It’s Too Hard To Die

Chapter 501: True

"Husband, you said that Daner won't encounter any danger, right?" The woman asked fearfully, lying in the arms of the strong man.

   "Dan'er is so innocent, so kind, and so cute."

  I don't know why, the more she thought about it, the more terrifying she became.

   The corners of the strong man’s mouth twitched: innocence? ? ? Kindness? ? ? can? ? ? Which of these three points does he account for?

   But these are from the heart, and he dare not speak these words to his wife openly.

   Otherwise, let’s sleep on the street tonight.

   "No, no, I left a mark in the kid's body. Judging from the mark, he has also encountered life-threatening danger.

   If he is in danger, I will rush to rescue him in time. "The strong man patted the woman's fragrant shoulder, softly comforting.

   Although the kid had a black belly and turned back, he was also his son.

   Well, care belongs to care, but he doesn't want his son to come back.

  Thinking about the scene of being surrounded by reports from folks and neighbourhoods before, the brawny man feels terrified.

   "Husband, let's go find Dan'er." The woman nestled in the arms of the brawny, and said softly.

   "Hmm..." The brawny man smiled and nodded first, then he seemed to have thought of something, his smile suddenly stagnated, "Huh?!"

   asked in surprise with the second ‘um’.

   He never thought of it.

  His plan is to be a fairy couple here with his wife, every kindness.

   As for the son, let him wander outside. As long as he doesn't die, he will do anything.

   And with his mark, he will not encounter any danger at all.

   Parents are true, children are just accidents.

The sentence    was vividly reflected on him.

   "What? Husband, you don't want it?" The woman pulled out of the brawny man's arms, her beautiful eyes fixed on the brawny man's eyes, and frowned.

   "No, no, why would you not want to?" The strong man waved his hand and said.

   His name is Khan. If he tells the truth, his wife will ignore him for at least a month.

   "Then let's set off now." The woman smiled, holding the sleeves of the brawny man with her delicate hands, and urged softly.

   "Wait." The strong man suddenly shouted. Under his wife's suspicious eyes, the strong man bit his head and said, "Ma'am, there is a sentence for your husband who doesn't know how to say it."

   "Then don't talk about it." The woman tilted her head and said playfully.

   "Huh?" The strong man was taken aback.

   "Just kidding." The woman quickly pecked the brawny man on the cheek, which was regarded as a mischievous apologize. "Husband, between you and my husband, just say something straightforward."

   "Well, just say it for your husband." The strong man smiled blankly, and was very satisfied with his wife's just apologetic gift.

   "Madam, you know, that boy Tan'er left us to learn art from a teacher.

   Now Tan'er has not returned after a few years, and has not encountered danger.

   This proves that Tan'er has now worshipped a mentor. "

   Thinking of this, the strong man couldn't help but talk to the master whom his son had worshipped.

   Accept that stinky boy as a teacher, so the teacher can't go to heaven anymore?

   Alas, no more, no more, there is a picture.

   "Since Tan'er has already worshipped a mentor, then we don't have to worry about Tan'er's safety.

   Therefore, we might as well continue to live in seclusion here and enjoy the full range of life. "The strong man nodded solemnly.

   After hearing the words, the woman thought carefully in her heart, and then smiled suddenly, "What the husband said is right."

   The brawny man breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally persuaded his wife to save his happiness for the rest of his life.

   Just when the strong man praised his eloquence greatly in his heart, he heard the woman suddenly say, "Nevertheless, we still need to find Tan'er."

   brawny man:...

Madam   , did you listen to what I said just now?

   "My husband said just now, I naturally listened." The woman said softly, "But it has been too long since Tan'er left us, and I will inevitably miss him in my heart.

   Tan'er has been away for so long, hasn't your husband thought about Tan'er? "


   The brawny man who was pouring wine directly sprayed, fucking, this death asked.

   The woman quickly took out a piece of shampoo from her arms and carefully wiped it for the strong man. While wiping it, she whispered, "Husband, why are you so careless?"

   The brawny man looked at the smirk flashing in his wife’s eyes:...

Madam   , this brat's eight achievements have something to do with you. . .

   However, he never dared to say this sentence.

   Facing the question about his wife's death, the brawny man didn't know how to answer for a while.

   If you ask if you have thought about your son, to be honest, he has never thought about it. . .

   ahem, it’s not that I don’t care about my son, it’s a big heart, yes, a big heart, anyway, he has his own mark, there is no danger. . .

   But now, facing his wife, how dare he tell the truth?

   Unless it's because I don't want to live anymore.

   When my wife cried, it was extremely difficult to coax.

   Therefore, the strong man had to lied, "Yes, I must, I think about him every night."

   The woman chuckled, holding the brawny's wrist, and said softly, "Then what are we waiting for? Go look for Dan'er."

   Looking at his wife's pulsed eyes, the brawny man sighed not in his heart.

   Yes, he has been in the pit dug by his wife from the beginning to the place, and he has never come out.

   There is no room for recovery. Today, I have to take my wife to find the brat.

   "Well, in that case, let's go to the city to buy some gifts first. The master of Tan'er has taken care of Tan'er for so long, so we must express our gratitude." said the strong man.

   For the master of his son, although the strong man has never seen, his favorability is very high.

   After all, it was able to tolerate the existence of that stinky boy. Even if he didn't meet, the brawny man would have probably guessed the spleen of his son, Master.

   Good mentality, kind, honest, upright, honest.

   "Oh, thank this big brother for protecting me from disasters for so many years." The strong man said with emotion in his heart.

   Without that big brother's contribution, how could he live such a fairy?

   Thinking about it, the strong man became more and more guilty.

   "You must buy some good things as gifts."


   At the same time, in an inn.

   The little monk and Xiao Bai sat face-to-face on the futon, while Ergou and others sat around.

   They are playing a game similar to Truth or Dare, but a magical version.

   "Master, honestly, what do you think of me?" the little monk asked.

   "Which way?" Xiao Bai asked.

   "In terms of style," the little monk said.

   "Well, two words to summarize..." Xiao Bai muttered.

   The little monk breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Fortunately, it is not a word, because a word is very likely to be the word ‘’.


  Little monk:...

   Well, this should be a lie, probably. . .

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