It’s Too Hard To Die

Vol 3 Chapter 1066: Opening!

After the discussion, Jing Xiupu and others retreated.

Because Jing Xiupu is the protagonist of tomorrow, he is particularly conspicuous.

Moreover, according to the normal process, Jing Xiupu cannot enter the arena today.

Therefore, Jing Xiupu and his party must bid farewell to Xiao Bai for a short time, run as far as possible, and then rush back tomorrow morning.

And also pretending to be a servant, working hard and running around.

"The Birth of an Actor"

"Actor's Self-cultivation"

After Jing Xiupu left, Xiao Bai continued to sleep in, waiting for the opening of tomorrow.

Ling Xinyun was sitting next to Xiao Bai, making a female celebrity while paying attention to the surroundings.

See if there are any suspicious people...


The next day, early morning.

Shangyang Xianshan.

The top of the mountain.

The battle was scarred and devastated.

The mountainside is full of cracks, and large gaps are gathered in piles.

The foot of the mountain is full of rubble, and it has even been piled up into small piles, which is enough to see the number.

Weeds grow wild on the mountain peaks, but they have all withered and there is no vitality.

Mountain pine and small trees are inserted horizontally on the mountainside, but they have roots without leaves, branches and no spirits, which shows that they have been dead for a long time.

At the foot of the mountain, there are flowers and grass, lush woods, and gurgling creeks.

However, for some reason, the flowers, plants, and trees all seem to be tired and bent over, hanging down, listless, and languid.

Although there are many flowers and plants, the trees are dense and lush, with thick branches and big leaves, but they are full of withered yellow color.

The gurgling stream is very slow, the water is clear and there are no fishes, only yellow sand, not even aquatic plants.

"This place is Shangyang Xianshan?"

This can also be called Xianshan? Where does this look like a fairy mountain?

"Did we come to the wrong place?"

"Probably not, we obviously followed the instructions, one location at a time, how could something go wrong?"


"Quick! Hide, it looks like someone is coming!"


"Quick! Quick! Hide, it will be too late if you don't hide."

A little while. . . .

"Huh, it's finally here."

"After such a long journey, I finally reached the end."

"I want to see the difference between Shangyang Xianshan and ordinary mountains."

A few seconds later. . . .

"Fuck?! This can also be called Xianshan?!"

"It looks like a gourd."

"Are you sure you didn't just find a few broken stones and pile them up?"

"Disappointment! Disappointed!"

Crazy spit.

The voice just fell.

"Several people, since they are here, don't hide in hiding. How about coming out?"


at the same time.

The assessment of the Lord of Longfu God Sect officially began.

Early in the morning, the square was full of people.

Cult members, believers, priests, high priests, etc., there are all kinds of people.

Among them, there are many forces that Xiao Bai is familiar with.

Xiao Bai and Ling Xinyun went into invisibility.

Jing Xiupu has not yet entered.

The person presiding over the assessment of the Lord of the Church is a high priest of the Longfu God Sect.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

The high priest said with a serious face.

Everyone also cooperated, and immediately silenced and stopped talking.

It is not of high quality, but. . . .

"Next, I would like to invite one of the eight great masters---Yu Yingwei Yu Jiaowang!"

It is now the time when the Lord of Longfu Sect is playing.

And today is not only a test of the king, but also an alternative ceremony for the gods.

Out of awe of the gods, I gave them a hundred courage, and they didn't dare to make a mistake at this point in time.

It's not good to invite God's punishment, and to offend the gods, this is not a wise decision.


"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!"

The members and believers cheered and thunderous applause.

The king is the top leader of the Longfu God Church.

The power reaches the sky, and all believers, members of the religious sect, priests and high priests can be ordered.

Therefore, when Yu Yingwei played, the cheers were loud.

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers and applause, Yu Yingwei walked out of the shrine calmly, smiling like a spring breeze, very gentle.

Behind him, there are many temple guards accompanying.

"Thank you all, I am fortunate to be with you today." Yu Yingwei smiled gently.

Then, after some polite remarks, Yu Yingwei sat down.

The throne has already been arranged.

For the first eight thrones, one for each of the eight kings.

As for the remaining seats, they are arranged for guests.

For such a grand assessment, the Longfu God Sect naturally invited some friendly forces to come and observe the ceremony.

It is not only friendly forces, but also some top forces.

As for whether to come or not, it depends on whether the top forces will give Longfu the gods the face.

After Yu Yingwei took his seat, the high priest who presided over the assessment of the teaching king continued his introduction.

"I would like to invite one of the Eight Great Masters-Yan Mingkong, Yan Mingkong!"

"Papa Papa Papa!"

There was another round of applause.


"I would like to ask one of the eight great masters---Fang Hexie, the master of Fang!"

"Papa Papa Papa!"

"I would like to invite one of the eight great masters---Ren Taihe as the master!"

"Please... Qiu Hefeng Qiu Jiao Wang!"

"Miao Yang Yu Miao teaches King!"

"Jixia, the teacher of the season!"

"Ye Liu Ye God Lord!"

The eight masters will appear one after the other.

Next is the guest There are a lot of super powers, but the top powers. . . .

None came.

The eight great gods do not see happiness, and I don't know how they feel.

As for the other forces who came to observe the ceremony, they thought it was normal.

After all, the religion is destined to be the religion, and the top power is destined to be the top power.

No top power will take the initiative to pull down to please a **** cult.

Because it is not necessary.

Unless the gods worshipped by the gods are clearly spiritual. . . .

After the eight masters, sixteen masters, and guests are seated, it is the turn of the master to appear.

"Next, I will invite Lord Jing Xiu Pu Jing to appear!"

The high priest presiding over the assessment couldn't conceal the excitement in his eyes, and he announced very excitedly.

At this moment, countless people stared at the gate of the temple, their eyes did not squint, even without blinking.

Many people want to see with their own eyes what exactly this Lord Jing, who is about to be promoted to the king, looks like.

Even the eight masters, sixteen masters, and all the guests who came to observe the ceremony all cast their eyes on the gate of the temple.

After all, even some people have never seen Jing Xiupu.

"I want to take a look at what is the sacredness of this genius who has been promoted so quickly." Miao Yangyu chuckled and smiled.

"Don't worry about it, you may not be able to beat him." Yu Yingwei unceremoniously patted Miao Yangyu on the shoulder, and said with a big smile.

"Ha ha."

Miao Yangyu didn't turn his face into anger at Yu Yingwei's contempt, but did not change his face, hehe smiled, and seemed not to care about it.

But secretly, Miao Yangyu clenched his fists, his joints creaked, and made a "click" sound.


"Look! Look! Come out!"

The attention of everyone in the audience reunited on Jing Xiupu's body.

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