

"Men over 25 are late to get married. You have to seize the time and seize the opportunity." She said it all at once.

Fang Zhou bent down, gently touched her head, and said gently: "No, you clever little ghost, don't worry about these."

The latter sighed long: "Alas! Men can't be kept when they grow up! Keeping them will only make you worried!"

Fang Zhou couldn't help laughing.

Why does she have so many fallacies at such a young age?

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