It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 396 How outrageous! What about cheating? No. 1 in North American film history! The new king

Naturally, Chen Fei does not need to take care of the post-production and editing of "Super Body". Catherine will be fully responsible.

Many second-tier directors in Hollywood actually do not have editing rights. Their task is to make good movies, and the company will be responsible for post-editing.

Just like when Chen Fei first came abroad, the "Fast and Furious 3" he collaborated with Universal Pictures did not have editing rights, only shooting rights.

The reason why this happens is also very simple.

The first starting point for commercial movies is always - "box office"!

For the sake of box office, a movie usually extracts all its commercial elements during post-production, so that the audience can enjoy the ultimate movie-watching pleasure.

But if the director himself follows up on the post-production and editing work, he will inevitably be subjective, and some "moisture" will inevitably be added to it.

And this makes no sense to many production company bosses.

What commercial movies pursue is "enjoyment". The audience does not come to the cinema to listen to your stories and the connotation of the story. They simply want to have fun!

In order to obtain the editing rights of the film, Katherine Bigquin even took the initiative to promise many conditions, such as signing a long-term cooperation agreement with Waltons Pictures.

Chen Fei did not reject her, he could just cut it if he wanted.

What's more, there will be several rounds of reviews later. If there are any disputes, wouldn't it be enough to correct them?


"What the hell? King Liu Tian is married?!"

Ning Hao's character is quite stable, but he was still shocked when he saw this news!

There are many celebrities in the group who are married, but few dare to make it public like Andy Lau.

In the past few years, he had been stuck in the whirlpool of fans and found it difficult to lift his head. Now that he has suddenly made it public, he is quite brave enough to get out!

"What a fuss, haven't you seen the Heavenly King's sister-in-law before?" Chen Fei complained to him without looking back.

Chen Fei naturally received the wedding invitation, but unfortunately he really didn't have time, so he had to ask Huo Qigang to help send a gift, and took the initiative to call and explain.

Liu Dehua was very open-minded and not dissatisfied at all. He just cheerfully said that he would never come back drunk if he had the opportunity in the future!

Chen Fei still has a good impression of him. After all, among the Xiangjiang artist group, he is one of the few artists who has firmly supported the "One China" principle from beginning to end.

Just based on this, he is destined to be popular for a lifetime!

"What about you? When are you going to make the official announcement?" Ning Hao suddenly came over, wanting to take a bite of fresh information about Chen Fei.

"I don't even have a girlfriend, who can I make it official with?"

"Don't you have so many suitors? Aren't you going to choose one to settle down down-to-earth? I think Liu Yifei is pretty good. If you choose her, I will definitely support you!"

Wen Ziren pricked up his ears and was also very interested.

Maybe because he has been hanging out with Ning Hao for a long time, he has also begun to transform into a "gossip expert".

"You haven't even written a word about it, what's the official announcement?" Chen Fei rolled his eyes at him, "I think you're just bored, right? Come on, I'll arrange a job for you to resist props."

"Don't! I was wrong! It's okay to be wrong!"

Ning Hao quickly begged for mercy.

The props in "The Hunger Games" are all huge. Except for Brother Heizi, who seems to have endless strength, if the others resist for one day, they won't be able to get out of bed the next day!

On September 13th, the Venice International Film Festival officially came to an end.

"Lebanon" directed by Mas Shumrick won the Golden Lion Award for Best Film, and "1428" directed by Chinese director Du Haibin won the Best Documentary Award in the Horizon Section.

Although "Bullfighting" directed and starred by Huang Bo was shortlisted for the Horizon section, it won nothing.

But even so, the mainland director circle still recognized his ability. After all, being shortlisted is enough to prove the quality of the film!

Huang Bo called, with a bit of regret in his tone.

"Director Chen, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"What's so disappointing about this? Keep up the good work. Awards are not awarded only once in a lifetime. You can just try again next time and be done with it."

"That's right, I'm too stubborn." After adjusting his mood, Huang Bo became happy again, "If there are any scripts or roles that suit me, remember to contact me."

"Hey, don't tell me, I really have a role here that suits you!"

Chen Fei suddenly thought of "Heart Blossoms Blooming". At this time, it is absolutely suitable to let Huang Bo play the role of "Geng Hao". They both returned frustrated and could easily take on the role.

"You can keep the schedules for November, December, and January for me, and we can work together to make a comedy for fun, so we can relax."

"Okay, no problem, I'll wait for you to come back."

Huang Bo's mood suddenly improved a lot.


Weibo is indeed a double-edged sword. Some people become famous overnight, while others fall to the bottom because of it.

The conflict between Yang Mi and Tang Ren is quite fierce, but fans firmly support their idols regardless of who is right or wrong.

There are frequent scoldings on the Internet, and Cai Yinong became the first producer to experience "cyber violence"!

When Hu Ge called, he expressed regret for helping Yang Mi in the casting. If someone else had played "Tang Xuejian", these problems might not have arisen.

Chen Fei smiled and did not give any response.

As long as Weibo appears, this kind of thing will only become more frequent in the future. He is secretly glad that he has prepared in advance, and these bad things will never happen to him.

News of the premiere of "The Founding of a Republic" is also on Weibo's hot list.

Olympic Sports Center, more than 200 first- and second-tier artists in the industry, and a star-studded scene...

Although Chen Fei was not able to attend, he logged into his blog and Weibo accounts and did some promotion for the movie.

After all, he is the screenwriter and one of the participants, so this wave of publicity can have some effect.

On the second day of the release, he took the initiative to call Han Sanping and inquired about the box office situation of the film.

"Haha, not bad. 31 million on the first day. Maybe it can break the 637 million box office record of "Mulan"."

China Film boasted a lot in front of the media, such as setting a new domestic film box office record.

At first, many people in the industry thought this was impossible. No matter how many stars appeared, this was just a gift film after all, not a commercial film?

But soon, the development of the incident left many people in the industry stunned!

Some schools and units have begun to issue tasks, requiring employees and students to be guided into theaters to watch movies...

"What the hell? Is this still possible?"

In Huayi Company, the two Wang brothers looked at China Film's operations and suddenly felt like their outlook had been refreshed.

"That's outrageous. Isn't this cheating?"

"I can't help it. Who asked me to be China Film Group? This is the gap."

The promotion of "The Wind" failed to make any splash under the suppression of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", so Huayi had to invest more publicity funds, which had a certain effect.

"Why don't you say hello to Chen Fei? After all, Feiyue Film and Television is also one of the investors. Are they just going to let "The Wind" be suppressed?"

"Forget it, that guy has been so busy recently that he didn't even have time to attend the Huabiao Awards and the premiere of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", let alone "The Wind". I'd better talk to Su Guohai about this matter. At least he can't let the investment go. Flooded."

After going around in a big circle, the call finally came to Chen Fei.

After hearing Huayi's concerns about the box office, Chen Fei didn't say much and only replied, "Don't worry, there will definitely be no shortage of films scheduled by Pan-Asian Cinemas, and I will also ask for announcements in other countries." With their arrangements in place, it is absolutely impossible to lose money.”

After receiving the reply, the two Wang brothers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It feels so good to have someone who knows the truth!

"Brother, do you think we should also develop into theaters? At least the films produced by the company in the future can be guaranteed not to be affected by the film schedules of theaters." Wang Zhonglei suggested.

Wang Zhongjun shook his head slightly and said, "Let me think about it again. After all, building a theater chain cannot be done casually. This means that the company's future income may have to be filled in. Let's deal with the listing first."


Wang Zhonglei nodded, feeling inexplicably admired by Chen Fei.

This guy still has a long-term vision!

Acquiring Golden Harvest, aggressively developing the Pan-Asian cinema chain, engaging in mergers and acquisitions, and launching a new IMAX giant-screen auditorium, it’s really making a lot of money!

After mid-September, the box office of "Inception" in the mainland has reached 1.28 billion, thanks to the newly opened 3D cinemas in many third- and fourth-tier cities.

There is almost not much film schedule left for the 2D version, after all, most of it was taken away by "The Founding of the People's Republic of China".

But even so, the box office growth cannot be underestimated, and the 3D version and imax-3d are still enthusiastically pursued by many young people!

Many people in the industry are watching and want to see where the upper limit of this movie is?

As for North America, the box office of "Inception" has successfully surpassed the US$600.6 million of "Titanic", successfully winning the box office championship in North American film history!

658 million U.S. dollars, this is the latest North American box office data of "Inception"!

After twelve years, the box office record that many people thought was unsurpassable has finally been broken!

In fact, countless phenomenal movies have tried to challenge this data before, but in the end they all failed. However, a group of Hollywood industry insiders did not expect that this record would be broken by Chen Fei!

For a time, American media began to rush to report on it.

"The new king of Hollywood has ascended the throne!"

"Fei! He created a new miracle again!"

"It's really unimaginable that he is only 25 years old and has already made such an excellent movie..."


Many authoritative American media outlets are vying for reports and want to conduct an exclusive interview with Chen Fei. However, he has now devoted himself to the filming of "The Hunger Games", and all the external voices have been left behind by him. .

Natasha became his mouthpiece and held press conferences for several days in a row.

Although the intensity of work has increased repeatedly, she is not dissatisfied at all. After all, as each report is published, the stock price of Volton Pictures has also experienced a surge one after another!

No one has trouble with money, not even Natasha, who has achieved financial freedom.

She now has a new goal, which is to make the company's stock price surpass that of Disney, and let the person who betrayed her have a good taste of what it means to regret!

On the other side, James Cameron, the former box office record holder in film history, seriously expressed his congratulations to Chen Fei when being interviewed by the media, and attached a hand-drawn celebration poster.

This is actually an old tradition in Hollywood. When a new box office champion is born, the predecessor will release a celebratory poster in the media.

This "tradition" actually dates back to 1977, when Spielberg and his friend George Lucas competed for the box office throne for several years.

Every time the two lose to each other, they will hand-draw a celebration poster and give it to each other to express their congratulations.

It wasn't until 1997 that the big ship was born, which ended the game between the two.

And because Spielberg also sent a hand-drawn celebratory poster to "Titanic" at the time, Cameron naturally couldn't let this tradition go away.

In fact, from the moment "Inception" broke 550 million US dollars, he was already ready to welcome the "new king", so he drew the celebration poster very early.

And it's fate that the male and female protagonists of both movies are Leonardo and Kate Winslet, so Cameron drew this celebration poster with great enthusiasm!

The poster depicts the scene when the Titanic sank. Young Jack and Rousseau hugged each other tightly at the bow of the ship, using their unswerving love to fight against this disaster that could wipe out everything. Above the colliding glacier, middle-aged Jack and Rousseau looked down at everything in front of them. If they looked carefully, they could even find a spinning top spinning endlessly above their heads...

I don’t know why, but when he was drawing this poster, Cameron felt an inexplicable pleasure in being “tributed” by those who came after him!

"Is this what the Chinese people often say...the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead?"

After the poster was published and pushed by several American media, it immediately attracted the attention and praise of many people in the Hollywood industry.

Especially Leonardo, who is the leading actor in two movies at the same time, even smiled with wrinkles on his face when he was interviewed by the media.

He is the male lead in two of the No. 1 and No. 2 movies in North American film history. He has appeared in Hollywood many times. Who can compete with him at the box office now?

But soon, the smile on his face faded.

The new Academy Awards ceremony is less than five months away so far. If nothing goes wrong, he may have to go through a new round of running around...


(Ps: Second update, please vote for me!)

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