In the early morning of the next day, Lankesuri and Lena let Roy play in the garden together.

If it weren't for this busy time, Lankesuri would also be willing to take it easy and travel as if he was traveling with Lena, but now his vacation is only one day at most , so to save time, can not waste precious vacations on the way back and forth.

Since Lena has never been on any flying mounts, on the way, Lankesuri was comforting Lena: "Lina, don't worry, the griffins that can be raised in the palace are very good Be gentle and won't hurt anyone."

"I'm not afraid." Lina replied.

Lankesulli thought it was just Lena trying to be brave.

Most people are instinctively scared when they first see griffins and dragons.

Although Griffin and Dragon is called a small single flying mount, it is not at all small compared to the size of a human, nor is it a single person at all.

A normal adult griffin is more than 2.5 meters tall, with a wingspan of nearly 10 meters, and its beak-like mouth is open, which can easily swallow a human head.

If you don't carry combat supplies, just ordinary people, Griffin can easily bear the weight of three people without affecting the flight speed.

Faced with such a behemoth, there are few people who are not afraid.


Lina felt that Lankesli was too worried.

In fact, she has longed for griffins and dragons for a long time! But because of the high price of these two flying creatures, she has never come into contact with them, and now she has the opportunity to ride this fantasy creature, how could she be afraid!

Not afraid, even a little excited.

The Griffon Garden and the Flying Dragon Garden of the Royal Palace are at the farthest ends, preventing these two creatures from fighting due to territorial issues.

As soon as she walked into the Griffon Park, Lena heard loud chirping sounds, a bit like an enlarged version of a chicken croak, which sounded very cute and cute.

"This is the cry of a griffin." Because it was too loud, Lankesuri had to amplify the voice, "Because the sound is too loud, a mute spell is added here!"

[It was. 】Lina really didn't want to make such a loud noise, so she answered in her heart, 【Is this voice a little cute? 】

"Yes, it does not match their appearance." Lankesuri took Lena's hand, came to the griffin's nest where he often came to feed, and knocked politely. Knock on that griffin's big wings.

Lanke Xiuli took out a large piece of raw meat from the backpack and handed it directly to the griffin, while patting its snow-white feathered neck and introducing: "Shaq, this is Lily Na."

Shaq the Griffin tilted his head and glanced at Lena, raised his head to eat the rest of the meat, flapped his wings and stood up.

After blocking the wind blowing from her wings with her hands, Lena looked up at this beautiful griffin excitedly.

Should it be the griffin raised by Lankesuri? It looked muscular, strong, and walked with confidence.

Four furry pads with sharp claws appear to be able to grab rocks with ease - this is what Lena sees from the crushed rocks next to the gryphon's den.

"It looks like it likes you very much." Lankesuri patted the forelegs of the griffin and walked out, "Let's go, let's get ready, it's time to go."

"Okay!" Lena was very excited, she had already turned on the video mode, and she was a frantic pat on the griffin.

Afterwards, the breeder helped Lankexiuly saddle Shaq and came to the special take-off pad. After the two were seated, Frankheuli ordered Shaq to take off. The command.

Lina was sitting in front of Lankesuri, looking left and right, wishing she could have a long-range camera to capture all the scene in front of her.

"Stop moving." Lankesuri was worried about Lena's nervousness at first, but seeing her like this, she was only worried that Lena was overexcited and accidentally fell off, "I'll be right now. It's going to take off."

"Mmmmmm." Lina immediately looked cute.

Shaq waved his huge wings and blew the surrounding grass parallel to the ground, then took off lightly and flew towards the north of the royal city.

With Lankesuri's spell blocking the wind, Lina could feel only a slight cold wind blowing on her face. She watched the land under her feet gradually shrink, feeling that this was more exciting than flying.

【Cool! 】

Listening to Lena's excited voice, Lankesuri suddenly had a bad premonition, and he felt that his revenge plan was about to fail again.

It takes four or five hours to drive, and it only takes half an hour to arrive under the flight of the Griffin. Sa Huan flew up again and ran away.

"When we go back, I will call Shaq back to pick us up." Lankeshuri explained, "It's a bit big to stay here all the time."

"Yeah I understand." Lina watched Shaq fly away, and then she set her sight on today's tourist attraction, Rift Canyon.

Unlike the canyon in Blue Star, the canyon here is like a complete mountain split into two halves. Among the towering peaks, there is only a gap of about five meters.

After the sun crawled for more than ten meters at the entrance, it was engulfed by the darkness, and it looked like some monster inhabited it.

"Then, we will enter the fissure canyon." Lankesuri said, while secretly observing Lena's expression, trying to find a little bit of fear.

"Okay!~" Lena was excited like a schoolboy on an outing.

Lanke Sulli: "…"

A bit disappointed.

The two walked into the canyon, and the surroundings were completely dark in a short time.

This is still some distance from the core area of ​​the fissure canyon. Lankexiuli took out the magic lantern for lighting, raised his hand gently, and the lantern automatically floated beside him, illuminating the surrounding space within a few meters.

This lantern is also a special lantern that Lankesuri is looking for with poor lighting ability, just to set off the terrifying atmosphere here!

There are attacks from out of nowhere, a dark and gloomy environment, and even dim lights, this is a surefire way!

Lanxiuly did not believe that Lena would not be afraid!

He is now full of malice waiting for Lena to scream, trembling, and finally crying and begging for comfort.

The river, there will be transparent fish in the river, we can catch it at noon and eat it for lunch, the taste is not bad.”

"Hmm~" Lena answered briskly, and suddenly asked a question, "Speaking of which, Frank Shuri, do you know about tunnels?"

"Tunnel?" Lankesli had never heard the word, "Is this something of your world?"

"Yes, we will blow up the mountains for more convenient transportation. I will find pictures for you." Lina retrieved a few pictures from the computer in her head, " You see, this is how to get through the mountain and fix the passage."

"So it is." Lankesuri pondered whether this technology could also be applied in the Empire, so that traffic would be much more convenient.

"Look, does this fissure canyon look like a tunnel?"

At this time, Lankesuri didn't know what he was going to face, and he answered naively: "Like."

"Just walking is boring, I don't know how long it will take, why don't I tell you a story about the tunnel." Lena suggested with a smile.

Lanke Xiuli was shocked, he actually felt that just walking was boring: "Of course!"

"Okay, then I'll tell you a story about love." Lena said with a smile, "You know, in my hometown, there is an abandoned tunnel with artificial The traces of it have been eroded by nature, just like here."

"A young couple heard that there were luminous plants in the depths of this abandoned tunnel, so they came here to play together."

Lanke Xiuli nodded, feeling very convincing, because their purpose was also to see luminous plants.

Lina continued. In the story, the young couple encountered a lot of bizarre and strange things. They held on for a while, but in the end they didn't dare to go on and turned around. ready to leave.

But at this moment, the couple found that the way back was blocked by vines.

The young men immediately started to open the way with the Swiss Army Knife they carried, and they finally got out of the cave.

Lankesulli's face was pale when he heard this, and he held Lena's hand tightly. When he heard the two finally leave, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"The young man complained that he would never come to this kind of place again next time, and he heard his girlfriend say," Lena's voice was gloomy, "Lanke Shuli, look back me."


"Don't be afraid, it's just a story." Lena's voice returned to a lively tone, "It scares you, it's really cowardly."

"Li, Lena?" Lankesuri asked in horror, "Are you really Lena? Why did you become like this?"

"I'm just projecting." Lina canceled the projection with a smile, and the female ghost's face disappeared instantly, revealing Lina's original face, "I'm sorry, the time and place are right here. , I just wanted to tell a story according to the situation, but I didn't expect you to be so scared."

"I, I, I, I, I'm not afraid!" Lankesuri stuttered and insisted on his royal dignity, "I, I, I, I just thought it was an enemy!"

"Mmmmmm." Lena nodded perfunctorily.

[Just pretend to believe what he said is true. 】

Lanke Xiuli felt that his personality was insulted: "I'm really not afraid!"

"Well, then I'll tell you another story?" Lina thought about a ghost story of this level, didn't she just come and make it up if she wanted to?

"No need!" Lankesuri immediately refused, and said sternly, "We are visiting now, and we should focus on the beautiful scenery around us, not thinking about it. Listen to the story, if you want to hear the story, you can do it in the palace."

"Is that so?" Lena raised her eyebrows and asked with a smirk, "Beautiful view?"

Lanke Xiuli glanced around and found that it was pitch-dark, and outside the dim light of the magic lamp, there seemed to be countless demons and ghosts hiding in it, waiting for an opportunity to jump out to attack.

I have survived countless times in this canyon, but Lankesuri feels that everything here is so unfamiliar, so terrifying...

At this moment, Lankesuri really regretted it. Why didn't he come out with a super bright magic lamp with super power?

"Look, there's nothing good here, right?" Lena asked with a smile, putting her hand on Frank's shoulder, "Why don't I tell you another story?"

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