It’s Too Hard To Die

Vol 3 Chapter 1063: Killer self-cultivation

"Is it very dark?" The Yemo clan chief asked suspiciously.

Duke Cage:...

It's not ordinary black. . . .

too dark!

The natural talents of the Night Demon Race, day and night are no different for them.

"That light?" asked the patriarch of the Ye Mo clan.

Then he snapped his fingers casually.



The fire was bright.

The patriarch of the Ye Mo clan lit a bunch of torches, adding some light to the hall.

However, there is no use for eggs. . . .

The blue torch lights up, and it hasn't lighted a match yet.

"How is it? Isn't it better?" the Yemo clan chief asked.

Duke Cage:...

What do you say? ? ?

If it were not for the good relationship between the two, Duke Cage thought that the patriarch of the Ye Mo clan was playing with him on purpose.

Just light up the light, adding it and not adding it.

If you are seen by outsiders, they think how poor the Ye Mo clan is, they can't even use lights.

"That...can it be brighter?" Duke Cage scratched his head and asked.

"Of course it can." The patriarch of the Ye Mo clan replied.



Light up a bunch of torches again.

"A little brighter?"




Another torch was lit.

"How is it? Isn't it bright enough?"

Duke Cage:? ? ?

Point by point? ? ?

If you want to reach the brightness level, you have to wait until the year of the monkey?

After thinking about it, in the end, Duke Cage gave up.

Forget it, he should be blind.

Compared with the ignition, it is more reliable to be blind.

Thinking about it, Duke Cage got up straight.

Don't do it or stop, let's go!

If you use the supernatural power of exploration, you can effectively avoid some obstacles and bumpy roads.

after awhile. . . .

Duke Cage successfully handed the letter to the patriarch of the Daredevil clan.

If it weren't for the monarch's request that he had to hand it over to the patriarch of the Night Demon Clan, Duke Cage wouldn't have to suffer such a serious crime, just let his servant pass it over.

The task of the monarch is nothing more.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first, there are still important things to be dealt with by the clan." Duke Cage chuckled lightly.

"Okay, a good journey. Cage, I'll talk again when you have time." The patriarch of the Ye Mo clan squeezed the envelope in his hand and chuckled.

In fact, he was also a little curious in his heart, what on earth was going to allow Cage to deliver it in person.

"What the **** is this old guy planning to do?" the patriarch of the Ye Mo clan asked in his heart.

"You Gui'an!"

Duke Cage said goodbye.

In the next instant, the figure of Duke Cage in the hall disappeared without a trace.

Although the Duke of Cage could not be seen. . . .

Because it is too dark.

Seeing the disappearing figure of Duke Cage, the patriarch of the Ye Mo clan couldn't help falling into contemplation.

"Since I can't see clearly, why doesn't this guy use True Qi and Eye Spells?"

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.

The Duke of Cage who has gone:...

can use? Why didn't you say it earlier? !

"Forget it, read the letter first, and see what exactly this old guy is going to do." The Yemo clan chief slowly opened the envelope and said quietly.

A little while. . . .



It is said that on this day, the Ye Mo clan has been angry for a long time.


A few days later.

Headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

After the baptism of time, the headquarters of the Alchemist Association was finally rebuilt successfully.

It took a huge amount of money to build it, and it took so many source stones and resources.

Source stones, treasures, etc. are trivial to the Alchemist Association, and the most important thing the Alchemist Association lacks is money.

However, the high-level combat power that died in battle is a permanent loss.

No matter how you use the money to pile it up, it won't be piled back.

It is difficult to recover from injuries.

Cultivating a top combat power costs not only piles of heaven and earth treasures, but also time that cannot be skipped.

Therefore, the Alchemist Association is badly injured.

A meeting room is full of people at the moment.

There are old and young, big and small.

Some are young and some are old.

Some are strong and some are weak.

"Why is there still no news about those little beasts?!"

"Haven't the Ye Mo tribe start to act yet?"

"I heard that the Yemozu had a big trouble a few days ago, and that one has been angry for a long time."

"I don't know what kind of trouble has happened, and it can attract that person's attention."

"Hey, you guys, digress! What we are discussing is about the Alchemist Association, not the Night Demon Clan."

"Oh yes."

"Got it."

then. . . . Fell silent. . . .

"Hurry up, let the Ye Mozu speed up." An old Ge said with his withered hands in his sleeves, slowly speaking.

"It's justified to take money to do things." Another old patron said.

"Yes, Elder Ge."

The alchemists quickly agreed.

Among them, one alchemist was a little hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter, do you have any questions?" An old man glanced at the alchemist lightly and asked.

"Old Huige, the junior is puzzled by something." The alchemist hesitated, and finally made up his mind, and said respectfully.

"Speak." Old Ge said lightly.

"That day, why didn't you guys be present at the scene, but didn't make a move?

If you guys make a don't ask if you shouldn't ask. "

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, a senior citizen raised his hand to interrupt, gave the alchemist a cold look, and said.

"Presumptuous, is this what you can ask?!"

"Don't go back soon!"

Other alchemists also reprimanded one after another.

"Yes, the junior knows his fault."

The alchemist was bluffed, and he quickly responded with an apology, and carefully returned to his seat.

"Get loose, act as soon as possible."

"Yes, Elder Ge."


Three days later.

The night demons.

Sanctuary territory, one of them.

"Oh, these old things are reminded all day long, and they know how to remind them."

"The Alchemist Association is like this, and it has always been like this since ancient times."

"To be honest, there are not many good people in the current Alchemist Association."

"Extremely yes, extremely yes."

"After finishing this order, I will never accept the reward from the Alchemist Association anymore. I am ashamed to be with the Alchemist Association!"

"Although we are killers, we also have a bottom line."



A gathering place.

"Xin Yun, Xiaojing will be promoted to the Eighth King the day after tomorrow, we need to rush over as soon as possible."

"Okay, listen to you."

"Then go."

After all, Xiao Bai and Ling Xinyun turned into two streams and disappeared into the horizon.


The next day.

Xiao Bai and Ling Xinyun rushed to the target location pointed by Jing Xiupu.

"Let's find a suitable place to watch the game first, and then just go around and see if there are any suspicious characters appearing."

Xiao Bai took Ling Xinyun's small hand and stood among the clouds, looking down at the terrain below, and said with a serious face.

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