It’s Too Hard To Die

Vol 3 Chapter 1186: 1 dare to teach, 1 dare to learn

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Just kidding, let Ling Xinyun call him in person.

Doesn't this want him to die?

Therefore, Huangfu Changxuan chose to go back immediately.

"Then follow us back later."

Si Feihan nodded.

"Hall Master Huangfu, you don't know how much Sect Master misses you."

Liu Shi said.

Huangfu Changxuan:...

Want to beat me too much, right?

"Don't worry, after I go back, I will do my best to develop the palace of formation." Huangfu Changxuan gave Si Feihan and Liu Shi a package, patted his chest and promised.

Si Feihan, Liu Shi: Oh!

Damn it, it's burning.

When did Palace Master Huangfu have such fighting spirit?

"At that time, Feihan and Daliu will help me beg for mercy." Huangfu Changxuan rubbed his hands with a bright smile on his face.

Xiao Bai will inevitably be criticized and educated during the return to the sect.

Si Feihan:...

Liu Shi:...

It turned out to be for this reason.

"If only brother and them are there, of course it can." Si Feihan said.

"If the sister-in-law was there, we wouldn't dare to intervene." Liu Shi added.

They are afraid of trapping themselves.

I didn't help, I was gone.

Ling Xinyun could scare Si Feihan and Liu Shi to sleep at night by just looking at them.

Therefore, if Ling Xinyun was also there, even if Ling Xinyun did not express her position and just watched quietly, Si Feihan and Liu Shi did not dare to help.

Huangfu Changxuan: Understand!

He understood this too well.

"Oh, it depends on your own destiny." Si Feihan sighed.

"To be honest, this is also your own sin."

"I haven't returned to the sect for two years. The formation hall depends on the efforts of the disciples themselves. Whom does the suzerain criticize?" Liu Shi also said.

It's okay if Huangfu Changxuan's job is only idle, but the key is. . . .

Huangfu Changxuan is the Master of the Formation Palace!

The lord of a palace, paddling and fishing all day, accompany his wife. . . .

"I understand, I will plead with the Sect Master." Huangfu Changxuan said with a look of shame.

"You won't be pleased, I can say a few words to you at most." Si Feihan rubbed his chin and said.

"You don't have to worry, although the formation hall is not hosted by you, but the development is not bad.

Sometimes the lord, brother dog, and when we have nothing to do, they will go to see it. "Liu Shi smiled lightly.

"That's good, that's good, these little guys are quite competitive, they deserve to be the disciples I personally selected."

It's good if the formation hall hasn't fallen.

"When shall we go back?" Huangfu Changxuan asked again.

"I'll leave after eating. Anyway, I won't be anxious for a while." Si Feihan replied.

"There is an old saying that you can go on the road when you are full."

Liu Shi:...

Huangfu Changxuan:...

Ling Yao:...


This sentence. . . . It seems to be for the dead. . . .

"It's almost the same. It's almost the same thing. You only need to understand what I want to say."

Si Feihan waved his hand and said with a smile, indicating that everyone shouldn't care too much about these details.

Liu Shi:...

Huangfu Changxuan:...


Sorry for this detail. . . . It's hard not to care. . . .

"Go ahead and go ahead! Keep going!" Si Feihan switched the subject directly.

"After the welcoming banquet is over, we will return to the sect, Palace Master Huangfu, take advantage of this time, you can quickly bid farewell to Ling Yao.

Say whatever you want. "

Huangfu Changxuan:...

Ling Yao:...

Liu Shi:...


Isn't it just going back to the sect? How could it be like parting with life and death. . . .

"Or go back with us. Our sect is quite large, and there are quite a lot of positions of authority, and there is a lot of space for positions of authority." Liu Shi said with a light smile.

There are only a few people at the top of the sect. Compared with other sects, the number of elders is tens of thousands, and the number of elders is as small as thousands, which is pitiful.

"Master Liu, I'm still here, you are digging the foot of the wall in public." Yun Zhuyu put his cheek in his hand, his beautiful eyes flowed, and he smiled.

"Ahem, kidding, kidding." Liu Shi said with a dry cough.

As soon as the voice fell, Yunzhu said again:

"However, I respect Ling Yao's choice. If she wants to leave, it's not impossible."


When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Even Si Feihan and Liu Shi's faces changed.

Not to mention Ling Yao and the other elders of Fengxu Palace. . . .

Ling Yao is a powerhouse in the half-god realm. If Ling Yao is poached, the battle power of the Fengxu Palace will be greatly reduced!

"I met Ling Yao very early, and we shared weal and woe along the way, and I felt in love with my sisters, and I have always treated her as a younger sister to take care of.

Moreover, I never wanted to restrain Ling Yao. As for the idea of ​​keeping Ling Yao by my side forever, it never occurred in my heart.

Therefore, I respect Ling Yao's ideas, she can go wherever she wants, and I will always support her.

As long as she can be happy and happy. "

Yunzhu whispered.

"Sister Yun..."


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, time came seven days later.

Invincible Zong.

The area nearby.

Today the sun is shining, the blue sky is like washing, and the weather is very good.

A towering tree is extremely conspicuous in the slightly raised plain.

Under the shade of the towering trees, Xiao Bai lay here, resting his hands in the sun, lazily basking in the sun, enjoying the sun bathing, feeling the wind gently blowing across his face, wisps of sunlight passing through the gaps between the leaves, A patch of mottle was reflected on the ground.

Not far from the towering trees, there is a small river with gurgling water.

There are willow trees growing along the shore. Although they look uneven, they are exceptionally beautiful and give people a natural and clean feeling.

Under the shade of the trees, Ergou wears a straw hat just made up, humming a little song, and fishing leisurely.

On the opposite side of the river bank, Liu Ze is sketching It is Xiao Bai and Ergou who are painting.

Liu Ze's painting ability. . . . Fight with Si Feihan. . . .

Because this aspect of Liu Ze's painting was brought out by Si Feihan.

One dares to teach, the other dares to learn.

A few days ago, Zhang Shige's challenge to water the flowers failed and he is currently repeating the challenge. Therefore, Zhang Shige did not follow.

Ling Xinyun went into retreat again and again.

But fortunately, Ling Xinyun had promised Xiao Bai that she would not stay in seclusion for too long, and it was not a deadlock, she could leave it at any time.

As for Situ Wuqing and the others, they have some small things to be busy, and they will come back later.

"One word, comfortable." Xiao Bai groaned very contentedly.


That is two words. . . .

If you are not good at math, go back to kindergarten and rebuild.

"Count the time, my brother and them should also be back." Xiao Bai murmured.

"Well, it's time to come back."

Not far away, the two dogs who were fishing heard Xiao Bai's murmur and said.

Xiao Bai:...

He actually heard it?

"Ergou, are your dog ears so good? You can hear it all." Xiao Bai asked.

Two dogs:...

I suddenly wanted to ask a question, is it illegal to kill in Sanctuary?

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It’s hard to die

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