It’s Too Hard To Die

Vol 3 Chapter 1050: Death question

In a city.

   Two young disciples walked side by side in the street.

   "Brother Pastor, where are we going next?"

   "Go back to the sect."

   "Back to the sect?! Pastor brother, are you going to give up? We have been searching for it for two years!"

   "No, Junior Brother Jie, I am not ready to give up, I just suddenly thought of a magic weapon, it should help me find some clues."

   "What magic weapon?"

   "Liangyi son and mother jade."

   The magic weapon derived after the phoenix nirvana is the ultimate treasure that can bring life back to life.


   Vampire world.

   In a small world created by the vampire family alone.

   Royal Palace Castle.

  In the hall.

   The silver-haired monarch sat on the throne as usual, holding the sovereign rod in one hand.

   The other princes and ministers are lined up to the left and right, divided into multiple columns, with an empty space in the middle, sitting properly, all sitting in danger.

  Below the steps, the Wu fairy and a few women are paying respects to the silver-haired monarch.

   "I have seen the monarch!"

   Wuxian, Gu Fu, and Miaoyu gave a flat court ceremony to the silver-haired monarch, and said in a calm voice.

   "Junior Shujun, I have seen the monarch!"

   "Junior You Lingxi, I have seen the monarch!"

  夙珺 is the same as You Lingxi, neither can he say that he is happy, nor can he say that he is disgusted.

   "No courtesy."

   The silver-haired monarch smiled and chuckled.

   Wuxian and they can salute him, he is very happy.

   What more bicycles?

   As for Murong Qianxue, be an invisible person quietly.

   She did not bow, and the silver-haired monarch did not say anything.

   Although a little bit of dissatisfaction with the princes and ministers, they were suppressed by the silver-haired monarch's eyes.

   Murong Qianxue: It's not that I don't want to bow, but I really can't.

   If she salutes, few people can respond in peace.

   At this time, Xiao Bai and his party also arrived.

   It's just that Xiao Bai and the others are hidden in the dark, no one can find them.

   "Wow, is this the palace of the vampire family?" Nangong Liuyun glanced roughly and said.

   "It's very stylish," Nangong Xuan said.

   "After all, it is the palace, where vampire monarchs and other princes and ministers meet every day, can it be unassuming?" Situ Wuqing smiled.

   Qin Haozi is carefully studying the structure of the palace, and may use the palace hall to find some inspiration.

   "Alas, ten thousand years have passed, and the palace is still familiar and can no longer be familiar, or the hall that is familiar and can no longer be familiar.

   For more than ten thousand years, there is no change, including my father. . . . "Si Feihan leaned against the wall of the main hall, and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

   "It's only more than ten thousand years, what can change? Your father's life span is long, and it is difficult to change." Ergou rolled his eyes, and said in an angry voice.

   More than ten thousand years passed in the blink of an eye.


   Xiao Bai patted the two dogs and three flowers gathered on the forehead, and said viciously: "That's for you, it's not short for my brother."

   Isn’t it just a long time to live? What's so great?

  How long did Si Feihan live? Not for 30,000 years.

   After such a calculation, more than ten thousand years is not too long?

   "Then you can't hit me either."

   "I'll hit you, what's the matter?"


   "It's still in the past, what else can I do?"

   "Oh, dog, you are floating!"

   "Oh, I think you just floated!"

   Seeing one person and one dog who can quarrel under any circumstances, everyone is full of black lines.

Hey! We came here to deal with business matters! Not here to quarrel!

   Liu Zixi's daughters are hiding their mouths and secretly laughing, only to say that a few elders are really interesting.

   At this time, the voice of the silver-haired monarch sounded again.

   "Come on, take a seat."

   The silver-haired monarch said softly and slowly.

   Hearing the words, the Wu fairy did not say much, and after saluting the silver-haired monarch again, she looked for a seat and took a seat.

   And Murong Qianxue, who was thinking about opening a remark, or thinking about whether to say hello to the silver-haired monarch, was dragged away by the Wu fairy.

   After a while, she was led by the maid, and Fairy Wu took her seat.

  Because Wuxian, Gu Fu, and Miaoyu have very high titles, their seats are easy to find.

  The area with the fewest people sitting is their goal.

   Duke title, there are not many vampires in the whole family.

  夙珺, is the only eldest lady in Liuren Palace, her status and status can be equal to Si Feihan, she naturally has no problem sitting next to the Wu fairy three.

  You Lingxi is the young patriarch of the Yemo clan, and she has no problem sitting next to the Wu fairy three.

   Murong Qianxue, a woman who can mix with the Wu fairy girl, her identity and strength are definitely not ordinary.

   All the princes and ministers: Who can mix with these aunts, maybe ordinary people?

   So, she was sitting in the same area with Wu Xian Nu and no one would say anything.

   As for Xiao Bai and the others, when they saw everyone taking their seats, they also randomly found a few places to sit down.

   Anyway, they are currently invisible, and no one can find them.

   At this time, the voice of the silver-haired monarch sounded again.

   "Several members of Liuren Hall, and a few members of the Ye Mo clan, the work of guarding is over for the time being, so please take your seats." The silver-haired monarch said warmly.

   The voice just fell.

   Sujun and You Lingxi suddenly appeared behind several figures, their auras were extremely powerful.

   "The juniors of Liurendian have seen Lord Monarch, Lord Monarch Gui'an!"

   "The younger generation of the Ye Mo clan has seen Lord Monarch, and haven't seen him in many years. How can Lord Monarch be well?"

   Several guards bowed and saluted, respectfully greeting the silver-haired monarch.

   "Very good, no need to be polite." The silver-haired monarch smiled gently.

   Immediately smiled again: "Little Butterfly, are you still not coming out?"

   "Hi! Your old detection ability... Isn't it too strong? You can't even hide from me."

The voice of    fell, UU reading, the colorful auspicious light flashed behind Su Jun, and then turned into a flying colorful butterfly.

   "Don't say this, you guys get your seats soon." The silver-haired monarch gave a quick smile and said.

   "No! It's better to respect the younger generation than to obey your fate, thank you Lord Lord for your love."

   "Oh, I know."

   Several guards and colorful butterflies took their orders one after another, and then sat down not far from Su Jun and You Lingxi.

  After all the seats were seated, the meeting officially began.

   "Little Feizi is back?"

  As soon as the meeting began, Wuxian threw a king bomb.

   The audience was silent.

   All princes and nobles closed their mouths tightly, held their breaths, and tried not to make any noises.

   Is this special? . . .

  The opening king exploded! Playing with Mao? !

  Wu Fairy Girls are in hot pursuit.

   "Sovereign, have you found Xiaofeizi?"

   "Has Feihan Hui?"

   "How is he, elder brother?"

   "Is the punishment over? Should I seal it again?"

   "Will you let the vampire clan elders make the decision this time?"

   Wu fairies asked one after another.

   Questions about death, continuous version.

  Silver-haired monarch:...

   The princes and nobles:...

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